I'm sick of accidentally jumping to or near spawn after respawning. I'm also sick of instakills by laggy 4 or 5 hit weapons (splattershots, normal inkbrushes, and just once, a very very laggy aerospray that never faced me or up from their 45 degree angle at the ground.)
You mean Tentatek and N-Zap aren't ohko weapons that kill around corners? They usually are when I face them! Also, Inkzookas only kill players that are hiding directly behind walls, right? Because that's the only time I get killed by one.
You will enjoy the goals in my signature =P
I'm sick of losing streaks, I went from A99 to A-70 in less than an hour, what did I do to deserve that?? On two games I even got around 15-7 and lost by just one point
LOL, at least it's "only" down to A-. Every time I get back to high A and think "Just one or two more wins to escape!" it initiates a losing streak down to B+ and dangerously close to B before it lets me slaughter my way back to A- at which point it just throws me against S-only teams since I'm so good and won my last 12 games.
There's a lot of things I'm sick of. From E-liters with 5+ damage ups, to being splatted by someone not even spraying in my direction, to even fully charge shooting someone with my splat/kelp charger and them not getting splatting. But nothing, and I mean nothing, will beat getting splatted by an Inkzooka that didn't even touch me. Why does that thing not have a sour spot? Killer Wails and Inkstrikes do, but they don't. I swear I get hit by one even despite being 2 inklings away from it.
That is by far the thing I'm sick of the most.
I'm starting to think the "full-charge shooting" of someone yielding no kill is what spawns the 5+ damage ups problem. With E-liter you get 3 shots. 4 (maybe) if you partial charge. When they start getting wasted by them never hitting things they're supposed to hit you start going crazy and stacking damage up "THIS will fix it, I'll get my kills now!" I run custom eliter with 1 main and 1-2 sub damage ups regularly (full charge time is absurd in frantic combat), but when all my shots start missing I start stripping my non-dmg up gear for dmg up gear thinking "aha, 3 mains and 4 subs! Now I have you!" Never works though.
And I'm so with you on inkzooka. I rarely ever get killed by an inkzooka unless someone pulls it out at close range specifically to target me with it. But when I otherwise DO get killed by one, it's always one that I was immediately behind cover or nowhere near.
Gotta get that 75% charge kills tho
LOL I hate the stacked dmg up as an opposing eliter since on equal footing they get me first. But against other players what good is the 75% charge ohko if it will just traverse THROUGH the target anyway? :D
I swear I'm the only eliter that runs swim speed :p