Squid Parties: Yay or Nay?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
To add what I didn't say previously, I do agree that squid parties in Ranked are a very different matter. I'd... be understanding if someone did so, but I don't expect that to happen at S and it would be pretty annoying.
Squid partiers are the absolute worst. Selfish sods.
When I was playing around the last couple of days, I was doing it with hopes of bringing a slightly refreshing change of pace into the battles in which I participated. Doing nothing but squid partying gets boring for me, too, and I'd love to play seriously; but I'm taking time off that partly to aim to remind players that this is a fun game, we are friends and I just drew a heart in your base. I don't think that's selfish...


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Squid parties can certainly waste people's time. Can't fault you too much, you did more than mash ZL, but the rest? Instantly blocked.

I'm a perfect example of the kind of chip one can get on their shoulder after running into partiers in all modes. Yes, it's a fun game, and maybe some of us JUST WANT TO PLAY IT.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
It's interesting just how divisive a topic this is. Yeah, it's fair enough if they tick you off, but I stick to the conviction that, in Turf War, at worst, it's three minutes of your time, and Splatfest lobby durations are at least that long...


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
In my case, if these encounters weren't almost daily (on days played, anyway) for the last four months, I'd agree with you. I wish that was hyperbole, but it's easy to imagine how someone can get utterly sick of it.

And of course, people don't just do it in Turf War.


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
My opinion on squid parties has changed quite drastically. In actuality, my opinion of squid parties has changed to the direct opposite from what it was a few months back apparently. :P I don't mind squid parties and honestly... You can probably find me joining one. I'm not all that big on starting them but I'll probably join them if I see one starting. I don't see them as all that common though. I can encounter a squid party maybe once a day or once every other day. Perhaps this is because I do squads very often but I do a fair amount of Turf War and still don't encounter them too often. *shrugs*

I've found that drawing is more likely to get a positive response haha. :P I've had more people respond positively when I'm drawing hearts or just ignore me. People seem more likely to attack if I'm just "squidbagging" but more likely to just flat out ignore me if I'm drawing hearts. I think people are starting to understand the concept that if you ignore squid partiers, they'll go away. Killing them is only encouraging them and really not doing you any favors.

I think some people just take this game way too seriously. I can understand being mad at it in Ranked but Turf War is casual. Even as a competitive player myself, I do think some players need to slow down and learn how to have a little bit of silly fun rather than being serious about everything all the time.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You're right, there are lots of people that take this and other games way too seriously. I guarantee that you, personally, aren't going to change anyone's mind though.

Ignoring something until it goes away is a fallacy as well. In many cases that can be just as encouraging as reacting to something, because oh hey the person realizes no one's stopping them from doing whatever it is they're doing.

Squid partiers seem oddly defensive when people interrupt their "fun", considering that's exactly what they're doing to the people that want to attack them. Yeah, someone screaming and trying to shoot you for messing around can be really rude, but at the same time you're the one who chose not to play the game. Don't think squid partiers can really claim the moral high ground here :P


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
Squid Parties are fine in Turf War as long as everyone is willing to join. If there is even just one person in your team who clearly has no interest, let it be.
I personally don't ruin the fun if all other seven participants are partying, and as long as nobody is attacking me, I wouldn't be attacking them either. I kindly wait for the match to end and leave. Splatoon shouldn't be a serious game and if this is fun to them, I'm not going to stand in their way. But if it's just four or five people partying while the rest is fighting, they should really take a hint and stop.


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
You're right, there are lots of people that take this and other games way too seriously. I guarantee that you, personally, aren't going to change anyone's mind though.

Ignoring something until it goes away is a fallacy as well. In many cases that can be just as encouraging as reacting to something, because oh hey the person realizes no one's stopping them from doing whatever it is they're doing.

Squid partiers seem oddly defensive when people interrupt their "fun", considering that's exactly what they're doing to the people that want to attack them. Yeah, someone screaming and trying to shoot you for messing around can be really rude, but at the same time you're the one who chose not to play the game. Don't think squid partiers can really claim the moral high ground here :p
Eh. I never said that I wanted to change anyone's mind. Frankly, I don't care. If a player wants to get angry and salty over something so simple and trivial, it is their problem. They're the ones taking things so seriously to the point where they can't enjoy the game anymore. That's not my problem and I don't care if someone is ruining the game for themselves. Learn to not be so serious about life I suppose. *shrugs* It's just a game. No use in making yourself angry over such trivial matters.

Hm. I wasn't aware that explaining your viewpoint was not considered being defensive. *shrugs* I don't care if someone thinks I'm "disrupting" their fun. I also don't care if someone kills me. It's not disrupting anything for me. Kill me if you want. I'll just go back and keep doing the same thing. It's really not that big of a deal. Frankly, most of my friends feel the same way I do. We often go do this together when we're bored of Ranked. None of us care if someone kills us. If you want to spend the time killing us rather than getting points, it's your choice. You're the one who is sacrificing your points to kill us. :) "You're" being used in a general sense of course. ^.^"

Hey. If killing squid partiers makes you feel better about things, feel free to go for it. Most people really don't care and are probably still just laughing about everything. x)


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You do realize that "it's just a game" has been used to justify trolling, harassment, and generally unpleasant behavior in video games for a good 20 years now, right? Honestly, wouldn't bother me so much if so many of you didn't have the flippant attitude on display here. Yep, it's "just a game", and some of us only have so much free time. So when people get online and are presented with this, they're just supposed to grin and bear it every time? Reminds me of the jagoffs in City of Heroes who would have dance parties in the auction houses and other vital places and make it difficult to actually access such things, it was always "just a game" to them too.

And of course, I see you've only said one passing line about people who do this in ranked, which is where most of my salt comes from. Is it not worth caring about then, when half your team is flopping about while the opponent is 100% serious? Ugh, so many losses to that...

Also, way to write a long diatribe assuming I go out of my way to kill partiers. I'll usually just try to do so once out of frustration and leave, which is quite a bit different from the paragraphs you've vomited forth :p I'd certainly be more considerate on the manner if partiers had a little thought for others. What Ulk said is perfectly sensible, for an example. But no, any partiers I actually talk to (including the ranked ones) pull "it's just a game" and "if you interrupt you're the rude one" and then carry on regardless of the scenario. So yes, I'm going to get angry at people like you, because I can't get away from you people :p I initially called partiers selfish sods mostly out of anger at the time, but going "I don't care" over and over and over sure is a shining example of that phrase!


Inkster Jr.
Apr 18, 2016
I've only been in one Squid Party. It was on Saltspray Rig. They went to the bottom area and just started dancing. I join them, then my team did shortly after. We migrated, in squid form, to the top. It was pretty funny. It was the least salty I've been, funny enough. I would like to organize private squid parties at some point. Maybe I'll do one on May 29th.


Inkling Cadet
May 13, 2015
I usually thought Squidparties were bad in Turf Wars.

But then i realized, MORE POINTS FOR ME!

But i pay respect for the opposing team somewhat if they're filled with several partiers, so i stay back and fully paint my bass to 100%, even if i use a clunky blaster.


Senior Squid
Jul 24, 2016
I haven't been part of one yet. I've only found out what squid parties were this past weekend. Looks really silly. But I kind want to try joining one. :-)


Senior Squid
Jul 2, 2016
I always go around them and I never kill them but I end up getting killed and I've had enough of it...

Sgt. Puffling

Why am I still alive?
Sep 16, 2016
Playing them in private battles is fun, since you can't really lose any rank or points, but in actual battles is a definite no.


Full Squid
Feb 19, 2017
They're pretty fun, but just keep them out of ranked.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 12, 2016
Its fun to communicate without being able to. recently in a tw squidparty I set out 3 beacons in a row and ran through them in serpentine pattern. My entire team joined. Then an opposing Krak on dropped some beacons to. Good times. Comradery. Utterly pointless of course....


Pro Squid
Feb 11, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I'm a bit on the fence about squid parties, one time I just wanted to play, as I hadn't in a while and people were just trying to start a party on my team leaving me to fight alone, and I kept getting stuck with them. I didn't mind when they were on the other team, as I'd join in upon realising they were no threat, and whenever my team spawn camps I always try to start a party as I don't enjoy spawn camping, but my favourite thing was when I'd just gotten my boyfriend into Splatoon, it was one of his first sets of games, and he got put in with all level 50s when he was about level 5. I'd prepared him by saying "just try your best" but we both knew it was going to be a bloodbath. He got to the centre and no, everyone started squid partying. He was going to shoot one but I stopped him and jut said to join in. It looked pretty fun actually, people were placing beakons, jumping around, but by far my favourite thing was that the splat charger on his team wrote a message just for him saying "hi James" it was so adorable, I thought it was the perfect welcome to the splatoon community and I've never seen anything like that since. Yeah squidpartiers can be annoying at times, but something like that last example just lifts my mood and makes splatoon one of my favourite multiplayer games with such a. Wide open community.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2017
50% on Yay and 50% on Nay.


• A fellow 'hi' for when you see a friend.

Stress reliever.
• All the squiddies are having fun.
• You can 'Booyah!' too.


When people mistake as squidbaging.
• Squid parties in RANKED? Seriously?
• When players have to splat and cover others to stop party.

In my opinion, I do that for fun or just saying 'hello' and stuff, but sometimes people take it too far when squidbaging. I get too salty when people squidbag their head off.


Full Squid
Mar 18, 2017
Yay.... kinda? I usually just take it as an opportunity to get some easy kills and maybe an easy win, if the opponents dont snap back to reality lol. I kinda ruin squid parties... ha.

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