Splatoon 3 Side Order is out now!

Wave 2 of the Splatoon 2 DLC has been released! Join in the discussion here on the boards or on the Squidboards Discord server!

Challenge yourself to a new single-player campaign, Side Order! As Agent 8, you wake up to discover Inkopolis Square has been drained of color and its residents have gone missing. Looming over the city is the ominous Spire of Order. Alongside a drone who claims to be Off the Hook member Pearl, Agent 8 must fight off waves of enemies in floor after floor of challenges on their way to the top of the Spire and learn its secrets. Use color chips to boost your abilities in this experience that’s designed to be replayed over and over.
Please remember to keep spoilers out of thread titles and tagged appropriately in threads while the DLC is still fresh. Not everyone will be able to play right away and we don't want to ruin anyone's experience with it.

What are you most excited for in this update? Have you already gotten a chance to play some of it? Let us know below!


just play side order @jeffthesquid

you will be satisfied

very satisfied

I am only on 14th floor for best run and I am VERY satisfied
managed to get to floor 30 and then die right in the middle of the boss fight (I was using shivers palette with only one life left)
Nooo that happen to me too on my 4th one
Then i beat it after that
this was around my 15th attempt(yes I know I suck at it, but don't blame me blame my ******* left joystick who likes to be a ***** whenever I play Splatoon 3)

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