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"Well James isn't fun but he has a good heart, Jeff is awkward, Bennett is cool and Beckette is, how do I say this nicely, interesting," Amanda tried to not insult her friend.
"Okay you got me, yes I am a robot." Model C admits half of the truth, keeping the other half a secret. "I was built to learn the biology of the organics. Or living things as humans call them."
"don't worry the only people that I will tell are the ones who rescued me from Octo Valley," Jack says, "also can I call you a different name than your actual name?"
"Sure you can, I was only called Model C due to being the third construct in the line." Model C allows, keeping the one controlling him a secret until he's ready to admit it.
A soft 'Hmph!' can be heard from Model C, giving the clue that whoever is controlling him has bad memories regarding Crimson Octarians, but it's unknown what exactly that memory is to others.