I'm liking the zimi. I can get more aggressive and play around with the curling bomb to zone and then get in to finish kills. I think the curling bomb actually helps it more to get into action than burst bombs, so the kit encouraged me to play more aggressive than being a controller get 11 missiles in 1 match type of player. And being more aggressive helped me realize some of the weaknesses of some weapons and when it's okay to rush them. I'm getting better at snapping directly onto targets which certainly helps a lot. I'm keeping up control and getting in for kills when needed. Still working on a build but
this is what I've been using. I'm questioning if I still need the OS since I really don' get the chance to use it on ballers as often anymore, and hardly anyone uses bubbles for me to obliterate :/ Most competitive players (gamer) are running 4 mains of run speed (2 pures) because that's kind of where the effects cap off as ineffective. I believe gamer runs 2 pures run speed, then a pure of sub saver. I think the last sub on the sub saver shoes is either run speed or ink resistance though. Anyways, got this weapon to superfresh, been using it in ranked with fairly good results. I think I only have like 40 wins on it so far. I'm using this to help me train myself to lock onto targets faster. I have good aim and I can snap with chargers, but with a charger it doesn't matter where your reticle ends up as long as you let go of ZR at the right time. Just trying to not have to waste time and shots on refining aim. Looking forward to using this more (unless they release bamboo mk II...)