I chose baseball because soccer lacks one thing that a lot of other popular sports have: the possibility of a single event deciding who wins. This is basically because points are scored one at a time in soccer. For example, in baseball, it could be the bottom of the ninth with two outs, and the team up to bat is only losing by one point. They have a single man on first, meaning when the next batter hits that ball, he could hit a home run, winning the game for his team, or, in the same bat, he could strike out or hit a pop fly, meaning his team just lost. If that batter was the last one in the game, victory could go to either team depending on the outcome that made him the last batter. No such scenario in soccer. When a team scores a goal, they cannot be losing before it and in the lead afterward. It either gets them closer to tying up the match, ties up the match, or takes the lead from a tie. Even in penalty kicks teams just kick to decide if they're gonna lose or if this thing is gonna keep going, waiting for the other team to screw up.
I don't hate soccer, I just like it less than most other sports. Honestly, football is better than both of these to me, but that would've flattened whatever the other sport was in a NA splatfest. Also, just asking, how popular is cricket in Europe? Would it be able to hold its ground in a splatfest against soccer or not?