Inkling Cadet
I'm sick of playing a certain stage in rotation that I'm having bad luck with, or just disadvantaged for most of the rotation. Like Saltspray Rig with snippers, Moray Towers with snippers, and others.
I'm sick of lag making it so that I get sniper when out of their range and behind a wall but no matter how urs I try I can't seem magically hit from behind walls. Please stop nerfing E-Litres, I'm seeing more and more splatterscopes yay weapon variety but I miss a good old fashioned snipe-off now I just stand back and fire.I'm personally sick of constant Eliter nerfs.
I'm also sick of Aerosprayers, Tentatek splattershots, squidbaggers (i do it occasionally but even then its not a ton.) scoped chargers and people magically not dying when you snipesplat them, kill sound and all.
this happens a ton alsoI'm sick of lag making it so that I get sniper when out of their range and behind a wall but no matter how urs I try I can't seem magically hit from behind walls
Hello! This thread is for all of you to rant about what you're sick of seeing happen to you during multiplayer.
I'm sick of the absurd amount of E-Litre users, on certain maps I can't even get towards the middle or behind enemy lines. I've found ways to get around them on most maps, but it's incredibly annoying how often I see them in TW.
Being matched against 4 A players when Im A- for 10 straight gamesHello! This thread is for all of you to rant about what you're sick of seeing happen to you during multiplayer.
I'm sick of the absurd amount of E-Litre users, on certain maps I can't even get towards the middle or behind enemy lines. I've found ways to get around them on most maps, but it's incredibly annoying how often I see them in TW.
Two come to mind. I think they might be lampposts or landline poles or... something. From spawn, going straight forwards to the standard E-Litre perch, y'know how there's a concrete handrail thing all the way down the slope to the right of that? I believe that on that 'rail', at the top and the bottom of the slope, there are such poles, which are positioned in just the spots through which I'd often like safely to throw Splat Bombs and such to mid.@Cuttleshock, which pole in Moray?
That may well be right. I don't remember what it actually is, just where it's positioned.@Cuttleshock, It's not the striped black-and-yellow bar you're referring to, right? That's the first thing coming to my mind. I'll have to investigate myself next time Moray is in play and make use of it.