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- Feb 16, 2016
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Great I'm at 19
Great I'm at 19
If you avidly spend your money, however, I do advise you to save up since this is the most expensive of all weapons.Great I'm at 19
I'm not the foremost hydra expert here by far, but I've become suitably decent with at least the Custom. Trying to get into vanilla too after some situations with Custom in Mackerel Zones where I was on the shelf and getting hammered from below and REALLY wished my sprinklers were splat bombs.I don't know if you play defensive only with it, but for me hydras are useless. You have 1/5 of your normal speed, so any charger will splat you easily. Even bad one! Also its charge time make hydra useless in close combat. Close combat is a typical situation in Splatoon, so be ready for it. With hydra you are not.
I absolutely love this weapon, I like its range, sound, feeling etc. but everything hydra can, heavy can do better. I'll try to find the reason to use it but it will be hard objective.
Also, my run speed up build is useless for hydra and it makes me sad D: I'll try to use 1 or 2, 2
and some of
and maybe
build should be good, so I'll give it a try.
Normal Heavy does have Splash Wall for CQC situations, but one would need a ton of stackedHeavy cannot suppress enemy Inklings from clear across the stage, Heavy doesn't really have anything for CQC either since it takes about the same amount of time to charge a shot quick enough to kill. Custom Hydra has the ever amazing Sprinkler + Bubbler combo which means you will almost ALWAYS have the Bubbler in the back. Vanilla has Splat Bomb Drop n' Runs for CQC which yea, can be avoided, but it has something to get away from enemy Inklings, not to mention it has Echolocator which prevents CQC from being a huge nuisance since you can see flanks.
It's a much more defensive weapon than that of the Heavy which is more than capable of being in the middle or even on the front lines.
I've been running
Which has been working quite well. 3subs means you can avoid the 2hko from a 0
.52 Gal (AKA the Meta). If they're running any
it's likely a single main and 3 subs which will always 2hko regardless of
investment, so I feel no more than three subs is needed.
I'd like to think are pretty obvious with how much ink the Hydra guzzles.
are also pretty obvious, one cuts down on the time of one of the best specials in the game, and the other allows for better escape plans.
same as other splatlings.weapon with insanely fast kill time
Do you believe you can easily put all 4-5 shots to the moving enemy? In terms of quite long CQC Heavy Splatling is more reliable weapon plus 1/3-1/2 charge for heavy is pretty quick. Same charge-time for hydra doesn't give you this range and duration.Even a tiny charge should give enough pellets to take out a single CQC enemy.
Normal Heavy does have Splash Wall for CQC situations, but one would need a ton of stackedfor that to be able to be used excessively, and normal Heavy users should really focus more on
for stackable abilities IMO. And the Deco has the Kraken, but again, that would take a ton of
to be able to have that constantly.
This is true, you need to be a lot more predictive of your encounters, provide escape routes for yourself, and always, always keep usable cover in mind. Like you said, you can't waste your charge too freely so you have to know when to use that charge and when to reposition. As I said I'm not the biggest expert on the weapon in this thread, but I'm capable enough with it that I feel I have a good enough handle on its usage outside the most advanced usage.With hydra you cannot react to some situations, especially offensive because of lowest mobility in game (no, e-litre is made for other things). Also you can't cancel your charge often (and for me it's one of the most important reason I prefer heavy). As a defender you can't waste charge easily, what if enemy is here or something like that.
If the enemy is so close you need only a very quick charge, there shouldn't be difficulty in landing your hits. If they're far enough away that there's uncertainty in landing your hits it means they're probably far enough away to consider using cover, falling back, and certainly getting a longer charge. When all else fails, Custom has that bubbler. Typically in this situation it's more meaningful to use the bubbler to retreat than to press. The short charge difficulties you describe make even a bubbler less useful for a rundown than it is to fall back to a superior position. I've made that mistake too often. :)Do you believe you can easily put all 4-5 shots to the moving enemy? In terms of quite long CQC Heavy Splatling is more reliable weapon plus 1/3-1/2 charge for heavy is pretty quick. Same charge-time for hydra doesn't give you this range and duration.
Heh, I felt so dirty in that clip of me on Flounder Heights with that sprinkler placement that I had to take a shower under that same sprinkler :pI feel like a total jerk taking this thing to Triggerfish and just spamming sprinklers at the enemy base from the grates. Am I a bad squid? :D I was top of the team's ink though, and shared bubblers more than ever!
Also, we need a snappy catchphrase for Custom Hydra wielders. Vanilla hydra users get "Hail Hydra" any ideas for Custom Hydra? :)
You know, after playing quite a bit of the charger-class, I still think E-Liter should get a nerf in some form. You're half-right (some abilities have arguably little use on E-Liter compared to dmg up) about giving up bonus, but it also says a lot that most E-Liters would rather stack dmg up than most other abilities from what I've observed.Yeah, I know they intend to fix balance and map issues, but I still think dmg up limits counts as a rule change. They already limit you, as judd says, that stacked bonuses reduce effectiveness the more you stack. So if you're using your slots on maxing it, you're already giving up total bonus.
Yeah, eliter really just needs it. Too many missed shots without it where I do hit them but it's insufficient damage. I'm an impatient squiffer, too. It doesn't charge fast enough for me and I tend to release the shot too soon without it. Bamboozler, it needs the double shot no matter how much damage up you have, so there's no real advantage. I think Squiffer needs it more!
Yea I haven't really labbed the effects of ink saver main for CHydra yet but I'm pretty much in agreement with your thoughts on shooters vs charging weapons and their ability to make use of ink saver main. Will update this after some testing.Ink saver seems wasted for me, I'd almost always rather use the slot for ink recovery. With saver, for a shooter, you can keep a sustained barrage longer, so it's useful. But with charged weapons (chargers & splatlings like CHydra, I tend to swim after every 2 shots or so out of habit to stay topped off for the sub, so I don't gain much. If the enemy is so close I need "one more shot" without refelling, I'm probably doomed with a hydra anyway. :) Right now I have my moto boots (2x run, 1x armor, ink resist main), Bicycle helmet (ink refill main, ink-saver-main sub, spc chrg up, ink svr sub sub), can't pick a shirt, right now I have the red anchor layered LS (run speed main, 2x armor, 1x refill.
I think if you stack Haunt + QR, you might at least still have an idea of the location for the squid that got you (assuming team mates who actively ignore his location and no cold-blooded) and at the very least prevents potential ambushes from the same squid again. I'm not saying it's more useful than other abilities you can put, just that it's a playstyle that you can build around.Haunt doesn't really seem great to me outside squads. My team will ignore it anyway, so there's no real value and I'm not likely to get picked off by stealth players so much as a full on assault. If my team didn't see the enemy it means they're so far away they're not going to care about haunt. I'm more likely to get picked off by an octobrush or something with a shooter (or when I'm going stealthy with my own roller. Hydra, especially CHydra should NOT be anywhere near enough to enemy ink to get ambushed by a stealth ninja. Sprinklers leave it no excuse. And I KNOW where the snipers are - they won't get me twice. Once I know they're there, I focus mostly on taking them out so the team can advance. Hydras are pretty good at that. ;)
Well sometimes you don't want to Bubble drop right in the heat of things which is where stealth jump comes in handy although I'd say it definitely requires team mates who at least have an idea of what you're attempting.Stealth jump seems kind of wasted too. Beacons are always stealth, and jumping to a teammate is suicide normally, and twice with a hydra. Yeah you can bubble drop, but then you don't need to be stealthy! ;)
Ok, maybe 'defending mid' isn't the best term for it but the people I play with tend to understand that mid is where the majority of the action takes place.LOL, your team mates defend mid? Mine don't, they rush into the enemy meat grinder again and again trying to push while I hold mid alone from wave after wave of attack like a Tower Defense game. I don't have time to ink the pits! Not even to drop a sprinkler! :p Actually I find with Hydra I'm more likely to try to actually push somewhat since my team will ultimately keep getting chewed up if I don't back them as they push - but I only take them to the enemy conveyor, then they're on their own. I have to get back to hold the fort. The extra harassment of sprinklers is helpful!
Yea I think it's less about getting behind enemy lines and more about staying there which is difficult for the C-Liter; getting there as a Kraken is easy :)LOL, I do plant them in the enemy base sometimes, but mostly only when I play sploosh. CEliter is just a little too hard to get behind enemy lines
Hmm, generally if I landed a good shot with my chargers (even in laggy situations), I'll earn the kill unless it's one of those lag bubbler/kraken situations. The lag does cause delays in seeing the squid explode though and sometimes that makes things tricky.I get far too many shots where I hear the hit, and then nothing happens, but somehow, knock wood, I haven't had too much issue with CHydra. It fires such a fast barrage, but fires them in such a wide pattern around the crosshair, that it's impossible to tell if it's lag or RNG spread that made the miss, so you just keep pelting till it hits!
I'm still having a hard time deciding which hydra I prefer. Overall it was CHydra that got me to finally understand how to use Hydra. But a few rounds in Mackerel zones where SPlat bombs would have flushed the enemy from under the ledge instead of staying helpless with sprinklers, in addition to being unable to really help teammates make a push at the other zone made me really think back to normal hydra. But every time I play that, I feel like I'm not using it well because I feel being a walking turf anchor is the heart of what I love about hydras.TBH I can't come up with what I'd consider as a good catchphrase for CHydra...Maybe something lame like ReHydrate (referencing out superior turfing ability)
I know that a lot of Hydra users use ink saver main, but personally I just don't see the point. With the long charge duration, and pressuring ability, if you did well the first time, you should have plenty of time to recover ink. If you didn't then you're probably being overrun and need to fall back (thus refilling some anyway.) And you really need to stay topped off to throw a sprinkler or splat bomb depending on hydra, anyway.Yea I haven't really labbed the effects of ink saver main for CHydra yet but I'm pretty much in agreement with your thoughts on shooters vs charging weapons and their ability to make use of ink saver main. Will update this after some testing.
I don't know by how much, but yeah, reducing damage stacking is probably not a bad idea. However, I'm still not sure just how much to nerf eliters. Salty players seem to hate on them enough, but the reality is they really are so difficult to get reliable hits with in so many situations, despite hating burst bomb mains, and damage up mains, I actually kitted out that way yesterday for Zones. I think the problem with eliter is in TW they're so OP because everyone is naturally spread out and easy pickings for lone targets. But in modes like zones in clastrauphobic maps, the eliter can become VERY vulnerable, and a LOT of shots start missing, especially coupled with lag. In the fact paced, everyone's together and moving every which way type maps, you simply don't have time to charge up, and FAR too many shots come from 2-shot at sploosh range. And after a while I just wanted dmg up burst bombs for 3hkos because I was fighting CQC more often than from afar in Mackerel. Eliter's weird role makes it play so differently in different modes, that what's OP in TW is sometimes barely enough in Zones or RM. At least it doesn't have the cheap 2hko of doom just pointing in the general direction of foes like .96!You know, after playing quite a bit of the charger-class, I still think E-Liter should get a nerf in some form. You're half-right (some abilities have arguably little use on E-Liter compared to dmg up) about giving up bonus, but it also says a lot that most E-Liters would rather stack dmg up than most other abilities from what I've observed.
Nintendo should either lower the cap on damage up bonuses or reduce the base damage. Right now the best solution against dmg-stacking E-Liters I can find is really just stacking defense up on myself. Also, E-Liters and Splat Charger variants with enough damage up almost render the Squiffer moot (unless up against defense stackers) IMO.
Personally I prefer CHydra if my goal is turfing and Hydra if I want to use Splat Bombs more. I haven't been playing either Hydra for a while now though so my impressions are a bit hazy, although I do remember skillful usage of Splat Bombs is very satisfying: like getting them to bounce exactly where you want and timed to detonate at the time you want etc. :DI'm still having a hard time deciding which hydra I prefer. Overall it was CHydra that got me to finally understand how to use Hydra. But a few rounds in Mackerel zones where SPlat bombs would have flushed the enemy from under the ledge instead of staying helpless with sprinklers, in addition to being unable to really help teammates make a push at the other zone made me really think back to normal hydra. But every time I play that, I feel like I'm not using it well because I feel being a walking turf anchor is the heart of what I love about hydras.
Nothing wrong with you not seeing the point although version 2.6.0 might change things. I haven't really experimented much with Ink Saver Main on either Hydra so I'll refrain from discussing that. Instead, I'll tell you what I've been doing recently next...I know that a lot of Hydra users use ink saver main, but personally I just don't see the point. With the long charge duration, and pressuring ability, if you did well the first time, you should have plenty of time to recover ink. If you didn't then you're probably being overrun and need to fall back (thus refilling some anyway.) And you really need to stay topped off to throw a sprinkler or splat bomb depending on hydra, anyway.
You know, after reading your description, I realized why I heard about more snipers making the switch to C-Liter over time. I can totally see C-Liter being stronger in TC and RM where Kraken helps a lot more overall. Burst bombs are still fantastic but due to the way ranked is, you really won't be earning many kills from burst bomb splash damage I think. And Echolocator definitely doesn't shine as bright as Kraken in those two ranked modes to me.I don't know by how much, but yeah, reducing damage stacking is probably not a bad idea. However, I'm still not sure just how much to nerf eliters. Salty players seem to hate on them enough, but the reality is they really are so difficult to get reliable hits with in so many situations, despite hating burst bomb mains, and damage up mains, I actually kitted out that way yesterday for Zones. I think the problem with eliter is in TW they're so OP because everyone is naturally spread out and easy pickings for lone targets. But in modes like zones in clastrauphobic maps, the eliter can become VERY vulnerable, and a LOT of shots start missing, especially coupled with lag. In the fact paced, everyone's together and moving every which way type maps, you simply don't have time to charge up, and FAR too many shots come from 2-shot at sploosh range. And after a while I just wanted dmg up burst bombs for 3hkos because I was fighting CQC more often than from afar in Mackerel. Eliter's weird role makes it play so differently in different modes, that what's OP in TW is sometimes barely enough in Zones or RM. At least it doesn't have the cheap 2hko of doom just pointing in the general direction of foes like .96!
I can't say if the droplets are bigger, I doubt it, but maybe slightly. Also actually, with this buff the Hydra kills the fastest of shooter weapons, since the .52 kills in 10 frames, the sploosh in 11 frames, tentatek 13 frames, not counting travel frames, which do factor in, but I am leaving out for simplicity, since the range of the hydra is so much more.This thing is a beast now. That kill time is like a sploosh that can hit from half-way across the map!
With the increased damage, does that mean droplet size is larger too now? I.E. does it have superior turfing? IT seemed to in my brief tests with it.
Nice! With the 40% special gauge and the echo nerf (though it's sort of a buff in some ways too...) Custom might truly be the dominant Hydra these days. That bubbler's looking a lot more impressive, and splat bombs seem less relevant on the hydra with the damage boost.Having played it some more in S+, I can say it is much better. Now I will win many more engagements, that I had to trade before. Because we only lose 40% special gauge now, we can have bubble more often, and I pair that with tenacity to get extra bubbles, I pretty much always have special ready. I just won a game in about 2-3 minutes of TC on Blackbelly, went 7-2, and I felt I could get people off the tower much more easily. The swim speed nerf sucks, but pretty much only kills me when a kraken is too close, since I will have a full charge now almost always, which can fend off a kraken for sure. The buff definitely rewards the ~500k points I have on Hydra.