It's only boring if you have that much time to play it for that long. If it bores you, go do something else. That's what I do when something bores me. You can see that there are reports of people who are unable to play during the entire 24-hour session.
Yep. And that's literally the ENTIRE point of what I"m saying. They're VERY easy to miss. If someone has a job that forces them to work that day? Guess what they ARENT getting any of? Sea Snails. EVER. Two days would at least increase the chances of being able to participate and earn these.
Its boring because its the same thing over & over again. its legit a glorified turf war, even if people miss its not like another one wont come again
Actually, it kinda is.
That's the other side of it: These are VERY infrequent. I called them "rare" for a reason; they almost never happen. For such rarity, two days of one mode wont kill you.
The REAL problem is that these are the only way to get Sea Snails, and you need *a ton* of those in order to really try for rerolls. And for those that cant participate because it is ONE freaking day... how fair is that? I'll answer for you: Not fair at all. Particularly if you want to play competitively.
And yes, I know you can pay money to use the rerolls, but you know as well as I do that it's a terrible, and not at all viable, option. The cost is just too absurd. For something that has a VERY high chance of just giving you absolute crap for the 20th time in a row. A high chance of making already mediocre equipment EVEN WORSE.
This is one of the reasons why I dont play ranked much: Because I find it nearly impossible to get GOOD... or even DECENT... equipment. Most of mine is bad. And I typically dont enter said mode if I'm *starting* at a disadvantage, particularly when that disadvantage isnt going to vanish during the match or something.
And no, I wont grind for money. It takes too long, and there's nothing... and I mean *nothing*.... I hate in all of gaming more than the concept of grinding. If I'm going to have a match, I want it to be because I want to have some fun, because I want to have a challenge, things like that. Not because I need to do 50 more to earn that day's probably-useless reroll.
As a rule, I dont actually like games that do this (the use of equipment). Just give everyone the same bloody starting point, dont shove damn equipment into it. There's a reason why alot of games that do this arent considered "competitive" at all. Hell, this is actually the only genre I can think of where the concept is tolerated frequently.