Save Inkopolis


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
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Hey guys! I made a new thread with something new. This thread is about DJ Octavi.o taking over Inkopolis. Yes he took over it and stole the Great Zapfish...again! Now the Octolings and Octarians are ruling over the Inklings. Capturing them, torturing them, and mind controlling them to join their side. Now not all Octoling are bad. There are a few good ones that decided to join the Inklings, though some Inklings don't trust them. The hideout for the survivors are at Tentakeel Outpost. (the first location on story mode if you didn't notice) About the Salmonoids, they are fighting against the Octarians as well. Barely standing to keep their homes. So let's get started shall we?

In the outskirts of Tentakeel Outpost a old Inklings looked out the window. "So you say that we have a few people joining our force against Octavio?" An anonymous old voice said.

"Yes. It seems like they are ready. If you like I can show you them right now." A female voice said.

"Yes please." And with that said the female went to go get the new recruits. "It's already been 6 months after Octavio took over Inkolpolis Plaza, Inkopolis Square and stole the Great Zapfish. I hope these new recruits are ready for what's coming." The old man said as he headed out the house with his wooden cane.

~Recruitment form~
Gender: (Inkling, Octoling, Salmonoid)
Default Color:
Weapon: (And if you do not know what weapon to get, go here also you can get the old-school weapons and specials from Splatoon 1)
Secondary Weapon:
Other: (questions)

~My form~
Gender: Male Salmonoid
Default Color: Purple
Name: Tink
Personality: Tink is a nice Salmonoid that loves to tinker with pots and pans. Melting and mending metal is his kind of thing he have done ever since he was a little salmon. He forgave the Inklings for stealing eggs from his kind and...splatting his people. Being the nice Salmonoid he is, he is shy around Inklings and Octarians because he don't know if they will like him or hate him because of his kind. He joined the Inklings because he wanted the Salmons and Inkling to get together and stop this stupid feud they had against one another.
Weapon: Blaster
Secondary Weapon: Pan
Sub-Weapon: Autobomb
Special: Goldie (Defensive and Offensive stats increase)
Talent: Repair and building machinery
Other: Are you ready to fight?
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Agent Z

Inkling Commander
Jul 24, 2017
Name: Agent Z

Race: Octarian (Octoling)

Default Color: Cyan

Personality: Masks their personality very well, making it difficult to read them. Often seen as grim or dull on the surface, but is an extremely violent sociopath who loves hurting others. Highly vindictive and holds deep, bitter grudges against others that cross her. Z is the last one to brag but clearly finds some kind of satisfaction in her work. Displays excessive zeal in otherwise hopeless situations, which often gets her in risky situations since she always ensures that her target is killed, no matter what happens to her in exchange.

Primary Weapon: Inksword

Secondary Weapon: Hero Shot MK III

Sub-Weapon: Splat Bomb

Special: Focus (greatly increases the speed of her thoughts, changing her perception of time so that everything seems to move in slow motion, allowing her to perform a series of fast and accurate actions in quick succession)

Talent: Hacking Mastery, Parkour


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
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//Accepted :D Thanks for joining. Do you think we should start now or wait for one more person?


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
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Default color: Black
Age: 16
Apearence: No real appearance, but is a inkling that is surrounded by some ink at all time. Can be seen as just a blob of ink with two white eyes staring out of it, or can be seen as a inkling with ink running off of him.
Backstory: Shade was a regular inkling until he was taken and infused with some dark matter through surgery because they we're trying to make a inkling stronger and faster than ever before. That dark matter at his core turned him into the unstable form he is now. He was used for testing dangerous procedures from the OGMO (Octavian genetic modification orginazation) because of his ability to reach with his inky blackness. But soon he started to become more aware of himself, and escaped to inkopolis. He stayed in the alley until he could turn into a inkling, then went out and tried to fit in. He was a little awkward at first, but eventually he worked his way up to ranked and enjoyed it a lot. The inklings liked him and helped him along. Even the shop keepers let him in before he was "fresh" enough. But then the incident happened. One day, he was playing in turf wars, just as normal. But then one of the inklings insulted him and the inkling pushed him too far. So far that he could barley think and went full rage mode and killed him.He was banished from inkopolis. Now that inkopolis was taken over,he thinks it might be time to forgive them and help.
Wepon: splat brella
Secondary wepon: eliter-4k scope
Sub wepon: disruptor
Special: Rage. Turns him into a wave of rage, attacking anything that isn't friendly.
Talents: infiltration, most types of games.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
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//Accepted :D Thanks for joining. We can start now. It'll be a minute for my first post. Also omg he killed someone 0_0


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
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Yeiiiiiiiiiis. He did kill a person. Remember the dark matter did made him unstable.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
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As the old man headed outside to see the new recruits, he saw 3 of them standing side by side one another. He was surprised to see that one of them was an Octarian and the other was a Salmonoid. "Well...this is unexpected." The old man said as he walked towards the recruits. Tink was a little nervous seeing his new teammates and being in the center of attention.

"Sir, if you would like, after the greeting should we send them straight to-" The female was cut off by the old man.

"Before we send them anywhere, I would like to see if they are ready with my own eyes. First off, I would like to tell you my name: Cap'n Cuttlefish, the old veteran. Now let me hear y'all names. Anyone can go first." The Cap'n said looking at them one after another.

Tink took a deep breath and said, "H-hello. My name is Tink." He tried to think of something else to say, but couldn't find any words so his mouth took over while his brain was processing. "And I'm a Salmonoid that loves to tinker with pots and pans and metal."

Cap'n nodded. "Nice to meet you Tink. What is your cause for joining our forces to stop Octavio?" He raised a eyebrow to hear what Tink was going to say.

"Well...I don't know who this Octavio is, but I joined because I want this war to be over between you and the Octarians...and my people." Tink said looking down a bit sad.

"I see...well at least you have a cause." Cap'n looked at the other two and said, "What about you two?"


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
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Looking at the old man, Shade answered in a flat tone."Well I'm Shade hello there." He says swirling some of his dark ink around him. "I joined this because after I save inkopolis they will treat me a little better after I killed one of them..." He says.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
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Cap'n could barely hear what Shade said at the last part, but he didn't want to let Shade say it again. "Well it's nice to meet you Shade." Cap'n said then looked at the Octarian. He didn't like Octarians, but he wasn't going to discriminate because of her species. "And what is your name and reason for joining the force?"

Agent Z

Inkling Commander
Jul 24, 2017
Z blew a smoke circle out into the air briefly before discarding the cigarette between her fingers and crushing it under her boot. "My name is Agent Zealous." She said, making use of her alias as always. "I lead the Force Z Inkopolis Protection Splatoon. This is just part of the job for us." Z flattened an unseen crease in her trench coat and coughed into her hand once. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark shades, which had a pair of glowing blue circles in the center of the lenses, one of which was covered by the tentacle that concealed half of her face. They seemed to move wherever her eyes did, making it easy to tell that she was staring at Tink with narrowed eyes. "A Salmonoid that can speak. Grizz would get a kick out of that." She muttered.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
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Tink looked over at Agent Z but tried not to make eye contact. For some reason his teammates scares him. "W-well I believe that everyone can talk..." He chuckled nervously. He looked away as he heard the sound of clapping.

Cap'n was clapping with a small smile on his face. "Great. Now that I know everyone's name here I would like for you to show me what you can do on the field of battle. I'll take you to the training room." He began walking towards the training room.

Tink followed behind. "Also I heard that name before...Grizz...sounds familiar." He said as he looked over at Agent Z.

Agent Z

Inkling Commander
Jul 24, 2017
They followed Cuttlefish down to the training room. "It should." Z told the Chum. "He's the one who's been sending all of the kids to commit massacres against your kind." Z had never gone 'Salmon Running' before. It wasn't that she didn't get a kick out of cold-inked murder every now and then, just that she was too busy to do so. "Creep covers things up well, we don't know what he does with the eggs but we doubt it's anything good." She stared down at him and took note of his unease. "You seem nervous."


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
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Following both of them, Shade turns into his blob form and swooshes around. He needed to get used to it again. Life had been peaceful and he hadn't needed to do it for a while. But now he might need to use that for battle. "If only..." he says under his breath. He decides to be quiet for now


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
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Tink looked down and began thinking for a bit. Hearing that the man named 'Grizz' was the one behind the scenes for his kind being slaughtered and his future brothers, sisters, and cousins was taken away. He felt hatred towards the man and wanted to find him and probably kill him. He wanted this endless feud to stop no matter what. Tink looked back at his teammates and shrugged to Agent Z's question. "Well, if I had to admit. Working with a Inkling and a Octarian was surprising to me. Never thought I'd see the day of it actually happening." He slowly felt calm around his team. He then looked over at Shade and wondered if Inklings can change to a form like that. "Uh...that's new. Usually I thought they form into a squid."

It didn't take long for the crew to go to the training center. Once they was inside, Cap'n pointed at the female that was with them. Agent 1, would you gladly go against these 3?" He asked her.

Agent 1 looked at Cap'n and nodded. She took out her Krak-On splat roller and pointed at them. "Are you ready recruits? I want you all to come at me."


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
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"Gladly." Shade says turning into blob and swimming up to her but not attacking. Poping up into kid form infront of her. "Hello there, remember me? You kinda chased me out a while ago. I look forward to this." He says opening his umbrella directly in her face and retreating for the next move.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
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Since Agent 1 was in disguise, it was hard to tell her face expression except for her mouth. She grinned and immediately went to squid form and squid jumped high in the air towards Shade. She got out of squid form and raised her Krak-on roller high in the air as she charged down at Shade with immense force.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
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Shooting back with his blob form, Shade accidentally turns back too early and skids across the floor to hit a wall. "**** man..." he says standing up. "Nice one. I'm not used to transforming back and forth. Ya got the jump on me. " he says smiling weakly.

Agent Z

Inkling Commander
Jul 24, 2017
Z was watching in silence from the side of the training room. She was more interested in whatever Shade was than what he was actually doing. The Octoling fired a single shot of ink at the wall and submerged herself in it until Agent 1 sped past in pursuit of Shade, where she popped out and tripped her nonchalantly. "Tsk tsk." Z wagged a finger at her mockingly. "Don't get sloppy Callie, that wouldn't be too good for sis now, would it?" She threw a bomb at Shade to keep him occupied and pulled the handle of a blade free from her coat. A collapasable blade extended from the hilt and was surrounded in a layer of blue ink. Z ran Agent 1 through and wiped the ink off her face while waiting for her to respawn.

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