Patch Hopes for 9.3.0


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
It's safe to assume we'll get another patch to Splatoon sometime next month. What changes do you want to see most from it? Feel free to keep things realistic, or not. If I don't, this post will be a dozen pages long, so I'll stick to changes that I think could possibly happen, even if unlikely.

Sub Weapon Buffs

Toxic Mist
Now inks a small patch of turf in the middle of the cloud

This change gives Mist much more utility, making it a way to instantly ink the area beneath its user's feet, and making it so hitting an enemy with the sub directly traps them in ink.

Angle Shooter
Trail damage increased from 0 to 20

It has to happen eventually... right...? The balance team has to know by now.

Special Weapon Nerfs

Startup increased by 10 frames
Splash damage decreased from 53 to 50

Even if the damage wouldn't change how it plays nearly as much as the increased startup, nerfing it from the dumbest damage number in the series to something round would be equally beneficial to my state of mind. I'd prefer they nerf its startup by 40 frames, but it's supposed to be realistic.

Triple Inkstrike
The special only ends once its full duration has elapsed
Duration increased from 6 to 10 seconds
Triple Inkstrike needs a recharge cooldown more badly than Big Swig needs a new kit. This special is way too easy to spam and it needs to stop.

Special Saver points reduced from 57 to 29 AP
This change reduces the amount of special charge preserved when dying with Cooler from 100% to 90%, making it less annoyingly foolproof.

Special Weapon Buffs

Wave Breaker
Wave height increased by 50%
Waves can now reach areas higher than before

Wave Breaker can be buffed in a lot of different ways, but these two buffs are the most obvious. The first makes it harder to avoid the waves, and the second makes it possible to place Wave Breakers in safer locations without reducing their impact.

Kraken Royale
No longer takes knockback
Can no longer climb the Tower Control tower and is automatically pushed off if activated on top of it

The main reason Kraken Royale users spam their charge attack to move around the stage is because swimming normally makes them susceptible to knockback from enemy attacks. Removing that weakness makes the special feel way less restrictive.

Splattercolor Screen
Replaced fizzing sound effect with an effect that muffles game audio
The user's team can now see through the entire screen

Splattercolor Screen's biggest problem outside of its accessibility issues is that you... can't see through it...? Why was this ever the case? Why is it still the case now?? These two changes alone fix 90% of the special's issues.

Main Weapon Nerfs

Ink consumption increaed by 25%

Ink consumption nerfs for shooters will be a common sight in this section of the post. Splash needs no other changes apart from this.

Ink consumption increased by 30%
Paint reduced by 10%
If Splattershot is going to keep getting fighting buffs (hopefully not), it needs some support power nerfs.

Ink consumption increased by 25%
Increase in chance to shoot toward the outer reticle per shot increased from 0.5% to 1%
On top of increasing its ink consumption, ZAP will have its ridiculous accuracy buff from patch 8.0.0 reverted.

Carbon Roller
Range at which lethal damage is dealt (both flicks) decreased by 10%
I have a personal bias against this weapon, feel free to ignore this change. In my opinion this thing should have to be standing within arm's reach to be able to splat in a single flick, since it's so easy for it to get a second one out compared to other rollers.

Full charge damage decreased from 68 to 60
Range reduced by 5%
The main thing that's kept Snipewriter in the meta for so long is its ability to combo with weapons that deal between 32 and 40 damage like Splattershot and Splatana Stamper, both very strong options. Reverting its damage back to its original 60 removes those combos and makes the weapon less of a shoo-in for any comps that use them.

Interval between sloshes increased by 2 frames
It worked for Machine, it'll work for Slosher. While some are vehemently against nerfing this weapon, it's way too strong to remain unnerfed.

Splatana Stamper
Slash range reduced by 10%
Why this hasn't happened and why I see nobody talk about it are both mysteries to me. This weapon has the same maximum range as Jet Squelcher despite being a midline slayer with a melee one-shot. It does not need this much poking power.

Melee hitbox size reduced by 20%
Decavitator has always been way too lenient with the aim and spacing of its melee hitbox. Dedicated players should be able to adapt to this change without too much difficulty, though it will meaningfully reduce the power of the weapon.

Main Weapon Buffs

Splattershot Nova
Increase in chance to shoot toward the outer reticle per shot removed
Splattershot Nova's entire gimmick is supposed to be its stagnant accuracy, having the lowest maximum chance to shoot wide. Instead it has the same maximum chance to miss as other shooters, and reaches it before it even fires enough shots to splat a target. This will be fixed.

Dynamo Roller
Paint (both flicks) increased by 10%
Dash speed increased from 0.108 to 0.148 units per frame
Dynamo Roller gets one obvious change and one less obvious change. First is giving the weapon consistent paint, which it has needed for a very long time. The second is making its motor actually work, giving it the fastest maximum rolling speed in the class; barely above Big Swig.

Goo Tuber
Range when fully charged increased from 20.95 to 22.95 units
Goo Tuber needs more range and more reason to fully charge. Increasing its range when fully charged is a no-brainer.

Sloshing Machine*
Interval between sloshes decreased by 2 frames
Ink consumption decreased from 9.2% to 8.8% per slosh
(Standard) Points for special decreased from 220 to 200
Machines nerfs this game have been much too severe, so I would partially revert all of its main weapon nerfs and fully revert its points for special nerfs. I think Machine's main and kit are a lot heathier for the meta than Slosher, so the goal is ultimately to make it the slightly better option.

Glooga Dualies
Standard fire damage increased from 36 to 45
Delay between finishing a dodge roll and firing decreased from 8 to 4 frames
Both of these buffs do a lot for Gloogas, the former making its standard fire more viable against enemies that are already weakened as well as for breaking objects, and the latter making its dodge rolls feel much less laggy.

Dualie Squelchers*
Damage increased from 28 to 30
I don't think I need to explain this one. Squelchers are one of the most difficult and interesting main weapons in the game, and this extra damage goes a long way in making the weapon better. Especially its Custom kit, since it would finally be able to combo one shot with its Super Chumps.

Splat Brella
Damage per pellet increased from 16.2 to 18
Maximum damage increased from 81 to 90
Brella damage buff, reducing the total number of pellets needed to splat by one.

Undercover Brella
Damage per pellet increased from 12 to 13
Maximum damage increased from 40 to 45
Brella damage buff, reducing the total number of pellets needed to splat by one.
Recycled Brella 24
Maximum damage increased from 90 to 105
Brella damage buff, reducing the total number of shots needed to splat by one, to one. Recycled Brella being able to potentially splat in one shot makes up for how pathetic its shield is at defending the user, letting the shield be used for more aggressive plays.

That's all of the changes I can think of as of now. I think that all of these are possible, even if some of them are highly improbable, such as the Recycled Brella buff or the Tacticooler nerf.
Feel free to share your own hopes for the next patch in this thread.
Thanks for reading mine, and have a wonderful day.

*Added in post, though meant to be part of the thread originally.
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Inkling Commander
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
what about them
Switch Friend Code
It's safe to assume we'll get another patch to Splatoon sometime next month. What changes do you want to see most from it? Feel free to keep things realistic, or not. If I don't, this post will be a dozen pages long, so I'll stick to changes that I think could possibly happen, even if unlikely.

Sub Weapon Buffs

Toxic Mist
Now inks a small patch of turf in the middle of the cloud

This change gives Mist much more utility, making it a way to instantly ink the area beneath its user's feet, and making it so hitting an enemy with the sub directly traps them in ink.

Angle Shooter
Trail damage increased from 0 to 20

It has to happen eventually... right...? The balance team has to know by now.

Special Weapon Nerfs

Startup increased by 10 frames
Splash damage decreased from 53 to 50

Even if the damage wouldn't change how it plays nearly as much as the increased startup, nerfing it from the dumbest damage number in the series to something round would be equally beneficial to my state of mind. I'd prefer they nerf its startup by 40 frames, but it's supposed to be realistic.

Triple Inkstrike
The special only ends once its full duration has elapsed
Duration increased from 6 to 10 seconds
Triple Inkstrike needs a recharge cooldown more badly than Big Swig needs a new kit. This special is way too easy to spam and it needs to stop.

Special Saver points reduced from 57 to 29 AP
This change reduces the amount of special charge preserved when dying with Cooler from 100% to 90%, making it less annoyingly foolproof.

Special Weapon Buffs

Wave Breaker
Wave height increased by 50%
Waves can now reach areas higher than before

Wave Breaker can be buffed in a lot of different ways, but these two buffs are the most obvious. The first makes it harder to avoid the waves, and the second makes it possible to place Wave Breakers in safer locations without reducing their impact.

Kraken Royale
No longer takes knockback
Can no longer climb the Tower Control tower and is automatically pushed off if activated on top of it

The main reason Kraken Royale users spam their charge attack to move around the stage is because swimming normally makes them susceptible to knockback from enemy attacks. Removing that weakness makes the special feel way less restrictive.

Splattercolor Screen
Replaced fizzing sound effect with an effect that muffles game audio
The user's team can now see through the entire screen

Splattercolor Screen's biggest problem outside of its accessibility issues is that you... can't see through it...? Why was this ever the case? Why is it still the case now?? These two changes alone fix 90% of the special's issues.

Main Weapon Nerfs

Ink consumption increaed by 25%

Ink consumption nerfs for shooters will be a common sight in this section of the post. Splash needs no other changes apart from this.

Ink consumption increased by 30%
Paint reduced by 10%
If Splattershot is going to keep getting fighting buffs (hopefully not), it needs some support power nerfs.

Ink consumption increased by 25%
Increase in chance to shoot toward the outer reticle per shot increased from 0.5% to 1%
On top of increasing its ink consumption, ZAP will have its ridiculous accuracy buff from patch 8.0.0 reverted.

Carbon Roller
Range at which lethal damage is dealt (both flicks) decreased by 10%
I have a personal bias against this weapon, feel free to ignore this change. In my opinion this thing should have to be standing within arm's reach to be able to splat in a single flick, since it's so easy for it to get a second one out compared to other rollers.

Full charge damage decreased from 68 to 60
Range reduced by 5%
The main thing that's kept Snipewriter in the meta for so long is its ability to combo with weapons that deal between 32 and 40 damage like Splattershot and Splatana Stamper, both very strong options. Reverting its damage back to its original 60 removes those combos and makes the weapon less of a shoo-in for any comps that use them.

Interval between sloshes increased by 2 frames
It worked for Machine, it'll work for Slosher. While some are vehemently against nerfing this weapon, it's way too strong to remain unnerfed.

Splatana Stamper
Slash range reduced by 10%
Why this hasn't happened and why I see nobody talk about it are both mysteries to me. This weapon has the same maximum range as Jet Squelcher despite being a midline slayer with a melee one-shot. It does not need this much poking power.

Melee hitbox size reduced by 20%
Decavitator has always been way too lenient with the aim and spacing of its melee hitbox. Dedicated players should be able to adapt to this change without too much difficulty, though it will meaningfully reduce the power of the weapon.

Main Weapon Buffs

Splattershot Nova
Increase in chance to shoot toward the outer reticle per shot removed
Splattershot Nova's entire gimmick is supposed to be its stagnant accuracy, having the lowest maximum chance to shoot wide. Instead it has the same maximum chance to miss as other shooters, and reaches it before it even fires enough shots to splat a target. This will be fixed.

Dynamo Roller
Paint (both flicks) increased by 10%
Dash speed increased from 0.108 to 0.148 units per frame
Dynamo Roller gets one obvious change and one less obvious change. First is giving the weapon consistent paint, which it has needed for a very long time. The second is making its motor actually work, giving it the fastest maximum rolling speed in the class; barely above Big Swig.

Goo Tuber
Range when fully charged increased from 20.95 to 22.95 units
Goo Tuber needs more range and more reason to fully charge. Increasing its range when fully charged is a no-brainer.

Glooga Dualies
Standard fire damage increased from 36 to 45
Delay between finishing a dodge roll and firing decreased from 8 to 4 frames
Both of these buffs do a lot for Gloogas, the former making its standard fire more viable against enemies that are already weakened as well as for breaking objects, and the latter making its dodge rolls feel much less laggy.

Splat Brella
Damage per pellet increased from 16.2 to 18
Maximum damage increased from 81 to 90
Brella damage buff, reducing the total number of pellets needed to splat by one.

Undercover Brella
Damage per pellet increased from 12 to 13
Maximum damage increased from 40 to 45
Brella damage buff, reducing the total number of pellets needed to splat by one.
Recycled Brella 24
Maximum damage increased from 90 to 105
Brella damage buff, reducing the total number of shots needed to splat by one, to one. Recycled Brella being able to potentially splat in one shot makes up for how pathetic its shield is at defending the user, letting the shield be used for more aggressive plays.

That's all of the changes I can think of as of now. I think that all of these are possible, even if some of them are highly improbable, such as the Recycled Brella buff or the Tacticooler nerf.
Feel free to share your own hopes for the next patch in this thread.
Thanks for reading mine, and have a wonderful day.
ooo, these are good!


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
Trying to think of what I want and also what is reasonable makes an already short list miniscule. I'm admittedly quite happy with the game overall. Still, I got a couple things that'd make me happier.

Hydra Splatling: Charge speed increased by 10%

Heehee, you know I gotta put a Hydra buff in here <3
This buff would basically give Hydra it's Splatoon 1 charge speed back, from 2.5s to 2.25s. This is probably the least realistic change I have, but I think it's also the most realistic buff for Hydra. (Outside of an ink efficiency buff I guess)
The weapon needs something to help it out in the faster than ever S3, and another mobility buff is unlikely. Less charge time would go a long way while not being too strong. 2.25 seconds of charge time is still quite a lot for any weapon, a full second longer than Heavy's and 0.25 seconds longer than Edit. You could go for 2.3 or 2.4 if 2.25 is still too much.

Snipewriter 5H: Points for special 210p -> 220p
Obligatory Pencil nerf that would make me very happy. If the devs were to nerf Pencil again, this would probably be how. I'd also be down for a range nerf, though I find that unlikely. Would this actually push Pencil out of the meta? Probably not, it fills such a solid niche as a backline Cooler weapon. It'd need Cooler itself to "go out of style" so to speak for other backlines to have a chance.

Booyah Bomb: Object damage multipliers from weapons no longer affect the Booyah Bomb user after the armor is broken.

It's a wonder this bug hasn't been fixed. Sure, it's funny when a Splatana just oneshots a Booyah Bomb armor and all. But c'mon.
Now with even more weapons that deal absurd object damage, it would be nice if this could get fixed. Not losing sleep if this doesn't happen, but I would be slightly confused.

Wave Breaker: Increased the height that the waves can travel.

Wave Breaker needs more than this to be good. But even something as simple as this would drastically improve the special. Letting you place it more freely and not having to guess whether it'll cover the ledge you couldn't quite throw it up to. And it'll let it be able to be placed in safer spots, lessening the amount of times a weapon with ridiculous object damage can kill it before it outputs a single wave.

This buff is probably the one I care about the most. Let my silly little ball toy do it's job good please 🙏

And hm, I think that's all I well and truly care about. Maybe bonk .52 Gal on the head a bit, that'd be neat.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I realize I forgot to mention a nerf for .52 Gal in the original post. Here's the changes I hope it would receive:

.52 Gal
Ink consumption increased by 45%
Delay between consecutive shots increased by 1 frame
Will either of these actually happen? Definitely not. But these nerfs would pretty much fix the weapon, making it way more ink hungry so that it can't use its Splash Wall so freely, and reducing its fire rate so it can't paint quite as well or splat quite as quickly, especially if it misses a shot or two.

Smash Arena

Pro Squid
Dec 11, 2014
For patch 9.3.0, I would prefer Nintendo avoids nerfs, but focuses on buffing some underused weapons, like the L-3 and H-3 Nozzlenoses. Would also love some simpler stage improvements, like more inkable walls, but that's going to be a hard find from Nintendo this late in the game's life. Plus, it seems like Nintendo has developed an allergy to inkable walls/less restrictive stage design with Splatoon 3.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 4, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I actually think the charge speed for the Hydra is fine where it is. It's firing time has been buffed to just over 4.3 seconds. Considering how the mobility has actually been buffed slightly in this game's life cycle, I think 2.5 seconds is more than fair considering how long its firing time is now.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I actually think the charge speed for the Hydra is fine where it is. It's firing time has been buffed to just over 4.3 seconds. Considering how the mobility has actually been buffed slightly in this game's life cycle, I think 2.5 seconds is more than fair considering how long its firing time is now.
History has been made, for I agree with you on this.
Hydra's main weakness has long been its charge time, and mitigating that weakness at this point seems like a bad idea. It might be fine for the weapon to charge to one ring slightly faster, but the overall charge time is at a nice round number right now and keeping it at that is very reasonable, especially for how much of a powerhouse it is when fully charged.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
I actually think the charge speed for the Hydra is fine where it is. It's firing time has been buffed to just over 4.3 seconds. Considering how the mobility has actually been buffed slightly in this game's life cycle, I think 2.5 seconds is more than fair considering how long its firing time is now.
Oh no, buffing the charge time definitely isn't a good idea. But you know I had to put an unrealistic Hydra buff in there somewhere <3
I would much prefer a mobility buff, that's what the weapon actually needs.

One day it'll have a 1 second long chargehold. One day.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
This is my third time typing this.

- ink cost per slosh decreased from 11.7% > 11.1%

- ink cost per slosh decreased from 7.6% > 7.2%

- decreased hitbox length on charged slashes
- decreased width on uncharged slash projectile
- endlag from uncharged slash is slightly reduced

Dualie Squelchers
- damage per shot increased from 28 > 30
- ink cost per roll decreased from 8% > 5%

- decreased object damage

PFS Changes
vMachine - 220p > 210p
Rapid Deco - 210p > 190p
Tri-Slosher Nouveau - 210p > 190p
Pencil - 210p > 220p
.52 Gal - 200 > 220p (kill this weapon)
Last edited:


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I'm making a separate post to also point out one change I don't agree with (there's more but I don't have any strong feelings on them).
Interval between sloshes increased by 2 frames
It worked for Machine, it'll work for Slosher. While some are vehemently against nerfing this weapon, it's way too strong to remain unnerfed.
Pretty obvious I wouldn't agree with this change. It felt terrible enough with Machine and doing it to Slosher (even if it's only 2 frames) would still feel bad.
Feeling slightly worse to use isn't a very good argument though but I also don't understand why it has to be nerfed to begin with.
It's very useful for comp building with how reliable it is as a slayer while also being good at enabling other weapons with its chip damage, Splat Bomb, and Strikes.
I can understand nerfing the range on Decavs direct hitbox because of how overtuned and easy it is but there's nothing about Slosher that stands out to me as overtuned.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I'm making a separate post to also point out one change I don't agree with (there's more but I don't have any strong feelings on them).

Pretty obvious I wouldn't agree with this change. It felt terrible enough with Machine and doing it to Slosher (even if it's only 2 frames) would still feel bad.
Feeling slightly worse to use isn't a very good argument though but I also don't understand why it has to be nerfed to begin with.
It's very useful for comp building with how reliable it is as a slayer while also being good at enabling other weapons with its chip damage, Splat Bomb, and Strikes.
I can understand nerfing the range on Decavs direct hitbox because of how overtuned and easy it is but there's nothing about Slosher that stands out to me as overtuned.
Slosher's reliability is exactly why I think it should be nerfed. And Decavitator, for that matter. I do definitely have some bias here as an H-3 / Bamboo / Big Swig player, but I really don't think any weapon that has a large, consistent projectile hitbox should be top tier. It's not difficult for a Slosher to land its sloshes, I know that from experience. I do think Slosher should stay pickable, but if any slosher should be the top tier, it should be Machine. Landing a direct 76 is actually somewhat difficult, plus Fizzy Bomb and Booyah Bomb are much better for the game than Splat Bomb and Triple Inkstrike, since they encourage more active play.

...I forgot to add Machine buffs in the original post, didn't I? I'll quickly add them.


Jan 30, 2024
You know what? I got a good feeling about this one. I'm pretty satisfied with the game's balance as it is, since coming back to tent (AKA giving up on the rest of the brellas lmao) I finally feel like I'm playing on a similar power scale to everyone else, so now it can only get better!

The devs know the game's meta by now, last few patches were pretty good, so now they just gotta bring a few stragglers up to speed. Like throw some random buffs to dynamo bamboo brellas machine or some weakish specials and I'm good!

As long as they don't end up buffing some toxic weapon (nintendo if you buff ultra stamp and give undercover 0,1 second faster shield regen time I'll never forgive you) or nerfing crab or cooler it can only get better from here


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
eastern time
Switch Friend Code
All I want is for attempting to shoot while out of ink to not give me more white ink frames. why is this a thing
this will not happen in the patch but I hope it's at least a thing for s4


Jan 30, 2024
You know what, screw my hopes and dreams, it's predictions time, here's what will 100% guaranteed happen in the patch

.96 Gal: damage increased from 62 to 67 (this is the only shooter I could see them buffing except maybe nova)
L-3 nozzlenose: jump spread removed (why not? every other semi auto has this)

Splat Charger: paint width of shots increased by 6% (splat charger's strangely fallen off, so maybe nintendo'll give it something)

Douser Dualies: damage increased from 25.5 to 26.5

Splat Brella: paint of shots increased by 8%

Painbrush: windup reduced by 3 frames

Wave Breaker: it's getting something but I have no idea what, 100 more HP?

Ink Vac: now prevents splatanas from dashing through it, and can absorb Triple Inkstrike detonators (they'll never let it be cancellable, but this could already be huge)

Splattercolor Screen: Increased frequency of paint droplets

Foil Flingza Roller: 200 > 190p
New Squiffer: 200 > 190p
Rapid Blaster Deco: 210 > 200p

And no nerfs! I genuinely don't think anything'll be nerfed next patch, except maybe, maybe Decav, who knows.

Maybe I'm aiming too low, but this would already make me happy, give me your worst Nintendo...


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I feel like you're being a bit pessimistic here, but there's really only one change here I don't see happening.

Douser Dualies: damage increased from 25.5 to 26.5
Douser Dualies' damage is intertwined with their name, with the FF being a hexadecimal number translating to 255. This means the weapon is basically inured to any damage changes.

I'll outline my own prediction sometime soon.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2025
the Memverse
Douser Dualies' damage is intertwined with their name, with the FF being a hexadecimal number translating to 255. This means the weapon is basically inured to any damage changes.
I really wonder how I missed that but of trivia. Should have known that. Dousers could still get the effect of a damage buff if it's falloff reduction curve was made to be slower. That way they have more of an incentive to hold the high ground like other backlines do. Retaining that four shot is crucial for it, so I wouldn't be surprised if that made it to the next patch.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
All right, here's exactly what I think is going to happen for the patch:

Splattershot Jr.
Strafe speed increased (from .076 to .08 units per frame)
The token unnecessary short-range shooter buff. It's been several patches since they last buffed Jr., and it's not seeing that much use in competitive these days since Big Bubbler is less common. I can easily see them buffing it, as much as I don't want that to happen.

Splattershot Nova
Maximum chance to shoot toward the outer reticle decreased from 25% to 10%

L-3 Nozzlenose
Reticle size no longer increased in mid-air

In the footnotes of the last patch, Nintendo stated they planned to buff weapons "with similar distance specializations" to Splattershot and Splattershot Pro in the next patch. Splattershot Nova and L-3 Nozzlenose are both shooters that need buffs and are in between the range of those two weapons, so I expect to see one or both of them buffed. This footnote will also apply to some other predictions.

Dynamo Roller
Paint output increased (by 10%)

I am very much hoping to see a Dynamo Roller buff, and considering its recent patch history and its "distance specialization", I can see one actually happening in the upcoming patch.

3-4 Miscellaneous Buffs

It's impossible to predict the seemingly random buffs that Nintendo throws out as part of a patch, but I'm acknowledging that they will exist and probably won't make any difference.

One of these buffs may be to Bamboozler. It's been a while since it's seen any competitive use or changes.

Dualie Squelchers
Damage increased from 28 to 30

Dualie Squelchers have gone the game's entire lifespan without any buffs, not even compensation for the removal of its Main Power Up three-shot from Splatoon 2. While it is wishful thinking, I feel like it's possible that they finally buff its damage.

Charged slash width decreased (by 10%)
I feel like Decavitator has to be on the chopping block for this upcoming patch, considering Mint is arguably a top 3 weapon in the meta right now and its aim requirement for its charged slashes is... lenient, at best. Me being me, this is the change I'm hoping for most out of the ones listed here.

Triple Inkstrike
Strike radius decreased (by 10%)

Triple Inkstrike has proven itself to be a very unfun special, especially for the meta. It denies and paints far too much ground, and that aspect of it could use a significant tone-back. (It probably won't be nerfed by a whole 10%, but I'd rejoice if it was.)

Wave Breaker
Height that waves can reach increased (from <2 small blocks to >2 small blocks)

This small Wave Breaker buff is particularly impactful, making it so the special can reach up over short ledges and thus affect those areas from safer positions. It's not all the special needs to be decent, but it's a leap in the right direction.

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