I wouldn't call ranked broken, it's playing with randoms. I have no experience with making games so I can't speak with authority, but I think player skill is a hard thing to measure, especially in Splatoon. Level only means how long long they have been playing, not how skillful they are. I've heard of people who have been stuck in B rank, and they could well be 50s. People who can get up into the higher ranks have demonstrated the skill to win. I think a big problem with ranked is that people have a lone wolf mentality instead of "what will help the team", it works in tw but not in ranked. I've heard several people state that you can carry a team in B rank but not above that. It's really funny to me on reflection how often it's "my team" that's awful. I can't always have the bad team. There are sometimes when it is very clear to me when I'm doing horribly, but I wonder if there was a way to objectively measure how much I actually contributed if I would have done that much. If a good player drops a rank, if he is good enough to crush the other players then he should rise back in rank very quickly. I play support because I found that very few few people play support. I mean kind of like a charger, hanging back, shooting enemies that are shooting my teammates, throwing point sensors, stuff like that. I never push but if someone else does I support them. It doesn't get you the most kills, but it can be very rewarding to see the big picture.
If it's broken playing with randoms, it's broken. Randoms is how most people play Splatoon (I'd argue that mixing team lobbies with random is also broken, but that's a different topic.)
Here's the thing, we were discussing in one or two other threads that my theory is that there's more to matchmaking than just level, that there's metadata involved in determining a players match. In the Naught/Nice thread (during Splatfest, not ranked) Zombie Aladdin had a similar experience as myself and had arrived at the same conclusion as me, without my suggesting it. For both of us it's as though matchmaking (in all modes) pairs us with unskilled teammates against stronger opponents as though it's (wrongly) determined we can for some reason carry any team to victory against a tougher foe. It's not just ranked for me, it's become universal, but it makes ranked very broken. If it were truly random I don't think it would be as bad as it is. You'd get good/bad teams in equal measure. For some of us it seems we get explicitly paired in unfavorable combinations most of the time as though it's a broken attempt at machmaking based on calculated player skill. My theory (purely theory) is that ZA and I share a playstyle that triggers certain measurements to think we're better than we are and can be paired less favorably. It could be paranoia, but there's something ery wrong all the same.
I have two Wii U's in my home. Both with Splatoon. The other player is lv26, but C- rank. Plays pretty much exclusively TW. Tries all weapons, like me. Does ok, but is technically a pretty bad player. When I was lv26 (as soon as I hit lv20) I started getting matched in TW exclusively with LV40+. After 2.4 I get matched with 30+ (I'm lv35.) But mostly 40+. The other WiiU, when playing at the same time as me, gets matched with lv0-15 mostly. It KNOWS they're not a good player at lv26. It KNEW I am a good player at lv26. It matches us entirely differently based on real performance. I think it thinks I'm a mega player somehow.
You're right, by far, about the lone wolf mentality, though Nintendo really avoided that by making the ranked objectives automatically result in teamwork amid the chaos. But where it gets complicated is when you have an enemy tea with complex strategies beyond the objective like camping the enemy base as a priority, etc. How does a team of randoms coordinate a strategy like that? Or is it not all randoms? I'm not sure how the party lobbies work in terms of pulling extra players in, but i know in TW I've seen definite organized groups, presumably communicating outside the game, and I know when the random distribution puts them on the other team, it's clear they throw the match. Maybe ranked doesn't allow that, but if it does, that's simply cheating, plain and simple. (And no, it's not a plea for voice chat - if splatoon had voice chat I wouldn't have even purchased it.)
I tried splat zones the other day as an eliter for support. That definitely did not go well. I didn't do badly, but I got to observe the team just doing such stupid moves there's no support in the world that can save them. And that's the odd problem with ranked. If I don't personally push the objective, we WILL lose. If I play support, we WILL lose. If only id DID work as a team. It's single player. I have to win it (but as seen even if I massively do, we still don't win much.)
I'm not sugesting I'm a great player. I'm not. Never been a master at shooters. But I'm a better than average player and consistently better than the people I'm loosing with (and often better than the people I'm losing TO.) I really don't believe my actual skill level would be higher than A-. Maybe it is and I'd be surprised, but if I was "stuck" in A-, I'd feel that was a fair placement. I can't touch those S rank guys, and I'm fine with that.
I'm guessing those "lvl50 guys that are stuck in B" are the guys that are trouncing me. They SHOULDN"T be stuck in B, and that's my point. They're clearly higher level players than the rest of the B field, and not by a little. The fact that I'm in B is wrong. The fact that some of the people I'm playing against are in B is a travesty and indicates a problem. Some of these mega players are B-! How are they B-. I've escaped B- twice now. Those guys are MUCH better than me. They're no B-. They're no B. So why are they there? Not through fair competition.
What K/D rate would you say is "good" for ranked for a support player? In case I try it again, I'd like to know what would be considered useful at a higher rank. I'm tired of "ultra tryhard, carry the team myself" in ranked. If I take up support I'll probably drop back to C forever. But at least I'll get to play 3/4 the game modes again....
Then again, I'm pretty sure the people I'm playing with wouldn't be helped by an echolocator anyway.... :p