I'm sick of ________

Heart of Ice

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 19, 2015
North Korea
That's because you spawn camp and your teammates know how to play fair.
Spawn camping is "fair". If you can do it in-game without a cheating device, it's fair. Being spawn camped still sucks, but there is no reason that a team shouldn't use all of their available tools to win. If you honestly manage to get to the point where you get spawn camped, you deserve it. I've had spawn camping happen to me and I think to myself "How did I let this happen? How could I have been so stupid as to give the other team the opportunity to spawn camp?".


Inkling Commander
Apr 24, 2015
S rank teammates that have literally 0 idea of what they are doing
It's easier than you might think to be this guy (I know!) I've played the ranked modes relatively few times, but moved up to A+ in a few short of sessions, I guess just because I'm okay at moving and killing. But there are still plenty of map/gamemode combinations that I've had little-to-no experience with, and so when I play them I'll make a bunch of terrible mistakes whilst trying to figure things out, and no doubt get carried hard with my teammates all scratching their heads trying to figure what the hell I'm doing (sorry guys). It wouldn't surprise me at all if there were people in S who are having a similar experience.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 23, 2014
Spawn camping is "fair". If you can do it in-game without a cheating device, it's fair. Being spawn camped still sucks, but there is no reason that a team shouldn't use all of their available tools to win. If you honestly manage to get to the point where you get spawn camped, you deserve it. I've had spawn camping happen to me and I think to myself "How did I let this happen? How could I have been so stupid as to give the other team the opportunity to spawn camp?".
I guess you think Meta Knight should be allowed in Brawl tournaments, as well? After all, if you know your opponent in a Brawl match is going to use Meta Knight and you decide not to use Meta Knight as well, you deserved it.

Listen 'ere buddy. Competitive games tend to have an element that is more or less an "I win" button, because developers may not have considered how the element could be exploited. Splatoon's developers thought that super jumping and the spawn shield would eliminate spawn camping, and didn't realize that maps like Blackbelly Skatepark and Port Mackerel could still invoke spawn camping to the point that the entire other team is locked into the spawn point without any safe ways to handle the opponents. That's not really fair if you ask me.

You must also consider that kids play this game, people in general play this game to have fun. It's alright if competitive play is your idea of fun, but not if you use your competitiveness to justify making other players unable to have fun playing the game. When the opponent overpowers me in a game, my playstyle may temporarily "break" and I will try the same thing numerous times without realizing it won't work. It doesn't make me a bad player. I deserve as much respect as anybody else playing the game.

Heart of Ice

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 19, 2015
North Korea
I guess you think Meta Knight should be allowed in Brawl tournaments, as well? After all, if you know your opponent in a Brawl match is going to use Meta Knight and you decide not to use Meta Knight as well, you deserved it.

Listen 'ere buddy. Competitive games tend to have an element that is more or less an "I win" button, because developers may not have considered how the element could be exploited. Splatoon's developers thought that super jumping and the spawn shield would eliminate spawn camping, and didn't realize that maps like Blackbelly Skatepark and Port Mackerel could still invoke spawn camping to the point that the entire other team is locked into the spawn point without any safe ways to handle the opponents. That's not really fair if you ask me.

You must also consider that kids play this game, people in general play this game to have fun. It's alright if competitive play is your idea of fun, but not if you use your competitiveness to justify making other players unable to have fun playing the game. When the opponent overpowers me in a game, my playstyle may temporarily "break" and I will try the same thing numerous times without realizing it won't work. It doesn't make me a bad player. I deserve as much respect as anybody else playing the game.
This is long, but hang in there!

See, here's the thing, you have NO control over what other people will (try to) do. Complaining, won't stop spawn campers, so focus on what's in your control.

Playing safe and not dying (easier said then done, but it's less difficult with proper risk assessment) is a very good idea. When you die you are out of commission for roughly 10 seconds. During that time, the enemy team can push much more easily and it can even get to the point where they spawn camp you if you get excessively reckless and zerg rush the enemy (although, you may not be doing this).

If you have squid beakons, then you should plant them in safe areas to super jump to in case of a spawn camp attempt. Even though they show up on the map, people usually ignore them for some reason, even in the higher ranks.

You can also focus on safely charging your special from behind the spawn shield, since there is always contested turf. I've personally laid waste to several spawn camp attempts by whipping out the inkzooka and wiping out 2-3 of their members. Other specials can still help! Bomb Rushes of any kind can force retreats from the spawn, Bubblers can grant temporary invincibiltiy to you and all of your team (seriously how would you even fight 4 bubbles at once?), Inkstrikes can be used as a pseudo "smokescreen" and deny the spawn temporarily, Killer Wails deny an area for MUCH longer than an inkstrike, so use that to your advantage to break through!

I really wasn't trying to disrespect you by saying "you deserved to be spawn camped". Good players CAN still get spawn camped. In fact I've gotten spawn camped several times because I didn't pay enough attention to a crucial flank. Regardless, I still deserved to be spawn camped for not being more aware.

A lot of the time, people aren't intending to spawn camp. They have usually already inked everything else, so the only contested turf is the enemy base. I don't personally find it fun swimming in my own ink waiting for the enemy to make a comeback.

Personally, I very rarely spawn camp (my team does instead). My team usually ends up getting themselves killed by getting too gutsy with their campfest. So, I stay in the middle to serve as a jump point in the case of a (inevitable) mass slaughter.

No one is required to water down their play just because others can't keep up.This game was designed to be COMPETITIVE (Reggie A.K.A "My Body Is Ready" himself said this) and if you don't like that you have some options. A. Don't play B. Create a private lobby with non-spawn campers. C. Leave the public spawn-camping lobby you're in, and hope you get put in a non-spawn camping lobby.

PS. I hate Meta Knight, I can't prevent my opponent from choosing him, but I can at least try (and often succeed) in preventing spawn camping. Banning a character is much easier than banning an action, because you have to make a specific definition for an action to be banned. Subjective calls in regards to spawn camping are bound to piss off some players on both sides.
Last edited:


Pro Squid
Jul 23, 2015
My own thoughts on spawn camping:

Spawn camping usually has zero to do with "skill", and EVERYTHING to do with a design flaw. Usually a BIG flaw. It's usually not a matter of being competitive (in a truly competitive match, EVERYTHING is about skill, from start to finish, and this is the goal of that type of design)... it's a matter of there being a big pile of mistakes in the design.

Think about it: Once you get into the full "camping" position, it takes.... next to no skill or effort to then win from there. Despite that the match may be 30 seconds in. The rest of the match isnt a match, it's just a mess, and a complete waste of time for the rest of it. NEITHER team gets to REALLY do much, and it's not a challenge or test of skill for either group past that point. This is the case in most games that have this problem... and it IS a problem, definitely; games like this are not designed to have that happen. Quite the opposite; developers do whatever they can to prevent it from ever occurring. Of course, they can only do so much (most games being very complicated and all), so sometimes, it'll still happen, but yeah.... it's not intentional, and frankly, there's zero skill involved once the process has begun. It's very boring to play against and it's very boring to be on a team that's doing it. I cant stand either.

As a fan of fighting games, I can say it's exactly like using infinite combos. Those, though, are even easier, because they require DRAMATICALLY less effort to prepare (whereas spawn camping requires you to at least reach the proper position), but they're basically the same thing; hit with the opening attack of the combo,and the rest of the fight may as well not be there, and it's always because of some design error, or even a glitch. And there's no skill in then performing the rest of the combo once you've gotten it going (and I say this as someone that is a VERY high level player, so yes, I know what I'm talking about... they really DONT require much in the way of skill to do). Players will bloody well use them anyway of course. I personally get a real kick out of squashing them anyway, but that's in THAT genre, I cant do that here... Developers fortunately will usually do what they can to patch those out of the games in question.... IF they're able to. Some fighters never were able to get patched and thus those annoying problems were just stuck there.

But yeah, all it says to me in a game like this is, hey, this map wasnt quite tested enough and needs some major changes and may not actually be ready for the specific competitive mode it's being played in while this is happening.

Port Mackarel, to me, is the biggest offender, in Turf Wars anyway. It's the one where I see it happen the most by far. That map isnt Arrowana Mall (my most hated map), and I'll still play on it sometimes.... but there's other times where, if it's up, I REALLY just cant be bothered and will just wait to play until later, because I know that has a high chance of happening too easily for either team. I havent seen it as often on other maps.

Usually when it happens for me, I'll do the same thing every time, which is to simply stand directly on the spawn pad, and...... never move. Chances are I'm using something with extreme range like the Splatling, so I can at least have a little fun with the opposing team while waiting for the boring part to go away so I can get to the next match. On rare occaision this actually seems to break the camping (it's bloody amazing how many people dont realize that you are TOTALLY INVINCIBLE if you dont move from that spot), but usually it's just something to do to pass the time.

Fortunately, it doesnt seem to happen as often in this game as it can in others. It seems to happen mostly in Turf Wars, too, from what I've seen? I dont recall if it can happen at all in the other modes, really.

Jet Uppercut

Senior Squid
Sep 25, 2015
I've always noticed when I lose by a landslide in Turf Wars it's because there's one player on the opposite team that lags around and takes no damage from any bullets. 4 people shooting at a guy from spawn and he doesn't die immediately says something about how the quality (or lack thereof) of your connection affects how "good" you are at the game.

This also doubles as what I'm sick of, since I'm tired of being matched against teams where 2/4 of the players go X-0 because they lag so much nobody on the entire team can kill them. It's every other match for me these days and it kills my desire to play the game at all.

Of Moose & Men

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 9, 2015
Anatat Tatanatat
Lol, alright this spawn camping conversation is getting a little ridiculous. So, as far as saying spawn camping is a design flaw, I can't possibly help but disagree with you. It's annoying, yes, no one in their right mind enjoys being spawn camped, but it is most certainly not the games fault. Saying it's a design flaw is like saying getting an opening to set up your Pokemon is a design flaw. If the opposition screws something up, and leaves themselves open, that is not a design flaw. There are several steps one can take to prevent this from happening. I have been spawn camped once in my entire time of Playing Splatoon, and that only happened after someone decided to drop out of our match. Even then, we broke out of it, we didn't win, but we managed to back them off so that the game could continue. THAT is the only instance in which you can call it a design flaw, and even that is stretching. When you give your opponents the opening and they capitalize on it, that is your [team's] fault and your fault alone. It's not the games fault, it's not the maps fault, it's the lack of strategy and wingmanship the team has together.


Pro Squid
Jul 23, 2015
Lol, alright this spawn camping conversation is getting a little ridiculous. So, as far as saying spawn camping is a design flaw, I can't possibly help but disagree with you. It's annoying, yes, no one in their right mind enjoys being spawn camped, but it is most certainly not the games fault. Saying it's a design flaw is like saying getting an opening to set up your Pokemon is a design flaw. If the opposition screws something up, and leaves themselves open, that is not a design flaw. There are several steps one can take to prevent this from happening. I have been spawn camped once in my entire time of Playing Splatoon, and that only happened after someone decided to drop out of our match. Even then, we broke out of it, we didn't win, but we managed to back them off so that the game could continue. THAT is the only instance in which you can call it a design flaw, and even that is stretching. When you give your opponents the opening and they capitalize on it, that is your [team's] fault and your fault alone. It's not the games fault, it's not the maps fault, it's the lack of strategy and wingmanship the team has together.

Complete disagreement.

Note, part of my opinion isnt just my own (though I tthought this even before starting to meet with them), but comes from actual developers that I've interacted with (I do this alot, with many different devs... call it a side effect of having waaaaayyyyyyyy too much free time and an interest in development). They DONT like that sort of thing (not if they're any good, anyway). These matches, in a game like this, are mean to be actual competitions. Simply standing in front of your opponent's spawn point shooting them the moment they appear is not "competition".... it's a bloody mess. Because when done PROPERLY, there is no breaking out of it.... and it's not hard to do "properly" when the balance isnt set properly, or when the map has problems. Hell, particularly in this game. If you're a team of rollers (and short ranged whatevers) and your opponents are mostly just using high-ranged weapons, not to mention that the entire area is entirely covered in THEIR ink? Yeah. You've already lost; that the match still has 2 whole minutes left matters not. The one and only way out is for them to make a colossal mistake.

Not to mention that any developer with at least half of a functioning braincell knows just how ANGRY it makes the community as a whole. You have to have seen that by now, in various games; legions of players flipping the hell out because they're getting so tired of it. It's not a fight at that point.

A great many games will put in additional measures JUST to negate the chance of this happening. Something like Dota, for instance. You dont spawn camp in that game. Why? Because the enemy BASE itself will erase you. Trying to do it is suicidal. The only time when the camping is possible is when the Ancient is about to be destroyed anyway (for those that dont know, destroying it is the win condition), because at that point the base is torn up (you have to break most of the stuff in it to damage the ancient). And even then, it has no practical purpose and is usually nothing but a method of (very brief) trolling. Do enough of it, and you can get in trouble for it. But with the way the game is built, it's rare that it even happens, particularly with that lack of actual practical use. And that sure as hell aint the only game that has anti-camping measures in it; it's just the one that most immediately pops into my mind.

Hell, it's particularly important for any game that is looking to be part of the e-sports scene. Viewers are not one bit happy if they have to sit there and watch that sort of thing happen... there's nothing more boring to watch in a competitive match. They want to see these teams actually duke it out, not stand there.

Again though, nobody likes playing with/against it either. Too much, and players will simply leave in response, and never return (seen this waaaaayyyyyyyy too many times over the years). No developer.... or publisher... wants to damage the population numbers this way. They've already got enough they have to do without worrying about that, and most are aware that it's almost universally considered a negative game element when it happens.

Also.... it's NOT the same as the normal version of "having an opening". Not even remotely close. Consider my analogy of a fighting game, right? In a fighting game, when you leave an opening, a smart opponent can take advantage of it, and punish you with a good chunk of damage. Ouch, right? That's how it works, and that's how it's supposed to be. Leave too many openings in a round, take too many combos to the face, and down you go. Working as intended.

But think of what happens when it goes the other way. Where you make a mistake... just ONE, for a split second... and get hit with an infinite instead. ONE mistake, and the opponent essentially pushes the win button (once the very first hit of an infinite combo connects, you can do NOTHING... you just wait until your health is gone in most games as the opponent simply presses the same sequence of buttons over and over). You think THAT is "competitive" or well designed? I sure hope not. I mean, in that situation, why even have other combos available? Why use any of the other moves/tactics? All you need is that ONE infinite. And it's usually VERY easy to do.... if anything, it's often the single easiest tactic in the game. That applies to other genres too. If there's a trick like that, a tactic known to create that situation, it is THE ONLY THING ANYONE WILL DO whenever the chance presents itself (fortunately, in this game, that's not very often). Be it a team game or otherwise.

In a game like THIS, it's essentially the same thing as in a fighter, when it happens. One mistake (that leads into the specific error situation that allows it) and you dont get "punished", you just outright lose, because they pushed the win button. In a REAL match, a real battle, you'd still have, say, 2 minutes to try to regain the lead. The actual FIGHTING would continue, a desperate battle to take the lead! Most of the time in this game, that's what happens. But when fully camped.... there's no "battle" there. It's a shooting range, and there's a HUGE difference. You cant escape, after all, if the moment you spawn, you find that your one and only option is to press your face into the wall of chainsaws that circles you.

Hell, I can even use a sports analogy! In American Football, what you DONT do is push things towards the end zone, score.... and then continue from that very point, right in front of it, scoring over and over again due to the "starting right in front of it" point. The rules are constructed so that this is never, ever possible. Because what good would THAT be? It'd be bloody terrible and boring as hell. Team sports are set up so that when a point or whatever is scored, the team positions are reset back to the neutral center spot. It should be obvious as to why.

As I said: It's a design error, and totally unintentional. Nothing more. I tend to think that, for this game, it's mostly just a problem with the design of Turf Wars itself (due to the territory-claiming mechanic + the very tiny spawn zones + the lack of any other objective on the map). It just doesnt seem to happen in any of the other modes ever. If it was truly a good competitive element.... than the "competitive" modes would have made sure to include some mechanic that specifically made sure it was always possible (and viable).

Note that I've barely touched upon the topic here, and I also kinda rushed it. I could keep going for quite awhile, and dig deeper into each part of the concepts behind this, but I think I've made my point; that's all I'll say about it for now. ....partly also I'm just bored out of my mind, or I wouldnt rant about it quite as much. I dont consider it that big a deal in this game, since the game is actually pretty darn balanced, as these go.... the devs clearly put alot of time, effort, and love into their work. So I find it only a mild and rare annoyance in this game, and Turf Wars really IS just a "for fun" mode anyway. Doesnt have to be bloody perfect (though they definitely seem to do their absolute best to make it as great as possible). But in other games, well....

Heart of Ice

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 19, 2015
North Korea
Complete disagreement.

Note, part of my opinion isnt just my own (though I tthought this even before starting to meet with them), but comes from actual developers that I've interacted with (I do this alot, with many different devs... call it a side effect of having waaaaayyyyyyyy too much free time and an interest in development). They DONT like that sort of thing (not if they're any good, anyway). These matches, in a game like this, are mean to be actual competitions. Simply standing in front of your opponent's spawn point shooting them the moment they appear is not "competition".... it's a bloody mess. Because when done PROPERLY, there is no breaking out of it.... and it's not hard to do "properly" when the balance isnt set properly, or when the map has problems. Hell, particularly in this game. If you're a team of rollers (and short ranged whatevers) and your opponents are mostly just using high-ranged weapons, not to mention that the entire area is entirely covered in THEIR ink? Yeah. You've already lost; that the match still has 2 whole minutes left matters not. The one and only way out is for them to make a colossal mistake.

Not to mention that any developer with at least half of a functioning braincell knows just how ANGRY it makes the community as a whole. You have to have seen that by now, in various games; legions of players flipping the hell out because they're getting so tired of it. It's not a fight at that point.

A great many games will put in additional measures JUST to negate the chance of this happening. Something like Dota, for instance. You dont spawn camp in that game. Why? Because the enemy BASE itself will erase you. Trying to do it is suicidal. The only time when the camping is possible is when the Ancient is about to be destroyed anyway (for those that dont know, destroying it is the win condition), because at that point the base is torn up (you have to break most of the stuff in it to damage the ancient). And even then, it has no practical purpose and is usually nothing but a method of (very brief) trolling. Do enough of it, and you can get in trouble for it. But with the way the game is built, it's rare that it even happens, particularly with that lack of actual practical use. And that sure as hell aint the only game that has anti-camping measures in it; it's just the one that most immediately pops into my mind.

Hell, it's particularly important for any game that is looking to be part of the e-sports scene. Viewers are not one bit happy if they have to sit there and watch that sort of thing happen... there's nothing more boring to watch in a competitive match. They want to see these teams actually duke it out, not stand there.

Again though, nobody likes playing with/against it either. Too much, and players will simply leave in response, and never return (seen this waaaaayyyyyyyy too many times over the years). No developer.... or publisher... wants to damage the population numbers this way. They've already got enough they have to do without worrying about that, and most are aware that it's almost universally considered a negative game element when it happens.

Also.... it's NOT the same as the normal version of "having an opening". Not even remotely close. Consider my analogy of a fighting game, right? In a fighting game, when you leave an opening, a smart opponent can take advantage of it, and punish you with a good chunk of damage. Ouch, right? That's how it works, and that's how it's supposed to be. Leave too many openings in a round, take too many combos to the face, and down you go. Working as intended.

But think of what happens when it goes the other way. Where you make a mistake... just ONE, for a split second... and get hit with an infinite instead. ONE mistake, and the opponent essentially pushes the win button (once the very first hit of an infinite combo connects, you can do NOTHING... you just wait until your health is gone in most games as the opponent simply presses the same sequence of buttons over and over). You think THAT is "competitive" or well designed? I sure hope not. I mean, in that situation, why even have other combos available? Why use any of the other moves/tactics? All you need is that ONE infinite. And it's usually VERY easy to do.... if anything, it's often the single easiest tactic in the game. That applies to other genres too. If there's a trick like that, a tactic known to create that situation, it is THE ONLY THING ANYONE WILL DO whenever the chance presents itself (fortunately, in this game, that's not very often). Be it a team game or otherwise.

In a game like THIS, it's essentially the same thing as in a fighter, when it happens. One mistake (that leads into the specific error situation that allows it) and you dont get "punished", you just outright lose, because they pushed the win button. In a REAL match, a real battle, you'd still have, say, 2 minutes to try to regain the lead. The actual FIGHTING would continue, a desperate battle to take the lead! Most of the time in this game, that's what happens. But when fully camped.... there's no "battle" there. It's a shooting range, and there's a HUGE difference. You cant escape, after all, if the moment you spawn, you find that your one and only option is to press your face into the wall of chainsaws that circles you.

Hell, I can even use a sports analogy! In American Football, what you DONT do is push things towards the end zone, score.... and then continue from that very point, right in front of it, scoring over and over again due to the "starting right in front of it" point. The rules are constructed so that this is never, ever possible. Because what good would THAT be? It'd be bloody terrible and boring as hell. Team sports are set up so that when a point or whatever is scored, the team positions are reset back to the neutral center spot. It should be obvious as to why.

As I said: It's a design error, and totally unintentional. Nothing more. I tend to think that, for this game, it's mostly just a problem with the design of Turf Wars itself (due to the territory-claiming mechanic + the very tiny spawn zones + the lack of any other objective on the map). It just doesnt seem to happen in any of the other modes ever. If it was truly a good competitive element.... than the "competitive" modes would have made sure to include some mechanic that specifically made sure it was always possible (and viable).

Note that I've barely touched upon the topic here, and I also kinda rushed it. I could keep going for quite awhile, and dig deeper into each part of the concepts behind this, but I think I've made my point; that's all I'll say about it for now. ....partly also I'm just bored out of my mind, or I wouldnt rant about it quite as much. I dont consider it that big a deal in this game, since the game is actually pretty darn balanced, as these go.... the devs clearly put alot of time, effort, and love into their work. So I find it only a mild and rare annoyance in this game, and Turf Wars really IS just a "for fun" mode anyway. Doesnt have to be bloody perfect (though they definitely seem to do their absolute best to make it as great as possible). But in other games, well....
Spawn-camping is certainly no click-to-win button (at least on maps not named Walleye, but I'll delve more into that later). I have never once seen someone get into a spawn-camping position in 30 seconds. I don't even know how you would do that, Opening Gambit + multiple Swim Speed Ups on all 4 teammates and Walleye?

The situation I was talking about when I made a mistake and got pushed back to spawn was on Walleye. Spawn-camping is borderline impossible to beat on Walleye due to it being a choke hold near the spawn, access to cover, and losing your best anti-spawn camp tool, special spam due to limited inkable turf.

I really like Walleye Warehouse, but the spawn zone should still be made larger to prevent spawn-camping from happening so frequently.

On any other map (even Mackerel) making one or two mistakes will not result in spawn-camping. Why? the maps are too large to cover ground that quickly. In fact, spawn-camping on Kelp Dome is almost impossible to do, because of the multiple escape routes, the spawn being on high ground, and a non-linear map design.

It might be an oversight, but you can't realistically expect players to just turn belly up, because it's "fair". If spawn-camping isn't allowed, how far can you go into enemy territory before it's considered spawn-camping? And how much are you supposed to back off if you've gone too far? What about long range weapons like chargers? Do special rules apply to them due to their extended range? Before anyone considers banning spawn-camping, you have to answer these questions for EVERY map in the game.

In the mean time, focus on the cards in your hand, not complaining about the cards the opponent has in theirs. Attitudes like these will hold anyone back from reaching their true potential. If you're so turned off to a strategy then you will NEVER find a way to beat it. Just sit down and think it through for a moment.

For example, In the Pokemon VGC 14 tournaments, everyone thought Mega Kangaskahn was OP. All hope was lost (or so we thought) until a team report from the Virginia regionals (toughest in the country BTW) by a man named Ray Rizzo (3-time pokemon world champion). His team stuffed Mega Kang. so hard, with 2 Intimidate (this ability lowers attack) users. A pokemon with rough skin and rocky helmet, which caused Kangaskahn to lose lots of hp just by attacking it. A pokemon with Iron Barbs, which does the same thing as Rough Skin. A pokemon with Will o' wisp, which cuts an opponent's attack in half. He went on to claim 1st place at the hardest regional in the country? Why? Because he didn't throw in the towel at the first sight of a challenge. He refused to give up, no matter what foe he dealt with. No matter the odds, this was his fight and he was going to win! It's certainly no wonder why he won worlds three times in a row. The rest of the community soon followed this anti-kanga trend and it became harder and harder to use Mega Momma effectively.

To this day, I take a lot of my current mindset in competitive games from Rizzo. He has the heart and soul of a champion and just like him I aspire to meet any challenge, no matter how hard. Spawn-camping sure as hell won't stop me (I'll even find a way on Walleye if I try hard enough), so don't let it stop you!


Sep 28, 2015
I'm sick of the Dynamo Rollers, no other weapon in Splatoon gives me as much stress during a match like those rollers do. The range they have is just crazy and their ability to cover all your hard fought ink in like 4 seconds doesn't help either (--___--)
Sep 28, 2015
Minnesota, USA
Switch Friend Code
I'm sick of being matched into rooms with 7 Japanese players when it's 4 AM in their time zone.
^This! Seriously, go to bed, Japan!

But aside from that, I'm sick of:
-Splat Rollers and Dynamo Rollers having too much range on their fling attacks
-The .96 Gal Deco as a whole (seriously, whose idea was it to give a two-shot-kill long-range shooter what are debatably the best Sub and Special in the game?)
-The Slosher Deco not yet being released
-My crappy internet making me unable to play past 7pm
-The Ink Mine being absolutely useless except in Tower Control
-Having terrible RNG when it comes to rerolling abilities
-Having only two modes and two maps per mode available at a time
-Not being able to change my equipment without leaving the room in Regular or Ranked Battles
-The fact that none of my IRL friends play Splatoon :(


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
Bluefin Depot :(

Words cannot explain how much I hate this board. x.x It's my own fault of course haha. I always forget that there's a big hole in front of your base and usually accidentally fall through it at least once during the match. >.> I don't even know why I can't remember it's there. x.x

Of Moose & Men

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 9, 2015
Anatat Tatanatat
Lol, I'm getting tired of the age old combination of lag + Inkzooka. Inkzooka is already strong as all hell, take lag into account and you're in for some deep caca. Too many times have I watched an Inkzooka shot fly right by me and then go splat a full second later.I'll admit, my connection is FAR from the best, but getting matched with people from half way across the globe is going to result in large lag spikes.


Pro Squid
Jul 4, 2015
Hmm, if I had to pick anything to Vent about it'd probably be the lack of competant team mates when in ranked; half the people i add to help end up not playing a single round with me, and leaving it up to random makes me super sad. I wanna be A- already!
Nervous as nails being B+ 68/100, ANYTHING can ruin it right now.

Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
All right, now that I'm playing this game, I'm noticing something weird happening in Tower Control: No one on my team will seize the tower! Everyone's just far off somewhere inking ground. If I decide to play support, the other team will ride the tower straight to their goal more or less unopposed except by me, who will stay near the tower, and I won't stand a chance because it'll be multiple opponents against myself. If it's in Walleye Warehouse, they're all in the narrow corridors to the side or in front of the opposing spawn point. If it's Saltspray Rig, they're all clustered in the northernmost area. If it's Urchin Underpass, they're all in the central area and will not leave that spot, and if they're splatted, they'll just go back there ignoring the tower. It's as if they're playing Turf Wars, or they think they score by splatting enemies.

As a result, I always aggressively get to the tower, because I can't afford to do otherwise. If my teammates are not going to even get near the tower, then I'll have to do it myself.

PS. I hate Meta Knight, I can't prevent my opponent from choosing him, but I can at least try (and often succeed) in preventing spawn camping. Banning a character is much easier than banning an action, because you have to make a specific definition for an action to be banned. Subjective calls in regards to spawn camping are bound to piss off some players on both sides.
While much more difficult to ban a particular action in competitions, it can be done, and it can be done efficiently. I play pinball competitively, and there are a number of actions that are completely banned outright. Bang-backs. Death saves. Slam tilts. In some competitions, lock-stealing too. If a competitor in an official PAPA or IFPA event catches a player deliberately (or even unintentionally) doing any of these actions, they are disqualified immediately from the event.

The way they do it is through a reporting system and a camera setup placed over every pinball machine used in the competition (there are three per machine: one pointed at the playfield, one at the score, and one at the player). Any player or spectator who witnesses such an event can call over a tournament official and tell them about it, and they will review the recorded footage, then decide what to do with the competitor in question. Every major event is also streamed on TwitchTV, and people watching through Twitch can report these actions too.

When NOT playing at a competition, of course, anything goes. Machines like The Addams Family and Jurassic Park will even reward a player for performing death saves.

I'm actually a bit surprised there hasn't been some kind of reporting system like that for video game competitions, considering major tournaments get streamed too, and they have audiences and officials right there. Maybe competitive video gamers are more uppity about rulings like these than competitive pinball players. Or maybe it's because all of the above techniques are pretty obvious and distinct from any other action.

For the record, these are the techniques I mentioned above:
• A bang-back is a technique in which you literally punch the bottom of the machine. The force of the impact will bounce the ball upwards a bit. A player can bring a ball about to drain back into play by bouncing the ball above the flippers.
• A death save is where, if the ball has gone down the right outlane (which leads to the drain, ending your ball)), holding the left flipper up and nudging the machine to the upper-right at the precise moment will send the ball between the flippers and back into play.
• A slam tilt is when a player shakes a machine so hard it may cause damage to the machine or other players. This is exceedingly rare but can happen. Most machines have a tilt sensor that will shut the machine off if it detects a slam tilt.
• A lock steal happens when a previous player locks a ball (storing a ball somewhere on the playfield for a multiball later), and the next player dislodges the ball or otherwise takes possession of that locked ball.

Here's a video showing a death save in action, for instance. This video also indicates that this technique is banned, but it's subtle and quiet enough that it can be done if nobody is watching:
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