Any chance there is interest here in potential shiny gear?
I have a Zekko Hoodie that currently has:

in its ability slots and is just about to fill the third. I was about to try rolling the dice, but I realized that it would be much more beneficial to attempt to distribute it to as many players as possible, maximizing the possibility of at least one shiny being created. With most other possibilities I wouldn't have bothered, but considering this has potential to become a shiny with both a type-unique main slot and complementary subs, I thought it might be worth some effort to create such an item.
I'm currently in the waiting period between accepting a job offer and actually starting employment, so my upcoming schedule is a bit indeterminate. I'll try to coordinate with others if there is any interest, as I would like to see this actually pay off. If I understand the mechanics correctly, anyone who wants the gear could enter a match with me, then we all leave to ensure everyone can order a copy and my original doesn't fill the empty slot.