Right...so I eventually recovered.
I really like what I played. At first I was worried about the controls, but they ended up feeling really great. Motion control works so much more than I thought it would. Turning it off felt really awkward, but that might be because I had too high of a sensitivity. Either way, it works great. My only gripe is that I can't aim up and down the the control stick while motion controls are on. You can do it on the horizontal axis, why not the vertical axis?
The gameplay was great. I got used to the controls pretty fast and was making some pretty good frags in no time. The weapons are all great, though I had a bit of trouble using the Splat Charger effectively. It didn't cover all that much area and for some reason, I narrowly missed my target most of the time. The second one's just me, but I feel like the Splat Charger isn't that great for Turf War. I think it'll fare much better in Payload.
Yes, Payload. That's what I'm calling it. T F 2 B O Y S
The rest of the weapons are great. I found myself using the Splattershot the most. It can cover pretty good area and it's great for defeating opponents. The Splat Roller was really fun and useful to use. It's probably the most ideal weapon for Turf War.
This demo left me craving for more. I'm definitely pre-ordering the game whenever I get to the mall.
10/10 almost inked myself, THANKS NINTENDO