The complaint about brutal splatfests is based off several factors:
-snails. We all want em and some of us are willing to splat for them. Maybe nintendo could get us another option to get snails. My personal suggestion is defeat dj octavio and get a snail. It requires skill and time and isnt dependent on team mates
-frequency. Splatfest feels like less and less of a fun event and more and more like a contrived sales tool. Less splatfests makes them become more valuable as an event.
-length. 24 hrs is too short imo. Do it from midnight friday night til midnight monday. Time constraints make people play in a more goal oriented manner.
- perhaps everyone is dying to show their ranked prowess and therby feels the need to upgrade their gear to a state of optimization. Why not add a metric or two to ranked matches that allows you to move up if your team loses? Tc: time on tower and number of splats of opponents on the tower rm: time carrying the rainmaker and times splatting the carrier. Sz: pixels inked in zone and "swaps" aka how many times did u cause a zone to go from control to neutral or from neutral to control.
Those metrics represent individual effort towards a goal. While there are support roles that can win games ( protecting your hydra team mate in splatzones comes to mind) those are dependent upon team mates.
Heck, what abt a separate ranked tier where those are the ONLY things that cause u to move up and down
Snails: I don't think massive grinding should be the way to get snails, especially not if it's not the main mode.
Lenght: Yes! Especially since people can't play for the full twentyfour hours because that little thing called sleep.
The lenght of the international Splatfest was ideal, though stretching the times too long could cause annoyance among the people who want to play Ranked.
Metric: The idea is nice, but the examples are pretty bad, as they are geared to only one style of playing.
None of it is geared toward ink control and it puts too much emphasis on the objective itself.
In TC, you can get the key picks when another one sits on the tower, gain ink control or be "that guy" that is alive after your team was wiped and sits on the tower for three seconds to victory and of course kill enemies that aren't on the tower, but are a massive threat.
The current metrics discourage teamplay and brings Ranked tactics back to C-, since everybody would want to sit on the tower even though it's strategically the worst thing to do.
Same for RM, but with an added emphasis on the lack of reward for escorting (Since every point counts, ink control, even if it's just a droplet, becomes a matter of win or lose. You can also be that guy that pops Kraken at the right moment and win, same for Bubbler on TC)
Heck, you can be the support guy that throws Disruptors, Echoes and Beakons in everyone's faces for somebody else to do the push.
In Splat Zones, there aren't any metrics to think of other than the current ones, but these metrics royally screw over defensive players om two-zoned zones and favor Ink Strikes and Sprinkler a LOT.
The former protect the native zone, and if they do it right, they don't have to swap it, because they kill the push before it even started.
The Tentakteks in the opponents zone though keep bum rushing the other zone and fail, though they painted a bit so it swaps and get extra points for the pixels.
While the defensive player that stops pushes consistently gets no reward, the bum rushing Tentateks reap rewards for their failure.
Ink Strike and Sprinklers are going to have an extra field day, as they can ink an enormous amount of pixels and stop the counter, while the team wiping Inkzooka gets nothing if a teammate "steals" the swap.
Tldr: There are an astronomical amount of ways to contribute to the team and metrics can never show them all.
Things like "amount of zones swapped" and "Distance Tower pushed" are neat and should be visible (Kinda like the menu you always skip in Smash Bros.), but they don't show everything about how much you contributed to the win (Basically the same as K/D ratio)