How many people here are in teams?


Splatoon subreddit & discord Mod
Community Ambassador
Jul 9, 2016
Switch Friend Code
How so, then I will have something good to my name. Being S+ is the only way to prove yourself as a player. Being an S rank dynamo is no different than being a C dynamo. If little kids do it without breaking a sweat why can't I do it too? You're either part of the best or you're with the rest.

What motivates you anyway? You seem to have it all perfect, got your own Reddit, good rank, overall one of those people who I want to dislike for some reason...
Actually, being S+ doesn't mean very much at all in the grand acheme of things. Most top players perform at a level above S+99 and easily destroy solo queue. Hitzel isn't even S+99 and does so as well, but that's not really what this is about. Yeah, everywhere I go I see people saying things like "just use X weapon and get S+99 ez pz" but even so my highest is S+60, even trying my damn hardest. Even then there are S rank players who have very valid opinions and ideas that are given room to speak in competitive discussion.

Frankly though, the only one you need to prove yourself to is you. I'm driven by that same want for glory, to be the best or at least notable. I want to be seen as someone to look up to as a player, but there's more to that than just playong better than people for one thing, and only focusing on that goal and getting mad when you don't reach your perception of "good enough" is a path to ruin that I have walked so many times.

You want to talk to me about giving up or being angry at how good you aren't? I have scars from self inflicted wounds from my perceived failures, not just squid game but many things before. You can't go forward if you break your legs at every misstep.

"You seem to have it all perfect", this bothers me. It bothers me to the point that I am offended and I'll tell you why. I worked my *** off to get where I am, where I am as player not even being that impressive compared to quite a lot of people I associate with. I forced myself to change to strive for what I wanted, I became better as a user and player and in ways person, to become a worthy member of the staff on reddit\discord and hours and hours of work to become good at Splatoon with many more ahead yet. What gets me most is all of the emotional and even physical damaged I have suffered and also brought upon myself to get this far and you're going to tell me so sinply that "I have it perfect" when I have suffered as much as I have to get here.

But things are going well for me, overall. You ask what motivates me when if things are so perfect, but it's making things "perfect" that is my motivation. I forsee myself as a community leader in the future of squidgame, because I have worked very hard for months to become what so, and will continue to work towards as time progresses. This motivates me. I see myself as a competitive player now and in the future. This also motivates me. You think I "have it all" and firstly I disagree which is one motivation, and secondly keeping what I do have is another. If I stopped trying, or didn't at least try a little, I wouldn't have what I do and I wouldn't deserve it either.

This mentality, these feelings, this resentment for what you don't have and the anger at how good you aren't. All things I have been dealing with, have dealt with very recently, and will continue to deal with as time moves on because I'm a human and I'm not perfect. I have to keep going though or I won't ever make it. I have my team to play for, I have my friends to play with. I have my position as staff to consider, and as both staffand a member of the Splatoon community I want to make a positive difference in how things are. These are reasons I have refused to give up, even when I kept telling myself I wanted to and that it woukd be easier. I keep telling myself "change for the better is impossible" but I'm still here struggling to keep moving forward.

With the combined weight of a cause I believe is genuine, friends to support me, and a legitimate enjoyment of the game, I will not be stopped and that's why I am where I am.


Depressed Squid
Sep 21, 2016
Crying alone
I hate anything that involves conpetition. And I've been trying to avoid it as much as possible. But every part of my feels like it has to be better than everyone else, or at least better than another person to be good. Then I'll just hunger for more and more and drive myself insane from it. That's the reason I quit Miiverse, actually. I had a decent following around 900 when I forced myself to quit because it was driving me crazy. Sure, I spent 6 or so hours on a drawing for around 200-300 likes, but I kept noticing how my one friend would make drawings without about half the detail as mine and get around 600 likes. Also, all my friends had around 1500 followers, despite them probably not even have being there as long as me. And I became really angry about it, like, "I'm working hard, why doesn't anyone like me?" It was even worse dealing with users that had thousands upon thousands of followers who could post so much as a line doodle to get 800 likes. That made me wanna rip my hair out. I just got so amgry from it all, questioning why, despite my work being on part with everyone else's, why nobody noticed me. Little did I realize that that was why nobody liked me, because I was so cold and resentful of the elite and those who were better than me, even my friends.

That's not always been the case, but sometimes I feel so compelled by envy that it kind of becomes this relentless drive to not only better myself but also crush those above me to prove it and show the world that this failure kid has something in her and isn't just a bloke who eats lunch in the bathroom and hides her face from people in the hallways. I want to be liked. I think that's it overall. These folks on squads have people who adore them, so it only figures that I join a squad and do well, people will like me. But I'm just not good enough in any field, whether it be art or battle skills, to ever be something great. I would give up one completely to be legendary in the other, but I'm just stuck forever in the valley of mediocrity.


Full Squid
Feb 19, 2017
I hate anything that involves conpetition. And I've been trying to avoid it as much as possible. But every part of my feels like it has to be better than everyone else, or at least better than another person to be good. Then I'll just hunger for more and more and drive myself insane from it. That's the reason I quit Miiverse, actually. I had a decent following around 900 when I forced myself to quit because it was driving me crazy. Sure, I spent 6 or so hours on a drawing for around 200-300 likes, but I kept noticing how my one friend would make drawings without about half the detail as mine and get around 600 likes. Also, all my friends had around 1500 followers, despite them probably not even have being there as long as me. And I became really angry about it, like, "I'm working hard, why doesn't anyone like me?" It was even worse dealing with users that had thousands upon thousands of followers who could post so much as a line doodle to get 800 likes. That made me wanna rip my hair out. I just got so amgry from it all, questioning why, despite my work being on part with everyone else's, why nobody noticed me. Little did I realize that that was why nobody liked me, because I was so cold and resentful of the elite and those who were better than me, even my friends.

That's not always been the case, but sometimes I feel so compelled by envy that it kind of becomes this relentless drive to not only better myself but also crush those above me to prove it and show the world that this failure kid has something in her and isn't just a bloke who eats lunch in the bathroom and hides her face from people in the hallways. I want to be liked. I think that's it overall. These folks on squads have people who adore them, so it only figures that I join a squad and do well, people will like me. But I'm just not good enough in any field, whether it be art or battle skills, to ever be something great. I would give up one completely to be legendary in the other, but I'm just stuck forever in the valley of mediocrity.
Do you mind showing your Miiverse drawings? I'm pretty interested now.


Inkster Jr.
May 4, 2015
I am on a team. I captain a pretty okay team called Two Moons. Part humility part we've been out of action for a bit now. However it is worth noting we are considered a "top team" by most other S+ players in the scene.

I am a casual who entered the scene with the intention of looking for others to squad with, but found myself landing on better and better teams, making friends with stronger and stronger players until I finally ended up a strong player myself and captain a team of strong players.

One problem of finding teams lately is the pool is simply too small now. We've always been pretty small, but we were bigger, in the beginning. So it was no problem to join a squad as a simple S rank and just want to play. I never saw myself captaining this really cool team 2 years ago, I just wanted to play. But now if you want to get in, it's like, how do you even do it anymore? Those lower teams, the wee ones starting out and just doin their best; where are they? That's how I got my start.

It feels like a great rift between the high tier players and like..."everyone else" for lack of better word.


Pro Squid
Feb 11, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I hate anything that involves conpetition. And I've been trying to avoid it as much as possible. But every part of my feels like it has to be better than everyone else, or at least better than another person to be good. Then I'll just hunger for more and more and drive myself insane from it. That's the reason I quit Miiverse, actually. I had a decent following around 900 when I forced myself to quit because it was driving me crazy. Sure, I spent 6 or so hours on a drawing for around 200-300 likes, but I kept noticing how my one friend would make drawings without about half the detail as mine and get around 600 likes. Also, all my friends had around 1500 followers, despite them probably not even have being there as long as me. And I became really angry about it, like, "I'm working hard, why doesn't anyone like me?" It was even worse dealing with users that had thousands upon thousands of followers who could post so much as a line doodle to get 800 likes. That made me wanna rip my hair out. I just got so amgry from it all, questioning why, despite my work being on part with everyone else's, why nobody noticed me. Little did I realize that that was why nobody liked me, because I was so cold and resentful of the elite and those who were better than me, even my friends.
Honestly congrats for being able to draw on that game pad screen. I've tried and I can safely say it's incredibly difficult, at least in my eyes. And hey, you still have a lot more followers than some people. I never really got into miiverse so I think I have.. 1 follower. Literally.


Inkling Cadet
Community Ambassador
Nov 30, 2016
I am on a team. I captain a pretty okay team called Two Moons. Part humility part we've been out of action for a bit now. However it is worth noting we are considered a "top team" by most other S+ players in the scene.

I am a casual who entered the scene with the intention of looking for others to squad with, but found myself landing on better and better teams, making friends with stronger and stronger players until I finally ended up a strong player myself and captain a team of strong players.

One problem of finding teams lately is the pool is simply too small now. We've always been pretty small, but we were bigger, in the beginning. So it was no problem to join a squad as a simple S rank and just want to play. I never saw myself captaining this really cool team 2 years ago, I just wanted to play. But now if you want to get in, it's like, how do you even do it anymore? Those lower teams, the wee ones starting out and just doin their best; where are they? That's how I got my start.

It feels like a great rift between the high tier players and like..."everyone else" for lack of better word.
I have noticed this myself, as a newbie only a few months ago. All these high and mighty teams like INK(backwards N), Two Moons, Got Kraken, Strange Approach, CF, SRL, and of course Chimera, are all put on a pedestal. Sure, this will definitely help the E-Sports scene in the end, but where does everyone else lie? How do we reach that level? Not only this, but with the disconnect between the segmented sections of the community (Discord, Twitch, Twitter, Squidboards, someone made a great post highlighting all of this on here that I'll find later), it is hard to find "In's" on the good teams and top level groups. Not only that, finding tournaments is becoming more and more tough. The event lister on here has certainly seen better days. The biggest and most grand tournament that is LUTI divides its teams into divisions, preventing a meshing of skill levels and creating a disconnect of top teams and low teams. All of these things adding up, it makes starting teams, even more so than finding teams, difficult. I'm not sure where to go or what to do other than just play to improve my skills, and there is no one good answer. With this in mind, it really dissuades newer players from entering and thriving. Therefore, I completely understand where these people are coming from in terms of not wanting to find teams. Hopefully the rise of Squid Game the 2nd will help address these problems and create a more cohesive community. And hey, it's not like Melee hasn't gone through this same process, we just need to band together and stick to our guns.
also I love your work Specter.
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Kowai Yume

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 24, 2015
It feels like a great rift between the high tier players and like..."everyone else" for lack of better word.
This quote is holds a lot of truth. I am not the best player by any means, but I like to believe it. Unlike you though, I joined a squad with the intent of entering tournaments and establishing myself as the best player. Seeing everyone surpass me made me feel jealous. Hell, a few nights ago I went off on a friend because his skill was better than mine. The time I face chimera, I literally had to restrain myself to call then ****heads. I never got to S+ 99 and seeing everyone else get there make me mad. I question why I am not there yet.

Also, as stated in my earlier post, most of my teams I was on imploded. I just have bad luck with teams. I can't show what I am if that keeps happening. I'm on a team now, but we are "Z". I don't feel like it, but that's what the community defined us as. It hurts, honestly. But then again, I keep in mind what Mr. Slin said about skill level.


Certified Nerd
Site Moderator
May 20, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm in a competitive team known as Divinity. It's been around for about a year. There are two divisions: European and American. We're gonna get more competitive-focused once Splatoon 2 is released. I've been part of the team for over 2 weeks now. It's a nice little family. ^-^


Inkling Cadet
Feb 5, 2016
I hover around S+ 40-50 but I still think competitive teams would be too much for me. I mostly play Solo Queue which is completely different than squads.

In solo queue everyone's matched randomly so you've got a better chance at doing wipes since they don't have a pre-organized plan/formation.

But in squads people can start shouting out locations and everyone has a planned out set of weapons. This makes things much harder and even a bit less fun for me, since most of the time I'll just be holding a position knowing I can't flank as easily. The moment I step out of position I usually get wrecked lol.

Essentially I think competitive is very systematic and planning ahead goes a long way, whereas Solo Queue is always random and the unexpected can always happen, which is awesome. Of course that can happen in squads too but in my experience it's not as often.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Never been in a team, and probably never will be in one as it stands. For teammates, I need people that I really know and are in sync with. If I don't know them much at all, then it's harder to perform at my best- and this goes for any game too. But my experience in Monster Hunter especially taught me this lesson.

Of course there's irony in me saying this since I always play solo (no friends/squads) in Splatoon, and are used to playing with random people. But I digress...Teams you are in sync with tend to do alot better than the latter.

In the end though, I'm just not interested in any sort of fame for winning with some team. So I remain a drifter.


Inkling Commander
Oct 3, 2016
ur mom
Well to answer the initial question: I am currently on Team Tempest, a team that just formed a month or so ago. To reply to all you squids who say "competitive is only for the S+99 master race", that's not how it is. If that's how competitive was, competitive would have not even half of its members. And there's loads of teams that are looking for S ranks (like mine. sorry for the shameless advertisement). Being S rank isn't a dunce cap. Being S rank is something to be proud of, it shows you that you understand the game at a higher level than a majority of the playerbase. It's not like being S rank decreases your swim speed, increases your charge times, and reduces your damage dealt compared to an S+ player. When an S rank player joins a competitive squad they don't go: "Alright my teammates are good, I'm getting carried", they're there to improve like the rest of the team.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 5, 2016
Sometimes when I do twins or quads the S players have better KD ratios than the S+ players =P

Also some S+ players just specialize in a certain mode, map, or rotation. I know for sure even though I got to S+ I'm like S rank if I use certain weapons or don't like the mode.

Basically I'm saying yeah rank isn't everything.


Astral Finish!
Apr 26, 2015
New York
I really only check here to see the current rotation lol.

also im teamless (help me)


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
This quote is holds a lot of truth. I am not the best player by any means, but I like to believe it. Unlike you though, I joined a squad with the intent of entering tournaments and establishing myself as the best player. Seeing everyone surpass me made me feel jealous. Hell, a few nights ago I went off on a friend because his skill was better than mine. The time I face chimera, I literally had to restrain myself to call then ****heads. I never got to S+ 99 and seeing everyone else get there make me mad. I question why I am not there yet.

Also, as stated in my earlier post, most of my teams I was on imploded. I just have bad luck with teams. I can't show what I am if that keeps happening. I'm on a team now, but we are "Z". I don't feel like it, but that's what the community defined us as. It hurts, honestly. But then again, I keep in mind what Mr. Slin said about skill level.
Just saw this, and it's a fine example of the WRONG attitude. Kowai, I'm pretty sure your group troubles are because of your massive ego. Yelling at friends or group members for playing well, or doing the same for opponents, is NOT a healthy viewpoint conducive to getting anywhere with a team.

I'm sure there's lots of players that think that they're God's gift to gaming, but the ones that can't keep that to themselves tend not to do well. Players certainly get booted from other competitive games often enough for that. A dash of humility can help keep the competitive scene from getting as toxic as we've seen on other games.

Big Boss

Senior Squid
Aug 9, 2015
Somewhere in Florida, probably
*raises hand* I just joined my first team, Nakamari Pirates, last week and had played with them three times already. I know I'm not the best player, far from it, but I try my best. Playing with a team is so much more endearing than say playing Solo Queue all day even if it's just been quads and private battles within the team it's just more fun, but I still get my Solo Queue time in for personal practice, only being ~240 hours into the game I hope that one day I'll be able to fight among the best.


Jan 9, 2016
United States, Pennsylvania
I'm currently not in a team but I would like to join one eventually in the future!
I'm hoping to form one with a few locals though for Splatoon 2 tournaments since some venues in our area have already mentioned that they have plans to run Splatoon tournaments.

Big Boss

Senior Squid
Aug 9, 2015
Somewhere in Florida, probably
This quote is holds a lot of truth. I am not the best player by any means, but I like to believe it. Unlike you though, I joined a squad with the intent of entering tournaments and establishing myself as the best player. Seeing everyone surpass me made me feel jealous. Hell, a few nights ago I went off on a friend because his skill was better than mine. The time I face chimera, I literally had to restrain myself to call then ****heads. I never got to S+ 99 and seeing everyone else get there make me mad. I question why I am not there yet.

Also, as stated in my earlier post, most of my teams I was on imploded. I just have bad luck with teams. I can't show what I am if that keeps happening. I'm on a team now, but we are "Z". I don't feel like it, but that's what the community defined us as. It hurts, honestly. But then again, I keep in mind what Mr. Slin said about skill level.
Yelling at your friends isn't going to get you there any faster, being angry doesn't help either. It's just a game at the end of the day, if you keep practicing I'm sure one day you'll get to S+99 and above. I advise you not bring this attitude into a competitive setting as it will kill the two important things in a team, respect and morale if you go off on them.

Big Boss

Senior Squid
Aug 9, 2015
Somewhere in Florida, probably
I'm currently not in a team but I would like to join one eventually in the future!
I'm hoping to form one with a few locals though for Splatoon 2 tournaments since some venues in our area have already mentioned that they have plans to run Splatoon tournaments.
That sounds awesome. What area?

*Sorry double post* :confused:

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