I forgot what they wear and didn't want to draw that XD
(Octavia's on the previous page, just higher up than the collective post
P sure that Zappy liked it too)
Pan: Pilot Goggles, Part Time Pirate,
Moto Boots (Zappy you know this already)
Ringo: Camo Mesh, Gray College Sweat, Hunter Hi Tops
Tako: Traditional Headband, Traditional Apron, and shoes which I had written down but forgot where *screams* I'll look for them later
Octavia: White Arrowbands, Blue Peaks Tee, White Arrows(? Not confirmed)
Mimi: Fake Contacts, Blue Stripes LS, White Arrows
Quill: Jet Cap, Forge Octarian Jacket, Squid Stitch Slip Ons
Don't get me started on the Agents
I completely forgot to hunt for weapons and gear for them
Just draw them in Agent Gear (or Agent 4 in the Newbie outfit)