Squidboards Dream Kits Thread (again)


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code

A lot of time has passed since the last one of these so I figured it'd be a good time for a new one. Out of all of Splatoon 3's options, even if it took duplicates of the weapon's current kits, what would your personal ideal kit be for your main(s) or any other weapons in the game? This can be for the sake of viability, fun factor or something else.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Detroit, MI
I could not get Yaga’s generator to let me customize the name or special points on mobile, but I made an Inkline Wellstring. I hate to steal an existing kit, but it’s just too good to put curling and bubble on this thing…


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
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The one thing that Decav doesn't have on either of its subweapons that could be explored is a mobility-focused one. I would be fine with most of them, but of course Fizzy Bomb would be the absolute best here for enabling combos, letting it hit past cover, holding down space more efficiently, y'know. Fizzy Bomb is a good subweapon for a reason. Ink Storm is far from the strongest thing you could give this weapon but the displacement is nice, chip damage is incredible for Decav and while other weapons would make more use of this aspect of the special, the healing would be really fun for some skirmishes in solo play especially. The sub and special both play to a very high paint output as well which is nice.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
This would be much worse than the current Slosher kit but I like this combination more than playing Splat Bomb/Strikes even if being the Strikes weapon doesn't bother me like it used to.
Kit_Slosher 2025_3_2 11_58_36 (1).png

You would still be incentivized to take different positions before popping Zooka but keeping the ability to swim and the special being as fast as it is makes that less of an issue.
Slosher could focus more on playing as a slayer rather than being the Strikes farmer and while I know that a lot of the community has their problems with using Zooka, I personally enjoyed my time with it when I used to grind Machine Neo.
Zooka feels perfectly fine to me and I like the idea of being able to immediately pop, target someone hiding over cover, and then continue to push in.
It should have existed in the base game to begin with since Soda Slosher from S1 had the exact same kit but I guess they wanted to instead do a reference kit to S1 vSlosher without the Burst Bomb.

I don't have a strong opinion on the specific special for Tri-Slosher but not having Burst in S3 really hurt the weapon.
Kit_Tri-Slosher 2025_3_2 12_3_48 (1).png

It would be extremely annoying to fight a Tri-Slosher that's almost guaranteed to kill you up close without even having to hit two sloshes but I would take that over having the weapon trapped in 210p Cooler hell.

I have nothing to add for Machine since it already has everything it could have asked for in a sub and special with vMachine.
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Senior Squid
Jun 4, 2024
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Screenshot 2025-03-02 200743.png

Autobomb is already the perfect subweapon for an aggressive Hydra build. It scouts an area you need to pass through quickly, it allows you to keep engaging with an enemy after they leave your range or get into a spot it's too dangerous to pursue, it points out enemies to your teammates, and it's an escape tool (or a fake escape tool).

And I've been convinced about Big Bubbler, despite my misgivings that most Hydra players would use it to stand around in the back doing nothing. It will allow an aggressive Hydra to hold a position for longer and offers a safer, more forward position for team jumps. I wish it had more offensive power, but I guess that's what the gun is for.

Screenshot 2025-03-02 202353.png

Burst Bomb for mobility. Tenta Missile go brrrrr.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2024
Mossdeep City

I've already done a few of these for edit and dousers, so here's a splattershot nova kit. Initially I was going to chuck in burst bomb because any weapon with subpar damage deserves that juicy instant explosion to lead into some crazy combo or TTK, right? Then I realized torpedo exists and would probably compliment nova way better! Nova is pretty agile and can paint its feet pretty well on top of having incredible ink efficiency, so torp could help it skirmish pretty decently and divide enemy attention. Torp is a great scouting tool, continuing the trend of the nova line and it's location subs. It can support you and teammates in fight with the extra damage and explosion(s.) Plus rolling torp into enemies can potentially make nova a much easier to land 2-3 shot splat!

The special was a bit of a tougher choice. Nova charges a lot of specials, so this choice has the greatest impact. Some specials are already on similar weapons, like booyah bomb is on forge pro. Other specials typically become unhealthy or annoying when spammed, like triple strikes, trizooka, and tenta missiles. I settled on chumps since it's one special that can feed into the strong skirmishing nature of this kit while also maintaining the support-oriented play style of nova, and it isn't too spammable because of the long cooldown. Ink Storm could offer a similar form displacement, and you could still fight in it and benefit from the healing and chip damage. Downsides might be less paint and less "dividing enemy attention," plus the damage isn't as lethal, but still a great choice overall. There's also tacticooler, a great tool for enabling the weapon and it's teammates with even more mobility. I'll be honest though, trying to paint bot and spam cooler and torp would probably be the dominant playstyle, which seems pretty boring. (Edit gets a pass though...)

I really like nova since it's one of the closest things we have to the original GOAT, dual squelcher, so I'd love to see it get something like this in S4 (or S3... the 3rd kit copium never ends!) The weapon is rather weak, so having strong tools like this to play around it's low damage and compliment it's strengths would be pretty awesome. On another note, I know alterna isn't really known to the public outside of... mysterious locker decorations? Even so, it would fit the space theme this weapon has so well (and I like the colors.)

That's the end of this rare nova appreciation post. Nova and out! (sorry I had to)
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Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
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Now my idea of a perfect kit, one that gives Hydra everything it wants and then some is Ink Mines/Ink Storm.
Mines are of course Hydra's ideal sub. And Ink Storm does everything Tenta Missiles would do, but it'd actually synergise with Hydra. It gives passive paint to cover Hydra's downtime. It does chip damage, it's instant activation, blah blah blah.
You've heard this many times surely.
And if you haven't, go read my presentation.
That being said, Hydra does like Missiles, but only when someone else is using them.

But my idea for a fun kit and one that I want to see happen is a little different


Chumpies! My beloved Chumpies!!!

This I think would be the perfectly well-rounded Hydra kit. It has the Mines to let it be both aggressive and defensive depending on the situation. And Super Chump would do much the same. You could go in with your own chumps, using them as a meatshield as you mow down the enemy team. Or you could hang back and let the Chumps just paint and chip people for you. Plus Chumps provide some nice support for your teammates as well.
This was a combination I wanted to see the moment Chumps came out and I'm still sad it never happened. I think you could even make this into an aggressive kit if you put Angle Shooter as the sub instead of Ink Mines. But alas, that might be a bit too out there for the Splatoon devs.
Personally I'm still not too keen on Big Bubbler. I see the merit of putting it on Hydra, I think it would be a good fit! But I personally think it relies a bit too much of your teammates to help you get into position. Chumpies, while not as strong, would be a bit more self-sufficient imo. Also Super Chumps are cuter! My little guys!!!

And let's look at my sweet, beloved Heavy Splatling as well.


The reference kit we deserved!!!!

Surely at this point I do not need to sing the praises of Wall Heavy. Surely you understand just how amazing this main/sub combination is by now? I'm gonna do it anyways, but surely you understand?

Heavy Splatling is the most midline backline. The main has enough range that it can reliably stand in the back and enough speed that it can tear things up in the midlines. The perfect Heavy playstyle is the kind that's constantly, steadily pushing forwards. And Splash Wall makes that kinda playstyle so much more reliable and even lets Heavy push faster, harder. Splash Wall Heavy can force itself into very annoying positions, it's great.
I bet the reason we don't have Wall Heavy is because the devs are afraid.
Same with Beakons on a Splatling. They saw the destruction BP brought upon the world and for that they punished the entire class. The cowards.

And then there's Strikes, which are just kinda ridiculous.
Amazing area denial, object shredding ability and a stupidly deadly hitbox. You want to pop Strikes in safer location, which are the positions that Heavy likes to take anyways. Combine that with Splash Wall and you have a Heavy that can pop Strikes basically whenever and wherever.
Even if Strikes weren't stupid strong, this special would still synergise perfectly with Heavy. Making the weapon into the terrifying dive comp anchor it deserves to be.

I was gonna make one for Edit as well, to round out the trinity of weapons I regularly play in comp.
But then I realised that I kinda already have my dream kit for Edit? I'm not sure what else I'd want on Edit. I don't think I ever knew what I wanted on Edit. Never figured it out until crEdit came out and just said "I know what you need, baby".

Maybe I'll come back to this later once I figure out my feelings for Edit.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Detroit, MI
Coincidentally, Chara just posted a video with a top-level player’s dream kit for every weapon. It was an interesting watch, but less fun than this thread.


Agent 3 Apologist
Jan 30, 2024
Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
Switch Friend Code
Gas Station Sushi (Torpedo/Crab Tank) is already The dream/missed opportunity Dread Wringer kit and Isaac posted the comically busted Burst/Splashdown Tri-Slosher kit (give me 200p nTri back or give me the capability of grievous violence), so I'm going to have to dig deeper.

Support Dread Wringer is not a fundamentally bad idea, it just got implemented in the most pathetic way possible. The Cooler freak has to skip Cooler in this situation, otherwise this thing would quickly become boring and broken. I spent some time thinking about Ink Storm and now I can't imagine a better support special for the main. Complements Dread's adequate paint output in a less risky (if less immediately rewarding) way than Reefslider, heals teammates playing alongside Dread, hinders enemy movement. Heck, since even a drizzle can combo off of one 90 damage swing, Ink Storm could offset unassisted Dread's slow swings and kill times. Chumps could do some of these things, and not as well as Ink Storm.

The sub is a little harder for me to decide on; I don't have much competitive experience and I'm not interested in giving a support kit a bomb. Point Sensor and Angle Shooter don't do Dread any favors as far as I'm concerned. Sprinkler does literally nothing here either. Ink Mines might help block paths and give Dread a chance against faster short range weapons? I'm trying to think of what teammates might need from it besides more paint (which it can already do just fine), because something like Splash Wall would mostly only help Dread hold ground and fight. This was supposed to be a support kit. I think like a solo queue player. You know what, I'd take another nothingburger of a sub if I was allowed to have Ink Storm. If anyone else has any better ideas, though, I'm all ears.

Edit after watching the Chara video: I mean... I guess??? You COULD put Torpedo and Tacticooler on Dread Wringer for an unbelievably good weapon, but where's the fun in that? I would never play anything else. I would never be allowed to play anything else in a competitive setting. I love Tacticooler and I love Dread Wringer, but this kit steamrolls over Tri-Slosher Nouveau's metaphorical toes!
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Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
Alright originally I was going to do perfect kits, but Roller already has a perfect kit, and my dream kit for s-blast is also in my opinion it's perfect one so yea we're doing dream instead. Also no lengthy explanations as I feel it's mostly self explanatory

Curling is the best sub that roller can get, but fizzy is a close second it's good for mobility, and getting into places. TSD is great for roller as it can shark up, and surprise enemies with TSD.

The S-blast 91 kit is a top tier kit, but after thinking about it I feel that this kit slightly beats it out. Torp is good for combo, with the added bonus of location. Inkjet is a great continuation tool that can also combo. (Side note Rapid deco should not be 210p)


Gnarly Eddy's Boyfriend
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
This always has been tricky for me since I work best with limitations, but assuming I get to keep the other kits, I'd like to see this as Jr's third kit. I feel like the OG kit has a good balance of capabilities, and while the Custom leans into providing info to your teammates, I think another kit which excels more in area denial would be cool. The inherit throw-and-forget nature of Suction and Rain sound like this would make for an easy alternate playstyle while not stepping on the toes of the Tentatek's identity, acting more like a support counterpart.



Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code

Give them back, Nintendo. We know you've been keeping them hidden somewhere. Give us the Beakons. Nobody has to get hurt here.
For those unaware, Ballpoint Nouveau from Splatoon 2 is the best Squid Beakon weapon in the series by a long shot. Mine is fine, but even as a die-hard Ink Mine enjoyer, I know that this weapon would work so much better with Beakons. Tenta Missiles are not one of my absolute favorite specials, but on a flex backline that badly struggles into chargers, they're easily the best choice.

I'll probably post more of these later, since I play a lot of different weapons.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
Santa Barbara/Inkopolis square
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(Insert image here) octobrush With burst and cooler First is for the combo opportunity if you're close enough or Just some extra chip. With like 200p Cooler or something IDK It would be able to get a few per match end it would Most likely become a higher tier Weapon. I would like to see Either this or Sploosh with Triple splashdown and Fizzy for personal reasons (Please give it a good kit Nintendo)


Mar 7, 2025
England, UK (GMT)
View attachment 14157

The one thing that Decav doesn't have on either of its subweapons that could be explored is a mobility-focused one. I would be fine with most of them, but of course Fizzy Bomb would be the absolute best here for enabling combos, letting it hit past cover, holding down space more efficiently, y'know. Fizzy Bomb is a good subweapon for a reason. Ink Storm is far from the strongest thing you could give this weapon but the displacement is nice, chip damage is incredible for Decav and while other weapons would make more use of this aspect of the special, the healing would be really fun for some skirmishes in solo play especially. The sub and special both play to a very high paint output as well which is nice.
now I desperately wish this was real, I would pick it up SO fast


Inkling Cadet
Apr 4, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I have no idea how to post images but I have an idea for the Carbon Roller. I posted about how bad the vanilla variant is just plain outclassed by the Deco version. I admittedly had a very bad take on that, but I'll try to put a better one out. What if it had some combination of Fizzy Bomb or Torpedo for its sub, and Crab Tank as a special. Would that be the kit that could give the Deco a run for its money?

For one thing, no roller has either of those subs or that special, and Crab has never been paired with either one of them. I just think the only option to give the vanilla Carbon a fighting chance is to give it a kit that would be absolutely cracked and give players an incentive to try it out for once. This would be for a future game of course, preferably Splatoon 4.

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