Lost Outpost Discussion

What do you think of the new Salmon Run map Lost Outpost?

  • Love it!

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • It's OK

    Votes: 21 58.3%
  • Hate it.

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters


Inkling Cadet
Feb 5, 2016
How are y'all liking the new Salmon Run map? Personally I'm finding it pretty hard, though it might be because it's still new ^^

Platinum Inkling

Senior Squid
Oct 2, 2015
I think it's a cool map, I'm not completely in love with it yet, but it'll take some getting used to for that to happen. I like the aesthetics of the stage for sure, but it is a little hard to play on. Especially with the way you have to search to actually find the bosses (and by the time you do there's like 3 others out). Maybe just because I'm more used to the other two.


Aug 19, 2017
I don't enjoy that I've never seen low tide and I've seen more night then I have day. Double maybe even triple the night I've had on the other two stages.

Agent Z

Inkling Commander
Jul 24, 2017
I love it. It's like a fortress. We got hit by Glowflies and they were coming from all sides. We all took one side of the interior section and fired away. It was like something out of Lord of the Rings.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
I think it's great, much different than the previous maps. I think Steelheads are glitched or something though, once they get inside the base they just aimlessly walk around for a while before finally attacking.

Isn't it until tomorrow when it's first in rotation?
Nope it's been on for 12 hours now so still time for you to try it out.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
I had my days mixed up for some reason.

Anyway, it's probably my least favorite of the three so far. There's one part with too much grate/fall-through terrain (great spot for Flyfish to camp), and there's a lot of aimless wandering until you find what side has Salmonites. I guess it's okay enough, but I'd take the other two over this any day.

Also, is there even low tide on this map? Haven't seen it...

Agent Z

Inkling Commander
Jul 24, 2017
I had my days mixed up for some reason.

Anyway, it's probably my least favorite of the three so far. There's one part with too much grate/fall-through terrain (great spot for Flyfish to camp), and there's a lot of aimless wandering until you find what side has Salmonites. I guess it's okay enough, but I'd take the other two over this any day.

Also, is there even low tide on this map? Haven't seen it...

I don't think there is. And that's fine by me. If those Salmonoids are so eager to hurry to their graves, then I'd prefer they get up in my face faster so that I can show them the way. The excessive amount of grates is good. It will encourage people to use their Sting Rays and Spashdowns more effectively.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
There is still lowtide which happens on the side opposite from the grates.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
I don't think there is. And that's fine by me. If those Salmonoids are so eager to hurry to their graves, then I'd prefer they get up in my face faster so that I can show them the way. The excessive amount of grates is good. It will encourage people to use their Sting Rays and Spashdowns more effectively.
I don't see how it would make them use their specials more effectively. Certainly not Splashdowns, which still require you to get in a bunch of Salmonites' faces, and which are more effective as a panic-button in SR. All it does is make it slow as heck to get anywhere, make it near-impossible to recover ink quickly enough to deal with Flyfish, and make playing slow-movement weapons a drag.

And I have seen the low-tide layout now. Meh...
I just don't see myself playing a lot of SR when this is the stage.


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 1, 2017
I love the new stage. It feels really different to the other two, and the way the central building obstructs your view of the stage really tests your ability to communicate with your team. I can see why that would be off-putting for those who tend to have terrible luck in matchmaking, but as someone who tends to get pretty good teams I've found it really engaging and fun.

The central room with the egg basket in particular tends to make for some pretty crazy and chaotic moments. I've only played for a few hours in this session so far, but this stage has already produced some of the most insane situations I've seen in my entire Salmon Run experience. There's just something really awesome about the way the final moments of the Run tend to come down to desperately trying to keep the Salmonids at bay as they pour through the doors into the room. It makes you feel like an absolute badass when you win, and even when you get wiped it's hard to feel mad because of the sheer spectacle of it.

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
It's definitely the trickiest of the three. One of the most important things a team can do on this map is let people know when you see the bosses appear since it's hard to see. It was a nice thing to do in the first two, but it's vital here. Don't be afraid to spam "this way!" if no one is around you.

I like it a lot though. Feels great to have a new SR map with its own layout and tricks. Knowing where your teammates are is more important than ever.

I think Steelheads are glitched or something though, once they get inside the base they just aimlessly walk around for a while before finally attacking.
Yes! That gave me a lot of trouble when I played. When the steelhead is just wandering around you can get swarmed by other enemies or bosses, and not be ready to attack it. Even the Maws seemed to take longer than they should in coming out and attacking around the basket. Though they've been iffy in the past too.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I certainly find it to be the most challenging of the maps so far. The loadout didn't help of course, 4 weapons good on their own merits that are horrible together - griller waves are hell for that set-up. I look forward to trying it with literally anything else.

It seems to me to be a stage for maintaining control is more important than ever. Last night things got out of hand, FOUR steel eels entered the house, and we were done, haha.


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 1, 2017
Yes! That gave me a lot of trouble when I played. When the steelhead is just wandering around you can get swarmed by other enemies or bosses, and not be ready to attack it. Even the Maws seemed to take longer than they should in coming out and attacking around the basket. Though they've been iffy in the past too.
I think having to swim up and over the high walls might mess with the Maws' pathfinding or something, because I've definitely noticed them go weird on this stage as well and it usually seems to happen when their path to their target involves swimming along a wall. I noticed one Maws in particular swim up and down walls a bunch of times trying to chase down a player who was around a corner from it. I was standing there, ready to pounce when the green circle started flashing, only to have to watch the stupid thing swim all the way up the wall and down it again. By the time it was done the player it was tracking had moved, so it swam over to the new wall that was between them and did exactly the same thing.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Yeah, they definitely have to fix the Maws' behavior in this stage. It just goes up and down that wall for ever.

It certainly doesn't help that you NEED a team you can rely on in this stage. Nobody seems to use the 'This Way' command, or seems to do anything with it whenever I use it. I mean, I've seen some pretty stupid teammates in SR so far, and this stage basically relies on whether or not you were lucky with the matchmaking. Compared to the other ones, this stage just puts the players at a bit too much of a disadvantage. It's cramped, grated and it's the most closed off/hard to see stage so far. Ugh...


Inkling Commander
Jul 14, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I personally really enjoy this stage, really makes you feel like a god when you're in the fortress holding off attacks from seemingly endless amounts of Salmonids. Griller waves on here sucked big time however, probably because of the weapons. You've got nothing to get the smallfry, and if you dedicate one of your teammates to getting them you don't have enough DPS to take out the grillers. This map really will test your ability to communicate with your teammates though, so playing with randoms will probably not be the best, for this map anyways. Griller waves were really salt inducing. I really wanted to get a "Swarm" wave as I call them, to see if you could just hide up in the wall with the glowflies, but eh, didn't get it. Those are my 2 cents on it :V Probably 2nd favorite SR map because I don't like Spawning Grounds high tide. :V

Agent Z

Inkling Commander
Jul 24, 2017
I don't see how it would make them use their specials more effectively. Certainly not Splashdowns, which still require you to get in a bunch of Salmonites' faces, and which are more effective as a panic-button in SR. All it does is make it slow as heck to get anywhere, make it near-impossible to recover ink quickly enough to deal with Flyfish, and make playing slow-movement weapons a drag.

And I have seen the low-tide layout now. Meh...
I just don't see myself playing a lot of SR when this is the stage.
You can splat Fly Fish with Splashdowns now.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 24, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I think it's better than OK, but I don't exactly love it. ;) I guess my stance on it would be closer to "liking it" than "loving it". I really like that it's quite different from the original two Salmon Run stages, it makes for a fresh experience!

Teammates being responsive and quick-acting seems even more important in Lost Outpost than in the other stages, but most of my teams today played very well together.
About today's weapons... I really disliked the Nozzlenose and the... Clash Blaster (?) at first, but after getting the hang of them I think they aren't that bad. Always hoped I'd get to loan the Splash-o-matic or the Charger, however. *^.^*

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