New Weapon DLC Ideas.

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
Sorry for the double-post, but a couple more ideas:
Missiles- Sub- A small bottle rocket that can lock onto an enemy like a Seeker, sending out small drops of ink as it flies. If an enemy hides, it will just continue towards its target and explode when it hits the ground. Can be shot in the air by either side to explode in the air and drop the ink directly below.
-Even easier to avoid than a Seeker.
-Does not ink as much flying, only just enough to hide in a puddle, and since it's done in bursts, it doesn't leave a trail.
-A great distraction. An opponent has to choose between firing at the Inkling or firing at the missile, and has a harder time knowing what's going on while hitting a missile because they have to look up.
-Good for hitting enemies on higher ground. (Nice for hitting snipers and the above idea of propellers)

Tidal Wave-Special-Upon activating, you can draw a line (about a short-medium length) on your map, sending a wave of ink along the path. (The wave launches after the line is finished) The wave only reaches about the height of an Inkling on the ground, but when going down a level, it keeps the greater height until it is all the way down.
-If you plan out a line, you're left staring at your map with no weapons during that time.
-Not super wide, so easier to avoid.
-Harder to predict than an Inkstrike. Putting in an occasional swerve to the side or doubling back might surprise someone by the wave.
-A good way to ink up a path.
-Can hide in the wave for a surprise attack.
-Good in zones like Blackbelly Skatepark, where the wave would be harder to avoid. (the slopes mean the wave is higher when coming down from above)
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Mar 8, 2016
Brush Skates:
A pair of thick brushes strapped to your shoes.
Holding the attack button, lets you skate along the floor in a speed that is slightly faster then the inkbrush. The paint you leave behind while moving this way is of course very minimal. Mashing the attack button, lets you perform an attack string that makes you kick ink all over the place. Depending on where you aim, you also kick differently (aiming high, makes you do something like a somersault kick so that the ink flies higher).
When kicking, the distance the ink flies is actually quite far, as you propel the ink with your leg power, however, the amount kicked out is very small. The weapon would be a 2HKO.

Spray Can:
Range is very limited, and that damage is also quite low.
However, this is balanced out, as the spray can leaving a paint dust behind for a short amount of time where it sprays. Entering this cloud does damage per tick, so you could pass through the cloud without dying, but of course you will damaged (also entering the cloud while you are already damages can mean your death). Painting the floor would be very easy, as it has very low ink usage and a wide area that covers the floor.
but the inkbrush has the maximum speed.


Mar 8, 2016
how about a charger with 70% range and 50% charge time with seekers and an inkstrike the scope counter part would have 75% range and 47% charge te because the point would be to scare people into your range and splat them also I threw in an inkstrike to give it coverage.

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
Got a new idea for a sub weapon:

A bubble wand is waved forward, sending out a large bubble of ink. This bubble bounces twice (leaving small splashes of ink) before resting on whatever surface it ends up on. After that, it will remain until it is popped, dropping another splash of ink. If it lands on an enemy squid, it will push them back a bit.

Bubbles are very weak and can be popped with the slightest drop of enemy ink, but they do not pop when an enemy is pushed into them, and they do deal damage.They are good for slowing enemies down through certain passages or blocking off a passage to escape. (an opponent will have to fire at them to flee, leaving their pursuer unattacked)

A bubble can be put on an ally for a minor version of the bubbler, but it’s not a great help-It still pops with a little bit of ink, so it won’t do much good. It could, however, help someone avoid a one-hit KO situation. (Squished by a roller, splatted by a charger or bomb, hit by a kraken) But they’re still left in the situation after the bubble pops, so it’s not a great way to escape, just a sort of second chance. If an ally passes through a bubble, it will attach onto them, and if they pass through a second bubble, they just walk through.

Bubble Rush could be really great for turfing: You leave a part of the field to where enemies have to actually cover up the field in your turf before they can cover it in theirs. With any nearby allies, you also give them a number of shields and a sort of safe zone to walk around in. But inking up the area twice gives enemies their specials that much sooner.
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Full Squid
Aug 21, 2015
Frosty Dual Squelcher:
Since were getting the berry splattershot pro, why not a new dual squelcher, this one would have a splash wall and a shield, a great combination, and as the name implies, the color would be blue.
I actually had the same idea for such a set on a Dual Squelcher, except I called it the 'Twin Dual Squelcher' ( and imagined it to be a more saturated pink-red... But idk the name might be considered a little redundant haha


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!


Full Squid
Jun 22, 2016
My idea is a vacuum that sucks up enemy ink.

How it works:

It sucks up ink, and the ink that gets sucked in, spouts from the back of the vacuum, filling up some turf from behind you. You can run with this too, like a Roller type weapon! I don't know how it could be used for fighting tho. xD

And maybe a Ink turret that has good firerate, fine damage, and the ability to cling to walls and cielings too.

From an other thread. :P


Inkster Jr.
Apr 27, 2016
New York
Switch Friend Code
I want a gun that works like Tom Sawyer's punch gun from Codename S.T.E.A.M.-- the only difference being in that the gun in Splatoon would use ink along with it.

In case you're not familiar with Codename S.T.E.A.M. (I mean, I don't think anyone played it besides me and a handful of others, it was pretty bad), the Punch Gun worked like this: It was a long range gun that had a boxing glove attached to a spring. When it was triggered, the spring would extend out and hit a selected enemy. From what I remember, it didn't do too much damage.

How it would have been transferred into Splatoon:
- The boxing glove would be covered in ink, leaving behind a thin trail of ink as it was shot forward.
- Its range would remain the same. It would be a normal gunner, not something you'd need to charge.
- It would use a lot of ink. You could fire it 4 times before you run out of ink totally.
- The closer someone is to the gun, the higher the chance is to get splatted by it when its fired (Obviously).
- Sub would be Burst Bomb, special would be Ecolocator.

You could call it... the K.O. Punch Gun. I can't think up any ink puns for it LMAO

Joseph Staleknight

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 9, 2015
East Coast USA
Switch Friend Code
Funny, I've also thought up a new shooter-type weapon that can instant-KO.

Basically, it's a big toaster mounted on an ironing board that functions like a rocket launcher--it fires toast-shaped slices of ink that can insta-splat anyone it lands on. You're limited to six shots per tank, it's got poor range but decent firing rate (like, say, a regular Blaster), and the shots will explode into a radius smaller than a Burst Bomb if they hit the ground. For the regular version, the Sub would be Squid Beakons and Special would be Inkzooka. Meanwhile, the alternative comes with Ink Mines and Echolocator. I call it the "Squid Toaster".


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 16, 2015
Rubber Blaster: A special Blaster variant that shoots exploding projectiles that can bounce once before popping and are affected by gravity, allowing you to arc your shots. Physically resembles a .Gal with a Luna Blaster styling, with a matte rubbery texture around the barrel tip. 1HKO if you directly hit the enemy before it bounces, 2HKO for direct hits after bouncing and for near-miss splash damage, 3HKO for the very edge of the splash damage from shots popping. The only primary weapon affected by the Bomb Range up gear ability (increased arc range).

Range: 2/3 of default grenade throw range (without BRU), maxes out at 3-main-5-sub BRU at about 5/3 default grenade throw range.

Ink efficiency: about 8 shots per tank (without Ink Efficiency Mains), maxes out at about 12 shots after 3M5S IEM.

Four Variants:

Basic Rubber Blaster - has the Seeker and Echolocator sub/special combo.
Octo variant - Has the Splash Wall and Kraken combo.
Zink Variant - Has Squid Beakons and the Bubbler.
Dolphin Variant - Has Disruptors and Ink Strike.

Possible altname: Rebound Blaster/RB Blaster
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The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Rapid-fire (or as you like to call them, shooters)
Range: 60
Base Damage: 25
Fire rate: 55
Sub: seeker
Special: bomb rush.

The Sharkshooter is a very accurate and mobile weapon. When shooting ink, your speed is faster than all other weapons. About as accurate as the Splash-o-Matic. One main of Defense up can turn the Sharkshooter into a 5-shot splat. 2 mains can turn it into a 6-shot splat.
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Inkster Jr.
Jul 18, 2016
Not sure on what all the specifics would be, but I liked the idea of a Charger that had a "perfect window" or something. For example, getting to full charge would take 1 second. For a half second after hitting that charge, its ink link is thicker and its damage is higher, possibly higher than E-Liter. However, after that half-second, the charge winds down, and the power is only about the level of it being charged to 50%. Basically, it would be potentially the most powerful Charger out there, but would not be good for camping, since you couldn't just hold your charge at the ready and expect to be effective.

Joseph Staleknight

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 9, 2015
East Coast USA
Switch Friend Code
Not sure on what all the specifics would be, but I liked the idea of a Charger that had a "perfect window" or something. For example, getting to full charge would take 1 second. For a half second after hitting that charge, its ink link is thicker and its damage is higher, possibly higher than E-Liter. However, after that half-second, the charge winds down, and the power is only about the level of it being charged to 50%. Basically, it would be potentially the most powerful Charger out there, but would not be good for camping, since you couldn't just hold your charge at the ready and expect to be effective.
Actually, I wish that was how chargers worked. Maybe in the next game.


Full Squid
Sep 14, 2016
Ink Spear: A roller in the shape of a marker. Very thin line while rolling but goes faster than the ink brush. When flicking, it does damage simular to the .52 gal.

Special: Ghost Seeker. This allows your inkling to become a seeker and control it. You always go forward and you maneuver where you're going with the joystick, leaving a ink trail behind. The seeking can hit an inkling and explode, killing you in the process. Also if you hit a wall or the special meter runs out, you explode. (In your ink)

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