splat zones is kind of a ****show right now.
it's mahi mahi and kelp dome. kelp is... ok. but mahi mahi... i haven't played this stage on SZ in a long time but it's turned into bomb / dynamo hell.
dynamos are already notorious in SZ but with most levels having either two zones or a divider/object in between it's not that big of a deal (it's kind of comparable to blasters in TC). but on mahi mahi it's just a giant block of empty space. what's funny is that there was one point where three of us were shooting to reclaim the middle WHICH WE ALREADY HAD but every time the dynamo (who was alone) got a single swing in we lost the zone. if he managed to knock some of us out, it took two swings to completely claim a zone that had been 100% the enemy's color.
that's ridiculous.
bomb rushes are also annoying because generally on this stage there will be at least 2 bomb rushes (1 on each side) per skirmish. i already don't like bomb rushes because they slow down the game and make it really difficult for me to aim, but on mahi mahi SZ it's basically random who ends up with the entire zone. also, with very little to hide behind, if your opponent has more bomb rushes than you, there's nowhere to hide and you'll get pushed nearly off the back into the water.
this stage on this mode is... just a joke. i don't understand how they've left it in rotation.
maybe if they had left the central wall and either stacked unpaintable blocks above it or made the top pointy so you can't pass over it (hell, i don't see why not just leave it as it is and let people cross it, but whatever).