An Excessive Number of Thoughts I had one-starring weapons in Drizzle/Chill 2022


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
I found these old notes so I thought they might be funny to share. Not every weapon is here I think because I didn't take notes on the ones I one-starred before I decided to formally one-star everything (but I tried to include notes I found about them in-context anyway).

Note that a lot of this is from early game's existence when I could barely move my character in a reliable direction (and I had zero experience with shooters or action pvp games whatsoever before playing this) and was playing exclusively turf war so some of my impressions are....strange. But I dunno maybe it will be interesting to see how an Extremely New Newbie viewed things, lol. It's at least extremely funny for me to read and see the foreshadowing.

9/24 - 9/26 2022 (During Gear/Grub/Fun Splatfest) (this has more info/detail than everything else because I dunno I rambled a lot)

I need to practice with other weapons but I've really clicked in with the Sploosh-O-Matic. I feel like I can ink so quickly strafing sideways and it's becoming so natural to swim around and get the heck behind people and hit them unaware (those old RO rogue backstab instincts dormant in me for decades adjfghjsakgjdfsaghjkdsa) and the thing that makes this even better is that like I can tell I am only scratching the surface of this all of this there's so much depth here and I am absolutely infatuated.


look out world I have an n-zap and I have no idea how to use it

Initial impressions:

- Wow this ink pattern feels so messy and narrow. I am wasting way too much time and ink because I have a really hard time letting things just be splotchy and move on.

- Still can’t aim for beans!! Still have no idea how far is too far and compensating by running up into enemy faces as if that ever ends well!!

- how the heck do I use suction bombs effectively (practice, I guess, I don’t think ORCA taught me much about these)

- my special would probably be more useful if I quit losing track of my team and ending up on the other side of the map somehow >> BUT it is very satisfying to drop it right as I notice someone super jumping to me! Like hello welcome have a drink and let’s do this!!


Okay, the aerospray is definitely coming more naturally to me than the n-zap was, or at least it feels that way. It’s hard to tell how much of ‘doing better’ is me being better with the weapon and how much is lucking into higher skill teams (that 3-win streak was absolutely just me lucking into a high-skill team).

But like, I’m actually getting more splats with this thing despite the hits being so weak, and the ink coverage is a bit better. I struggle with the fizzy bombs though. Like for one I still struggle with recognizing when a situation calls for a bomb at all, which is a whole other issue, but the charging aspect of it just makes that even more complicated. Additionally I’m not all that great at recognizing when to use reefslider, and kind of just ended up burning it to get somewhere quickly/get the ink refill most of the time. But it is a lot of fun as far as specials go, especially when the right moment hits. I had a lucky moment where I splatted three at once with it and it felt fantastic.

I feel like this is something I could potentially do well with, with enough practice. I’m not sure I prefer it to the sploosh-o-matic but I definitely prefer the special. If I could get better at figuring out how to use fizzy bombs effectively I think it’d be pretty close. If I could figure out how to take advantage of the better range instead of just violating people’s personal space all the time it might win out. Granted if I could get better at range in general a lot of other options would probably open to me, realistically. I think the sploosh-o-matic doing so well at close range is the main reason I clicked with it first.


Reef-lux was frustrating to work with but I genuinely can’t tell if I’m just hopelessly bad with it or if it’s just that, again, we do nothing but stay pinned in our base and get wrecked every fight (maybe splatfest is just not the time to try out new weapons, lol). It felt like it had a lot of potential– especially at the beginning; the rate at which it inks is astounding and I felt like I was getting a lot of splats I shouldn’t have gotten– like my accuracy is generally pretty poor but somehow I was landing hits I didn’t expect to hit and that was really satisfying!

But man I just kept getting ambushed over and over and over again, people just popping up out of nowhere and splatting me before I knew what hit me– I feel like this weapon requires a lot more focus– it certainly requires more button-mashing than I’m used to with the automatic shooters– and I feel like that makes my already pretty poor situational awareness even worse. I also felt like I was having a hard time figuring out when to use the tenta missiles because I was so unaware of my surroundings that I had no idea where anyone was. That and the fact that if I ever managed to ink enough to actually charge it it was usually because there wasn’t anyone around to splat me first. whoof.

This was really worth trying out though and I did have a lot of fun. I think as I get better at situational awareness I might come back to this, but I feel like I have a long way to go right now. At this point I’m starting to wonder if I should just go back to my sploosh comfort zone and just try to rally myself. But on the other hand, it’s not as though my win rate back was any better when I was using that either– the competition is just super fierce in general right now and I am just a new little bean. At least in trying out new weapons I am still getting little rushes from pulling off new things. It’s keeping it fun!


dualie squelchers....well, this didn’t go too well either. I think I had the hardest time with this one so far, of everything. But I feel like getting used to the dodge rolling is going to take a lot more time than just a couple hours of test play. Like, my muscle memory is already very tightly braided into “swim to move fast” and it only rarely occurs to me to dodge roll. When I manage it, I am overthinking it and the pace of battles is such that there’s not a lot of time for that. It’s a little frustrating because I can see this being incredibly fun and potentially right up my playstyle-alley if I could figure it out but I get the feeling it definitely takes a lot of skill and practice. I also feel like once you get used to playing with dodge roll it could be really difficult to use a similar weapon without it. It just seems like the kind of thing you’d ideally get ingrained into your pattern of movement such that it becomes unconscious and natural. I dunno.

The other issue I seemed to have was just running out of ink constantly, and that might be due to me trying to dodge roll a lot more and consequently swimming less, and/or just not having the hang of how to ink effectively with these. I did appreciate how almost passive the special was though. I didn’t have the issue of feeling like I needed to wait for the Right Time to use it, because I was getting ambushed so constantly that any time felt like the right time, hah.

I did have a very interesting, very communicative game where I think one of my teammates managed to use the signals to direct me to hide in a spot and it was kind of a magical moment to coordinate like that. Assuming I was interpreting it correctly, anyway. Whatever it was, the outcome was successful and it was very satisfying. I don’t shark a whole lot– not moving for more than like five seconds makes me feel like I’m not doing anything, but holy fish it was the right thing to do at that time and upon spotting someone approaching actually dodge rolling correctly for once to get out of the line of fire and behind someone to hit them was just. AGGHhh it felt so incredible to be that mobile! Like all the other weapons I’ve tried I feel like I can glimpse the potential in this but my skills just aren’t there to make effective enough use of it yet. And the gap for dualies specifically feels exceptionally vast compared to the others.


I cannot. express to you. the relief my brain felt upon testing splash-o-matic. I have mained sploosh almost entirely since I clicked with it shortly after 3′s launch, and it’s been incredibly mentally taxing to try to push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things, but THIS. This felt so close to what I am used to that I thought I might cry, lol.

It’s so nice to actually win a few every now and then. Even though we’re still absolutely getting overwhelmed most of the time I’m having a LOT more shining moments. I was soo hesitant to try out the splash-o-matic because I was under the impression it would just be similar to the sploosh but harder to hit with. But I’ve been struggling with the other weapons for so long now that anything similar to what I am used to feels so, so comforting and natural. And while I expected the narrower range and lower damage to significantly hamper me it really… doesn’t seem to? I am getting a lot of splats again and I think I’m finally getting better at utilizing the longer range. Feels like trying out the uncomfortable stuff forced me to grow in that regard.

Crab tank is FUN as long as no one gets behind me. It’s tricky and I need more practice but it’s a good time. At some point I went up against another crab tank and the phrase “CRAB BATTLE!!” involuntarily emerged from my mid 2000′s meme-memory and slapped me in the face.


(okay that was the most I rambled it gets less detailed from here out)


agh... I just got 10 splats in a game and that’s definitely a personal record but 3/4 of them were from ultra stamp and I don’t know how to feel about this. I have such a love/hate/??? relationship with this special. I feel like I can only barely control it and can rarely hit specific targets with it so I’ve learned not to rely on it for anything other than inking and being a huge distraction but every so often it just mows down the whole enemy team. apparently sometimes twice.

(yes I fell back into my splooshie comfort zone I'll need to practice with more weapons again soon but I fear this might just be The One. I say 'fear' very lightheartedly I love my sploosh but I just get really restless. I wanna be good with dualies and brushes so badly lol but I have to pick my practice-battles with the limited time in my day and it's gonna take me so long to improve and while I'm practicing survival/situational awareness I should probably stick with a weapon I'm comfortable with but does that mean it'll just be even harder to switch down the line? I don't knoooow)



cod help me I set out to conquer my inkbrush fear and I’ve gone completely feral. YES I WILL IN FACT SPLATBOMB AND KILLER WAIL YOU AND GO IN TO FINISH YOU (affectionately) RAAAAAAAARGHH (this is only encouraging me to be even more chaotic but hooooooo this is such an amazing way to blow off the recent stress. I feel so VICIOUSLY alive)



I’m actually doing better with inkbrush than I thought I would. Like I guessed it would be fun and rewarding to my playstyle tendencies but I just assumed I wouldn’t be able to get any good with such a button-mashy weapon. And yeah, I still struggle with that aspect of it in a lot of situations but…I can still do an awful lot.

Like this is the first kit that’s actually getting me to not just use but really rely on my sub weapon (and often, too), and the fact that they’re splat bombs is great because I really need to get a better handle on the physics and aiming of splat bombs for salmon run purposes (I’m… bad about forgetting to use them in salmon run outside of maws and flyfish, lol).

And just being able to zoom the heck around and be annoying is very satisfying. There’s been a few times where I’ve rushed through center towards the other side and the fact that the opposing team is compelled to pursue me gives the more competent members of my team an opportunity to establish better control of center while I’m… basically acting as bait for as long as possible, lol.

I feel like I’m getting better with the physical aspect of button mashing too. Maybe it’s something I can eventually get reliable with. I plan on sticking with it til I get the badge at least, so I’ve got time to figure it out.


11/6/22 (oh this is a longer one)

I’ve been playing with dapple dualies lately and it’s been… an interesting experience so far.

The last time I played with dualies was the squelchers I tried out last splatfest, and I had very little mechanical understanding of dodging and inking effectively and just generally had a bad time. But after grinding eggs in alterna by running every dualies level that I could, I feel like I developed a better handle on the dodge roll mechanic and the importance of it being used for offense as much as if not more so than defense.

I picked the dapples because the name was cute. lol. Though it helps that it’s short-range and I continue to utilize short-range weapons more effectively since I can’t seem to break the habit of running up into everyone’s face anyway.

And it’s hard, man. Not having a bomb really limits the encounters that you can confidently take. But both squid beakon and tacticooler are very supportive, and I think squid beakons also seem to function a little as distractions too; I’ll find myself just dropping them in weird places because occasionally an enemy feels the instinct to go destroy it and can buy me an opening or a few seconds if nothing else.

It’s also just kinda fun, running off, placing beakons, farming special and then superjumping to my teammates and dropping the cooler on them. I feel like some kind of secret agent, generally pretty high-risk and vulnerable but lordy is it fun watching those well-placed beakons turn the tide.

It’s hard to get a metric on how well I’m doing– I feel like I’d have to watch a lot of replays to pay attention to which beakon placement was most effective (and this is turfing with randos so sometimes no one even uses them, lol). I’ve had games where I’ve had 0-7 splats-to-being-splatted that we’ve won and 7-0 games that we’ve lost. My ink points tend to stay pretty high, at least.

I feel like my ability to take fights is extremely poor. I can tell that my aim is really bad, lol. I still get splats, but most of them feel completely accidental. But it feels extra good to take out rollers charging me by dodge rolling backwards. I get a lot more splats generally on the the defense than on the offense.

I’ll play these up to at least three stars and maybe a little more. Not sure I’ll go up to four but probably at least as long as I still feel like I’m having fun with and/or actively improving at them. Then maybe I’ll try out the squelchers again or a different type of dualie. I like these but I feel like I’m still just so, so far from finding a weapon I’m willing to marry, lol.


12/2/22 (Beginning of Chill Season)

I’m having fun, though I tried out the nova for way too long and was inkcredibly awful at it, like so absolutely terrible and bad, setting records for number of times I can die in a match while getting zero splats, and for whatever reason I kept using it, hating it the whole time, demoralizing myself, wondering if I was just terrible at everything forever.

My housemate watching me tells me I am ‘too brave for this weapon’ and like, they have a point, god, no matter what weapon I just want to charge recklessly into every situation.

I tried hanging back but god I just felt like I wasn’t doing anything even though it did work, I guess, in the sense that I survived more. But my aim is so bad that I felt like I was just being dead weight most of the time. I mean I was being dead weight charging in and dying all the time too but at least I felt like I was doing something!!

And then I switched to the new dapples and like. got 11 splats and top ink points the very next match. So it really is just that I’m extra atrocious at long-range anything, and not necessarily the entire game, at least.



Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
12/5/22 (okay this is when the one-star quest actually started)

[...] Meanwhile, in some attempt to understand/counter enemy weapons and get more technical experience in general, I have embarked on a small quest to one-star every available weapon.

And my first impression of splat charger is WOW it sure makes EVERYONE want to bully you non-stop even if your aim is too awful for you to even be a real threat. I had the entire team throwing bombs at me and I didn't even splat ANYONE yet!! ;w;

it makes me feel like such a sheep in wolf’s clothing. I can’t hit for beans but they don’t know that. I have games where the whole enemy team charges me like I'm the #1 Threat Top Priority Must Be Destroyed Immediately and then I have games where I just need to wave that little beam around and everyone freaks out and stays away. I have maybe two splats all game but if my teammates stay in front of me we win handily because what can they do? If they don’t play aggressively enough it’s so easy to scare the whole team back.


12/14/22 (oh no this one is long too sorry I really didn't think I rambled this much lol)

Ohhhh it took me so long to figure out what the shell I was supposed to be doing with splat brella. Like for a long while I was thinking, ‘every time I think there’s a weapon I can’t possibly be more useless with, I find something like this.’ And I really was just… having the hardest time with it, only ever getting incidental splats and just dying a lot. I was resorting to trying to ink with it and throw sprinklers everywhere for lack of being able to figure out what else to do.

I think my problem was actually very simple– I was avoiding getting close to enemies. Which feels really silly in retrospect, but I was avoiding it because I knew I had to lower the the shield between shots during which I would feel really vulnerable, and for whatever reason I put so much weight on that factor that decided that I needed to avoid that at all costs. I finally figured out accidentally, during one of those incidental splats, that the time period between when you let the shield down to take your next shot and when it goes back up is small enough and unpredictable enough that most opponents won’t take advantage of it– it doesn’t actually leave you as vulnerable as it feels. Most opponents, at least that I encountered in turf, didn’t really seem know what to do when the shield went up– they just kinda. stopped. maybe backed away, maybe tried to get around me, but almost no one just kept laying into me. So the way I actually ended up getting splats with this thing was by running into their range, taking a shot/shielding before they could hit me, moving towards them with the shield up while they panic a little, and then hit them nearly point-blank before they react further. Using the shield buys you a second to reposition, aim, and make your next shot count. It’s tricky but it was consistently working for me, and very quickly too, once I got the hang of it. So finally, finally, in the last game before I got my one-star on this thing, my splats outnumbered my deaths.

I sincerely spent like 80% of my time with this weapon hating it and being frustrated and feeling useless and wanting it to be over, but once it clicked in, it was like oh. okay. I can actually see the potential of this. I feel like playing this more would be good for me, even if I don’t stick with it, I feel like getting myself to practice actually taking a second to plan my shots better is something that would benefit me no matter what I’m playing.

I’ve had this experience with quite a few weapons now and it’s really heartening that breakthroughs keep happening, especially when it feels like they’re absolutely not going to happen. Like, I know I keep saying this, but this is so good for healing that burned-out-academically-gifted-kid part of me who learned to give up right away on everything I wasn’t good at or didn’t immediately make sense to me. That tendency to spend 30 seconds with something new and manage to concoct an impressively elaborate story for yourself about how 'this is interesting but here is a detailed list about why it just isn’t going to ever work for me.’

But now I’m getting really comfortable with that feeling of murky frustration, just letting myself sit in that oh-so-convinced-certainty that this will never make sense and then…. watch myself be proven wrong, over and over. Maybe one day this will stop feeling awe-inspiring and novel. Maybe that will be the day I just might finally have a... healthy relationship with challenge, or something.


01/15/23 (FINALLY. THIS IS THE FORMAT I THOUGHT THEY WERE MOST ALL IN before I actually combed deeper through my notes and found all these other rambles lol. Anyway these are a lot shorter so.)

I missed keeping notes on my experiences one-starring each weapon, so here’s some brief summaries of what I remember (poorly).

Tentatek Splattershot: I only barely remember using this so I must have not found it painful to use. Placing inkstrike effectively is kind of a challenge (though I was playing this pre-patch)

Heavy Splatling: I really struggle to be effective with this and I don’t like splatlings in general BUT my loathing for playing them in salmon run doesn’t carry over as much to turf, where there’s more space to work with and less pressure in general. Still not really the weapon for me but not as bad as I thought it would be.

Tri-Stringer: I feel like this weapon is weirdly versatile and has a lot of depth to it. It feels like it can do a lot of things well and is probably deadly in the right hands. However, I mostly used it to ink a ton and exploding-shot the ground to be annoying. I feel like Be Annoying/Distracting is my preferred role in general in this game, rather than Be Deadly.

Splat Dualies: I like dualies anyway and this was a nice little dualies experience. I’m getting a better hang of crab, though it’s a little awkward to usually have to go backwards from where I’m usually fighting to position myself well for it. I also just need more practice effectively using suction bombs.

Rapid Blaster: I really disliked using this thing but I kept getting tons of splats with it. It feels like the “nice” thing about it (being ‘rapid’) isn’t actually useful to me because it’s still just too slow and if I don’t hit my first shot I rarely hit my second, or third, or fourth, etc. I also just really hated how I couldn’t ink for beans, having to rely on my teammates for that was really frustrating. I don’t know how I had such a high number of splats with this, it might have just been luck with matchups because it felt like they were just walking into it. Ink mines were also very satisfying when they worked.

Carbon Roller: The roller part is kind of fun, I like how fast it is and sort of gives me those chaotic vibes I loved playing inkbrush, but I struggle to use autobombs effectively as anything more than a slight distraction and I have no idea what the heck I’m supposed to be doing with zipcaster.

Splatana Wiper: This actually went way better than expected. Like maybe it was just that I played this shortly after Christmas and was matching against new players but it felt like the number of splats I got on this was more than I should have. It feels weirdly easy to just one-shot people if they’re even a little bit slow. I might have to seriously consider this one later. It also has those really fun “be quick and chaotic and annoying” vibes I got from inkbrush without as much button mashing.

Octobrush: This just feels like a worse inkbrush. I didn’t enjoy it because I kept wanting it to be like inkbrush. Also, again, I don’t know what the heck to do with zipcaster.

Squiffer: AAAGahsdh I hated this. I hate all chargers. I spent most of these matches spamming the heck out of point sensor and hoping more competent teammates could make use of that information. At one point I had ANOTHER squiffer on my team that was clearly taking the same strategy and it was just point sensors going off everywhere constantly. We lost but it was very funny.

Splattershot Pro: I don’t like how…chunky and messy the inking is, but the range is nice. I think I also just really liked that I wasn’t playing squiffer anymore. The sheer relief of using any weapon that isn’t a charger makes me like it way more than I probably would otherwise.

Slosher Deco: I really need to look up guides or something for how other people are actually using zipcaster to do anything useful instead of complaining about it. I’m also not a huge fan of slosher type weapons but they do tend to remind me that I actually can attack players who have high ground on me sometimes. I think I got most of my splats like this. Also angle shooter is weird and I don’t really feel like I’m using it effectively but I’m using it a lot just because the ink cost is so low.

.52 Gal: I actually really, really had a lot of fun with this. It was my first time using something with splash wall and oh my god I just. Threw it out there and started getting splats constantly. It was amazing. I couldn’t believe how much success I had with it like, immediately out the gate. Splash wall almost feels like cheating especially when I’m paired up with another shooter teammate. After I’m done exploring all these weapons I might need to come back to this one.

Dynamo Roller: I fully expected to hate this. With my expectations at rock bottom, it actually wasn’t bad. It forced me to slow down and pay closer attention to my surroundings and really plan my shots instead of firing in a general direction. And I had a lot of very satisfying plays, including one in which I somehow hit 3 members of the other team in one go because they were all clumped up together. I…. don’t think I’ll come back to this one just because it was so slow for my tastes but… It’s not impossible that I might evolve to really favor it at some point. If nothing else it was definitely one of those weapons that I felt taught me a lot about the game in general.

Splatterscope: AAshjdfgafjd I didn’t think chargers could get WORSE, but scoping just makes it so hard to even see anything on the field. I seriously got 90% of my splats these matches just tossing splat bombs like no tomorrow. This weapon taught me how to use splat bombs. Seriously.

Tri-Slosher: Okay I had a lot of fun with this but it was mostly because I had a friend drop in with me and change their weapon to match mine and we proceeded to destroy in nearly every game we went into for some reason. It was pretty fantastic actually. I feel like sloshers were some of my least favorite weapons when I started out but they’re growing on me, even though they’ll probably never be my favorites. I struggle to figure out how to use inkjet effectively since I can’t aim for beans and it doesn’t help that the travel time is so long. But it was still pretty fun overall.



Carbon Roller Deco: Okay I had some ABSOLUTELY ABSURD matches with this, like the fact that it’s just so fast and you can point-blank one-shot people just encouraged me to engage my splooshie brain cell and just keep running straight into the fray, which sometimes PAID OFF IMMENSELY with enemy team wipeouts and it was such chaotic fun especially with burst bombs to help out. But in other matches, sometimes I just died repeatedly and was no good to anyone (mostly on flounder heights, ick). Nonetheless I think I might add this to the short list of weapons to come back to (which currently consists of this, .52 gal, and splatana wiper) because it was just so fast and fun, though trizooka is kind of a challenge to use effectively.

Explosher: This was really difficult and I mostly just…flailed around and died a lot. But towards the end, I finally took in some appreciation for the sheer range of this thing and how much it inked where it hit, and it clicked in suddenly that maybe this is what it means when I hear people talk about “controlling an area” My entire mindset with this shifted. I stopped focusing almost entirely on hitting targets and instead focused on using it to just threaten the enemy team as much as possible, hitting in front of where they want to go, cutting off paths they might want to swim through. It was like in that moment my entire perception of the game changed. It was kind of magical. My last two matches with this felt really good.

Ballpoint Splatling:
Initially I took the strategy I had been playing with explosher towards the end and just tried to get high ground and just try to keep control of the area as much as possible, but as soon as I got the hang of this thing’s first mode of firing, I ran right back up to the front lines, lol. This is probably the splatling that I dislike the least so far, between it actually being very viable at closer range and being able to recharge it mid-fire. I love that versatility aspect. I dare say I even had fun with this.

This was not quite as fun after getting used to the Ballpoint, but I feel like I still had a reasonable amount of success with it. I’m getting a little more comfortable with playing defensively, focusing more on making sure the enemy can’t easily get to me than necessarily taking them out (though, I am also getting a little better at taking them out when they get too close). Ink storm and point sensor are also like… very low-fuss, and I appreciate not having to put a whole lot of thought into how and when to use them.

This game can really be overwhelming at times, and there’s so much to learn and watch out for and it’s hard not to tunnel vision and it’s hard to be aware of everything going on at all times that you could possibly infer from the available information you’re getting visually and audio…ly, and there are times I just feel like it’ll never happen, it’ll never all make sense or that I don’t really know how to make it make sense or how to.. actively get better at parsing all that information. But earlier in a match I heard an ultra stamp activate, and a second later got stomped with it, and I thought to myself, oh, I should have known that was a threat and figured out where it was and reacted. And I like to think and hope that as long as I’m still having thoughts like that, still at least catching myself ignoring useful information, that at least I’m probably at least still actively learning and becoming more aware. So that’s hopeful, at least.






E-liter Scope
: WHY DOES THIS HAVE INK MINES. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH INK MINES ON A CHARGER. Stick them behind me and hope I notice when someone is there?? Standard dislike for chargers (and doubly so for scoped chargers) here, stacked on top of the fact that I don’t even have a special I can pretend to main instead. I did mostly use it for inking and trying to threaten people but everyone was so aggressive in these matches, like I was the one they wanted to take out more than anything. 0/10 not fun at all (and yet there is a small stubborn part of me that wants to play it longer just to see if I can make it work somehow.)

Rapid Blaster Pro: I think I like this better than the normal Rapid Blaster. I fell into a pretty good groove with it and the rhythm of the slow fire rate was working for me. I think I’m starting to become more observant in general of the range of my weapon and how it compares to enemy weapons and making choices based on that information. Toxic mist is kinda fun to work with. Ink vac….taught me a lot about the weaknesses of ink vac, lol. But that’ll make it easier to fight it in the future.



: It was kind of funny playing this after playing Rapid Blaster Pro because despite being in a totally different category it actually feels extremely similar in terms of damage, range, and fire rate, just with more mechanical action required on my side. I didn’t do fantastically with it but I didn’t feel like I was struggling too much either. I mean, I struggled to hit shots like always, but I had a lot of chances. I remember really clicking in with this weapon for a short period of time, months ago in salmon run, so it was fun to experience it in turf. (But… your targets sure move a lot more erratically in turf, lol)

Goo Tuber: This was actually kind of interesting. I had the best luck playing this either aggressively mid-line with partially charged shots or just staying back and inking as much as possible for missiles and tossing out torpedoes when it felt useful. At some point I should probably actually learn to aim but it felt like I could actually get a lot of mileage out of this weapon without it, which is really saying something for a charger, hah.

H-3 Nozzlenose: This weapon is annoying, lol. I have such a hard time hitting any of my shots with this and it’s driving me a little nuts. But at this point I guess I’m used to the charger-adapted playstyle of just… ink as much as I can and spam sub weapons when it makes sense to. The range on this keeps being more than I expect it to be and I keep forgetting to utilize that.



Luna Blaster Neo
: I don’t know what it is about this weapon that just makes me want to hop around constantly like a bunny (or perhaps like I am on the moon). Maybe it’s just that the ink output is so low that I develop a habit of shooting, swimming to the end of my ink stripe, then jumping out at the end and shooting again to move as quickly as possible. It’s kind of a dangerous way to move but it’s effective. The constant hopping around also made me feel more evasive and the the area that my weapon hit was large enough that my already-bad aim being even worse wasn’t too much a detriment to me. I’m also getting better at charging fizzy bombs quickly! Though I still don’t have a good grasp of where to throw them for greatest effect.

Clash Blaster: What even is this weapon. It felt almost unfair. Like Grizzco Blaster energy. I am getting like 10+ splats in single matches and my strategy is to just run into them!! It’s activating my splooshy brain cell, I guess. Ink management is rough though and when I got into matches where people actually knew what they were doing I just immediately died to everything that outranged me. Also, this is the silliest little complaint, but I don’t like the sound this thing makes when it’s firing. It feels too… clashy. I like that there’s just crayons on the outside but I feel like crayons shouldn’t make such a… metallic sound, lol.

Glooga Dualies: OUT OF INK OUT OF INK OUT OF INK!! These are probably my least favorite dualies, though I already knew that from my experiences with them in salmon run. Inking an area consistently is hard and while I got a fair amount of splats and got out of a fair amount of situations because dodge rolling is still my favorite little panic button that I miss dearly whenever I’m not on dualies, it just felt like a struggle overall. I thought maybe splash wall would help since I had so much luck with it on the .52 gal, but it really did not. Booyah Bomb was fun though!

Last edited:


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US

Hydra Splatling
: This splatling is like, everything I dislike about splatlings, lol. I just don’t like being so slow and I don’t feel like I have good tools to react to my situation and I hate that it feels like the best thing I can do is stand in one place. It’s just ….kind of boring and I sincerely don’t get it, but I know it’s very popular, so it’s possible I’m missing something. I kind of want to go find some videos of people playing this well so that I can at least get half of a grasp on why people enjoy this weapon at all.

Flingza Roller: I am a little confused on how to use this. I feel like I’m constantly out of ink. This is one of those weapons I hear people loved to use for missile spam before the nerf so I was trying to use it to get special quickly but struggled with laying down ink efficiently. It also just feels like it flicks sooo slowly. I feel like I kinda made it work but I definitely prefer faster rollers. Missiles were really fun though.

Undercover Brella: Something I keep thinking about is how there are certain tricks and strategies to winning fights that just stop working as you gradually match up against players with more hours in the game because those tricks rely on the person you’re using them against not knowing how to counter them. The thing is, I feel like this entire weapon is kind of just an easily counter-able trick. In the beginning of playing I actually had a really hard time fighting this weapon because it’s easy to see that shield go up and get intimidated by it and feel like there’s not much you can do other than try to get around/behind them. But as soon as you realize how easy it is to break (and what a huge, visible, slow-moving target it is), it’s just really not hard to deal with. So playing this kind of became a weird game of ‘who’s backing off when I put the brella up vs who’s just immediately breaking it’ and then trying to target the more timid players. It was a rough time but I had some moments and it never hurts to force me to pay more attention to how the enemy team is playing.



Forge Splattershot Pro:
So the first …. half of my games that I had with this were absolutely bonkers, for some reason I was just doing really well with it, just getting hits left and right and taking out anyone in my range. And then the second half of my games I felt like I was just missing all of my shots instead. I also found myself rarely using my bombs, and I don’t know how much of that is failure to recognize good situations to use them in and how much is just that there simply aren’t any. I wonder if anyone’s done a guide/video on ‘situations where throwing your bomb is move effective than just shooting them’ lol. I guess I understand that people often use them to force a player to move, so maybe I need to pay more attention to when that… would be a useful thing to to.

Tenta Brella: Oooof, this was really hard. Another one I probably need to find videos on to understand how to use effectively. So slow and out of ink constantly. I feel like I should be leading the charge because I have this huuuuuge honkin shield that would theoretically be useful but then if anyone actually sees me I’m usually splatted before I can get my shield up. So I tried staying back further and launching my shield more instead, but it felt like I was always timing it wrong or sending it in the wrong place– the situations change so quickly in the game that having to plan your moves several seconds ahead just doesn’t feel realistically possible.

E-liter: I could have sworn I did this already?? I guess my time with splat charger and the scoped chargers just felt so long that I thought I got this out of the way too. But okay, I’m actually glad for the time I got with this, even though it was an absolute struggle as always, because it suddenly clicked in to me how ink mines can actually be useful. Placed well, that tracking aspect when they go off is so critical to telling when someone’s coming up beside or behind you. I had a few good plays on mincemeat by placing those in the right place, and I realized I could be using wave breaker more strategically too.



: I…. had a lot of success with this, even though it felt like I was more or less flinging bubbles around at random and getting lucky. At one point I went up against another bloblobber and we just kinda took turns ferociously targeting each other, it was very funny. I feel like it would take a ton of practice to get used to like… the physics of this weapon, like you have to be doing momentum and angle calculus in your head at all times. Or maybe everyone just lobs blobs randomly and gets lucky, hah.

.96 Gal: The weapon is kinda nice. A little chunky for my … textural liking but it started to grow on me in the end. The kit was just really hard to work with though. I still don’t really know how I should be using sprinklers and I feel like I always get splatted trying to inkvac despite the fact that I can’t seem to splat anyone else using ink vac. The struggle.

Squeezer: I feel like this weapon has a lot of complex potential but I’d need to spend a lot more time with it. I kept forgetting I had a tapfire mode when it really would have helped me. I was somewhat familiar with this weapon already from salmon run but the experience was different in turf. It’s intriguing but I think ultimately too physically intensive for me to want to dedicate too much more time into figuring out how to use it well. I think. There’s still that stubborn part of me that’s unsatisfied by not knowing but I know I need to make better use of my limited time. Probably.

Big Swig: lol. This was fun ink-flinging nonsense but oh boy I can see why it just gets its own weird tier. And what even is this kit. So strange.

Inkbrush Nouveau: It’s been a while since I held an inkbrush. I feel like I’m worse with it using the pro controller, which feels…. like it shouldn’t be like this, but I just feel like the pro controller takes physically more effort to button mash on. Is that just me? I dunno. Having ultra stamp was also kind of a flashback to my sploosh days. A weird merger of the two weapons I used a lot in my early days of the game. I always complained about having stamp on sploosh because I didn’t enjoy it but boy was it a specific emotion stamping chaotically up the center of hammerhead again just like the old days.

Splatana Stamper: I wanted to like this. I liked the wiper so much. But this just felt so slow and chunky. I felt like I couldn’t charge it fast enough to get the hits that I needed. It was difficult to ink with. The aesthetic isn’t my thing. Zipcaster is hard to use effectively. (I know I keep saying that and I need to take the time to actually research and learn how to use it, but I’m so eager to finish all these weapons that I just haven’t made time for it.)



Aerospray RG
: This was HILARIOUSLY FUN IN LARGE PART BECAUSE the friends I was partied with all equipped them and then we got a rando that also had one equipped and we just had the craziest most hilarious booyah bomb party, I cannot even deal with how funny it was. We were literally letting the enemy team live so they could ink more that we could ink over to get more booyah bombs. It was just a raw contest of who could throw the most booyah bombs. I haven’t laughed this hard in a very long time. And the best thing was it was a winning strategy 7 out of 10 games. Incredible.

Range Blaster: Eeeeeeehhhh. Not being able to ink the floor well really kills a lot of weapons for me. So like all blasters this is no exception. But it was nice to watch those splats rack up. Nice to not need to really be able to aim well to get hits. But I just need a bit more … self-sufficiency, I guess, out of my weapons. Is that like a poor-team-player take to have? I dunno, maybe I would have done better to stick with my teammates more. Awareness of my teammates and their locations and what they’re doing is still one of my weakest points. Awareness in general, really >>

Tetra Dualies: GOD. I MISSED DUALIES. This weapon made me remember how much I miss maining dapples so bad and these aren’t exactly dapples but hhh they felt right to hold and and I feel so chaotic and annoying and I just get to flip the heck around everywhere and I just love them. I just do. Figuring out how to handle that endlag though, after using all my dodges, that’s going to be the biggest challenge for me– it’s absolute whiplash between mobility and… whatever that is. But I’m absolutely coming back to these. They reawakened something in me.

Sloshing Machine: I can see why people like this one. Sloshers are the class that’s definitely grown on me the most throughout this journey and the one I’ve improved the most at mechanically. I had a pretty high rate of success with this, getting more splats than I expected, even a couple wipeouts in one game. I have respect for it, even though sloshers still aren’t my favorite, I’ve come a long way from considering them one of my least favorite weapon classes.

Jet Squelcher: The range on this. I’m… a little pleased with myself for how well I did. I remember longer ranged shooters just being really difficult for me to deal with and they still are but I’ve clearly gotten better. Just better at noticing where my range extends in general and not getting closer than I need to. I dunno. The playstyle itself isn’t my favorite since I prefer to be all up in the action but this felt like a little checkpoint that I feel like I passed. I am a little unnecessarily emotional about it, actually.

L-3 Nozzlenose: Why did I do so well with this for no reason? Like my first three games with this thing, maybe I was just in a good groove and the caffeine was hitting me just right but I just ran out there and was getting splat after splat. Maybe just the people I got matched with or maybe just that I had really low expectations of this weapons but I was pleasantly surprised. I’m not really a fan of the burst fire mechanic but I feel like it encouraged me to take more careful aim and I needed that lesson. The fact that I kept succeeding so often was just a bonus.

Mini Splatling: I still don’t like splatlings but this remains the least annoying of the splatlings to me. My impressions are about the same as when I tried out the Zink version, but it feels a little more aggressive. I couldn’t really find many opportunities to use burst bombs even though theoretically I feel like they’d be useful. Ultra stamp is still laced with fond memories for me.

Luna Blaster: Similar to my experience with the Neo I guess, which is that I enjoyed hopping around with this. Funny how I’m trying this one so late. There was literally no logic to the order in which I tried out these weapons, actually. Insert standard difficulties with zipcaster here, but I also feel like I could have been using splat bombs more effectively than I was. I was more focused on hopping around like a bunny though. I don’t know why it’s just so fun!

Snipewriter: THE LAST ONE. I kind of liked the nature of this being “charger, but you get second, and third, and fourth and fifth chances if you miss.” Which is great. because I miss a lot. Even with all those chances, I miss a lot. It was actually kind of fun just to use this for inking though. Amazing how much you can cover so quickly in a burst. I did poorly with it, but I was so excited about finishing up my little one-star quest that I didn’t mind. It’s a good feeling!

now that I have finished this side-quest (even more nonsense can begin at least until fresh season because you can bet I'm onestarring all those too)


(And then the next day I took dark tetras with me into my first anarchy game and well, that was that)

SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING WAY LONGER THAN EXPECTED. I hope something in it was at least kind of funny to you.
Last edited:


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 22, 2024
Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code

Forge Splattershot Pro:
So the first …. half of my games that I had with this were absolutely bonkers, for some reason I was just doing really well with it, just getting hits left and right and taking out anyone in my range. And then the second half of my games I felt like I was just missing all of my shots instead. I also found myself rarely using my bombs, and I don’t know how much of that is failure to recognize good situations to use them in and how much is just that there simply aren’t any. I wonder if anyone’s done a guide/video on ‘situations where throwing your bomb is move effective than just shooting them’ lol. I guess I understand that people often use them to force a player to move, so maybe I need to pay more attention to when that… would be a useful thing to to.

Tenta Brella: Oooof, this was really hard. Another one I probably need to find videos on to understand how to use effectively. So slow and out of ink constantly. I feel like I should be leading the charge because I have this huuuuuge honkin shield that would theoretically be useful but then if anyone actually sees me I’m usually splatted before I can get my shield up. So I tried staying back further and launching my shield more instead, but it felt like I was always timing it wrong or sending it in the wrong place– the situations change so quickly in the game that having to plan your moves several seconds ahead just doesn’t feel realistically possible.

E-liter: I could have sworn I did this already?? I guess my time with splat charger and the scoped chargers just felt so long that I thought I got this out of the way too. But okay, I’m actually glad for the time I got with this, even though it was an absolute struggle as always, because it suddenly clicked in to me how ink mines can actually be useful. Placed well, that tracking aspect when they go off is so critical to telling when someone’s coming up beside or behind you. I had a few good plays on mincemeat by placing those in the right place, and I realized I could be using wave breaker more strategically too.



: I…. had a lot of success with this, even though it felt like I was more or less flinging bubbles around at random and getting lucky. At one point I went up against another bloblobber and we just kinda took turns ferociously targeting each other, it was very funny. I feel like it would take a ton of practice to get used to like… the physics of this weapon, like you have to be doing momentum and angle calculus in your head at all times. Or maybe everyone just lobs blobs randomly and gets lucky, hah.

.96 Gal: The weapon is kinda nice. A little chunky for my … textural liking but it started to grow on me in the end. The kit was just really hard to work with though. I still don’t really know how I should be using sprinklers and I feel like I always get splatted trying to inkvac despite the fact that I can’t seem to splat anyone else using ink vac. The struggle.

Squeezer: I feel like this weapon has a lot of complex potential but I’d need to spend a lot more time with it. I kept forgetting I had a tapfire mode when it really would have helped me. I was somewhat familiar with this weapon already from salmon run but the experience was different in turf. It’s intriguing but I think ultimately too physically intensive for me to want to dedicate too much more time into figuring out how to use it well. I think. There’s still that stubborn part of me that’s unsatisfied by not knowing but I know I need to make better use of my limited time. Probably.

Big Swig: lol. This was fun ink-flinging nonsense but oh boy I can see why it just gets its own weird tier. And what even is this kit. So strange.

Inkbrush Nouveau: It’s been a while since I held an inkbrush. I feel like I’m worse with it using the pro controller, which feels…. like it shouldn’t be like this, but I just feel like the pro controller takes physically more effort to button mash on. Is that just me? I dunno. Having ultra stamp was also kind of a flashback to my sploosh days. A weird merger of the two weapons I used a lot in my early days of the game. I always complained about having stamp on sploosh because I didn’t enjoy it but boy was it a specific emotion stamping chaotically up the center of hammerhead again just like the old days.

Splatana Stamper: I wanted to like this. I liked the wiper so much. But this just felt so slow and chunky. I felt like I couldn’t charge it fast enough to get the hits that I needed. It was difficult to ink with. The aesthetic isn’t my thing. Zipcaster is hard to use effectively. (I know I keep saying that and I need to take the time to actually research and learn how to use it, but I’m so eager to finish all these weapons that I just haven’t made time for it.)



Aerospray RG
: This was HILARIOUSLY FUN IN LARGE PART BECAUSE the friends I was partied with all equipped them and then we got a rando that also had one equipped and we just had the craziest most hilarious booyah bomb party, I cannot even deal with how funny it was. We were literally letting the enemy team live so they could ink more that we could ink over to get more booyah bombs. It was just a raw contest of who could throw the most booyah bombs. I haven’t laughed this hard in a very long time. And the best thing was it was a winning strategy 7 out of 10 games. Incredible.

Range Blaster: Eeeeeeehhhh. Not being able to ink the floor well really kills a lot of weapons for me. So like all blasters this is no exception. But it was nice to watch those splats rack up. Nice to not need to really be able to aim well to get hits. But I just need a bit more … self-sufficiency, I guess, out of my weapons. Is that like a poor-team-player take to have? I dunno, maybe I would have done better to stick with my teammates more. Awareness of my teammates and their locations and what they’re doing is still one of my weakest points. Awareness in general, really >>

Tetra Dualies: GOD. I MISSED DUALIES. This weapon made me remember how much I miss maining dapples so bad and these aren’t exactly dapples but hhh they felt right to hold and and I feel so chaotic and annoying and I just get to flip the heck around everywhere and I just love them. I just do. Figuring out how to handle that endlag though, after using all my dodges, that’s going to be the biggest challenge for me– it’s absolute whiplash between mobility and… whatever that is. But I’m absolutely coming back to these. They reawakened something in me.

Sloshing Machine: I can see why people like this one. Sloshers are the class that’s definitely grown on me the most throughout this journey and the one I’ve improved the most at mechanically. I had a pretty high rate of success with this, getting more splats than I expected, even a couple wipeouts in one game. I have respect for it, even though sloshers still aren’t my favorite, I’ve come a long way from considering them one of my least favorite weapon classes.

Jet Squelcher: The range on this. I’m… a little pleased with myself for how well I did. I remember longer ranged shooters just being really difficult for me to deal with and they still are but I’ve clearly gotten better. Just better at noticing where my range extends in general and not getting closer than I need to. I dunno. The playstyle itself isn’t my favorite since I prefer to be all up in the action but this felt like a little checkpoint that I feel like I passed. I am a little unnecessarily emotional about it, actually.

L-3 Nozzlenose: Why did I do so well with this for no reason? Like my first three games with this thing, maybe I was just in a good groove and the caffeine was hitting me just right but I just ran out there and was getting splat after splat. Maybe just the people I got matched with or maybe just that I had really low expectations of this weapons but I was pleasantly surprised. I’m not really a fan of the burst fire mechanic but I feel like it encouraged me to take more careful aim and I needed that lesson. The fact that I kept succeeding so often was just a bonus.

Mini Splatling: I still don’t like splatlings but this remains the least annoying of the splatlings to me. My impressions are about the same as when I tried out the Zink version, but it feels a little more aggressive. I couldn’t really find many opportunities to use burst bombs even though theoretically I feel like they’d be useful. Ultra stamp is still laced with fond memories for me.

Luna Blaster: Similar to my experience with the Neo I guess, which is that I enjoyed hopping around with this. Funny how I’m trying this one so late. There was literally no logic to the order in which I tried out these weapons, actually. Insert standard difficulties with zipcaster here, but I also feel like I could have been using splat bombs more effectively than I was. I was more focused on hopping around like a bunny though. I don’t know why it’s just so fun!

Snipewriter: THE LAST ONE. I kind of liked the nature of this being “charger, but you get second, and third, and fourth and fifth chances if you miss.” Which is great. because I miss a lot. Even with all those chances, I miss a lot. It was actually kind of fun just to use this for inking though. Amazing how much you can cover so quickly in a burst. I did poorly with it, but I was so excited about finishing up my little one-star quest that I didn’t mind. It’s a good feeling!

now that I have finished this side-quest (even more nonsense can begin at least until fresh season because you can bet I'm onestarring all those too)


(And then the next day I took dark tetras with me into my first anarchy game and well, that was that)

SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING WAY LONGER THAN EXPECTED. I hope something in it was at least kind of funny to you.
I failed at speed reading through this all


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code



Common Splatling W.
Even if you think you dont like them, you do.
Splatlings are eternal.
No one can escape the charms of Splatlings.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
Common Splatling W.
Even if you think you dont like them, you do.
Splatlings are eternal.
No one can escape the charms of Splatlings.
I wish I had taken more notes on that one but I do remember just having SUCH a time with it. Maybe I'll try it again one day and see how my later experiences compare (also sorry for all the general splatling slander in this lol)

Splooshie. What a way to call the god of all weapons
The gods with the most innocuous names are often the most terrifying!

I failed at speed reading through this all
Yeah it is kind of a lot. But at least you're not forced to read it for school or something. You only have to read it if you really want to and there is no quiz at the end. (Actually that would be really funny if there was maybe I should do that.)


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
Yeah it is kind of a lot. But at least you're not forced to read it for school or something. You only have to read it if you really want to and there is no quiz at the end. (Actually that would be really funny if there was maybe I should do that.)
now if i were you i'd be assigning a 10 page essay (not including APA 7 reference list) on your journey through trying these weapons to be turned in by sunday at 11:59 pm eastern


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 22, 2024
Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
now if i were you i'd be assigning a 10 page essay (not including APA 7 reference list) on your journey through trying these weapons to be turned in by sunday at 11:59 pm eastern
I haven't started school yet and I don't want to yet


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
I have a bonus for you, some notes I found one-starring the Sizzle '23 releases:

I actually had a lot of fun with the H-3 Nozzlenose D– the kit really forces you to think about team and enemy positioning and where you predict them to be and where your weak points are on the map. It plays too defensively for my long-term liking, I feel, but it was a good exercise in getting a handle on the geometry of the new maps, plus I had some very sweet teammates who booyah’d me when I placed splash wall or big bubbler effectively and it got us the edge, so my morale stayed pretty high. I felt useful.

I couldn’t really get the hang of the s-blast. I think I’m just not good with blasters in general, but I feel like weapons that have such a high delay between deciding to shoot and your shot and it actually going off are really tricky for me. Same with painbrush, but at least with painbrush I can actually ink somewhat. It was also really satisfying to sneak behind groups of occupied players and wipe them out, but 9/10 times I wasted too much time trying to get into that position.

Tenta Sorella Brella was another really, really slow weapon that I had a hard time doing well with, but I’m actually getting myself to slow down enough to get some use out of trizooka. I feel like it was one of the specials I was the worst with when I tried it out in the past but truthfully a lot of my problem is feeling so RUSHRUSHRUSHGOGOGO at all times that I don’t give myself time to aim effectively. It’s probably good for me to use some weapons that actually reward slowing down and thinking sometimes.

I had way more fun with the bedazzled heavy than I expected, especially since I’ve notoriously disliked splatlings in the past. It helped that I stuck with a lot of fun randoms for several games in a row and I feel like we developed both camaraderie and little rivalries with each other. I found myself paying a lot more attention to how they were acting and what their patterns of movement were and was able to plan accordingly a few times. I don’t know how much of that was just because I had given them all little personalities in my head that I got emotionally invested in, and how much was just that I had a better view of things playing further back, but it was interesting. A little weird having kraken so far back but I had fun with that too, and it forced me to pay more attention to where my teammates were (something I’m currently really struggling to do on tetras) because when my special was waning I needed to know if there was someone to cover me while I got back into position or if I just needed to jump back to base.

I actually had a really rough time with the missile wiper until I took some time out to practice getting the timing right with my charged swings. Then I had an absolutely destructive couple games with it. I was a little sad when I found I had one-starred it already. Vanilla wiper was on my radar when I was picking a main and is still on my radar for whenever I decide to branch out from tetras.

Of course I tried the light tetras. I’m having a bit of a moment because while I picked dark tetras to main exclusively while I get the hang of anarchy, I told myself I would branch out when I felt ready, even though I couldn’t really imagine that happening any time soon. But learning to use another kit– especially one that takes higher skill (at least to me– sprinkler and zipcaster both were the sub/special I never felt like I could really get the hang of using effectively when I was one-starring stuff) feels like a very natural progression in learning to branch out into using other tools– like really using them effectively and not just playing around with them. There’s this one turf match I keep rewatching where we went against an enemy light tetra and they were just so gracefully mobile the entire game, like they just danced through the fray right up to our base every time and I just. wish I could find that person and beg them to teach me to be even half that annoying.

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