I'm sick of ________


Pro Squid
Jul 23, 2015
Hmm, if I had to pick anything to Vent about it'd probably be the lack of competant team mates when in ranked; half the people i add to help end up not playing a single round with me, and leaving it up to random makes me super sad. I wanna be A- already!
Nervous as nails being B+ 68/100, ANYTHING can ruin it right now.

Some games do this sort of thing; the "reporting" system you mention. But nearly all of them appear to be PC-only, at least all of the ones I'm aware of. I've never seen such a thing on console.

Most of the major mobas have at least SOMETHING of this nature in them, as do a variety of other team-based games. One-on-one, I've not seen it occur. But yeah, there's alot of actions that are bad, common, and need to be dealt with, yet the game cannot detect them on it's own. ALOT of these revolve around various forms of trolling, of course.... exactly what you'd expect the sort of thing most commonly reported to need. There's often some pretty heavy penalties if you're caught doing it.

I've always had the impression though that it really only works if the game is "big" enough. You need quite the group of moderators/admins/judges/whatever to handle all of that. AND the match needs to be recorded. Again, I dont see that on consoles much, except on fighting games (where they pretty much ALL do it, if you want them to).

Though, again, this game.... it's not THAT big of a deal. There just arent quite enough problems like that, fortunately, that it really affects it. Even the camping I ramble about.... it's probably the most common annoyance I've seen, yet it's downright minuscule compared to the rates at which stupid crap happens in other games I'm familiar with. Stuff like that just doesnt happen very much. Hell, I've VERY rarely seen actual trolling on this game. Hardly ever. Which is all the more reason why I play it. I tire so much of trolls in other games. I really do. But so far my experience in this game is that people dont seem to want to troll, but want to actually go out there and ink the hell outta things like they should, in the manner of the mode at hand.

Makes sense to me, since it's so damn fun to do.

Okay, and as for something I am tired of right now:

Urchin Underpass.

Seriously, I have nothing against this map... but it seems to be popping up ALOT. Just.... over and over again, when I'm on. I find the skatepark one seems to do this alot as well.

Still tired of rollers.
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Inkster Jr.
Sep 29, 2015

Do they have any viability at all? I've only had one match where I had a bamboozler on my team during Turf Wars that I've won.
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The ΩS

Apr 16, 2007
People in ranked who jump to me when I laid a beacon that is much closer to the objective (B). I was seeing this a lot last night. @o@


Inkster Jr.
Sep 26, 2015

Do they have any viability at all? I've only had one match where I had a bamboozler on my team during Turf Wars that I've won.
Yes they can be viable but are difficult to use effectively. In much the same way as you rarely see a good squiffer, good bamboozlers are few and far between.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code

Do they have any viability at all? I've only had one match where I had a bamboozler on my team during Turf Wars that I've won.
To think i've said earlier that they'd make the squiffer useless... Right now i'm waiting for the alternate kit, Splash wall isn't very good for the bamboozler if you ask me. Is it just me or does it place way less ink than the Squiffer?


Inkster Jr.
Sep 29, 2015
To think i've said earlier that they'd make the squiffer useless... Right now i'm waiting for the alternate kit, Splash wall isn't very good for the bamboozler if you ask me. Is it just me or does it place way less ink than the Squiffer?
I think the splash wall is way for effective with weapons like the splattling since they have more range to shoot from behind the wall. And yeah, because the range is shorter then the squiffer, you can't cover as much turf effectively.

REX Legend

Aug 14, 2015
The level balancing in Online matches, you win cheaply and you lose cheaply.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
I guess you think Meta Knight should be allowed in Brawl tournaments, as well? After all, if you know your opponent in a Brawl match is going to use Meta Knight and you decide not to use Meta Knight as well, you deserved it.

Listen 'ere buddy. Competitive games tend to have an element that is more or less an "I win" button, because developers may not have considered how the element could be exploited. Splatoon's developers thought that super jumping and the spawn shield would eliminate spawn camping, and didn't realize that maps like Blackbelly Skatepark and Port Mackerel could still invoke spawn camping to the point that the entire other team is locked into the spawn point without any safe ways to handle the opponents. That's not really fair if you ask me.

You must also consider that kids play this game, people in general play this game to have fun. It's alright if competitive play is your idea of fun, but not if you use your competitiveness to justify making other players unable to have fun playing the game. When the opponent overpowers me in a game, my playstyle may temporarily "break" and I will try the same thing numerous times without realizing it won't work. It doesn't make me a bad player. I deserve as much respect as anybody else playing the game.
Well I think people shouldn't play Brawl if it's that broken, but I'll try not to start that argument here. Either way, banning a character is simple and easy to implement, compared to banning an in-game strategy that doesn't have a clear and discrete definition a referee could consistently enforce without dispute. Sirlin's Playing to Win explains this in far better detail than I ever could.

Most competitive games do not have an "I win" button, but they do often have things that get inexperienced players so salty they end up thinking it looks like one. If you want to seriously argue that an "I win" button does exist, you're going to need much stronger proof to back that assertion up, because that's a very bold claim. You haven't given any such explanation at all for what makes it one, and others have gone into great detail to show why it isn't.

And to those that can't deal with the fact that some opponents are going to use all the tools in their toolbox instead of holding back just because you don't like it, tough ****. That's your problem, not theirs. Especially if you're playing Ranked, because by definition it is a competitive mode so of course players will use competitive tactics.

Imagine if I tried to tell you you're not allowed to use Inkzookas because I said it made me "unable to have fun playing the game" (for real, those things get me salty as hell, a rant I'll save for another day). You would laugh and call me an idiot, wouldn't you? You can't go around telling other people how they can and can't play, they're gonna do whatever they want and you're gonna have to deal with it.


Senior Squid
Sep 29, 2015
I'm sick of getting matched with groups rigging Turf War matches one way or another. For example, I've been put into groups of people obviously in the same "clan" or whatever, based on their names, who will pre-decide who will win, so the ones who aren't decided to win won't play the match seriously, they'll just run around doing literally nothing, making it 3 or 2 against 4.

Then there's also groups that decide to squid party, despite the fact that me and all the enemies are trying to have a real match. Both of these have been happening to me enough that I'm considering finding a group of friends to play with only.

Also, in response to the above, I've had too many players tell me that using the Bubbler or Kraken when I'm about to die is a lame tactic. What am I supposed to do, throw my hands up in the air and proclaim "oh man, you got me"? I've also been criticized for "picking on worse players" which defeats the purpose of playing a competitive game to begin with.


Pro Squid
Jul 23, 2015
I'm sick of getting matched with groups rigging Turf War matches one way or another. For example, I've been put into groups of people obviously in the same "clan" or whatever, based on their names, who will pre-decide who will win, so the ones who aren't decided to win won't play the match seriously, they'll just run around doing literally nothing, making it 3 or 2 against 4.

Then there's also groups that decide to squid party, despite the fact that me and all the enemies are trying to have a real match. Both of these have been happening to me enough that I'm considering finding a group of friends to play with only.

Also, in response to the above, I've had too many players tell me that using the Bubbler or Kraken when I'm about to die is a lame tactic. What am I supposed to do, throw my hands up in the air and proclaim "oh man, you got me"? I've also been criticized for "picking on worse players" which defeats the purpose of playing a competitive game to begin with.

Dare I ask what a "squid party" is?

I think I have something of an idea of what it might be, having encountered certain things in Smash and other games, but I'll ask anyway to be sure.

That last bit though is pretty typical for competitive gaming. If a player cant spot a way past a certain tactic, often that tactic is seen to them as "cheap" somehow, or something. CLEARLY it's not their fault whatsoever.


Senior Squid
Sep 29, 2015
Dare I ask what a "squid party" is?

I think I have something of an idea of what it might be, having encountered certain things in Smash and other games, but I'll ask anyway to be sure.
It's probably exactly what you're expecting it to be: people go into the match and don't fight, they usually just go into squid form and flail stupidly around the stage.


Inkster Jr.
Jul 22, 2015
I think the splash wall is way for effective with weapons like the splattling since they have more range to shoot from behind the wall. And yeah, because the range is shorter then the squiffer, you can't cover as much turf effectively.
On the contrary, the Bamboozler actually has slightly longer range than the Squiffer, and can reach it without charging(not that it takes long). However, it shoots much thinner lines than other chargers, that's why its coverage is so poor. Also, neither its sub nor its special does anything for turf coverage.

Two things I'm sick of that I haven't seen mentioned here:
Watching the pad after being splatted nearby the zone and seeing the enemy go straight up to and splat a teammate who is standing still in the middle of the zone without looking around. Goodbye, zone. Hello, timer penalty.
Teammates who super jump from spawn to what will obviously be 1vs4 situations by the time they land. A few unique cases are fine, like if it may push the tower to give/extend the lead, but when a teammate is in some random area completely covered in enemy ink, about to die ... why would you jump there? Do you want to empty your special meter and waste another 5-10 seconds?


Inkster Jr.
Sep 29, 2015
On the contrary, the Bamboozler actually has slightly longer range than the Squiffer, and can reach it without charging(not that it takes long). However, it shoots much thinner lines than other chargers, that's why its coverage is so poor. Also, neither its sub nor its special does anything for turf coverage.
Huh. I thought I remembered seeing the weapon stats say the bamboozler had shorter range. I guess I got them mixed up.

Of Moose & Men

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 9, 2015
Anatat Tatanatat
Alright, so I take back everything I've ever said in this thread. What I am really, honestly, deep down in the bottom of my heart SO sick and tired of is the .96 Gal.
Let's tally all of its pros shall we. . .
- Great Range
- Two shots = Splat w/o Damage Ups
- Splash Walls
- Kraken
- Deceivingly good rate of fire

Now, let's tally up its cons. . .
- Being a broken piece of crap.

Seriously, it is so irritating when I get splatted by these things. Not because of lag, not because of anything other than because it takes no skill to use it to its full potential. You can accidentally achieve splats with this behemoth, it's not even funny. You in a pickle? Set up a splash wall. Got your special saved up? Use the borderline 2nd best special in the game.

You can sit here and tell me it's not broken until you're blue in the face, but the fact it's everyone's main here is telling. Yes, even people that don't even know its their main. This thing needs a nerf, a slightly slower firing rate is no where near enough to balance this monster out. I have no clue who's bright idea it was to make this weapon what it is, but they deserve to be sat in the corner for a little while for unleashing such havoc.


Senior Squid
Sep 29, 2015
When I go head-on against the .96, it's not too intimidating (though it's probably because I see people using it badly) since I know what to expect, but my biggest complaint is that if someone ambushes you, there's not enough time after getting hit by the first shot to react and avoid the second killing shot. Chargers at least give you the laser sighting as a warning, and rollers have to get close and personal to ambush you (excluding the Dynamo, but that's a different story) so they're more likely to be noticed or avoided, but the .96 Gal can easily get KOs without any fair window to prevent. This is especially annoying because they have such far reach, so the normal weapons that cover in front of you well to prevent ambushes (like the Aerosprays and Spla/oosh-o-matics) don't help, and the Splash Wall gives the .96 Gal a perfect response to slower ranged weapons like the Splatling, ranged blasters and chargers.

And, of course, the Kraken is always the perfect response if they're on the receiving end of an ambush.

Also, with regards to the Bamboozler, by giving it the worst coverage of all the chargers and barely more range than the Squiffer, as well as the forced two shot splat, Nintendo cemented it as one of the worst weapons. They could have at least given it more range than the Splatterscope, that way I could see it being feasible to use, but as it is now it's vastly inferior to any other weapon of its class.
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Ink Gunner Emily

Full Squid
Sep 12, 2015
People in ranked who jump to me when I laid a beacon that is much closer to the objective (B). I was seeing this a lot last night. @o@
People super jump to others regardless in most cases. Though if you are close to point B or are in battle near that point, they always jump to you. I'll agree it gets annoying after a certain point. Though there have been cases where people super jumping to me has saved my butt, so it isn't all bad.

Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
Teammates who super jump from spawn to what will obviously be 1vs4 situations by the time they land. A few unique cases are fine, like if it may push the tower to give/extend the lead, but when a teammate is in some random area completely covered in enemy ink, about to die ... why would you jump there? Do you want to empty your special meter and waste another 5-10 seconds?
They likely don't know or forget there's a marker visible to opponents indicating where they'll land. I forget sometimes, and I even occasionally don't recognize it as a Super-Jump marker.

Another possibility is that they think they're going to assist you. They can see on the GamePad map if you're mostly staying in one spot as the ground in front of you rapidly shifts between team colors, and that means you're in a fight. By coming over, they figure they can help you take out those opponents, but it only works if you haven't been splatted by the time they reach you, they're too occupied fighting you to notice the Super-Jump marker, and you're only up against one or two opponents. I HAVE received successful assistance in this way though, especially in Splat Zones.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 29, 2015
I am sick of Tentatek splattershot! It's OVERPOWERED
I shot this guy a bunch... and he shot me for a split second and he killed me and he didn't die... I was so mad AND HE HAD NO DEFENSE OR ATTACK STATS! I hate that weapon A LOT!


57% Squid Kid / 43% Hipster
Sep 29, 2015
Chile: Not As Dry As Space!
I am sick of Tentatek splattershot! It's OVERPOWERED
I shot this guy a bunch... and he shot me for a split second and he killed me and he didn't die... I was so mad AND HE HAD NO DEFENSE OR ATTACK STATS! I hate that weapon A LOT!
Aye, that was a case of ye olde potato connection player at work. Please nerf, Valv-... Nintendo
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