Grizzco Break Room


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
I was a bit surprised as well, but then I read that it's indeed just when there's a special rotation. Since this was the first time I played SR since the 4.0.0 update I was kind of scared they removed the old music.

Jon Jon

Sep 24, 2018
This is probably my favorite game mode, but I find it a bit frustrating as some people don't really play strategically or pay attention to what is going on. However, when I get with a good group, it's a blast to play.

I personally prefer the higher rate of fire weapons just because it's better for my play style, unless it's that shotgun (I think it's the umbrella weapon).


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Can we all agree the Gloogas are garbage? They shred Stingers and thats about it. Is it just me? I dunno but personally not a fan.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
Can we all agree the Gloogas are garbage? They shred Stingers and thats about it. Is it just me? I dunno but personally not a fan.
They're not great, but they aren't terrible.

It being a 3HKO on normal Chum with its slow 9 frame firing rate pre-roll is really what drags the weapon down. But the weapon does pack range just under the likes of the Splattershot Pro and Dualie Squelchers. Key to playing the Glooga in Salmon Run is honestly to play it similarly to the Pro and D-Squelcher, as a mid-long ranged weapon. That, and take advantage of the weapon's main gimmick, which is its high damage post-roll to dispose of most bosses or just a line of enemies.


Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2018
Talking about best and worst weapons for salmon, here my thoughts:

In my opinion the worst is the Octobrush. Brushes always have a bad time against salmoids due to lack of range and damage BUT the inkbrush has its incredible speed that let you catch eggs quickly and bring them to basket. Therefore, you can use the high speed to dodge salmonids, rescue teammates and crush smalfries in the meanwhile. You absolutely must avoid to fight large group of cohocks because you literally can't splat them before they hit you. Grillers are the only real counter to inkbrush, but at least you can run around and squish smallfries. On the other hand, the Octobrush has more damage,less mobility and way greater ink consumption. Sadly, this more damage is still not enough to splat large groups of salmonids without using the whole inktank (you almost need entire inktank to take down steel eel or scrapper; range and damage is still too low for killing stellheads in one round) and the reduced mobility ruins what makes the inkbrush usable. Running around is less effective due to large consume of ink.
I agree about the range blaster, but at least it does good damage.

The best, after last shift, im pretty sure are the DAPPLE DUALIES. Their damage and fire ratio is INSANE and let you destroy in a literal SECOND Steel eel, scrapper and even a drizzlers (after a roll). They also have good mobility, dodge rolls and a low ink consume. The best recipe for being a salmonid killing machine. Group of Cohocks get melted in a istant.
It has low range you said? this is actually not a big deal, even against Steel heads if you position yourself in the right spot you can take them down in an istant, unless there are other salmonids around. In that case clear the area and try at the next bomb.
Low range like brushes, but greatly compensated by insane damage output.
Ever tried it against Goldie seek wave? When it pops out from the gusher, dodge roll belove it and.... BAM it's raining eggs! Second only to dynamo.

tl, dr: brushes are bad but the inkbrush at least can do nice support job thanks to its speed.
Dapples caused salmonid extinction


Inkling Cadet
Jun 16, 2018
Talking about best and worst weapons for salmon, here my thoughts:

In my opinion the worst is the Octobrush. Brushes always have a bad time against salmoids due to lack of range and damage BUT the inkbrush has its incredible speed that let you catch eggs quickly and bring them to basket. Therefore, you can use the high speed to dodge salmonids, rescue teammates and crush smalfries in the meanwhile. You absolutely must avoid to fight large group of cohocks because you literally can't splat them before they hit you. Grillers are the only real counter to inkbrush, but at least you can run around and squish smallfries. On the other hand, the Octobrush has more damage,less mobility and way greater ink consumption. Sadly, this more damage is still not enough to splat large groups of salmonids without using the whole inktank (you almost need entire inktank to take down steel eel or scrapper; range and damage is still too low for killing stellheads in one round) and the reduced mobility ruins what makes the inkbrush usable. Running around is less effective due to large consume of ink.
I agree about the range blaster, but at least it does good damage.

The best, after last shift, im pretty sure are the DAPPLE DUALIES. Their damage and fire ratio is INSANE and let you destroy in a literal SECOND Steel eel, scrapper and even a drizzlers (after a roll). They also have good mobility, dodge rolls and a low ink consume. The best recipe for being a salmonid killing machine. Group of Cohocks get melted in a istant.
It has low range you said? this is actually not a big deal, even against Steel heads if you position yourself in the right spot you can take them down in an istant, unless there are other salmonids around. In that case clear the area and try at the next bomb.
Low range like brushes, but greatly compensated by insane damage output.
Ever tried it against Goldie seek wave? When it pops out from the gusher, dodge roll belove it and.... BAM it's raining eggs! Second only to dynamo.

tl, dr: brushes are bad but the inkbrush at least can do nice support job thanks to its speed.
Dapples caused salmonid extinction
Truer words have never been muttered.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
I tend to rate my weapons 'on an island." I play strictly random so you cannot really rely on your co-workers and their understanding of the pros and cons of each weapon. With that said.. Sure the inkbrush is great for hustling eggs to the basket and thats about it. At least with the octo you have some what of a chance when all hell breaks loose. A lot of this weapon is great and this weapon blows is a personal preference which is understandable.

I always ponder the perfect load out for a shift with out 2 of the same class and regardless of the map. I have not really came up with one yet but I think I would put the Squiffer and one of the Nozzlenose on that list. Thoughts?


Inkling Cadet
Jun 16, 2018
I'd say the best weapon from each class (not Grizzco.) Would be:

Heavy Splatling
Tri slosher/Explosher
Luna Blaster
Squiffer/E liter
Splat Brella


Inkling Cadet
Sep 21, 2015
non grizzo top 4 for me

squiiffer, a longer range dapplies, luna and (nzap or sploosh) probably sploosh

Azure ST

Full Squid
Mar 8, 2018
Switch Friend Code
This was from a couple shifts ago, more consecutive scrappers than i'd ever seen before:


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
I'm constantly dumbfounded and saddened by the quality of randos in Salmon Run. The Ballpoint has been out for three months now, and people STILL don't understand that you can recharge whenever? -that the low range mode paints infinitely better? I got to 1200 points today without winning a single round because not a single rando knew these things. Every time they had the Ballpoint, I watched them at the start of the wave (because I'm a pretentious, elitist prick apparently), and without fail they were using the long range mode to paint.

I had rollers flicking during Glowfly waves, I had people standing on both bridges during that event to split up the stampede and make it harder to hold them back. I had people throwing two bombs at the start of a wave to paint INSTEAD OF SHOOTING. I had one person, who I assume was a lovely person in real life, who was TAP FIRING A STEELHEAD instead of charging and blowing up everything nearby.

And these were mostly S+0 - S+3 players, with one S and two As. How does this kind of crap happen?

I'm under 400 now, in the realm of eternal sub-300 hell. I can only hope we get the new gear tonight to give me a reason to play again, because at this rate it won't happen.

EDIT: Well that totally happened. Now we have the ugly datamined Nintendo Sweater to earn. Maybe it'll look better up close, who knows. It was added like 2 minutes ago so let's see later.

EDIT 2: Nope, just ugly.
Last edited:


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Just love it when players split the goldie waves in half. Just ends the shift a lot quicker...


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I just wish players would just stick to spots in which Salmonids can only go through a linear path whenever Glowfly rounds happen, it makes managing the crowd a whole lot easier, especially if the roller just runs over the Chums.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Tentabrealla may be on my short list of top tear SR weapons. A lot of it depends on your co-workers but over all it packs a nice punch.

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