Originally, one person said that you are just as much a "jerk" if you heavily beat weaker teams as if you ruined the match by squidpartying. But now that there's more stating this, I'll address this "argument" as a whole:
First of all, let me tell you that this is literally the first time I hear such lunacy. In fact, it's crazy. And that is because in the first scenario the game is played as it was intended whereas in the second scenario the game is played in a way that it was not intended.
When I referred to the terminus "war" in Turf War, I simply meant that this points to the general direction of how the game is supposed to be played. It's about 2 teams, consisting of 4 players each who rival to cover the most turf in ink. It is simple as that. It is a fun game, but you generally play it to win. If one player crashs - too bad - I will still push the objective and take advantage of the enemy team being outnumbered. Just like I'll accept if one of mine crashs. I will bear the enemy no ill will if he takes advantage of us being just three: I expect him to give his all. Only then it will feel like an accomplishment if you beat them anyway. And if you lose, you know everyone did their best against the bad odds. In the end, it will be 3 minutes of fun eitherway, eh?
It is not fun when people start willingly ruining the battle for others. The notion of squidparties being all friendly and in good fun is BS. I am sorry, but that's what it is. When you squidparty, you'll always accept ruining the game for the players who came to enjoy a normal match of Splatoon. And there's no talking away that.
For easier understanding: Imagine you took a bunch of foul eggs to a crowded mall and start having a throwing-party with your mates. The people who came to use the mall as intended will get hit eventually. You scream "Booyah" and explain to them that it's all supposed to be freindly. That's squidparties in a nutshell.