QoL features that you'd like to see?


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2024
Mossdeep City
Hello all! I wanted the start a thread regarding QoL features in Splatoon. Basically, what are some simple quality-of-life or convenient features you'd like to see in the game?

I thought of this while making a new outfit for my inkling over the weekend, and the process of getting the abilities on the clothing made me think of a neat feature where you could use sea snails to copy the secondary abilities of a gear item over to another gear item. Technically, this could already be done with chunks or gear seed manipulation, but this feature would be largely convenient for quickly and easily assembling new builds or transferring abilities to another outfit while cutting a lot of the chunk-grinding process that most players dislike. Ability chunks would probably stay relevant since this feature only lets you copy existing ability combinations you've made, its effects only apply to secondary abilities, and it costs snails while chunks don't. I'm not sure if copying to other types of gear items (i.e. shoes to hats) or extending the feature to primary abilities (respecting exclusivity constraints like tenacity on headgear, stealth jump on shoes, etc.) would be too much, and Nintendo would likely not make this feature too cheap. I could see maybe 1-3 snails depending on the number of slots you're copying from/to being fine.

That's it for my idea though. Are there any additions you guys would like to see, or even existing features you want changed?


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
I need more communication options real bad. I need more than just "This Way!" and "Booyah!"

My most wanted one is something like "Stay Here!" or "Wait!". Just something I could use to tell my backline teammate "Do not follow me! I'm going to the other snipe so we don't block each other!"
So many times in soloq I'd get matched with a backline teammate who just follows me everywhere when I'm just trying to make sure we cover more ground. I think they're assuming that I'm trying to push up rather than reposition. I hate sharing perches >:(

If double backline is going to be the eternal plague that follows me across the many incarnations of the funny squid game, then at least give me tools to mitigate it's effects.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Something they should make more convenient is the access to season-exclusive content, timed events in general where you have to play to get that certain game content and you lose it if you don't get the chance shouldn't really be a thing in a Nintendo game in the first place, that's why I always hated the idea of event-only Pokemon. So to make the season-exclusive items available after the season is over, they could take a page out of how Marvel Rivals handles its season-exclusive items, as in, you would be able to come back to a previous catalog to finish completing it. You would be able to pick and choose which seasonal catalog you could complete if you haven't completed it before its season is over, or you could choose to complete the latest one instead of the previous ones.


Full Squid
Mar 8, 2024
haunted physics lecture hall
Switch Friend Code
Nitpicky, but I'd like for you to be able to save lockers, like how you can save outfits! I'd feel less scared to experiment with my locker XD
That, or the ability to "move to the back" or "move to the front" individual stickers. My locker is COVERED with stickers, but if I want to change one (1) sticker, I oftentimes need to take off several stickers just to put them back in a similar place.
But, locker decorating is still super fun. The inconveniences really aren't a big impact.


Trans Bird Trans Bird 🏳‍⚧️
Jan 30, 2024
Midwest USA
Switch Friend Code
Make recon mode 100x easier to use

too often I want to practice a specific rollout and I have to -

-leave the lobby
-walk all the way to the attendant
-select the map mode I want
-wait for game to load
-do what I want to practice
-repeat from step 3 bc you can't unload and reload the level for some reason


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
A few ability-based QoL features I want:
  • Make concession drinks stronger. Much, much stronger. As in, guaranteed chance of rolling an ability stronger.
  • Decrease the price of scrubbing gear with one or two secondary slots filled.
  • Allow partial scrubs targeting a single ability slot.
  • Make it possible to rearrange the order of abilities on gear. Why is this not a feature? Rearranging abilities manually is often more expensive than adding them to gear directly.
  • Add chunk trading.
    • This could be an option with Murch, trading a few chunks of any kind for one custom chunk.
    • Even better, let players trade chunks with each other, setting up trade requests through Murch and fulfilling them by interacting with other players in the plaza. I have a stockpile of spare Quick Respawn chunks that I'm sure someone else would be happy to take off my hands, in exchange for something else.
Last edited:


Full Squid
Oct 27, 2024
Wiper's house
Switch Friend Code
The ability to test out gear sets. This one should just be obvious and already exist. At least you should be able to try it out in the lobby, get a feel for it and decide if that's what you want to invest in. Or better yet, let us spend a little money to get 1-3 games with the gear set. I've recently started maining mint decav, and while I've settled on a comeback QR build, I originally like a ninja squid build more, so I decided to invest chunks into that build. Later I realized that the ninja squid build is not the right one for me, so I wasted a lot of chunks. That was kind of a skill issue, I'll admit that, but if I could have tested it out I wouldn't have wasted any chunks. I know that some people have like, 1000 chunks, but I live in Splatoon poverty and would appreciate some way to make my squid college life easier.


Inkling Commander
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
what about them
Switch Friend Code
Hello all! I wanted the start a thread regarding QoL features in Splatoon. Basically, what are some simple quality-of-life or convenient features you'd like to see in the game?

I thought of this while making a new outfit for my inkling over the weekend, and the process of getting the abilities on the clothing made me think of a neat feature where you could use sea snails to copy the secondary abilities of a gear item over to another gear item. Technically, this could already be done with chunks or gear seed manipulation, but this feature would be largely convenient for quickly and easily assembling new builds or transferring abilities to another outfit while cutting a lot of the chunk-grinding process that most players dislike. Ability chunks would probably stay relevant since this feature only lets you copy existing ability combinations you've made, its effects only apply to secondary abilities, and it costs snails while chunks don't. I'm not sure if copying to other types of gear items (i.e. shoes to hats) or extending the feature to primary abilities (respecting exclusivity constraints like tenacity on headgear, stealth jump on shoes, etc.) would be too much, and Nintendo would likely not make this feature too cheap. I could see maybe 1-3 snails depending on the number of slots you're copying from/to being fine.

That's it for my idea though. Are there any additions you guys would like to see, or even existing features you want changed?
No Squid Beatz 3...

Smash Arena

Pro Squid
Dec 11, 2014
Since Splatoon 2 I've really wanted a way to exchange excess Cash for Ability Chunks. I really dislike the RNG Ability Chunk system in Splatoon 2 and 3 as it makes players less likely to experiment with unique/fun/silly builds due to the grind necessary just to fill out one piece of gear with desired abilities. Plus, it forces players to wear gear they would prefer not to as to avoid paying a fortune in Ability Chunks to swap out a main ability.

I always thought an Ability Chunk vending machine would be a good option, as players would still have to grind for cash to buy Ability Chunks, but there would be no RNG in the process so players could focus on getting exactly what they want.

In a game where Gear Abilities have a considerable effect on your performance in matches, the idea that changing those Gear Abilities relies on a massive dose of RNG is asinine. It could be worse though, never forget how we couldn't customize Gear Abilities at all in Splatoon 1 through Nintendo-approved means.

3rd kit

Pro Squid
Dec 21, 2024
not Birmingham :D
He / Him
Switch Friend Code
This is technically already a thing its just nobody uses it bc discord is 100x more convenient(and I'm personally against it as a full implementation)
Yeah the main argument is that there are loads of 7 year olds who play Splatoon and loads of putz12s who would probably spend a long time telling all their teammates to kill themselves for every loss if there was voice chat. Those two don't go well together.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
Santa Barbara/Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
What if it was just a pool kind of thing? Like if you join someone through friends or through a pool, then you could activate voice chat. This would also be convenient for private battles. But I still like the Other idea I had Custom Callouts: So adding onto Booyah, and this way You could add custom callouts like: He's one HP I swear, or Run He's top 500! (cuz funny)


Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
Santa Barbara/Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
Oh, I forgot to mention the Call outs would be defaulted to off When Parental controls is active Otherwise, it can be turned on through the menu

3rd kit

Pro Squid
Dec 21, 2024
not Birmingham :D
He / Him
Switch Friend Code
What if it was just a pool kind of thing? Like if you join someone through friends or through a pool, then you could activate voice chat. This would also be convenient for private battles. But I still like the Other idea I had Custom Callouts: So adding onto Booyah, and this way You could add custom callouts like: He's one HP I swear, or Run He's top 500! (cuz funny)
The Nintendo staff would have a lot of work to do in terms of moderation. I don't want to be banned because of my custom callouts.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2025
the Memverse
What if it was just a pool kind of thing? Like if you join someone through friends or through a pool, then you could activate voice chat. This would also be convenient for private battles. But I still like the Other idea I had Custom Callouts: So adding onto Booyah, and this way You could add custom callouts like: He's one HP I swear, or Run He's top 500! (cuz funny)
Tying it to a Pool fixes a lot of the problems I think. Randoms are still silent, and the game is still without VC entirely until you are in one. If additionally you had to opt into the VC once you joined the pool, I think that could really work. For those that know what they are doing, there could be a setting to join automatically that is defaulted to off.

As for the custom callouts, I don't really think that works. The main benefit of them in Splatoon and other games with similar features is that they translate into the language of your teammates from their perspective. This could not work with Custom Callouts, and it would be jarring to others to be jumpscared by a different language. I do agree that there should be a lot more options, like those other games I alluded to. I would also like callouts that target where your reticle is, perhaps like a "Watch out!" one and upgrading "This way!" to do that as well. A good fourth option could be "Wait up!" to encourage more coordination, but I can imagine there would be so many good choices and letting the user select from a bigger list as to what gets tied to the D-Pad would be nice.


Mar 3, 2025
I would like to see how many ms ping I have to the game host, and the ability to put a mild delay (20-100ms) on that. Don't know how much of it is screwy 3 netcode but it made fighting with american and Asian players a bit hard when there was noticeable failures resolve close range actions at all,
let alone simultaneously.

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