I personally really like this one. The blue and red contrast are great to begin with, but then there are the poses. My Inkling on the left, brimming with optimism, and the Inkling on the right, mirroring my team on being none too pleased on my Solo Queue performance. 1/9 is a totally valid KD ratio, honest!
There's also this... wierd fish-eye lens abomination that i just had to try out. It almost looks like an enemy charger is about to shoot us. If you look real closely, you might see what my Inkling is actually wearing! For reals though, the Orca Hi-Tops look amazing.
P.S. Interestingly enough, the amiibo inklings still use the outdated splattershot models.
Just like reasonable gentlemen, we chill on the shelves in a supermarket. Note my Inkling buddy completely ignoring me despite me embedding my shoe in his. To be fair, ignoring anyone who still uses a Luna Blaster is a perfectly valid response.
I originally really wanted to keep wearing the gear on the right, but ultimately the abilities on them weren't quite my thing.
This is reaching violent levels of hipster, here. You might wanna take a step back from this one. Naturally, i had to pick up the Goo Tuber to complete the ensemble to reach god-tier hipsterdom. Also for some reason, my Inkling co-patriot wore that when i scanned it after ages of not being used, so i just decided to throw it in the picture.
The sailor shirt is beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You might also notice i really like that beret, but with the Legendary Cap gone missing i just had to re-use it some more to complete the navy motif. Trying to find a pair of decent boots to go along with it was a lot harder than it sounds.
Trying out the filters. Don't know if this was a good idea or not, but my Inkling's as pleased as any to see Callie return. You might notice that i spend way too much money on amiibos. Just remember that whenever you commission me to do art for you it'll all get pumped into useless squid merch. Just a forewarning.
I remembered this outfit at the very last second, and at the same time i wanted to test something vital and here are the results: You cannot adjust your Inkling Amiibos' pants. I know, sucks right?
Here is my finest work yet. A true work of fashion working in harmony like cogs in a dainty small pocketwatch, with a fitting fresh filter to match. I probably should've combined the filters build-in with the switch along with the photo filters for maximum effect, but the idea escaped my head at the moment.
P.S. You can't put the Callie & Marie amiibos on different maps, you can only pose w/ them on plaza.