Ranked Mode Really Deserves Voice Chat.....


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare is the perfect example of why voice chat in a game like this is a TERRIBLE IDEA. You've got 10 year olds playing a game that is 100% designed for them and meant for them being cussed out by a 45 year old man, a lot of times leading to their parents banning them from the game altogether (yes the parents could just turn off voice chat but how many parents are savvy enough to know this stuff? or even take the risk).

Also, have you heard what comes out of 12 year olds mouths in games like call of duty? It's terrible, and it serves more as a distraction than any real help to the game. In matches that only take 3 to 5 minutes the few seconds to open something up and mute them is a decent detriment, and if someone's just mic spamming sanic or something then you pretty much have to.

tldr; general voice chat would be terrible just like it is in every other shooter
If you don't like public chat in games, you have the option to turn it off or party up with friends, and if you are helpful and respectful other people will be 90% of the time. I don't think it's right to remove the feature entirely when the people who don't like it have the option not to use it.


Full Squid
May 12, 2015
Bionis Leg
I agree it does need voice chat. Having a teammate just paint the base when we need to go to the splat zone is frustrating. :(


Jun 19, 2015
the netherlands
i dont think splatoon needs voice CURRENTLY

turf wars are fine like they are... and losing has no real consequense
splatzones are also still with randoms, you cant choose your team...wich makes the ranking trivial in a sence anyway because you cant control who you play with

seeing this is ninty and a 7y and up game... it would end up with more cons then pro's
if i want to hear who f-ed my mom ill go back to bf

the thing is... at a point there will be more modes , tourneys and team ranks
these modes benifit with voice. also because you play with dedicated/like minded ppl or even friends/teams
the rage and motherf-ers wont be an issue, because everyone has the same aim

doubt ninty will give it, altho it was a question in the recent splatoon questionair i filled in after an email
so its more a question now if we can do it different like teamspeak etc

sorry for the grammar, not my main language


Inkling Commander
Jun 4, 2015
One thing I think everyone oversees when arguing about voice chat are language barriers. Not everyone speaks English, especially not young Japanese players. So I think a voice chat wouldn't help the game in it's current state. Not until regional matchmaking comes into play...


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
One thing I think everyone oversees when arguing about voice chat are language barriers. Not everyone speaks English, especially not young Japanese players. So I think a voice chat wouldn't help the game in it's current state. Not until regional matchmaking comes into play...
This isn't any different than other games though...

Cadet Strongarm

Pro Squid
May 22, 2015
Alvarado, TX
Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare is the perfect example of why voice chat in a game like this is a TERRIBLE IDEA. You've got 10 year olds playing a game that is 100% designed for them and meant for them being cussed out by a 45 year old man, a lot of times leading to their parents banning them from the game altogether (yes the parents could just turn off voice chat but how many parents are savvy enough to know this stuff? or even take the risk).

Also, have you heard what comes out of 12 year olds mouths in games like call of duty? It's terrible, and it serves more as a distraction than any real help to the game. In matches that only take 3 to 5 minutes the few seconds to open something up and mute them is a decent detriment, and if someone's just mic spamming sanic or something then you pretty much have to.

tldr; general voice chat would be terrible just like it is in every other shooter
I Played that game for several months and never once did i witness A Man In His 40's Screaming at small children hell i rarely if ever encounter anyone screaming at anyone in that game because it wasn't that difficult to get on top of things

but hey i guess it's true that when people have one bad experience with a game they assume it's the same case for everyone that played that game....they think the majority of gamers chatting are disgusting animals


Is Splatoon an E-Sport or just a meme?
May 13, 2015
Any other day we go without this feature, is a another day I can laugh at this thread. Taking my leave and all that jazz from this thread. Don't bother quoting or tagging me.


Inkling Cadet
May 13, 2015
No voice chat have ever been free from swearing, cussing, humiliating words and harassing due to nationality, skin color or religious belief.
It's not about proving that one game with voice chat doesn't have this, it's about the fact that if it happens in just ONE game, it's POSSIBLE for another game to have it, hence Nintendo will NEVER provide a voice chat, as long as ONE game contains the harsh language described in my first sentence.


Inkling Cadet
May 26, 2015
Out of all the shooter game I played ; voice chat either come to 30% random talk ; 60% people insulting people ; 9% people forgoting they have mic activated and 1% actual strategy stuff.

So yeah voice chat is a no-no ; remember that not everyone talk english ingame too.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
I don't understand how some people have so much trouble with voice chat. If you are polite, helpful, and don't step on people's toes, you'll get 90% friendly responses. And when someone is a **** you ignore them or mute them.

I can understand being afraid of voice chat, but Nintendo should at least allow you to chat with friends.

Cadet Strongarm

Pro Squid
May 22, 2015
Alvarado, TX
I don't understand how some people have so much trouble with voice chat. If you are polite, helpful, and don't step on people's toes, you'll get 90% friendly responses. And when someone is a **** you ignore them or mute them.

I can understand being afraid of voice chat, but Nintendo should at least allow you to chat with friends.
i agree but some people are just too scared to admit the fact that VC is here


Inkling Cadet
May 13, 2015
Out of all the shooter game I played ; voice chat either come to 30% random talk ; 60% people insulting people ; 9% people forgoting they have mic activated and 1% actual strategy stuff.

So yeah voice chat is a no-no ; remember that not everyone talk english ingame too.
Oh this would also be the main reason why i wouldn't want any voice chat, insane amount of mixed languages wich nobody will understand.


Full Squid
May 9, 2015
....... No.

@Cadet Strongarm: I've often thought the same thing you have with Splat Zones. I've been fighting in Splat Zones for a good long while now. The highest I've been was A-. Then, every time I get to A-, I drop like freakin lead and it's always such a fight just to get back up. Lots of people are legitimately good players........ and others can go DIE IN A HOLE! I cant tell you how many times my team has let me down. How often I count on them to take the initiative I give and then realize the obvious lesson of, 'Splatoon is full of filthy casuals". Just yesterday, not once but twice, my team and I were on the verge of losing. So I play it smart. I decide to take the opponent's zone (this is on port mackerel) and hold it for a good 30 seconds before finally dying only to find out that my team didn't freaking get anywhere even with several opponent squids on me. Things like this are extremely common place and make me rage so so hard. Splatoon is the angriest I've ever gotten at a game. People can be so inept, so pleby that you just wanna yell and spout foul language everywhere and at everyone. I don't want people hearing that. People can make the argument, you can just mute the mike. You don't think to do that initially and when the irritation sets in and words start getting said, the damage has already been done. I wouldn't wanna hear me through voice chat, nintendur wouldn't wanna hear me through voice chat, and Nintendur and I wouldn't want kids hearing me through voice that.

TL;DR: I feel your pain but I just don't think it's a good idea. I'd rather be responsible.


Splatin' through Inkopolis with my woes....
Jun 1, 2015
Chances are if you're in the C range, as the ranking system pans out, the other team will be floundering around doing the exact same thing. That is people at the same level will understand about the same amount.
Shade, LOL. *sips tea* But that's not my business... :D

No no. Please no. Your special is not as important as having your body helping defend/push the point. You'll charge your special just fine if you are contributing to achieving the objective. If you have a clear advantage, then fine, go ink some stuff, but I wish people would quit wasting time charging their inkstrike while leaving their team at a disadvantage. Your inkstrike is like a mosquito on the arm of the team that just splatted the rest of your team while you were dilly-dallying. It's nothing more than a minor annoyance that's easily dealt with.
This! This! A MILLION times this!

The only time I really "blame" teammates for a loss is when as a sniper I have just taken out 2-3 people in a row, we aren't in control and my teammates would rather spawn camp or be in the distance charging their specials that to take over ground. Granted this doesn't happen that much in B+ and up but damn every once in a while I get an over confident team who tries to do way too much instead of focusing on objective.

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