Weapons I Use: All Squelchers, All Sloshers, Splattershots, Squiffers, Splat Charger and Splatterscope, Bamboozler, N-Zaps, E-Liters, and Luna Blaster
Why You Want To Join: I wanted to join because I have been wanting to get into a clan and I have been having trouble getting into one as of late. I have been playing the game since mid-January right before the time Ancho-V Games and that Splatling came out. I didn't play the game for a month due to being angry at ranked but I have been playing a lot more now. I've been reading guides on weapons and maps to improve my skill. If I could join this team I would be so honored. All of you seem pretty skilled and you would know what you were doing if you went online together in a squad. If I join I promise to be active as much as I can and participate in practice sessions if needed. I really want to get better and play the game competitively.
Level/Rank: Currently I am level 42 A-. My highest ever was A+ and I do want to get back up there. My ultimate goal is to work it up to S rank or even S+ rank.
Location/Time-zone: Easter Time Zone and I live in Michigan around the Ann Arbor area.
Competitive Experience: I have not had any experience competitively. Just playing online so far.