Discussing Inkling/Octoling Biology


Inkling Cadet
Nov 1, 2015
Most of us do seem to think that only inklings and octolings are able to respawn. If you have more questions, I advise you to look through this thread. I know it's long, but a ton of different points are addressed.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 1, 2015
Here are my theories about Inkling/Octoling biology:

1. The Inklings' and Octolings' humanoid forms are more solid, while their squid and octopus forms are more liquid.

2. Inklings and Octolings lay eggs, much like the Zora from the Legend of Zelda series. However, Octolings can also reproduce by cutting their tentacles off, hence the existence of lesser Octarians such as Octotroopers.

As for their inability to swim in water, I think that the Inklings and Octolings simply don't know how to swim in it. But if an Inkling (or Octoling) taught themselves to swim in water (while in humanoid form, of course), then water wouldn't be such a problem for them (especially if they managed to develop an immunity to it by taking small amounts regularly).

Enemy ink, however, is a completely different story. Notice how there's a vast river of Octarian ink at the bottom of Octo Canyon, which just so happens to be where Cephalon HQ is located.

Also, when you fall into the ink river, it has the same effect as falling into water. However, even if an Inkling somehow taught themselves how to swim in water while in humanoid form, they would still be unable to swim in enemy ink, let alone Octarian ink, sort of like how in other games you can't swim in lava (which is basically what the ink river in Cephalon HQ is). Of course, Inklings and Octolings have no trouble swimming in their own ink, especially in squid and octopus form.

By the way, why do Inklings dissolve in water? Squid ink isn't water soluble, but octopus ink is. According to Nintendo:

Also, if a splatted Inkling's or Octoling's "ghost" does contain its vital organs, then what happens to the Octo Samurai when his respawn device explodes after you defeat him? Does the Octo Samurai... die?
Actually, those of us who've been on the thread for a while are of the opinion that inkling/octarian ink is actually a highly acidic substance (possibly a sort of living thing?) that violently attacks organic matter that doesn't contain certain identifier proteins (except plants, apparently.) The proteins correspond to ink color, and an inkling can change the protein they are using. If you want to hear more about this, read the thread in depth, if you have the time... It's pretty long at this point.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 22, 2016
If you have more questions, I advise you to look through this thread. I know it's long, but a ton of different points are addressed.
I already have, and you all have some interesting points. I just wanted to share my thoughts on the matter.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 1, 2015
So, the octo expansion DLC has dropped, and I’m sure there’s something relevant in there somewhere. A warning to those who haven’t playe; spoilers abound, so tread lightly.

...assuming anybody is still watching this thread.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 1, 2015
To begin...
Partway through the story, Agent 8 and Cuttlefish get trapped in a blender, and it’s made pretty clear they’d have died if Agent 3 hadn’t pulled a ceiling drop. So, what does this mean? Could Agent 8 and cuttlefish not have just hid in their “soul” forms to survive? Is that only possible with a spawn point? Or would they just have been unable to hold the form for more than a few seconds, after which their internal organs would have come falling out right into the blades?

On a similar note, I believe it was I’mplied that Tartar’s green ink was the result of the other blended test subjects, including the octarians made from it. Going on the hypothesis that Inkling and Octoling ink is actually a separate life form in a symbiotic relationship with the ink creatures, this has interesting implications.

Also, it was (to my knowledge) never confirmed that octolings are grown in test tubes, but that would explain their uncanny resemblance to inklings. That character select screen may have been something else, though; perhaps the process of pulling Agent 8 into the metro?


Inkster Jr.
Aug 6, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I don't exactly like to get too involve with stuff like this that not even the developers really gave much thought about. But I do know a few things here and there that I'll be happy to share.

In a interview with one of the developers, they mention that inklings are kind of tomboyish, air headed and carefree. While Octolings are serious, quiet and very clever. This is reflected when the developer mentions that Inklings til this day still haven't caught on that octolings are living with them.

Octolings produce asexual. In the splatoon 1/2 artbook it mentions that simply cutting one will give birth to anew.

In the recent haikara walker, it explains that Octolings tend to be serious and glare at things that catch their interest which can be mistaken as rude.

Octolings are completely new to the inkling world, which is why they often look confuse and expressionless.

Inklings are apparently very aggressive creatures but so are Octolings, aggressive in the competitive sense.


Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I've always sort of wondered how Inklings wash themselves or quench their thirsts if they're so sensitive to water. Although maybe they just can't be immersed in water, maybe they'll drown if they try to swim, and touching/drinking water is okay.


Oct 11, 2018
I've always sort of wondered how Inklings wash themselves or quench their thirsts if they're so sensitive to water. Although maybe they just can't be immersed in water, maybe they'll drown if they try to swim, and touching/drinking water is okay.
Nintendo stated that water diffuses the solid ink that is the skin of an Inkling, hence why they dissolve in water. I think the insides are different, though. So they may drink water/soda/juice/etc.


Full Squid
Aug 30, 2021
Well, here is what I think (what's canon for me):

>Evolution: According to Sunken Scrolls, it looks like the Inklings went through 5 main phase, it seems that it was in the second phase when they became mostly ink. That means (probably), their ink sack evolved so they can walk on land. But that means the slightest scratch to Inkling's skin can cause them to deflate like a swimming pool. So, what evolved the most (except for becoming more humanoid) was the thickness of the skin, which seems to change each phase (at least to me). This probably also applies to Octolings.

>Transformation: We all know that inklings/octolings can turn into a mass of ink with the form of a squid/octopus, but how? What I think is that they can decide which part of their body they can turn into ink. But for the ink does not fall and lose a part of their body, to prevent this they have an endoskeleton that prevents their body from falling to pieces. Well, squids have an inner shell, it probably evolved to keep their body in the same way. Octopuses in the other hand, they don't have a shell, this leaves me with two ideas, they evolved a inner shell or other than that, I really have no idea...
When all the ink comes together, is when they become that mass of ink. In this state all their organs relocate, transform or become ink. Examples: Their eyes move to the top, their hearts probably changes to gill hearts and their shell is probably gone, turning into in ink.

>Ink tank: I want to make a separate section because I feel that this is somewhat complicated. As you know, when they become squids/octopuses and being in their own ink, they fill their ink tank. So it's obvious that they pick up ink from their surroundings, kind of absorb it. But they don't need to convert to refill the ink tank, they can refill it passively, it takes more time, but they can. This means that their ink sack produces ink on a large scale, which is normal, as it is what sustains them.

>Tentacles: I'm sure the majority think that the tentacles of the inklings and octolings are like tentacles of the squids and octopuses, and if they are cut nothing will happen, like normal hair. But I think the tentacles are to store ink, they would't call it arms if they weren't part of them. Since the ink is under pressure, it would make sense that if they were to make a deep wound, to have extra ink in their body so as not to deflate. And I think that extra ink is on the tentacles.

>"Ink control": As you probably saw, inklings/octoling can do a superjump, this is done by accumulating ink and then releasing it all directly to create preassure and going up. This means they can control their ink, at little al least, and make objects into ink and vice versa. I'll explain: When they use a secondary weapon, they spend ink from their ink tank, this means that with ink they can from an object, which in this case is the secondary weapon. But the special weapons are more powerful, so they need more ink, that's why you need to cover ground before you can use them, as they take the ink you have already spread. This also applies to the clothing and accessories, but these return to their original state. In the middle of a fight you can't stop to think about how to redo them, so probably their brains can get used to redoing things, or at least the ones that are touching directly.

>Soul: I think they are literally that, souls, the complicated thing is in the respawner. But I'm not sure what they are exactly... In Splatoon 1 they look like something natural but in Splatoon 2 is like a machine. I'll try to theorize what I can. Those souls are like a residue of the thoughts, state of mind and DNA, like if it were their "being". It doesn't really have a conscience, so it's just wandering around in whatever space it finds, and it gradually disappears. The respawner looks to be what recompose their bodies, and it also seens to attract the souls. And like I said, I'm not sure this natural with some kind of formula, or is more like a machine, if it's the second option... they have been doing turf battle without coming back to life.
Anyway, I think this soul only appears when they die by ink or water (like in-game) and if they die for other things, they just don't get to respawn.

>Water: Probably the most controversial topic, but I think it's two factors together. First, they simply can't swim, their heads are too big and would cause them to sink. And second, they are very sensitive to water pressure, so it would literally make them explode. This would make rain not a problem for them, because evolution wouldn't allow a little bit of rain to kill them.

>Enemy ink: I don't have much in mind except that it acts like poison, as it seems to make them suffer a lot.

>Nutrition: I believe that all species in Splatoon have a strong stomach, like ours, considering that they practically live in our society. But I want to clarify that they are not cannibals, technically they are eating other species that did not evolve with them, it is as if a human ate a monkey, of course it is weird, but technically it's not cannibalism.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Okay, so one thing was revealed through proper translation: Octolings and Octarians actually have different origins.

To put it simply, Octolings are the only Octarians not to start as cut-off tentacles. This fact was actually translated from a Famitsu interview regarding Octo Expansion (don't bother with Google translate, it will just spit out a mess of words). This indirectly confirms that Octolings reproduce identically, if not similar, to Inklings. The only question left is whether the other Octarians come from cut-off Octoling tentacles.

I say yes, not just because of the Artbook, but actually because of the evidence presented in the games themselves. First off, there are no Octoling hairstyles where it depicts a tentacle being half cut, shredded, or otherwise clearly in pieces. This contrasts with some of the Inkling hairstyles, where Inklings do have hairstyles that depict tentacles as directly cut, shredded, or in pieces.

Secondly, the default hairstyles for both the male and female Octolings show their tentacles moving as if they are limbs in their idle animations for the player in the lobby. It's hard to notice at first, but taking a closer look at it, you can see it. While yes, most hairstyles do move in an idle animation, they move along the animations, not against it like the two default hairstyles.

Finally, there are the Octoling Amiibos, which their tentacles obviously move like they are limbs of their own, which is again, unlike the Inkling Amiibos.
Oct 31, 2022
I have a good reason why octarians exist: does anyone remember that octopuses have brains in there tentecals? It’s not to much of a stretch to say that they could become their own creatures then, after mega evolution compared to what is happening to the octo/inklings.
Oct 31, 2022
I have a tendency to reread my posts after the fact. What I mean is, the octolings reproduce “normally” and cutting of fully grown tentacles that already have a brain, would create octarians, which are just glorified flesh/tentacles with a brain, eyes, and sometimes more limbs.

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