Ok, so today, ,after some brutal TW matches with eliter (matched with mostly lvl50, very clearly A+, S S+ players, and when there were non-50,s I was paired with the non-50's against 4 50's.) I decided to go back to ranked. I jump in with carbon, and realized as it loaded that I still had my sensitivity down to -5 for sniping...uh oh! I'm matched with a full room of people lower level than me! I played like trash (try running carbon roller with minimum sensitivity!) but not AWFUL. I still had positive k/d. I applied plenty of pressure (SZ on Museum.) I had to leave the room unfortunately to fix my sensntivity.
SO I came back to a room more evenly matched, 20's, 30's a few 40's. We win again! Then a partial (non-knockout) win. Then massive knockout defeat (these opponents had to be higher "real" rank - they had much more advanced tactics, occupying our base, attacking FROM our base. Bee lining to the enemy base at the start and occupying it requires very high level players that know they won't get crushed right away. Then every single round after that we won either full or partial.
I dare anyone to tell me ranked isn't broken: I was playing a weapon I never took into ranked and picked up only a few days ago, on a map that I've never before even played in that mode which is a map I typically don't do my best on, and especially not so with that weapon. The same player that could barely hang onto B, got bumped to B-, back to B a week ago sails into B+ in about an hour with only a single loss the whole time. What a mess of a system...
Now I'm afraid to play ranked again in fear of messing up my new rank :p
The one catch is that I did not have the most splats on the team, by far. We had a player with 14+ kills, and so did the enemy. I had 4-6. At first I felt maybe I just got lucky and got carried through the rank - but I don't think so. The one thing I did have at the end was the lest deaths and a positive k/d. Low splats, low deaths makes it sound like I was hiding at spawn, especially in SZ, but I wasn't. I spent (nearly) every moment at the zones (except when I left to repaint a path the enemy tried flanking though, or to take out an annoying shooter or sniper off on the side perches, or try to claim a little turf to move in.) But otherwise I was flying back and forth between the two (skatepark) zones on the sides of the tower, constantly flicking, constantly throwing bombs, constantly reclaiming zones (sometimes with bombs alone), and successfully evading and retreating. I didn't get a lot of kills, but I only got splatted 1-3 times, meaning I spent almost the entire match applying constant (annoying) pressure at the zones. Whenever the enemy showed up at the zones, there was that annoying carbon roller again.... So I'm caught between "I got carried" and "I played the front lines and set up kills for the team" - the key here, The thing I CAN state that's different from last time - the whole team played the game and played the objective. There were no bad team mates. And that is what made the difference. And the one we lost I had team mates trying to play turf war at museum just painting everywhere BUT the zones, leaving me to play the objective with one other player.
Now I don't want to play ranked and lose B+! :( It's a bittersweet win.
The other matchmaking highlight of the day was TW: Moray, me with eliter, an ally with eliter scope. He took the perch on the usual ledge, so I moved down to the perch at the bottom ramp. He was level 50, me lvl38. I went 9/1. He went 1/0. I'm sure he was just new to chargers but mains something else much better....but it was still worth a big laugh. I finally get a level 50 on my TW team and he can''t hit anything! (I had a lv47 with a .52 Gal in a few matches as well....we lost every time....she went at least 0/3 every single round. I managed to go at least 2/2 as a completely overrun, de-perched eliter.

Matchmaking truly hates me most of the time! But today in ranked, it actually worked. Maybe the first case of WORKING matchmaking i've seen yet.