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Going for either artist due to how many stories I have written and the SFMs I have created, or the RP category due to the many RP posts I did. Though, leaning more towards artist since I haven't made an RP post in a long time.
This year, I'm going to refuse to look after other people's pets. If you want a pet, accept the responsibility of looking after it yourself. I'm gonna hyperfocus on my goals this year.
Oh and if you want to know what the Tentageddon is, it's a super-powerful and near-invincible weaponized flying ship that was confiscated from an enemy army (could be DJ Octavio's Octarian army or could be the Salmonids) in which General Anemone's Octarian army defeated. It's now only used against enemies that cannot be defeated by ink weaponry.
Speaking of SFMs, I only really created two villains in my SFMs once, but made a few more villains in the various text-only stuff in which my OCs end up fighting against.
So, while helping to walk a dog last night, I witnessed a real-life Frogger game. I assisted the frog in getting off the road and onto the grass before any cars appeared.
One of my favorite Turf War matches I played was basically a wild west style shootout, everyone (except one player) basically used shooters and the one player who didn't use a shooter used a dualie, so that still counted.
Thus comes another year in which Corelp endures, here's to yet another year in which the Octolings boy and girl lovebirds stay together. Coral and Kelp would certainly take on the challenges that come their way together.
Well, BancalaWalker just proved that I was right about young Octolings not being tentacle Octarians with the existence of baby Marina. Not that I needed even more proof considering Smollusk is meant to be a representation of newborn true Octolings in terms of appearance and way of talking.
Right before I had to stop playing, I managed to achieve 139 Golden Eggs, finally that missed opportunity to get the golden Cohozuna statue was corrected.
And so the Octo-Salmonid war continues as General Anemone's tentacle Octarian troops fight off the invading Salmonids that keep attempting attacks at the Octarian neighborhood.
Finally, I created that SFM, due to the image memory limitation of Squidboards, I was forced to split this sequence into two in order to get the whole story. Anyways, here's Kelp's crush on Coral before they knew each other: