You should compile these somewhere for easy access. I wanted to show someone all of the banter at some point.
I've put them into an imgur gallery for now. Not sure how it'll turn out since I've never made a gallery on imgur before, so if you notice anything wrong with it, or just have any suggestions, please let me know. The images are in the order I got them, with the first seven for each stage (eight for Starfish Mainstage) being pre-update dialogue and the ones after that being post-update.
Like I said, I'm not sure if I have all the new dialogue from the update. If anyone has a screencap of one that's not in the gallery, it would be cool if you could post it here so that I can add it. Even if you don't have a screencap, if you've at least seen a piece of dialogue that's not in the gallery it would be great if you could let me know. That way I know which stages to watch for in the rotation.
Just a note: I'm pretty sure the stages don't have an equal number of different conversations. Pre-update I found seven for most stages but eight for Starfish Mainstage, and since the update they've been all over the place. And while I don't know for a fact that I have them all, I'm pretty sure I'm not missing
that many. Not enough to bring them all up to an equal number at least.