「Pavor Nocturnus」
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- Mar 16, 2016
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Insert the obligatory "I hate language barriers" and "I have a name, y'know" here. What I meant when I wrote this is, when you're trying to justify curbstomps (Turf "War", because of the localization terminus), further saying it's not supposed to be casual, let me say this in simpler terms, hopefully this time my point will get across. There is no ranking, no leaderboards*, no power levels* involved in Turf War. Hence, Turf War is not a competitive, but a casual mode. I addressed another issue in my post, it being curbstomping in 3v4 scenarios (caused by voluntary or involuntary DCs, another squissue we're having apart form Squid Parties) by going as highly aggressive, including violent spawncamping and the likes. There is no justifying such behavior contrary to what people want to believe, and everyone being so "in yo face" about an unfair match right off the bat until the timer runs out should really question themselves at times. Sadly, they don't really know where to draw the line. Which is why I addressed this. What I'm saying here is:Originally, one person said that you are just as much a "jerk" if you heavily beat weaker teams as if you ruined the match by squidpartying. But now that there's more stating this, I'll address this "argument" as a whole:
First of all, let me tell you that this is literally the first time I hear such lunacy. In fact, it's crazy. And that is because in the first scenario the game is played as it was intended whereas in the second scenario the game is played in a way that it was not intended.
When I referred to the terminus "war" in Turf War, I simply meant that this points to the general direction of how the game is supposed to be played. It's about 2 teams, consisting of 4 players each who rival to cover the most turf in ink. It is simple as that. It is a fun game, but you generally play it to win. If one player crashs - too bad - I will still push the objective and take advantage of the enemy team being outnumbered. Just like I'll accept if one of mine crashs. I will bear the enemy no ill will if he takes advantage of us being just three: I expect him to give his all. Only then it will feel like an accomplishment if you beat them anyway. And if you lose, you know everyone did their best against the bad odds. In the end, it will be 3 minutes of fun eitherway, eh?
It is not fun when people start willingly ruining the battle for others. The notion of squidparties being all friendly and in good fun is BS. I am sorry, but that's what it is. When you squidparty, you'll always accept ruining the game for the players who came to enjoy a normal match of Splatoon. And there's no talking away that.
For easier understanding: Imagine you took a bunch of foul eggs to a crowded mall and start having a throwing-party with your mates. The people who came to use the mall as intended will get hit eventually. You scream "Booyah" and explain to them that it's all supposed to be freindly. That's squidparties in a nutshell.
It's good on ya if you expect people to give it "their all", the question is "Where does giving your all end and where does being
Now, for Squid Parties, again, they're not limited to casual modes. Blaming people for perceiving a mode to be casual to feel squid partying is okay, let me put this into perspective. The ones that do it outside of Private Battles, do it across all modes, including competitive ones, ranked and league. And yes, I say that because I've actually ran into Squid Partiers in league, saaaadly on my team. Needless to say, that wasn't salvageable because we were two squids short and lost a good amount of points too.
I have been in no way justifying squid parties [1], but again if we put this into perspective, Turf being ultimately a casual mode, I don't groan about the occassional squid flop or blooper (own or teammate) as much as I would have in other modes. By which I meant, occassional. It doesn't include full-blown squid parties, what it included was: "More boo-yahs", "a five second greeting flop", "falling out of position, wellp, squid happens." Lots of things lose their negative impact when you remember it's just Turf. It doesn't mean put fooling around first, but allowing for these mistakes or short bursts of crazy to happen in said mode is where so much good humor stems from.
Yo, friendo, don't justify their choice of weapon to turf well below 600. I'm a Charger main who can easily out-turf classic turfing weapons in almost any mode and I've easily pulled 800 on a Blaster. Yes, they'll tend to turf less, but it doesn't give them the free slip. Seeing Chargers who don't turf at all, especially in Sploon 2, breaks my heart just as much as non-turfing in general does. c:.What I find equality bad is anybody over a level 10 using any weapon other than a charger or blaster that can’t constantly ink 450 turf
*sighs* Now I need some good beverage.
Second of all, throwing matches by either putting your console in sleep mode (DC) or not participating in the match by either squid partying or goofing around, filling the smallest gaps of ink or somethin' is still a bag of suck for everyone, casual mode or not.
*For those with a sharp mind: Yes, this excludes Splatfest for obvious reasons, where there's actual leaderboards making their return, but I'm talking strictly vanilla Turf War here.