Grand Festival Expectations (And more random stuff about it!)

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
Switch Friend Code
Lately, ever since they announced the Grand Festival, I have been unusually stressed out about my team winning. Usually during a splatfest, I just choose a good team and just go with whatever happens. But the Grand Fest is just like.... UGGHHHHH. Don't get me wrong, I am super excited for it, but because it's the one of the biggest events in Splatoon 3, I feel like if I lose, then it would all just be a big waste. I can't bring myself to think about it like any other splatfest, even though I'm trying.
Anyway, I'm done talking about how I'm stressed about it. Now let's talk about expectations and what you personally want to happen during Grand Fest. I don't have any because it all sounds good to me, but I would like to hear what everyone else thinks about it. Positive or negative feedback is fine with me, soooo.... EXPECT AWAY!!!!
Btw, I am team present :3 Why, you may ask? Well, first of all, nobody needs to worry about the future. The past has already been dealt with and you don't need to worry about it either. So why not just stick with now? Everything that happens in your life started with the present. You may be posting on a thread or eating a bagel, but you're only worrying about posting that thread or eating that bagel in that exact moment. Once it's done -- it's done. Sooooo, yeah. You should DEFINITELY choose team present, unless you've already made up your mind. :realizes I made an analogy that included the word, "bagel": <----(Don't mind me..)

Screenshot 2024-07-27 215040.png

-Crying into my pillow because my legs hurt for some reason 😭
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I'm currently thinking about choosing team future since Deepcut is my favorite idol group, most of my focus in life is about the future, and the fact that there's the very high chance that whichever option wins will affect the next entry in the series.
I want Splatoon 4 to have a very different identity from the previous titles and I see that happening the most with future winning but there are still a lot of other reasons to choose past or present.
Maybe future winning won't even result in any changes for Splatoon 4 and could instead be something that affects a potential spinoff?
I'm not sure but there's plenty of time for me to think about my choice until then.

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
Switch Friend Code
I'm currently thinking about choosing team future since Deepcut is my favorite idol group, most of my focus in life is about the future, and the fact that there's the very high chance that whichever option wins will affect the next entry in the series.
I want Splatoon 4 to have a very different identity from the previous titles and I see that happening the most with future winning but there are still a lot of other reasons to choose past or present.
Maybe future winning won't even result in any changes for Splatoon 4 and could instead be something that affects a potential spinoff?
I'm not sure but there's plenty of time for me to think about my choice until then.
I'm not sure what to think about the Grand Fest teams deciding what Splatoon 4 will be like. I hope it does in some ways, but I also like it the way it is now.


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
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i'm also team present! the past and future are important but i'm actively trying to stop myself from lingering on the past OR sitting around expecting a magically better future. the present is the only one i can do anything about. ("you can prepare for your future" yeah yeah but when am i doing that preparation? that's right. the present.) also i like the shirt.

i'm very hyped to see the new fest plaza. and to take a million screenshots of it & of all three (!!!) idol groups performing in it

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
Switch Friend Code
I have two reasons that I forgot to mention in why I chose team Present.
  1. Off the Hook (ayayyayyaayayaeyeyeyYYAYYAYYAEYEAY)
  2. I saw that one plaza post... "The past is history, the future is a mystery. But now is a gift. that's why it's called present!) And it actually hit me pretty hard.
Those were my other main points. Idk how I forgot to mention them 😭


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
Team past here. I've always been heavy into nostalgia and that's led me into some interesting areas like memory research and how we shape our perceptions of who we are via our experiences. The past informs the present and allows us to make wise choices about the future. Our individual identity is built by our memories, our cultural identity is built with stories of the past shared for generations. Everything about the past makes us who we are today. We simply aren't... anything without it.

(Also, squid sisters loyalty, which tbh was probably always going to be the make-or-break factor for me, lol)

I'm not too worried about who wins though. Ultimately the fest is a celebration of all three. We may each have a greater appreciation for one over the other but I hope we can all unite over the memories we've made, enjoy the preciousness of what we have now, and look forward to whatever is up ahead. I'm just excited for the hype of it all (those outfits are SO fun) and it really looks like it's shaping up to be a really special event that we're all going to get to experience together, regardless of what team we're on.


Inkling Commander
Jun 5, 2024
Calamari County
I just don’t want future to win.
Something about it isn’t appealing
Past sounds cool too!

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
Switch Friend Code
Team past here. I've always been heavy into nostalgia and that's led me into some interesting areas like memory research and how we shape our perceptions of who we are via our experiences. The past informs the present and allows us to make wise choices about the future. Our individual identity is built by our memories, our cultural identity is built with stories of the past shared for generations. Everything about the past makes us who we are today. We simply aren't... anything without it.

(Also, squid sisters loyalty, which tbh was probably always going to be the make-or-break factor for me, lol)

I'm not too worried about who wins though. Ultimately the fest is a celebration of all three. We may each have a greater appreciation for one over the other but I hope we can all unite over the memories we've made, enjoy the preciousness of what we have now, and look forward to whatever is up ahead. I'm just excited for the hype of it all (those outfits are SO fun) and it really looks like it's shaping up to be a really special event that we're all going to get to experience together, regardless of what team we're on.
That's a really sweet way to put it. <3. All of a sudden I am looking forward to it a little bit more

Thank you @Aiko.Octo !!

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
Switch Friend Code
i'm also team present! the past and future are important but i'm actively trying to stop myself from lingering on the past OR sitting around expecting a magically better future. the present is the only one i can do anything about. ("you can prepare for your future" yeah yeah but when am i doing that preparation? that's right. the present.) also i like the shirt.

i'm very hyped to see the new fest plaza. and to take a million screenshots of it & of all three (!!!) idol groups performing in it
Oh my gosh. I forgot to order a shirt TvT. UMMMM.... I'll go do that now...

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
Switch Friend Code
after a bit of thought i feel like i'm going with future. i feel like i've been romanticizing what i'm going to do in my future a lot recently. maybe that's just part of being a teenager
I get what you mean. All I can think about is my future, but I try to just focus on what's happening now. I hope you enjoy the Grand Fest when the time comes!!


Pro Squid
Mar 26, 2024
Team future here. This is most likely because of my optimism but I always had the idea that things will always improve as time goes on. The past should stay in the past and while right now I love living in the present I have high hopes for the future

also because I keep thinking about this scene from SpongeBob when I first saw the grandfest theme


Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2023
team past because 1) we can learn from the past and 2) i really miss the 2000s.


Full Squid
Jan 31, 2024
Neo Jersey, US
Team past here as well.

I feel like my reasoning is similar to what @Aiko.Octo has said, but for me personally there is another element that’s added. Due to moving to the US as an immigrant and unable to go back to my country, the past is the only place where I can visit all of my memories and remember them, due to the inability of making new ones. So in a way, I can travel back in time lol. This probably sounds very confusing XD

Also I think it’s very important to comprehend and realise how far you’ve come and how your interest evolved to what they are now. I think it’s great to have the power of hindsight.

(But to be honest it mostly has to do with Squid Sisters or a lot more specifically, Marie. The fact they’re team past is just a very cool coincidence which made the choice instant XD)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Team Future here, I believe that things should keep moving forward, not backward, and time is definitely something that will always keep moving forward for all.

And my big accomplishments will happen in the future. It's also very important to think about what your future will be, if you don't act on it, time will leave you behind.

(Also because Deep Cut definitely deserves to get something big after how they were left behind in terms of proper character development).
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Inkling Commander
Jun 5, 2024
Calamari County
Team present present!
Ugh that was not funny…
I think we should live in the moment. The past isn’t happening and the future is far away! The future becomes the present and the past was once the present.
Also this year is big for me (new school)
So let’s go present!
Jan 31, 2024
Land of Whispers and Ink
Switch Friend Code
The idea of grand fest influencing a potential spin-off would be neat if maybe a bit disappointing for some fans due to being a departure from the expectation of a final fest influencing the next mainline game in some way - I feel like Splatoon's established itself enough as an IP to merit a spin-off though. Then again - Animal Crossing, Splatoon's sister franchise, had around 14 years from its first game on the N64 to a spin-off (happy home designer.)

I think whichever of the 3 wins we're in for a treat. I'm team present bc I've wasted so much of my life ruminating over nostalgia & wishing for some future where my life is better...I need to put the work in to make my life better *now*. But I'm also torn bc, with splat 3 being my first game, I have some Deep Cut bias and don't want them to fade into the background! At the same time, Off The Hook is due to have a story mode that's not paywalled by DLC...damn, this is SUCH a good grand fest idea. Totally justifies the 3-way splatfest gimmick to me.

My "never gonna happen" wish is that if Past wins, splat 4 has a retro aesthetic. I know I mentioned wanting either rockabilly or showa era...but I would get SUCH a kick if the next idol group was heavily inspired by a y2k boyband. I'd live to see future-win-ified splatoon take on maybe a frutiger aero vibe? It has that "futuristic" look/feel to it and is a bit more visually interesting than yet another cyberpunk pew pew lasers vibe.

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