I think I make a good contribution to my team with my ink spam. No, really! On the stages where I use it, I can always reach the zone from wherever I perch and claim the zone within seconds! (So for example since you mentioned it, Ancho-V, I will ride that fan platform to no end). This puts enormous pressure on the team and makes me the primary target. It kinda takes them out of stealth mode and into rush-down mode to get to me and take me out, because whenever I'm alive, my team has the zone. So its easy for my team mates to route the opponents that way. Combine that with my strategically placed ink mines and 2 mains, 3 subs of special charge up for non-stop ink strike spam. You're dealing with some real ****.
On Ancho-V, reach me from where I stand, but if I get the jump on them early on, literally, raise the fan, jump and pick them off their perch in mid-air, it really gets on their nerves. And its hard to get flanked on that platform too. They try to surprise you by swimming up the raised platform and killing you with their range advantage, but wait!!! Ink mine the edge of the platform so even if it doesnt splat them, it wrecks their ambush. I also like to swim over to the opponents fan platform and plant mines over there if I get the chance, or the far right flanking path with the grated ledge. Ancho-V is one of my favorite Aerospray stages, and its so satisfying to troll with because no one anticipates any major threat from the Aerospray.
Of course, I'll always find opponents who know exactly what I'm up to with the Aerospray and seem to block my every move, so I guess this is all reliant upon the assumption that opponents aren't really prepared to deal with them since they're such a rare choice in higher ranks.