Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

What are you most excited about for Splatoon 2?

  • New Weapons

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • New Stages

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • New Specials

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • New Character Customization Options

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • New Modes

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • The Return of Old Stuff (Stages, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

    Votes: 55 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
That said, a couple points. If anyone actually thinks what's in this thread is "crapping all over the game", they need to go spend a couple weeks on GameFAQS.
Dear nutrasweet babby jebus, don't suggest that! I voyeur lurk there time-to-time but there are periods when their mentality and negativity will drag you kicking and screaming into the void. They might still be in that period last I checked. Especially after a splatfest last week and a major content update approaching.

The original on SNES had lives, coins to increase top speed, 20 tracks with 5 laps, brutal CPU that spam infinite items depending on the character, less emphasis on items (you get 1 a lap) and was essentially a "Super Mario World in karts" with the level names and themes inspired heavily by SMW.
Haha~, before picking up MK8DX, first Mario Kart has been my only (repeated) experience with the franchise. Jumping straight into MK8DX has be been a wild experience. Thanks for the history lesson! =)

Hopefully with all that new and returning gear (jungle hat, return to me!) showing up they'll further update the splat app. Especially Annie's store because that's a whole lot of inventory to wait on!

Ugh, so much to collect, process, catalogue and arrange. But at least finally be able to gear swap between matches will make gear grinding 90% more efficient! And gear trading will be even easier too when you're turf waring with friends.

I really want to play Clam Blitz solo queue, mainly to just let the early chaos wash over me. Not only will we finally have a new mode, but everyone will likely start at the C-. Imagine it! Then laugh madly or scream in horror. *cackles*

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
The grumblings of Award and Cyan and myself
Don't forget me! :p

Comparing this to Splatoon 2 isn't good, because it runs on the exact same physics engine. Splattershot feels the same, throwing bombs feels the same, swimming and jumping feel the same etc. What Splatoon 2 does give are new specials, most of which I really enjoy and like the balance on. The issue is for a game that plays identically to its predecessor and being sold as a "true" sequel it misses a lot of marks for that.
I really wonder if this were best for Nintendo in the long run; will Splatoon 3 share all the same physics, gameplay mechanics, single player, and other cosmetics? (Shoes/Clothing/Headwear each with its own shop, largely similar menus, etc...) If so, how will they justify Splatoon 2 not making any of these changes, and as a result, just:
catering to the new customers that didn't buy a WiiU. .

what we saw with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a port of the WiiU game, with a little MORE content. We saw Pokken Tournament DX is a port of the WiiU game with a little MORE content. And then we see Splatoon 2, supposedly a sequel, not a port, with the PROMISE that it will at some point in time contain mostly new content to be a sequel, but what we got was a game that was mostly a port of the WiiU game, only with most of the existing content REMOVED only to be delivered slowly over a period of 4 months and counting mixed in with occasional actual new content.
It's my understanding that Splatoon 2 was originally going to be "Splatoon Deluxe" but that during development, they felt they should differentiate it enough to be a sequel, which shows with all the changes they made that don't fix the problems with the original and only serve to differentiate the game. I would have much rather had a Splatoon Deluxe in vain of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, where all the original content would be there, even down to the menu graphics, and new content would just be added on top of this, like if Splatoon were supported for an extra two years. The problem I brought up that will arise for Nintendo later would not exist if they went this route.

It's my understanding that the more time you spent with Splatoon 1, the more cynical you are of this game. This fits for me, at least.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Dear nutrasweet babby jebus, don't suggest that! I voyeur lurk there time-to-time but there are periods when their mentality and negativity will drag you kicking and screaming into the void. They might still be in that period last I checked. Especially after a splatfest last week and a major content update approaching.
Exactly my point! They'll either come back with a better understanding of positive criticism and negative criticism, or their souls will be devoured and we never see them again :D


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
I don't feel like responding to entire chapters worth of text right now, so let me just say this.

This game features a great gameplay idea and has pretty much all the basics right. That there are things wrong with it and that people want to point that out, fine, and Dessgeega, it'll certainly not take away from my enjoyment (and no - I'll not visit gameFAQs thank you very much).

And sure, playtime isn't everything, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a game that has probably gobbled up countless hours of your lives. That's still saying something. I think it's a little silly if you can't enjoy the solid foundation of Splatoon 2 as it is. And even if you absolutely can't, I don't see why it's necessary to repeat the same complaints over and over in a thread that is basically supposed to be the main discussion. Yeah, we get it, some people think the maps suck. That's your opinion. IMO, it's a more solid set of maps than Splatoon 1.


Inkling Cadet
Dec 16, 2016
The Salt is real. But I understand I played A ton of Splatoon2 and when other games came along I played them.

Do I think Splatoon2 is A bad game. No it definitely has issues and seeing them Address one of my biggest issues with the game being required to drop out of Queue to Change gear.
In a lot of the reviews I read people commented on that. Things like "Tick rate" will probably be handled later. They have definitely showed they are willing to Adapt the game to make it better.

A lot of work and Time went into Splatoon2. And I can see where is shines most. This is A big update. And I feel like they pushed the game (same with ARMS) out the door early and decided to support the games with Free updates. To carry year one of the Switch.

A good business decision since other devs have jumped on borad and I have lots of games to play.

I'm excited to see what 2018 brings to Splatoon and the Switch as a whole.

(Side note: In rise of the Loot box. Our game is free from such scum. Be thankful.)


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I can't also help but wonder how much of this is the result of the lack of Satoru Iwata. He was the guiding hand and creative muse behind the formation of this team and the benefactor of the Splatoon project as a whole. And he created the team and division explicitly to have a team NOT under Miyamoto's purview to give it a different creative direction. Without Iwata the idea man behind the team, guiding it's output is gone, and it's put squarely back under Miyamoto's purview, precisely where they were intended not to be. I'm a huge Miyamoto fan and don't understand the haters.....but it's fair to say Splatoon 1 was different by Iwata's design, by keeping it insulated from his creative process. Splatoon 2, was subject to his process. And he's said openly he dislikes and doesn't understand the appeal of games as services (which I generally agree with) like Splatoon, as well as RPGs.....

Don't forget me! :p

I really wonder if this were best for Nintendo in the long run; will Splatoon 3 share all the same physics, gameplay mechanics, single player, and other cosmetics? (Shoes/Clothing/Headwear each with its own shop, largely similar menus, etc...) If so, how will they justify Splatoon 2 not making any of these changes, and as a result, just:

It's my understanding that Splatoon 2 was originally going to be "Splatoon Deluxe" but that during development, they felt they should differentiate it enough to be a sequel, which shows with all the changes they made that don't fix the problems with the original and only serve to differentiate the game. I would have much rather had a Splatoon Deluxe in vain of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, where all the original content would be there, even down to the menu graphics, and new content would just be added on top of this, like if Splatoon were supported for an extra two years. The problem I brought up that will arise for Nintendo later would not exist if they went this route.

It's my understanding that the more time you spent with Splatoon 1, the more cynical you are of this game. This fits for me, at least.
That's exactly it, and I think the point of the "Splatoon 1.5" crowd that I ignored for too long. The "2" means it's Marketing Enhanced! It does feel like Splatoon Deluxe, and it seems very clear that's what they really wanted it to be. For obvious marketing and differentiation reasons to move the player base over, rather than keeping players on Splatoon 1 "because it's the exact same game" they gave it a a "2". And to justify the 2 they added just enough content, much of it superficial, to make it "different." But it's not different enough to be an actual sequel since the core game has been identical, but not the same enough to be the "exact same game." The 1.5 moniker is much more accurate than I'd given it credit for. It's Splatoon 1 with some cosmetics changes and some patches that could just as easily have been added to Splatoon 1, but a different plaza and handfuls of new things. 1.5.

I do suspect after 2 years or so it will possibly be a complete sequel, but by then it'll be a Nintendo Selects release. That early push to get it out on Switch may have sabotaged the long term Splatoon brand to buy the generational momentum to recover from WiiU's failure. Splatoon Deluxe as-is would have been much better received than the way they're handling Splatoon 2. But then too many people would refuse to leave WiiU. The game would have been a better game all around if they waited until 2018 and maybe would have been a genuine sequel, but then Switch may not have gained as much traction, particularly in Japan. Though I fear if they burn out the good will of the large number of Japanese Splatoon vets the series itself will take a considerable hit.

Maybe Splatoon 3 will have to take the form of an upgrade expansion to Splatoon 2. I suspect Switch will have a long life, and Splatoon 2 is scheduled for a 2 year life for now. I can't imagine a 5-6 year wait for Splatoon 3, unlike Kart.

I don't feel like responding to entire chapters worth of text right now, so let me just say this.

This game features a great gameplay idea and has pretty much all the basics right. That there are things wrong with it and that people want to point that out, fine, and Dessgeega, it'll certainly not take away from my enjoyment (and no - I'll not visit gameFAQs thank you very much).

And sure, playtime isn't everything, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a game that has probably gobbled up countless hours of your lives. That's still saying something. I think it's a little silly if you can't enjoy the solid foundation of Splatoon 2 as it is. And even if you absolutely can't, I don't see why it's necessary to repeat the same complaints over and over in a thread that is basically supposed to be the main discussion. Yeah, we get it, some people think the maps suck. That's your opinion. IMO, it's a more solid set of maps than Splatoon 1.
Nobody disagrees that the basics and gameplay idea are right. That's why we're here after all. Where we're taking issue is that those things were right in Summer 2015. And we've been waiting since then for them to address the issues with the inner workings and details that were clearly lacking at the time that were easily forgiven because it was an all new franchise. The networking, the matchmaking, etc. And now a full sequel later, we have less maps of more similar design, and those existing problems have been made worse.

And how can it be a more solid set of maps than Splatoon 1 when Splatoon 1 had 16 maps, and after all the maps from this update are out (in 2018) there will be 16 in Splatoon 2, and 6 of those ARE the maps from Splatoon 1, and the other 10 include several that are clear retoolings of the maps from Splatoon 1 to make them all more similar to each other?

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
The Salt is real. . .

Do I think Splatoon2 is A bad game. No it definitely has issues and seeing them Addressed (is comforting)

. . . I feel like they pushed the game (same with ARMS) out the door early and decided to support the games with Free updates. To carry year one of the Switch.

A good business decision since other devs have jumped on borad and I have lots of games to play.
pretty much
Yes splatoon 2 has problems, but the core of the game is still fun and there is a chance they will fix these issues with connection/matchmaking(just don't count on it)

what 2018 brings to Splatoon and the Switch as a whole.

(Side note: In rise of the Loot box. Our game is free from such scum. Be thankful.)
This is what I'm worried about.
We may be free of lootboxes for now, but we're contracting subscription fees (although, technically nintendo already has? With poke bank, if I'm not mistaken and don't even throw that "but only $5 a year" at me, these things always slip in so harmlessly)
And after we get subscription fees, lootboxes will come after that.
Give it just enough time and nintendo lootboxes will be defended the same as you're defending subscription fees now. (Since when the f*** did I turn into Nostradamus??? =[ )

Splatoon 2 is still a great game despite some transition issues, but f*** subscription fees.
I need a proper gesture/promise from Nintendo before I support paid online.
I'm a broken record player, any further posts from me will be update analysis/opinion,
the salt is very real


Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Nobody disagrees that the basics and gameplay idea are right. That's why we're here after all. Where we're taking issue is that those things were right in Summer 2015. And we've been waiting since then for them to address the issues with the inner workings and details that were clearly lacking at the time that were easily forgiven because it was an all new franchise. The networking, the matchmaking, etc. And now a full sequel later, we have less maps of more similar design, and those existing problems have been made worse.
Exactly. We shouldn't be arguing whether or not Splatoon 2 is just as good as the original; it could be worse and still be a good game, but If a comparison even needs to be brought up, it's already failed as a sequel. Kind of like how there's debate whether or not the F-35 from 2006 is any better than the F-16 from 1978, lol.


Inkling Cadet
Dec 16, 2016
Splatoon 2 is still a great game despite some transition issues, but f*** subscription fees.
I need a proper gesture/promise from Nintendo before I support paid online.
I'm a broken record player, any further posts from me will be update analysis/opinion,
the salt is very real


I understand your point of View and Think that yes this is not the best solution.

In regards to Loot boxes with Belgium Banning games with Loot boxes there and all the Awful press EA has received I don't think that they will come to Splatoon 2.

There paid online isn't the worst thing in the world.
I own 12 Physical Switch games. Of the 12 5 of them have Online modes that would require this service.
And I agree it would be A tough pill to swallow if we start paying to play Splatoon 2
And we don't see dedicated servers.

But the other 7 games are all Single player or have Offline modes.

I think we will see how Nintendo handles this in December or January when we see another Direct, that will go over the service and what it will offer.

I think that PS+ at $79.99 Canadain is A hard pill to swallow. Nintendo selling theirs for $25-30 a year is okay if I get something good from it. IE "free games", Dedicated servers, sponcered Online tournaments....

We can hope we need people to be hopeful and skeptical...


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
@Award. I know what you're taking issue in. I get that. It has been stated here a million times. I just think that maybe next time someone decided to post another semi-rant or list of complaints about the game we've all heard before, they should think if it really adds to the thread.

And the maps are fine fof me. In practice they don't play out as similarly as their design might make someone think. There are currently zero maps in S2 that I take issue with, whereas there were several maps in S1 that I simply never played on anymore. You keep talking about it as if it's some objective fact that the maps are worse this time.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
And after we get subscription fees, lootboxes will come after that.
Give it just enough time and nintendo lootboxes will be defended the same as you're defending subscription fees now. (Si
Loot boxes seem like such a Nintendo idea I can't imagine them not wanting to. And yet like Torloth said.....EA jumped the shark big time on that one and may have (thankfully) done such an EA move that it spared the industry a good long time of not having it done to us again. When governments ban your business model in response.....you definitely are doing it wrong. Plus lootboxes are ALREADY legislated as gambling in much of Asia.....not sure Nintendo could do it even if they wanted.

I think that PS+ at $79.99 Canadain is A hard pill to swallow. Nintendo
Stopped paying that one years ago. That's just ridiculous. It's the "free" games I don't download.....we're paying for other people's "free" games.

@Award. I know what you're taking issue in. I get that. It has been stated here a million times. I just think that maybe next time someone decided to post another semi-rant or list of complaints about the game we've all heard before, they should think if it really adds to the thread.

And the maps are fine fof me. In practice they don't play out as similarly as their design might make someone think. There are currently zero maps in S2 that I take issue with, whereas there were several maps in S1 that I simply never played on anymore. You keep talking about it as if it's some objective fact that the maps are worse this time.
Considering it's the main thread for discussing Splatoon 2, seems as fair a place to discuss the problems in the game as any, particularly when those problems are being highlighted and crystallized by the new patch announcement that's ripe for discussion here. If we're not actually discussing the game, both it's problems and its content (new weapon day we talk about the weapons after all) then we're just an advertising arm of Nintendo. I'll let you know when I get my check from Reggie. :P

It's not that the maps are "bad", it's that they're all so similar in design leading to the exact same strategies. (ok, plus, did anyone ever like Moray? :P ) Almost every new map is a roughly small rectangle, with a raised middle section with low sections surrounding it as a moat. Manta Maria stands out as the only unique one really. Snapper canal looks like it should play differently, it feels like it should be a retooling of Pirhana Pit (it is), but it ends up being the same battle for that center LOWERED section. It's just an inversion of the other raised middle design.

Compare to Bluefin that had TWO mid sections, Triggerfish that had NO mid section, Pirhana that had a circular mid, Ancho-V where nearly all the map was mid (but small), Arowanna (which thankfully we're getting), that was a long hall with lots of small side shoots, etc. The old maps good or bad had unique characteristics in each. The new maps, excepting Manta Maria, all follow almost identical layouts. Mainstage, Reef, Musselforge, are nearly the same map 3 times with minor differences that don't affect the actual play strategy much at all.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
It's true that stages in S1 were more varied, but this is an overly simplified way of looking at it. Starfish, Musselforge and Reef don't play out the same way at all, despite having the same sqaure-like size.

And of course complaints should be part of this thread. But there is no point in reiterating the same things over and over.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I don't mind people criticizing this game, it has it's problems. But what I'm reading here is the same stuff i kept reading over and over for the past few months, it's preaching to the choir at this point. The meta shifts each patch, tickrate, weak content drip, matchmaking. These are all valid complaints but it's kinda been on repeat for the past few months and i'm getting kinda tired reading it.

But that's not why I'm annoyed right now. Nintendo announced a big content patch and suddenly we get people whining about how it's still not good enough. It's the first real big patch we get after the drought of same-y weapons and rather than rejoicing (or at the very least relieved) people took the opportunity to instead opt to whine some more. And rather than bringing up any new complaints about the content in the patches, it's the same stuff I've been reading for the past few months.

We don't even know everything that's gonna happen this Friday. All we know right now is from a short clip and a few paragraphs of text. There could be a balance patch in there too, who knows?


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
If we're not actually discussing the game, both it's problems and its content (new weapon day we talk about the weapons after all) then we're just an advertising arm of Nintendo. I'll let you know when I get my check from Reggie. :p
You know Reggie?! Is he your uncle/dad's friend/old roommate/guy-you-know-from-a-guy-you-know that works at Nintendo? Can you get me an job interview there? I'd go full Joo Dee from Avatar if it means I can pay off my student debt faster. :p "Everything is awesome in Ba Sing Se Splatoon 2. There are no problems or octarians in Ba Sing Se Inkopolis." *wide fake smile*

And I greatly appreciate your stripped down analysis of the maps in both games! I've been trying to understand my own feelings about them for some time, to chagrin of some, and you've really just helped me out with my personal analysis.

Meanwhile I'm behind on the news about microtransactions and loot boxes. Unless I'm mistaken, everyone/anyone pulling out their brellas because squit just hit fan, this mess is just in the early investigation phase. If the hammer drops I don't think there'll be banning so much as official regulation, which could turn out to be its own brand of horror for the companies and publishers.

As much as I'm a little giddy for this Friday's update and hopeful patches--especially on a real lazy day off for me--the whole loot box debacle has aimed all my hype in their direction.

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
And rather than bringing up any new complaints about the content in the patches,
People have said they don't think they will like the new maps based of their appearances and that the hairstyles are ugly. Why everyone is suddenly complaining is that this latest update only highlights many of the underlying problems people have with the game. Unless, by patches, do you mean balance patches, because I haven't seen any patch notes.

Meanwhile I'm behind on the news about microtransactions and loot boxes. Unless I'm mistaken, everyone/anyone pulling out their brellas because squit just hit fan, this mess is just in the early investigation phase.
I don't quite know either, but I know the gist of it is that EA finally crossed the line with Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) and that people made such a big stink about it that EA actually backed down.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
@Cyan Indeed Mario Kart has had over 20 years to refine and build on itself, whereas Splatoon has only existed for 2.5 years, and yet, Splat2 has more new content compared to it's predecessor than MK8 did. There's simply not a lot of new content to that game compared to it's immediate predecessor MK7 and home console predecessor MKWii. As for gameplay, I'd say Splat2 is atleast as different as MK8 even when ignoring the new modes, improved singleplayer, and changes to TC/RM. Driving and drifting haven't changed in MK8, just like general movement hasn't in Splat2. MK8 has new stat n item balance, Splat2 has new gear n weapon balance. MK8 has new tracks, vehichles n characters, Splat2 has new stages, weapons, n character customizations, and so ons. There's just no way around it, Splatoon 2 is just as much a sequel as Mario Kart 8 even when you include the dlc n deluxe version.

That's not to say your fustrations with Splatoon 2 are unfounded, just because a game is a sequel doesn't automatically mean all it's changes will be well recieved by everyone. I still well enjoy the game overall, but I'm just as annoyed by the slow updates as anyone. That is however why I'm all the more excited by this holiday update!


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I don't mind people criticizing this game, it has it's problems. But what I'm reading here is the same stuff i kept reading over and over for the past few months, it's preaching to the choir at this point. The meta shifts each patch, tickrate, weak content drip, matchmaking. These are all valid complaints but it's kinda been on repeat for the past few months and i'm getting kinda tired reading it.

But that's not why I'm annoyed right now. Nintendo announced a big content patch and suddenly we get people whining about how it's still not good enough. It's the first real big patch we get after the drought of same-y weapons and rather than rejoicing (or at the very least relieved) people took the opportunity to instead opt to whine some more. And rather than bringing up any new complaints about the content in the patches, it's the same stuff I've been reading for the past few months.

We don't even know everything that's gonna happen this Friday. All we know right now is from a short clip and a few paragraphs of text. There could be a balance patch in there too, who knows?
To be fair, the fact that the same complaints have existed for months and been valid for months, and Nintendo just announced a big patch that takes us into January 2018, and all the same complaints are STILL apparently going to be valid into January 2018 unless they announce something else (they could)......that's kind our point you're making for us ;)

The persistence of the same problems IS the problem. And what this patch revaled is that despite it containing cool stuff, it revealed that the next few months are locked into the slow continuation of it. The new mode should bring relief. But, of course, it'll only be playable 25% of the time....

You know Reggie?! Is he your uncle/dad's friend/old roommate/guy-you-know-from-a-guy-you-know that works at Nintendo? Can you get me an job interview there? I'd go full Joo Dee from Avatar if it means I can pay off my student debt faster. :p "Everything is awesome in Ba Sing Se Splatoon 2. There are no problems or octarians in Ba Sing Se Inkopolis." *wide fake smile*

And I greatly appreciate your stripped down analysis of the maps in both games! I've been trying to understand my own feelings about them for some time, to chagrin of some, and you've really just helped me out with my personal analysis.

Meanwhile I'm behind on the news about microtransactions and loot boxes. Unless I'm mistaken, everyone/anyone pulling out their brellas because squit just hit fan, this mess is just in the early investigation phase. If the hammer drops I don't think there'll be banning so much as official regulation, which could turn out to be its own brand of horror for the companies and publishers.

As much as I'm a little giddy for this Friday's update and hopeful patches--especially on a real lazy day off for me--the whole loot box debacle has aimed all my hype in their direction.
If I had an uncle/guy-I-know at Nintendo......it would most definitely not be Reggie.... I have standards! :P

People have said they don't think they will like the new maps based of their appearances and that the hairstyles are ugly. Why everyone is suddenly complaining is that this latest update only highlights many of the underlying problems people have with the game. Unless, by patches, do you mean balance patches, because I haven't seen any patch notes.
Bingo. The patch, though it adds cool stuff, is also an proclamation that everything is working out as designed and there is no problem. Even aside from patch notes and matchmaking fixes, things like "2 new old maps and one new map" is not what the already frustrated among us needed to hear. #4 is in 2 months. That's not a sudden glut of content. That's a preview of what we were waiting for anyway and confirmation the wait won't get better. Yes, that will take us to 16 maps sooner than S1 got 16 maps. Not sure if it counts if 6 of them are the old maps though.

I don't quite know either, but I know the gist of it is that EA finally crossed the line with Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) and that people made such a big stink about it that EA actually backed down.
That's kind of a ritual for EA....push so hard there's backlash, then back down.

EA: Still making Nintendo look good.

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
That's kind of a ritual for EA....push so hard there's backlash, then back down.

EA: Still making Nintendo look good.
EA is the most thoroughly anti-consumer company there is. It's a good thing their games suck, otherwise I'd go broke.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
Don't forget me! :p

I really wonder if this were best for Nintendo in the long run; will Splatoon 3 share all the same physics, gameplay mechanics, single player, and other cosmetics? (Shoes/Clothing/Headwear each with its own shop, largely similar menus, etc...) If so, how will they justify Splatoon 2 not making any of these changes, and as a result, just:

It's my understanding that Splatoon 2 was originally going to be "Splatoon Deluxe" but that during development, they felt they should differentiate it enough to be a sequel, which shows with all the changes they made that don't fix the problems with the original and only serve to differentiate the game. I would have much rather had a Splatoon Deluxe in vain of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, where all the original content would be there, even down to the menu graphics, and new content would just be added on top of this, like if Splatoon were supported for an extra two years. The problem I brought up that will arise for Nintendo later would not exist if they went this route.

It's my understanding that the more time you spent with Splatoon 1, the more cynical you are of this game. This fits for me, at least.
I spent well over 1000 hours on the first game so maybe that's not necessarily true. Maybe it's just a matter of expectations. When the game was first shown in the Switch trailer I thought it was an enhanced port, Splatoon Deluxe like you said, which I still woulda been happy with. Then the January event said it was indeed a sequel, but one coming this year, meaning the game was only in development for a bit over a year. Knowing that I knew it couldn't possibly be a massive step up, just not enough development time. Splatoon 3 shouldn't have this problem though. It'll be interesting to see what they can do when given multiple years to work on the game before releasing it for once.

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