

Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
1: Cold or hot?
2: Place you want to visit?
3: Real name? (You don't have to share)
1: Cold is the best~
2: China for sure! I'd love to learn about the culture. But... considering Hawaii as well..
Tony is my name!

Edit: Opps, Forgot to tag some folks~

@Hero of Lime @Enker @ ...Zapfish (I'm sorry Zappy. I don't know how to apply those additional stars within your name..;; Hopefully you see this though.)

1: Favorite Color?
2: Favorite Drink?
3: Desktop or Laptop?

Keeping the questions Simple this time.
Last edited:

Zero Meddler

Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
@Zero Meddler @DualQuelcher @SyMag

1. Do you watch Jeopardy?
2. Red or blue?
3. Have you traveled out of the country before?
1. Nope.avi
2. Well, look at the color of my text. XD
3. No but I want to. The UK would be a nice place to travel to... same with Japan.

@SgtUBER @Achamo @Xehias

1. What's your favorite thing to drink?
2. How often do you play Sploon?
3. What language would you like to learn?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1: Don't have one!...yet.
2: Um, I guess. :)

@G1ng3rGar1 @SyMag @Xehias

1: Cats or dogs?
2: Pet peeve/bad habit? (We all have them, it's ok lol you don't have to share)
3: Is this thread somewhat annoying? (XD I get tagged too much...I must be really popular. *tosses head*
1. Cats, tho I proll would've been Team Dogs for the Splatfest
2. I procrastinate a lot. That's what I can remember at the time (oh yeah my memory sucks) and the pet peeve is people who don't use common sense
3. Nah
It is getting tiring having to tag new people XD

@Xehias @Anaru @Achamo

1. Can you sing
2. Do you like music
3. Musicals or normal movies


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
1. What's your favorite thing to drink?
2. How often do you play Sploon?
3. What language would you like to learn?
1: Lemon Iced Tea.
2: Hrmm, not as often as I use to. I haven't really touched it in months..
3: Chinese, French, and I suppose Japanese.

@Zero Meddler @Quibblingsun86 @Rustic

1. What would you do if someone broke into your home? You realized it was a robber, but strange enough had no weapon on him/her.

2. What is the type of genre you enjoy seeing most in shows/movies/cartoons.

3. If you had $100 at this very moment, what exactly would you do with it?


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@G1ng3rGar1 @SyMag @Xehias

1: Cats or dogs?
2: Pet peeve/bad habit? (We all have them, it's ok lol you don't have to share)
3: Is this thread somewhat annoying? (XD I get tagged too much...I must be really popular. *tosses head*
1. Neither...? I'm not much of an animal person to be honest. But if I had to pick it'd definitely be cats.
2. Too many to list lol. I procrastinate a lot. No es bueno.
3. Annoying might not be the right word...on the one hand, it's nice to feel appreciated and popular on the 'Boards, but it can get overwhelming looking through all the responses! (I enjoy answering questions though!)

Anyone can answer these!
1. Favorite board game?
2. How would you rate me overall on a scale of 1 to 10?
3. What was the first video game you ever played?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
1. Can you sing
2. Do you like music
3. Musicals or normal movies
LOL Oh goodness, tagged three times in a row. You guys are murdering me here!
Alright, let's see..

1. When I was younger, I enjoyed singing a lot. Even now I do hum most of the time, but I don't believe I am a good singer.
2. I like music indeed.
3. I don't judge. either is fine as long as it has a interesting plot to it.

@G1ng3rGar1 @Marigi174 @woomycheri

1: What kind of super power would you like to have?
2: What would you do if you were being chased by a dog with a muzzle?
3: If you had the power to breakdance would you do it in a street show?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Neither...? I'm not much of an animal person to be honest. But if I had to pick it'd definitely be cats.
2. Too many to list lol. I procrastinate a lot. No es bueno.
3. Annoying might not be the right word...on the one hand, it's nice to feel appreciated and popular on the 'Boards, but it can get overwhelming looking through all the responses! (I enjoy answering questions though!)

Anyone can answer these!
1. Favorite board game?
2. How would you rate me overall on a scale of 1 to 10?
3. What was the first video game you ever played?
1. Pay Day. This has got to be the third time I answered this XD
2. 7. You seem like a pretty cool person
3. I don't remember exactly, but I do remember playing Ninja Turtles and Street Fighter on what might've been the Sega Genesis(?) with my dad :) I would have to double check. Sonic, too
LOL Oh goodness, tagged three times in a row. You guys are murdering me here!
Alright, let's see..

1. When I was younger, I enjoyed singing a lot. Even now I do hum most of the time, but I don't believe I am a good singer.
2. I like music indeed.
3. I don't judge. either is fine as long as it has a interesting plot to it.

@G1ng3rGar1 @Marigi174 @woomycheri

1: What kind of super power would you like to have?
2: What would you do if you were being chased by a dog with a muzzle?
3: If you had the power to breakdance would you do it in a street show?
Sorree XD
1. Um
I dunno actually
Flying might be cool
And the ability that Micah's cousin has in Heroes would be amazing
2. Prolly run?? XD well, he can't bite, but I don't particularly want to get knocked down…(I have gotten dragged by a dog and it isn't particularly fun) I'd probably hide tho
I'm not that brave XD
3. Oh yeah sure. I'd do it at the train station too, pick up a couple bucks

Anyone can answer these!

1. Are you an Inkling or an Octoling?
2. Would you change your real name? If so, what to?
3. Do you like puzzles?


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
1: Cats or dogs?
2: Pet peeve/bad habit? (We all have them, it's ok lol you don't have to share)
3: Is this thread somewhat annoying? (XD I get tagged too much...I must be really popular. *tosses head*
I was watching this thread wondering when I'd get tagged again :p

1) I like both! I've had dogs all my life, but I never got a say in what pet we'd get. I'd like to have a cat someday, circumstances permitting. And if that was a Splatfest question, I think I picked dogs way back.
2) Hmm… I get a little snappy with my family over small things. Also, it's not really something I can easily change (because believe me, if I could, I would), but my sleep schedule is a complete mess. It's almost 4 AM where I am at the time of me typing this.
3) Nah, it's all in good fun! Though I can understand getting tired of it if you keep getting tagged over and over, haha!

1. What's your favorite thing to drink?
2. How often do you play Sploon?
3. What language would you like to learn?
Oh man, almost missed this since I was replying to the other post at the same time!

1) Coke, no doubt!
2) I play daily. I can play very often because I don't have any other responsibilities right now.
3) Before I answer this, I have to tell a story. I'm already bilingual; I'm French and I learned English through sheer obsession with one of my favorite game series, Ace Attorney. The first four games were localized into French, so I was able to play them no problem, but Ace Attorney Investigations, the first spinoff, was only released in Japanese and English. Refusing to just miss out on an entry, I bought the game when it came out in Europe and basically bruteforced it. It was a very, very tedious process, and it involved pulling out an online dictionary practically every line to understand what was going on. Eventually, I managed to beat the game (with some help from walkthroughs). It only snowballed from there: Trauma Center Under the Knife 2 was next, then Tales of the Abyss, then 999, and now countless others, on top of a bunch of English books. I don't even play games in French anymore (with some exceptions, such as Pokémon games or childhood games like Paper Mario) because I'm fairly sure at least some of them are translated from Japanese to English and then from English to French, which is just sloppy and less than ideal. So to answer the question proper: I'd like to learn Japanese, if only to play games that have never been released in English. Though I don't have the advantage of already having some knowledge in that language. Plus, Japanese is infinitely harder to learn than English, and I'm not as motivated as my younger self, unfortunately.

@Xehias @Anaru @Achamo

1. Can you sing
2. Do you like music
3. Musicals or normal movies
Three times in a row?! Help!

1) Nope. Or I guess I can, but only when the song is at a "comfortable" pitch for me, and even then it's never in front of others. I also rarely sing without whispering because I dislike my voice. Fun fact: I like to call that "chuchanter", a portmanteau of the French words "chuchoter" (whisper) and "chanter" (sing). It sounds cute :p
2) Yes! I'm a big fan of video games OSTs, but other than that I don't really know how to define my taste in music.
3) Normal movies!

Tagging @Cuttleshock because I enjoy reading their replies, @Dessgeega because I've got their squid party seal of approval, and, uh… whoever wants to reply to these, I suppose!

1) Is there any species of bird that you really like?
2) What's your favorite place in the world?
3) What's a thing you hold dear? It could be a book series, a video game, a memento, or even a person!

And now, I think it's more than high time for me to go to sleep!


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
Anyone can answer these!

1. Are you an Inkling or an Octoling?
2. Would you change your real name? If so, what to?
3. Do you like puzzles?
1. Obviously an Inkling! :D
2. On the one hand, I've always hated my name. But I wouldn't know what I'd want to change it to lol
3. Depends on what kind of puzzle, but general consensus is yes, I like giving my brain a workout through puzzles!

@DualQuelcher @Babycowland @Quibblingsun86
1. Do you like to wear hats?
2. Sweet or sour candy?
3. Favorite video game character?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Obviously an Inkling! :D
2. On the one hand, I've always hated my name. But I wouldn't know what I'd want to change it to lol
3. Depends on what kind of puzzle, but general consensus is yes, I like giving my brain a workout through puzzles!

@DualQuelcher @Babycowland @Quibblingsun86
1. Do you like to wear hats?
2. Sweet or sour candy?
3. Favorite video game character?
1. Not really
2. Sour
3. This is a hard one, but I'll have to go with Rosalina and Luma.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
1) Is there any species of bird that you really like? Nooot really? Not much for birds, fluffy puffballs are nice though.
2) What's your favorite place in the world? The Galloping Ghost. Google it!
3) What's a thing you hold dear? It could be a book series, a video game, a memento, or even a person! My plushie of Catherine, my horrifying eyeless mii. She's a sweetie.

I tag, uh, @Aori , @Ansible , and @Xehias cause they got me to actually respond to this, wooooooooo!

1. How many video games do you think you own?
2. What... is your favorite color? :D
3. What's the last nice thing you did for someone?


Inkling Cadet
May 26, 2016
1: Cold is the best~
2: China for sure! I'd love to learn about the culture. But... considering Hawaii as well..
Tony is my name!

Edit: Opps, Forgot to tag some folks~

@Hero of Lime @Enker @ ...Zapfish (I'm sorry Zappy. I don't know how to apply those additional stars within your name..;; Hopefully you see this though.)

1: Favorite Color?
2: Favorite Drink?
3: Desktop or Laptop?

Keeping the questions Simple this time.
1: Varies between orange and blue, sometimes purple...
2: No idea...lol
3: Laptop. :)

@Achamo @MajesticCheetos @JoelTheFreshest

1: Eye color?
2: Favorite joke/pun?
3: Do you wear glasses?


Full Squid
Apr 14, 2016
1: Lemon Iced Tea.
2: Hrmm, not as often as I use to. I haven't really touched it in months..
3: Chinese, French, and I suppose Japanese.

@Zero Meddler @Quibblingsun86 @Rustic

1. What would you do if someone broke into your home? You realized it was a robber, but strange enough had no weapon on him/her.

2. What is the type of genre you enjoy seeing most in shows/movies/cartoons.

3. If you had $100 at this very moment, what exactly would you do with it?
They would already be on the floor so it wouldn't matter
Sci Fi and fantasy
Um....um....uh.....Id have to think about it

1. Pay Day. This has got to be the third time I answered this XD
2. 7. You seem like a pretty cool person
3. I don't remember exactly, but I do remember playing Ninja Turtles and Street Fighter on what might've been the Sega Genesis(?) with my dad :) I would have to double check. Sonic, too

Sorree XD
1. Um
I dunno actually
Flying might be cool
And the ability that Micah's cousin has in Heroes would be amazing
2. Prolly run?? XD well, he can't bite, but I don't particularly want to get knocked down…(I have gotten dragged by a dog and it isn't particularly fun) I'd probably hide tho
I'm not that brave XD
3. Oh yeah sure. I'd do it at the train station too, pick up a couple bucks

Anyone can answer these!

1. Are you an Inkling or an Octoling?
2. Would you change your real name? If so, what to?
3. Do you like puzzles?
Yes, and finnagen cause it sounds cool
Nye he he!!!
1. Obviously an Inkling! :D
2. On the one hand, I've always hated my name. But I wouldn't know what I'd want to change it to lol
3. Depends on what kind of puzzle, but general consensus is yes, I like giving my brain a workout through puzzles!

@DualQuelcher @Babycowland @Quibblingsun86
1. Do you like to wear hats?
2. Sweet or sour candy?
3. Favorite video game character?
not really but I like them
I have so many I don't even know who to choose

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1
Have you played undertale?
Do you like vaporeons?
Favorite type of pizza?


Inkster Jr.
Jul 21, 2016
That one place everyone, yet nobody knows


Senpai in the sheets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 27, 2015
being jello on my chair
1. Nope.avi
2. Well, look at the color of my text. XD
3. No but I want to. The UK would be a nice place to travel to... same with Japan.

@SgtUBER @Achamo @Xehias

1. What's your favorite thing to drink?
2. How often do you play Sploon?
3. What language would you like to learn?
1: any kind of pop
2: i use to clock in over 10 hours a day but no i clock in about 3-4 hours a day owo
3: chinese, even though i didn't absorb anything in chinese school for 5 years owo;;


Inkling Cadet
May 26, 2016
They would already be on the floor so it wouldn't matter
Sci Fi and fantasy
Um....um....uh.....Id have to think about it

Yes, and finnagen cause it sounds cool
Nye he he!!!

not really but I like them
I have so many I don't even know who to choose

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1
Have you played undertale?
Do you like vaporeons?
Favorite type of pizza?
No, sure, and barbecue chicken

@SgtUBER @JaredK22 @Quibblingsun86

What have you been doing lately?
What are your plans for tomorrow?
Main weapon in Splatoon?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
1: Eye color?
2: Favorite joke/pun?
3: Do you wear glasses?
1: My color? Or what I would like my eye color to be? Or favorite Eye color? It would depend, but, keeping it simple, I would go with brown. If I were towards a fictional character, between Red, and Amber. (Since Amber is my favorite color).
2: I don't think I have a favorite. I enjoy a good pun~
3: Yes, but only when drawing, or writing novels.

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @SpiralRhapsody @SurrealSquid

1. What would you do if had the power to fly?
2: You're thirsty on a hot day, but not in the mood for anything sweet. Cold Tap water, or warm soda?
3: Do you prefer earphones or headphones?


Inkling Cadet
May 26, 2016
1: My color? Or what I would like my eye color to be? Or favorite Eye color? It would depend, but, keeping it simple, I would go with brown. If I were towards a fictional character, between Red, and Amber. (Since Amber is my favorite color).
2: I don't think I have a favorite. I enjoy a good pun~
3: Yes, but only when drawing, or writing novels.

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @SpiralRhapsody @SurrealSquid

1. What would you do if had the power to fly?
2: You're thirsty on a hot day, but not in the mood for anything sweet. Cold Tap water, or warm soda?
3: Do you prefer earphones or headphones?
I'd fly. Obviously.
...warm soda. :)
Headphones. Lol

@Cuttleshock @Cuttlefish @G1ng3rGar1

Mario or Luigi?
Where do you want to visit?
Know any other languages? :)


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
1. What would you do if someone broke into your home? You realized it was a robber, but strange enough had no weapon on him/her.
2. What is the type of genre you enjoy seeing most in shows/movies/cartoons.
3. If you had $100 at this very moment, what exactly would you do with it?
2. Anything, if it is capable of amusing me or keeping me interested. I will watch it.
3. Small amount, but an amount nonetheless. I would probably put 40$ into Steam, purchase a visual-novel game for cyberpunk bartender-ing and then realize I have no clue what to do with the remaining 60$.
@G1ng3rGar1 @SurrealSquid @SgtUBER @Rustic

1. "Are you a maker of War or piz--Peace?"
2. Favourite article of clothing?
3. Cake or Ice Cream?

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