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  • All of the replays I have for more frontline-y weapons are turning up similar so I might just condense them all to one video. I'm seeing a lot of similar ideas with strengths and weaknesses, not the same but it makes little sense for me to make three videos where 90% of what I say is the same.

    Maybe I'll feel differently about it later so I'll wait and keep an open mind but gotta put this out there
    Played a few games tonight. Since I've spent so much time on the weapon the Decav nerfs are both very noticeable and a bit annoying. I'll be able to get used to them though so it's at least not too far from what I expected
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    Do you think Decav would get another nerf after this? I honestly wouldn't be surprised but I guess the more important question would be if it could survive another big nerf.
    That'd be my big concern, it could definitely get and survive another big nerf and I'd imagine a big nerf would probably target something different (i.e. something way less annoying to have to play around) but I don't want the more annoying nerfs we just got to end up being basically for nothing lmao
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    Hit four stars with Squiffer yesterday. Despite getting no more than seven picks in a single game I still won around half of my matches. My Squiffer is like, NOT good AT ALL, but it goes to show just how far positioning far enough forward and playing fast can go.

    People say that making the wrong play fast is better than making the right play slow and if you need more proof of that, then here you go lmao
    Really funny moment in an X-Rank game today. My team was being locked out, so I sharked in wait for team to be back. Enemy Roller threw a Curling Bomb and started swimming, Stamper went another way....then like 10 seconds later I see an ink trail indicating someone swam by, and it ends right next to me.

    The Roller was sharking right next to me while I was sharking. Took me ages to notice and I kill him for it LOL
    I've been playing Splatoon from time to time, but the "grind sessions" that used to be normal for me haven't happened in a long, LONG while. First one in several months was today, partially thanks to @isaac4's pickup partially thanks to playing w an irl friend. I think my drive to get better is back LOL

    I feel strong, yet like there's so much room to grow and I can totally make it
    This recent rally for more content creation has convinced me that the moment life opens up for me to, I should be trying to work on getting a Splatoon channel up. I have some decent experience with YouTube, am pretty articulate, and know a lot about this game that others don't. It can't hurt to try and kickstart people to at least get to around my level. Sounds kinda fun too tbh
    Make a video on Machine but don't talk about the weapon at all and instead make it about Mewtwo.
    @Mili Oh don't worry, this is the first place I'd share!

    @isaac4 HeyguysmynameisDeezwelcomebacktoanothervideo, this time we're talking about the Sloshing Machine's place in the meta. Mewtwo is a freaking awful character that they gutted SO hard between games and
    Mewtwo did get gutted both in ultimate and pokemon, considering he has fallen off considerably in both competitive scenes, which is a shame, because in smash 4, the only smash game where Mewtwo was considered good, he had a playstyle many considered annoying, though it has been too long for me to remember, only remember the airdodges lol
    in case people didn't think my posts were long enough i just started a thread where i went so far into detail that i broke the character limit and had to split it into four different posts for it to let me through. 12,000 words long.

    maybe i'll do this again but it will be a LONG time before then
    I think I'm done only ever playing Decav now. It'll still be what I play most often, still by far the most fun weapon for me. But Wiper Deco's playstyle is starting to become a lot of fun for me again and it might genuinely force me into learning to play with my teammates better. I've found myself occasionally going to other stuff too
    Huh. Realized today that I might be able to force my way into being a better teammate by going back to play more Wiper Deco, aka a weapon that is extremely difficult to get full value with unless you're playing alongside others. Should be fun to revisit that thing
    Campaigning for the Biggest Gamer category. On top of this, I've gotten 25th/150 at my state's 5th biggest Smash bracket ever and played several Mega Man stages this perfectly.

    All this year alone and ignores my Pokemon stuff, AKA my main game.
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    Reactions: solz and sevenleaf
    Oh yeah I also made finals in the only Mario Kart tournaments I joined. They were smaller and there were two, one for Wii and one for 8 Deluxe which I don't even play. I had to learn several of the DLC tracks on the fly on splitscreen and beat several people with countless hours in the game LOL

    This is yet another thing that happened this year
    My 2024 in Splatoon was defined by my insanely fast growth. Faster than I've ever seen in any game. Part of it was because of Decav but it wouldn't have been possible if I didn't grind like mad.

    This has been proof that putting in thought, practice, and effort - all three - will net you results. If you read my latest post then that speaks for itself. There is nothing making me more capable of improving than you.
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