Splash Wall of China
@Poxnixles, my resident gatekeeper. :pForge has a bonus on Special Duration, so not shiny.
@Poxnixles, my resident gatekeeper. :pForge has a bonus on Special Duration, so not shiny.
That'll be wanted in the one mans trash is another mans treasure thread though as it's a rare! :)Oh alright then
I have no idea how this **** works I just saw three and was like oh hey there's that thread about stuff
It's okay! 3 of the same sub can still be nice, and someone will probably still be interested.Oh alright then
I have no idea how this **** works I just saw three and was like oh hey there's that thread about stuff
Even if someone ordered them the order of the subs doesn't allow for a lucky level up roll to complete a shiny or pure sequence.These two don't fit 100% into the category, but they are close enough to maybe get someone interested:
Purple Sea Slugs
Main: Run Speed Up
Subs: 2 Run Speed Up + 1 Defense Up
Squidvader Cap
Main: Special Charge Up
Subs: 2 Swim Speed Up + 1 Quick Respawn
You guys call these what, semi-pure/semi-shiny? Failed pure/shiny?
Also got a Red Hi-Tops with 2 Ink Recovery Up + 1 Bomb Range Up, but it kinda pales in comparison to the Neon Sea Slugs except for aesthetics I guess. :p
Not implying, just flat out saying it :P Rarely works though.Uh are you guys implying that people ordering this gear will have the same sub abilities??!!
idk how much this helps but
Gear:*Shiny* Jungle Hat
Ink saver Main
Ink Saver Sub x3
Oh I thought shiny was 3 of the same ability..Not implying, just flat out saying it :p Rarely works though.
Also that hat is no shiny. Ink saver sub is the preferred sub on that hat. Its still nice though.
In my experience so far its not for a hat like this. But for a shiny, which is 3x the same sub that is less likely to come, yes its probably more likely to come via Spyke then to re-roll it.Oh I thought shiny was 3 of the same ability..
but since you're flat out saying it,...but it rarely works...are you saying its more likely than a freshly bought item?
Yep, definitely shiny as they have triple of a 6% roll. :)So, if I'm reading right, these shoes would be considered "shiny"?
lol that's a funny roll on the boots. but awesome simultaneously. wonder what kind of bonus that is.Some more pure gear!
ugh that's what i was going to try to go for on that hat! i already own it now i just need to roll that.I'd like to get added to the list!
Got a Straw Boater (main quick super jump, brand skalop (quick respawn)) with 3x special charge up.
NNID: grafkarpador