No, I am very tenacious with my arguments.
What I meant by 'changing meta' is that OTHER weapons got the boot (i.e Tri-Slosher, Baller) that could really counter the roller, so now they are starting the make a comeback.
The general accepted range of rtk for the Splat Roller is 1.5 lines. I was busy last week, but I had time to test that if you take like 2 steps from the 2 line mark (1.9 lines if you must), then it does a max of 98 damage and a min of around 96.8. With around 3.8 - 2 health remaining, the opposing splattershot/oppenent is almost guaranteed dead. In addition, the roller can jump to the side when flicking their stick, so the opposing weapon would not have time to react between the 33 frames it takes to splat with a vertical flick.
I only really watched this guy because I'm subscribed to him for funny stuff, but the match at 5:35 had like 5 rollers. There is also at least one other roller [besides JayMoji] in the match.
Also, if being meta is by how popular a weapon is over all game modes, then the SSP and Sploosh need to be on the list since they are also very popular.