Favorite Splatoon facts?


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
my favorites are probably that the octarians won at least 1 battle because the inklings were too lazy to get up in the mornings. or the fact that we could’ve ended up being mario characters instead of Inklings and Octolings. or how if you search Splatoon on google it lets you paint the screen


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
so upon reading this thread title 99% of my splat lore knowledge has just left my brain. lol. i will return (hopefully). but

my favorites are probably that the octarians won at least 1 battle because the inklings were too lazy to get up in the mornings.
i am also a fan of the counterpart to this: that the inklings got the upper hand because the octarians’ octoweaponry was powered by wire and got unplugged from like. wall sockets. the trajectory of inkfish society really got decided via a comedy of errors masquerading as a war


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
There's literally an item that makes dating easier. More specifically, it is a lure of sorts that's designed to attract those of the opposite biological gender.

Another one I like is the fact that there's the possibility of materials that only exist in the world of Splatoon, like the metal known as Sardinium.

Oh, and there are literal religious references in a Sunken Scroll from the first two games, and Big Run is basically what came about from the one of the second game.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
Switch Friend Code
Backing Cephalobro on this one: Agent 3 wears a squid shaped lure clipped to their uniform during the Octo Valley campaign. I can't remember the source, but according to Inkipedia (providing a secondhand translated explanation), the lure is intended to get other squids interested in the wearer. How exactly is never explained; while Ceph seems to think the lure itself does the work, I imagine it as a piece of wearable code indicating "I'm available" to those in the know. (Either or neither of us could be right. Currently, it doesn't matter.)

(Agent 3 is my third favorite fictional character of all time. How could you tell?)


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
Backing Cephalobro on this one: Agent 3 wears a squid shaped lure clipped to their uniform during the Octo Valley campaign. I can't remember the source, but according to Inkipedia (providing a secondhand translated explanation), the lure is intended to get other squids interested in the wearer. How exactly is never explained; while Ceph seems to think the lure itself does the work, I imagine it as a piece of wearable code indicating "I'm available" to those in the know. (Either or neither of us could be right. Currently, it doesn't matter.)

(Agent 3 is my third favorite fictional character of all time. How could you tell?)
i wonder if there’s some historical cultural reason inklings signal “hey, i’m available” with fishing lures… that could be fun to theorize about. and do we think it’s actually just inklings, or was it just that this came from a pre-splat2 resource, where octolings were still treated as separate from inkling society even on a meta level? obviously the “opposite sex” part can be disregarded, but depending on what the origins of the fishing lure thing are, can the “inklings” part also be disregarded? depends on whether you think it’s cuter for octolings/other sapients to also be wearing lures or for them to be totally oblivious to the meaning of the lures, of course

in other words i remembered A SINGLE THING from some obscure interview! the whole “inklings need to let out their aggression via turf war(/presumably inksports in general) or they’ll start another war” thing. that’s so wild. how much of that is hyperbole? how much does this vary from squid to squid? similarly to my note about the lures, was this inkling-specific intentionally or just because it was from when inklings were the default? did the great turf war happen instead of coming to a non-violent agreement to condense civilization to physically fit more folks into a smaller land area because rising sea levels meant there was no space for turf wars so inkling (and octoling, maybe) aggression bubbled over and caused a real war—


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
How exactly is never explained; while Ceph seems to think the lure itself does the work, I imagine it as a piece of wearable code indicating "I'm available" to those in the know.
I like the idea of Agent 3 running around hostile enemy territory essentially wearing a "DATE ME!!!" sign.
Yeah, squiddy! Go get that smooch!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
This one tidbit about Salmonid culture. It’s not enough for them to simply die in the glory of battle; they desire to be cooked and eaten. This existential desire to ascend through becoming food is reflected in their art and weaponry; they erect massive statues of food items around their spawning grounds and have weaponry that physically cooks them. Grillers take it to the absolute extreme by morbidly frying the ink out of the four salmonids piloting it. It’s fascinating, and I really love the commitment to the bit on the developers’ part.

Additionally, while it’s never expressly stated in game lore, it’s implied that a salmonid’s skin colour reflects their biological gender.
Mr. Grizz refers to two types of boss salmonid with clear gendered pronouns: “him” for Flyfish, and “she” for Maws; one of the only pink salmonids players face in Salmon Run, while the rest are gray.


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
I like the idea of Agent 3 running around hostile enemy territory essentially wearing a "DATE ME!!!" sign.
Yeah, squiddy! Go get that smooch!
i feel like this has different possible implications depending on whether or not octolings also use/understand the fishing lures 😭

EDIT: oh wait to add another thing to this conversation! the little shrimp charm that you get in side order for having several luck chips is close enough to a fishing lure that it COULD be taken as evidence that octolings Get It. but also that was programmed in by an octoling who’s been on the surface since splatoon 2, so it very well could be just an inkling/surface culture thing that marina learned in the time she’s been above ground. could go either way!
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
It's indirectly implied that some of the Octarian subspecies are the result of experimentations (I'm not talking about the Sanitized or Fuzzy Octarians).

The Octostamp is a prime example of an Octarian being the result of experimentation. But the biggest confirmed evidence of some Octarian subspecies being a result of experimentations is the tentacle with the X shaped scar. That tentacle is essentially a very incomplete clone of DJ Octavio, but not a natural clone, more like an engineered one.

A natural tentacle Octarian would be more like an Octotrooper or Octocopter, as well as their more developed versions like the Twintacle Octotrooper and the Octobomber.

Of course, some Octarians blur the line of natural/engineered like the Octozeppelin and the Octomissile, as those can be debated whether it's an actual Octarian or just a tentacle being used as part of the weapon.

EDIT: There are a two more Octarian subspecies that could also be the result of experimentations, if you want me to elaborate on those as well.
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Inkling Cadet
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
Switch Friend Code
my favorites are probably that the octarians won at least 1 battle because the inklings were too lazy to get up in the mornings. or the fact that we could’ve ended up being mario characters instead of Inklings and Octolings. or how if you search Splatoon on google it lets you paint the screen
Idol's Last Names.

Callie Cuttlefish
Marie Kensa Cuttlefish
Marina Ida
Pearl Houzuki
Shiver Hohojiro
Frye Onaga

and uhm nothing for big man but oh well


Sheldon and Marie both want to steal those trampolines in the story mode.


DJ Octavio's Full name is General "DJ" Octavio Takowasa
Mar 25, 2024
He/Him But Any Is Fine
Switch Friend Code
Let's talk player animations.

Every weapon has a set of animations, particularly universal ones that they pull from designated for their class. A shooter will always pull from a universal animation on firing their gun, a slosher will always slosh the same, etc. There are however rare cases where an animation will be special, created exclusively for that one weapon and one weapon alone. For instance the Snipewriter has one such special animation when you fire your first 4 shots, as your inkling does not recoil from the shots. Do note that this specifically refers to how your player interacts with the weapon, and not how the weapon itself moves (so something like Luna's shell opening and closing whenever fired does not count as a player animation).

That being said, there are some weapons that can have around 2-5 of these special animations, but for a lucky outlier, this number is way higher.

The Ballpoint Splatling has the most unique player animations, at around 16. Due to the lack of a tank on the weapon, every single animation is changed slightly. The way you move, stand, charge, even something as simple as being in enemy ink is all changed when using this weapon. Talk about a lucky gun.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Okay, here are the other two Octarians that could be the result of experimentations, the second of which is even more surprising than the first.

The two that I'm referring to are the Octo Samurai and the Enemy Octolings, this has everything to do with forcing a tentacle Octarian to develop into something that they are not meant to.

The Octo Samurai is the first possible experiment in forcing a tentacle Octarian to become an Octoling, which as you can guess, was only half successful. While the Octo Samurai is shown to be able to use a weapon much like an Octoling and can respawn, the Octo Samurai doesn't have an octopus form nor can do a Super Jump. However, as always, the Octarians don't consider anything a waste of time or resources, which is the possible reason that they still let the Octo Samurai be part of the Octarian military.

For the Enemy Octolings, it's a little bit more complicated as the official materials contradict each other all the time. But this doesn't make it impossible to understand. So in regards to the Enemy Octolings also being experiments and unlike the Octo Samurai, the result of the Enemy Octolings were in fact completely successful, as they have all of the abilities that the natural (playable) Octolings have.

Basically, the attempts by the Octarian army to create super soldiers through experimentation.


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
I just love that there's bands and accompanying lore to them that develop with the games
god i don’t think i make a point to appreciate this enough. it all could’ve been just non-diegetic background music and maybe it would’ve all still slapped but the choice to attribute pretty much all the music in splatoon to fictional bands and then give the members of those bands names and personalities just adds SO much richness to the world. i ❤ splatbands

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