1am vent i will really regret posting


Pro Squid
Jan 31, 2024
cali gang
i know its healthy to be critical of things you love but i feel like splatoon fans hate splatoon so much. its honestly kind of crazy to me theres like a stockholm syndrome quality to it. everyone thinks this will finally be the patch where they nerf pencil or whatever tf and its like so what if they never nerf pencil in a substantial way bc the devs view the game entirely differently than western comp players on twitter. the vast majority of you wouldnt even notice a pencil nerf bc theres no casual meta. pencil can get fvcked up by clash blaster if your positioning is bad. whatever

i dont even know where im going with this its just close to year 2 of splatoon 3 and all of a sudden im very tired. idk if its bc im trying too hard to 5 star zf but i feel like something happened and i cant properly enjoy the game (at least in pvp, i still like salmon run lmao. maybe its bc im never around ppl who complain abt salmon run) and before youre like but reel! you should take a break from the game or practice some other mindset habit i saw in a squid school video! that might change how i feel a week from now and maybe ill have some good games on zf but thats not going to do anything abt the weird sour feeling the splatoon fandom has developed. theres so much visceral disappointment in nintendos direction with the game that its like ppl forgot what made them like splatoon in the first place. but i dont think thats even the point tbh i think some of you genuinely need to get out of your own heads and like find a different hobby

esp since the game updates are winding down and ppl are starting to talk abt splatoon 4/switch 2 im surprised how much hope ppl are putting into this hypothetical splatoon 4 (which is totally going to be a launch title for switch 2 in 2025 btw) like do you think it will fix ppls criticisms with splatoon 3? will it have an interesting meta and frequent well-thought-out patches? will the maps be "good"? will they bandaid fix the connection and matchmaking issues that have been so prevalent thruout every splatoon game that i became desensitized to them and forgot they existed? will it have the customizable apartments that ppl on twitter really really wanted? will they remove clam blitz for some reason? how many of you really want to spend hundreds of dollars on a switch 2 + splatoon 4 game + online service just to realize its as underpolished as splatoon 3 and drop it after 2 months?

tldr if youre really sick of splatoon i think you should do something else. you arent prochara youre not karmically bound to splatoon you can just walk out. its at the end of its natural lifespan anyways. there are so many other games that will piss you off less. not me tho im going to be here forever


Inkling Cadet
Jun 2, 2015
Switch Friend Code
The modern internet is a hellhole and it's making discourse worse for absolutely everything. Splatoon is far from an exception.

I don't visit every single thread here - not by a long shot - but from what I've seen, Squidboards is pretty tame. I agree with your tl;dr, mind you, but I just find it a little weird to direct it here of all places when basically everyone who's stuck around since the January influx tend to be good-natured and capable of informed, mature discussion. A real rarity, one I think we should be proud of!

In general, though... yeah. Yeah. It's utterly exhausting trying to get a feel for what the community at large thinks about any particular thing because the internet has become such a vile place. Since the internet has basically devolved into just a few major websites, bad behaviors those sites encourage tend to spread like a plague and I absolutely HATE that. The fact that a lot of people are going to grow up never knowing anything else is deeply distressing, to say the least.

On the Splatoon side of things, it is like you say at the beginning - I'm often critical of this series, but I'm critical of it because it means so much to me. I try just as hard to find the good in the game, too, though, which has probably helped prevent me from becoming jaded and aggressive like so many ghouls in other parts of the internet. Having the context of nearly 10 years of Splatoon helps a lot, too, and I think not having that context doesn't help a lot of people who are constantly on edge. It's hard to get an appreciation for how good things are, even if they aren't perfect, without context from the past.

Maybe this was a little meandering but I don't think you should regret this post. It's an important thing to keep in mind, and a reminder sure doesn't hurt.


Pro Squid
Jan 31, 2024
cali gang
from what I've seen, Squidboards is pretty tame. I agree with your tl;dr, mind you, but I just find it a little weird to direct it here of all places
i wrote this here bc it would get buried on discord (and i think my friends are sick of hearing me talk abt it), i have like 2 followers on tumblr, and i don’t have twitter or reddit LMAO

i would be feeling a lot worse if i still had a twitter account tbh bc that’s where western comp is centered. i have friends in varying levels of splatoon comp and sometimes im genuinely surprised that they still have fun playing bc comp twitter is a soul sucking place. it feels like no one there actually likes splatoon

im really worried im turning into one of the jaded and aggressive ppl you mentioned before T_T theres still parts of splatoon i love outside of the direct game like i have ocs i think abt a lot and a conlang im working on. and i still love salmon run i have long term goals for it im working towards. but ive been a splatoon fan since 2016 and its scary to think this jaded doomer view on the game has like permeated my brain so much that theres nothing i can do abt it


Inkling Commander
Jan 29, 2024
Yeah, from what little I've peeked into the broader parts of this community it seems like an absolute hellscape to engage with. People will tell you they absolutely despise a majority of the weapons in the game, people will spend every second they talk about the game with just complaint after complaint after complaint, people will get into petty arguments over very little, etc etc etc. The online Smash community is exactly like this and it's exhausting to spend any prolonged amount of time interacting with people like that.

On a more personal note, up until recently in my life I've rooted myself very deeply into two different communities, one smaller group with Pokemon as well as my local Smash scene, and I get the feeling it's kind of damaged the person I am. A majority of the people I spoke to were good people in both. However, a lot of the people in the Pokemon group speak with zero regard for how it'd effect others and people in the Smash community had the problems described in this thread. Sticking myself with those two groups for so much of my time kind of sunk me into falling into the same problems those two had - I've found myself saying a lot of things that aren't necessarily hurtful, but quickly sour the mood of the room, and I've been MUCH more complainy and pessimistic than I used to be. Just made me a much less pleasant and happy person to be around.

I could go on a whole rant about how Twitter is the likely cause of this but there really wouldn't be much point. Bottom line is that I feel the same way and keep a majority of my Splatoon activity to here and a few private Discord servers to avoid those problems.


Jan 30, 2024
I totally get how you feel, it's kind of exhausting to be around a community that keeps complaining about topics that have been talked about to death at this point, I don't even want to cite examples, I can think of like, 30.
A lot of this is probably remnants of twitter algorithm engagement bait that have permeated the wider community, and frankly, I'm not sure how you fix it, I guess at this point I just don't engage with that.

I've been in some splatoon discord servers with a lot of fellow X rank grinders lately and it's exhausting how negative it gets, it's always about bad teammates, throwers, wintraders (what even is that lmao), cheese, ragequitters, lag, matchmaking, maps, or self flagellation and I could go on. Whenever I see that I just don't even respond at this point. We're all here to genuinely trying to improve and do the best we can, at the end of the day. We know what we're getting into.

I have criticisms of the game but at the end of the day, we play it because it's fun, and we should do a better job of communicating that, myself included


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 9, 2024
Manchester, United Kingdom
He / Him
i wrote this here bc it would get buried on discord (and i think my friends are sick of hearing me talk abt it), i have like 2 followers on tumblr, and i don’t have twitter or reddit LMAO

i would be feeling a lot worse if i still had a twitter account tbh bc that’s where western comp is centered. i have friends in varying levels of splatoon comp and sometimes im genuinely surprised that they still have fun playing bc comp twitter is a soul sucking place. it feels like no one there actually likes splatoon

im really worried im turning into one of the jaded and aggressive ppl you mentioned before T_T theres still parts of splatoon i love outside of the direct game like i have ocs i think abt a lot and a conlang im working on. and i still love salmon run i have long term goals for it im working towards. but ive been a splatoon fan since 2016 and its scary to think this jaded doomer view on the game has like permeated my brain so much that theres nothing i can do abt it
i know its healthy to be critical of things you love but i feel like splatoon fans hate splatoon so much. its honestly kind of crazy to me theres like a stockholm syndrome quality to it. everyone thinks this will finally be the patch where they nerf pencil or whatever tf and its like so what if they never nerf pencil in a substantial way bc the devs view the game entirely differently than western comp players on twitter. the vast majority of you wouldnt even notice a pencil nerf bc theres no casual meta. pencil can get fvcked up by clash blaster if your positioning is bad. whatever

i dont even know where im going with this its just close to year 2 of splatoon 3 and all of a sudden im very tired. idk if its bc im trying too hard to 5 star zf but i feel like something happened and i cant properly enjoy the game (at least in pvp, i still like salmon run lmao. maybe its bc im never around ppl who complain abt salmon run) and before youre like but reel! you should take a break from the game or practice some other mindset habit i saw in a squid school video! that might change how i feel a week from now and maybe ill have some good games on zf but thats not going to do anything abt the weird sour feeling the splatoon fandom has developed. theres so much visceral disappointment in nintendos direction with the game that its like ppl forgot what made them like splatoon in the first place. but i dont think thats even the point tbh i think some of you genuinely need to get out of your own heads and like find a different hobby

esp since the game updates are winding down and ppl are starting to talk abt splatoon 4/switch 2 im surprised how much hope ppl are putting into this hypothetical splatoon 4 (which is totally going to be a launch title for switch 2 in 2025 btw) like do you think it will fix ppls criticisms with splatoon 3? will it have an interesting meta and frequent well-thought-out patches? will the maps be "good"? will they bandaid fix the connection and matchmaking issues that have been so prevalent thruout every splatoon game that i became desensitized to them and forgot they existed? will it have the customizable apartments that ppl on twitter really really wanted? will they remove clam blitz for some reason? how many of you really want to spend hundreds of dollars on a switch 2 + splatoon 4 game + online service just to realize its as underpolished as splatoon 3 and drop it after 2 months?

tldr if youre really sick of splatoon i think you should do something else. you arent prochara youre not karmically bound to splatoon you can just walk out. its at the end of its natural lifespan anyways. there are so many other games that will piss you off less. not me tho im going to be here forever
I feel like the reason I can't quit Splatoon isn't because it's supper addictive like ****ing crack cocaine, but because I feel like my rank is tied to my ego super hard. This is probably the same for a lot of mfs like me.

Don't get me wrong, I'd probably enjoy trolling people in smash bros or mario kart while playing as a mii of Adolf Hitler or Sir Jimmy Savile way more than losing my **** and getting ****ed in the *** hole in anarchy series by X rank players.

However, my rank in Splatoon 3 is tied to my ego so hard that I don't really give a **** if I even enjoy the game. To but in more simple terms, when my rank goes up, my **** feels longer. When my rank goes down, my **** feels small and my ego deflates. I have to keep it up because of rank reset, too.

As a case study, take Clash Royale as an example. I used to be addicted to Clash Royale, until the devs made the game pay to win and took a massive **** on their own players. Everyone was pissed because they had to go up against over leveled pay to win players. Loads of people like me stopped playing because the game was no longer fun and we didn't really give a **** if our ranks went down to and stayed at challenger 1 anyway.

But I can't let go of Splatoon 3 because I'm a ******* who became too obsessed and invested in a ****ing Nintendo game for kids, and never learnt how to not give a ****. It's something I could never fight.


Inkling Commander
Jan 29, 2024
I meant to say this earlier but forgot - if you find yourself where all you can do is complain about any video game or say there's over a dozen weapons you hate playing against, you should ask yourself if there isn't a better game you could be playing. And answer honestly, don't tell me "I have nothing better to do" or "I have fun when there's not one of the 40 trillion things I hate."

I don't like competitive Pokemon because player growth is way too vague, games can take a long time only to be decided by one bad move which doesn't suit how my brain works, and RNG is more prevalent here than I'd hope from a competitive game. I played it for a LONG time and there are still plenty of aspects to it that I enjoy, but the cons far outweigh the pros and I just don't find it a good use of my time anymore. Smash I still play a lot because there are things to it that I genuinely still love neutral, edgeguarding, and combos in that game, but putting too much time into the community was not healthy for my life. I'll go to tournaments but not very often.

I have gripes with Splatoon, but playing any game for long enough will give you things to complain about with it. The maps in Splatoon aren't great, Trizooka isn't fun to play against, I'm not a huge fan of the Range Blaster matchup and the fact that it's a team game can make finding good, honest practice very challenging. But I love the game's speed and everything about its mechanics, I love almost everything else about the game's design, I love how much you need to manage at once and I love, LOVE using the Decavitator.

If not for the massive time sink, I would go around suggesting people to play multiple competitive games instead if they're interested in trying one out because enough time can give people a strong feeling of what they do and don't like in a game they want to improve with. It really is a huge time sink though, enough for me to explicitly suggest that people not do that unless they're in a situation that the people described in this thread are in.

It's very easy to fall in love with a game and then start to hate what it really is underneath the surface level. It's similarly easy to convince yourself that it was fun before, so it should still be fun at some point if you stick through it, or that it's the best thing you can be doing at a given moment. It's an understandable situation to be stuck in which makes it really suck that so many people are like that across so many games. It can genuinely do so much damage to a community.


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 9, 2024
Manchester, United Kingdom
He / Him
The modern internet is a hellhole and it's making discourse worse for absolutely everything. Splatoon is far from an exception.

I don't visit every single thread here - not by a long shot - but from what I've seen, Squidboards is pretty tame. I agree with your tl;dr, mind you, but I just find it a little weird to direct it here of all places when basically everyone who's stuck around since the January influx tend to be good-natured and capable of informed, mature discussion. A real rarity, one I think we should be proud of!

In general, though... yeah. Yeah. It's utterly exhausting trying to get a feel for what the community at large thinks about any particular thing because the internet has become such a vile place. Since the internet has basically devolved into just a few major websites, bad behaviors those sites encourage tend to spread like a plague and I absolutely HATE that. The fact that a lot of people are going to grow up never knowing anything else is deeply distressing, to say the least.

On the Splatoon side of things, it is like you say at the beginning - I'm often critical of this series, but I'm critical of it because it means so much to me. I try just as hard to find the good in the game, too, though, which has probably helped prevent me from becoming jaded and aggressive like so many ghouls in other parts of the internet. Having the context of nearly 10 years of Splatoon helps a lot, too, and I think not having that context doesn't help a lot of people who are constantly on edge. It's hard to get an appreciation for how good things are, even if they aren't perfect, without context from the past.

Maybe this was a little meandering but I don't think you should regret this post. It's an important thing to keep in mind, and a reminder sure doesn't hurt.
Man this community gets called one of they gayest and zestiest on the entire ****ing internet but the best competitive Splatoon 3 players in the world are racist white mfs on the far right dropping n bombs and spurting Ching Chang Chong whenever they lose a game.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
Yeah, from what little I've peeked into the broader parts of this community it seems like an absolute hellscape to engage with. People will tell you they absolutely despise a majority of the weapons in the game, people will spend every second they talk about the game with just complaint after complaint after complaint, people will get into petty arguments over very little, etc etc etc.
People on other sites really have no filters, do they?

Me, personally, I also hate half of the weapons in this game and have a thousand nitpicks about minor things that don’t matter whatsoever. You don’t see me complaining about it. You don’t have to unnecessarily spread negativity. We all like to play this game, or else we wouldn’t be playing it. Hopefully.

I try my best to remain civil. Seems I’ve picked the right site for it.
Jan 31, 2024
Land of Whispers and Ink
Switch Friend Code
seconding a lot of whats said here. Maybe my perspective is different as I am 100% a casual player, but splat 3 is my first splatoon game and I adore it so much!!! and it's kind of disheartening when all you ever see talked about it is how it doesn't live up to its potential (which is such a vague, nothing critique in the first place, imho) or this is bad or that is whatever and yadda yadda yadda. Like, don't get me wrong, critique and feedback is how games improve! I just wish it was easier to find other folk who aren't as "plugged in" to the competitive scene and therefore don't see all these issues et al.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I would say the OP's problem primarily lies with Twitter, and not the Splatoon community as a whole. I mostly stick to Discord and these Forums, and despite spending 3+ hours a week in said fandom (not ingame, I mean literally just in conversations) I never noticed people dissing on the game to a disheartening extend... Your opinion of the community came as something of a surprise to me actually.

I'd say the change in 'culture' leading to a trend towards competitive over casual and more criticism towards a game is mostly a result of improved access to information and learning regarding the game. It's much easier nowadays to learn enough to be able to analyse games under a microscope than it was 6-8 years ago, and Splatoon is no exception.

Twitter has a rather vicious algorythm that promotes negativity, which in this context I think creates echo chambers of people complaining about different aspects of the game with almost no exposure to reasonings or observations that do not favor the criticism... Which kinda leads them to form misconceptions and view problems as much bigger than they really are (as you said, Pencil's current balancing is not a problem unless you are a Top Level Comp player... even High Level Comp saw a Tri-Stringer win a tournament a while ago!)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I always emphasized the Splatoon devs taking their time developing a game rather than rushing it out the door because that would result in a better game. Rushed games, especially online-focused rushed games will inevitably garner more negativity much more quickly.

Heck, look at Pokemon, for the longest time, there was a main series Pokemon game every single year without a break. That's not healthy for a franchise that also has a dedicated player base who play multiplayer battles. And I know someone will tell me the obvious "but Splatoon is not Pokemon", yes I am clearly aware of that, but the same principles of taking time during development for a much better game still apply here too.

Some things simply can't be fixed via updates once a game is rushed out of the door. Yes, I'm talking about the single-player stories, those are set in stone.
Last edited:


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 9, 2024
Manchester, United Kingdom
He / Him
Yeah, from what little I've peeked into the broader parts of this community it seems like an absolute hellscape to engage with. People will tell you they absolutely despise a majority of the weapons in the game, people will spend every second they talk about the game with just complaint after complaint after complaint, people will get into petty arguments over very little, etc etc etc. The online Smash community is exactly like this and it's exhausting to spend any prolonged amount of time interacting with people like that.

On a more personal note, up until recently in my life I've rooted myself very deeply into two different communities, one smaller group with Pokemon as well as my local Smash scene, and I get the feeling it's kind of damaged the person I am. A majority of the people I spoke to were good people in both. However, a lot of the people in the Pokemon group speak with zero regard for how it'd effect others and people in the Smash community had the problems described in this thread. Sticking myself with those two groups for so much of my time kind of sunk me into falling into the same problems those two had - I've found myself saying a lot of things that aren't necessarily hurtful, but quickly sour the mood of the room, and I've been MUCH more complainy and pessimistic than I used to be. Just made me a much less pleasant and happy person to be around.

I could go on a whole rant about how Twitter is the likely cause of this but there really wouldn't be much point. Bottom line is that I feel the same way and keep a majority of my Splatoon activity to here and a few private Discord servers to avoid those problems.
This is not specific to Splatoon, it's just that people behave like wankers on the internet because they can. You could talk for hours on this and link it to the Hobbes vs Rousseau debate on human nature. Does the lack of rules and inhibitions on the internet prompt us to be assholes? Can we trust people to behave themselves on the internet and trust human nature? (No)

Really, it's just that in general people are pieces of **** and they become even bigger pieces of **** on the internet because they can.


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 9, 2024
Manchester, United Kingdom
He / Him
I would say the OP's problem primarily lies with Twitter, and not the Splatoon community as a whole. I mostly stick to Discord and these Forums, and despite spending 3+ hours a week in said fandom (not ingame, I mean literally just in conversations) I never noticed people dissing on the game to a disheartening extend... Your opinion of the community came as something of a surprise to me actually.

I'd say the change in 'culture' leading to a trend towards competitive over casual and more criticism towards a game is mostly a result of improved access to information and learning regarding the game. It's much easier nowadays to learn enough to be able to analyse games under a microscope than it was 6-8 years ago, and Splatoon is no exception.

Twitter has a rather vicious algorythm that promotes negativity, which in this context I think creates echo chambers of people complaining about different aspects of the game with almost no exposure to reasonings or observations that do not favor the criticism... Which kinda leads them to form misconceptions and view problems as much bigger than they really are (as you said, Pencil's current balancing is not a problem unless you are a Top Level Comp player... even High Level Comp saw a Tri-Stringer win a tournament a while ago!)
I've got to say that twitter is truly one of the online spaces of all time. Every community on the internet is full of ****heads and that's just a rule with no exceptions.

Oh wait I forgot to say X not twitter. Let us thank our saviour/Messiah Elon Musk, who taught us that every time you name something after the letter X it adds an inch to your ****.


Full Squid
Jan 31, 2024
Neo Jersey, US
I agree with most of what’s written here, however I would like to play a bit of a devil's advocate. (Preface: I do not agree with blatant negativity or toxicity, no matter how small or large. Also I know everyone is different, but I believe it’s also important to see other possibilities)

I feel like when people post their salt about weapon balances, maps and etc they’re trying to reach out. Not all of them mean harm necessarily. Unfortunately a lot of people like that just get drowned out in the overall pool of negativity. I believe that some people want to share some experience about their struggles and that might involve being negative about the game, or if it’s straight up a vent post, then it is marked appropriately (This outlook might be too optimistic, but I believe it is important to see another side of the argument.)

I personally feel a bit affected by this, since I feel like I’m definitely in the burnout state with the game right now. I try my best to work through it, but the unfortunate reality is that it will affect all of my comments, posts, replies, conversations and etc, since all I have to go off of is my current subpar experiences with the game and my old memories, which are good, but they are already in the past. Plus, I feel like there might be a benefit since there’s always a chance someone might help you with the exact issue you’re dealing with or at least provide some support or humour.
However without knowing all of that, I might come off as just another person spreading negativity or his distaste for the current state of the game.

Also, if it wasn’t for squidboards or the people I met through it by proxy, I feel like I wouldn’t have discovered other people with issues that are similar to mine who helped me tremendously. Even just playing in a full 4 person team is way better and more fun. So for that I thank them!


Inkling Cadet
Jun 2, 2015
Switch Friend Code
im really worried im turning into one of the jaded and aggressive ppl you mentioned before T_T
If you're worried about it already, and cognizant enough to realize your pattern of thinking, I'm confident you'll turn out just fine.
I agree with most of what’s written here, however I would like to play a bit of a devil's advocate...

...I feel like when people post their salt about weapon balances, maps and etc they’re trying to reach out. Not all of them mean harm necessarily...

I personally feel a bit affected by this... the unfortunate reality is that it will affect all of my comments, posts, replies, conversations and etc...
You're absolutely right in that our negative feelings color our discussion of the game, and that not everyone who's posting salt has bad intentions. What really matters - and why other platforms tend to be so much worse - is how you end up communicating those feelings. Taking your gripes to an appropriate venue is one thing, but it's when you take it somewhere inappropriate that it starts to get bad. Not all inside thoughts need to be outside thoughts, either. Taking the time to collect and examine your thoughts and feelings ultimately leads to better, more productive discussion anyway.

What it all boils down to... just remember that the people on the other side of the screen are real, just like you. That's the most important thing.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
Switch Friend Code
i know its healthy to be critical of things you love but i feel like splatoon fans hate splatoon so much. its honestly kind of crazy to me theres like a stockholm syndrome quality to it. everyone thinks this will finally be the patch where they nerf pencil or whatever tf and its like so what if they never nerf pencil in a substantial way bc the devs view the game entirely differently than western comp players on twitter. the vast majority of you wouldnt even notice a pencil nerf bc theres no casual meta. pencil can get fvcked up by clash blaster if your positioning is bad. whatever

i dont even know where im going with this its just close to year 2 of splatoon 3 and all of a sudden im very tired. idk if its bc im trying too hard to 5 star zf but i feel like something happened and i cant properly enjoy the game (at least in pvp, i still like salmon run lmao. maybe its bc im never around ppl who complain abt salmon run) and before youre like but reel! you should take a break from the game or practice some other mindset habit i saw in a squid school video! that might change how i feel a week from now and maybe ill have some good games on zf but thats not going to do anything abt the weird sour feeling the splatoon fandom has developed. theres so much visceral disappointment in nintendos direction with the game that its like ppl forgot what made them like splatoon in the first place. but i dont think thats even the point tbh i think some of you genuinely need to get out of your own heads and like find a different hobby

esp since the game updates are winding down and ppl are starting to talk abt splatoon 4/switch 2 im surprised how much hope ppl are putting into this hypothetical splatoon 4 (which is totally going to be a launch title for switch 2 in 2025 btw) like do you think it will fix ppls criticisms with splatoon 3? will it have an interesting meta and frequent well-thought-out patches? will the maps be "good"? will they bandaid fix the connection and matchmaking issues that have been so prevalent thruout every splatoon game that i became desensitized to them and forgot they existed? will it have the customizable apartments that ppl on twitter really really wanted? will they remove clam blitz for some reason? how many of you really want to spend hundreds of dollars on a switch 2 + splatoon 4 game + online service just to realize its as underpolished as splatoon 3 and drop it after 2 months?

tldr if youre really sick of splatoon i think you should do something else. you arent prochara youre not karmically bound to splatoon you can just walk out. its at the end of its natural lifespan anyways. there are so many other games that will piss you off less. not me tho im going to be here forever
imo, just a small thing to improve your feelings on splatty3, trying to 5 star something and jsut grinding it again and again is very frustrating. I’d recommend trying other weapons outside of your comfort zone in turf war. Try the H-3 or the Painbrush.


Pro Squid
Jan 31, 2024
cali gang
imo, just a small thing to improve your feelings on splatty3, trying to 5 star something and jsut grinding it again and again is very frustrating. I’d recommend trying other weapons outside of your comfort zone in turf war. Try the H-3 or the Painbrush.
respectfully i think you missed the point lol

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