Now my idea of a
perfect kit, one that gives Hydra everything it wants and then some is
Ink Mines/Ink Storm.
Mines are of course Hydra's ideal sub. And Ink Storm does everything Tenta Missiles would do, but it'd actually synergise with Hydra. It gives passive paint to cover Hydra's downtime. It does chip damage, it's instant activation, blah blah blah.
You've heard this many times surely.
And if you haven't, go read my presentation.
That being said, Hydra does like Missiles, but only when someone else is using them.
But my idea for a
fun kit and one that
I want to see happen is a little different
Chumpies! My beloved Chumpies!!!
This I think would be the perfectly well-rounded Hydra kit. It has the Mines to let it be both aggressive and defensive depending on the situation. And Super Chump would do much the same. You could go in with your own chumps, using them as a meatshield as you mow down the enemy team. Or you could hang back and let the Chumps just paint and chip people for you. Plus Chumps provide some nice support for your teammates as well.
This was a combination I wanted to see the moment Chumps came out and I'm still sad it never happened. I think you could even make this into an aggressive kit if you put Angle Shooter as the sub instead of Ink Mines. But alas, that might be a bit too out there for the Splatoon devs.
Personally I'm still not too keen on Big Bubbler. I see the merit of putting it on Hydra, I think it would be a good fit! But I personally think it relies a
bit too much of your teammates to help you get into position. Chumpies, while not as strong, would be a bit more self-sufficient imo. Also Super Chumps are cuter! My little guys!!!
And let's look at my sweet, beloved Heavy Splatling as well.
The reference kit we deserved!!!!
Surely at this point I do not need to sing the praises of Wall Heavy. Surely you understand just how amazing this main/sub combination is by now? I'm gonna do it anyways, but surely you understand?
Heavy Splatling is the most midline backline. The main has enough range that it can reliably stand in the back and enough speed that it can tear things up in the midlines. The perfect Heavy playstyle is the kind that's constantly, steadily pushing forwards. And Splash Wall makes that kinda playstyle so much more reliable and even lets Heavy push faster, harder. Splash Wall Heavy can force itself into very annoying positions, it's great.
I bet the reason we don't have Wall Heavy is because the devs are
Same with Beakons on a Splatling. They saw the destruction BP brought upon the world and for that they punished the entire class.
The cowards.
And then there's Strikes, which are just kinda ridiculous.
Amazing area denial, object shredding ability and a stupidly deadly hitbox. You want to pop Strikes in safer location, which are the positions that Heavy likes to take anyways. Combine that with Splash Wall and you have a Heavy that can pop Strikes basically whenever and wherever.
Even if Strikes
weren't stupid strong, this special would still synergise perfectly with Heavy. Making the weapon into the terrifying dive comp anchor it
deserves to be.
I was gonna make one for Edit as well, to round out the trinity of weapons I regularly play in comp.
But then I realised that I kinda already have my dream kit for Edit? I'm not sure what else I'd want on Edit. I don't think I ever knew what I wanted on Edit. Never figured it out until crEdit came out and just said "I know what you need, baby".
Maybe I'll come back to this later once I figure out my feelings for Edit.