

Semi-Pro Squid
Dec 4, 2015
1. Pokken or Street Fighter V?
2. Lawn chair or beanbag?
3. If you could only have one, paper towels or toilet paper?
1. Pokken, since I like Pokemon (Gardevoir's one of my favs) and haven't played any Street Fighter games.
2. Lawn chairs are more versatile so I'll go with them. I have a beanbag, but I mostly just use it as a footrest for some reason.
3. Toilet paper. Paper towels can easily be replaced with cloth towels, which is probably better for the environment anyway. I don't think you can really say the same for toilet paper.

1. Do you like to wear hats?
2. Sweet or sour candy?
3. Favorite video game character?
1. My inkling definitely does. I guess I do sometimes, especially when it's sunny out.
2. I'll say sweet since I'm not into super hardcore sour candy. I think most sour candy's pretty good though.
3. That's a hard question... Mind if I give a cop out answer and just list a bunch of favs?
  • Louie (Pikmin)
  • Olimar (Pikmin)
  • Tails (Sonic)
  • Goldie/Kinako (Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stones)
  • Shawn Froste/Fubuki (Inazuma Eleven 2/3)
  • Bianca (Pokemon BW/B2W2)
  • Champion Iris (Pokemon B2W2)
  • Baby Luigi (Mario, yes, I'm someone who actually likes the babies in Mario Kart, haha)

@DualQuelcher, @Splatfan 222, @Hero of Lime
1. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go and why?
2. Would you rather draw, write, act, or sing?
3. Other than Splatoon, what games are you currently playing?


Inkster Jr.
Sep 25, 2014
@Elecmaw @SleuthMechanism @Captain Woomy
  1. Do you use a USB or SD card much?
  2. Do you prefer talking about yourself or listening to others talk about themselves?
  3. Not a question, but... name a very small object near to you right now.
huh weird to see myself mentioned of all people...
1. Yeah, i use usb flash drives all the time to quickly save things when i'm too lazy to do a backup.
2. Listening. I don't have much to say, really.
3. Phone.

@Achamo @woomycheri @Zero Meddler
1. What is your favorite pie?
2. What colour underwear are you wearing?
3. Who would win in a fight: A beaver or a platypus?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Pokken, since I like Pokemon (Gardevoir's one of my favs) and haven't played any Street Fighter games.
2. Lawn chairs are more versatile so I'll go with them. I have a beanbag, but I mostly just use it as a footrest for some reason.
3. Toilet paper. Paper towels can easily be replaced with cloth towels, which is probably better for the environment anyway. I don't think you can really say the same for toilet paper.

1. My inkling definitely does. I guess I do sometimes, especially when it's sunny out.
2. I'll say sweet since I'm not into super hardcore sour candy. I think most sour candy's pretty good though.
3. That's a hard question... Mind if I give a cop out answer and just list a bunch of favs?
  • Louie (Pikmin)
  • Olimar (Pikmin)
  • Tails (Sonic)
  • Goldie/Kinako (Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stones)
  • Shawn Froste/Fubuki (Inazuma Eleven 2/3)
  • Bianca (Pokemon BW/B2W2)
  • Champion Iris (Pokemon B2W2)
  • Baby Luigi (Mario, yes, I'm someone who actually likes the babies in Mario Kart, haha)

@DualQuelcher, @Splatfan 222, @Hero of Lime
1. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go and why?
2. Would you rather draw, write, act, or sing?
3. Other than Splatoon, what games are you currently playing?
1. I would go inside my Wii U and play Smash and Splatoon and Pokken
2. Probably write
3. I just did a Smash Bros session with SyMag
By the way, I change my response to one of the questions that was asked to me about my favorite song. I said the wonder woman theme, but it's actually this:
or this (but I think I like the first one more):
I... I think I like a boy band now.
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Inkling Commander
Jul 14, 2015
Switch Friend Code
1. Anything K-Love or Air1 plays, although I think I like rock and pop better ^^
2. Um
Neither one is exactly the best
I'll go with Japan
3. *shrugs* Batman

@ThatSquidYouKnow @SgtUBER @ThatSrb2DUDE

1. Superman or Batman?
2. Do you like to read?
3. Favorite Mario power up?
When did this thread become alive again? Well,

1. Batman
2. Yes
3. Probably the penguin thing because it's hilarious watching mario waddle around.

@Achamo @G1ng3rGar1 @Rustic

1. Favorite video game at the moment?
2. What's your favorite eshop gem?
3. Squidboards theme?


Full Squid
Apr 14, 2016


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
1. What's something that someone might be surprised to learn about you?
2. Who's your favorite sidekick?
3. If you could make a crossover between any two fictional works (books, comics, movies, TV shows, games, etc.), which two would you choose and why?
  1. I can lift a Sloth Bear.
  2. Sometimes, almost any character with glasses that isn't played as a coward or idiot.
  3. Usagi Yojimbo x Rurouni Kenshin crossover... um, two adorably dangerous samurai?

  1. Favourite alphabetical letter or other character?
  2. Do you fully know any lists like, say, capitals of the EU or mountain ranges of the Americas?
  3. Have you ever drawn a map?
  1. Right now, "X." Really, how many words do you even know that start with "x"?
  2. Unfortunately no. =(
  3. Last time, once upon a time, back in high school I had to draw a few.

1. (I'll keep this one generic) How are ya? XP
2. What's your favorite color?
3. What's the most random thing you've ever done?
  1. Lousy!
  2. Something in a pastel at the moment? Maybe some hue of blue?
  3. Introducing myself to any random person.
1. How many video games do you think you own?
2. What... is your favorite color? :D
3. What's the last nice thing you did for someone?
  1. When I include the digital ones, just over a hundred? My backlog needs work and Splatoon has never helped.
  2. Some pastel tone of blue?
  3. Either showed up in a friend's dream when she needed help or traveled across the country with a another friend when she needed help. Both kinda happened at the same time.
That's fine. Here:
@Ansible, @Splatfan 222, and @Jaden Yang
Now come up with 3 ideas.
@Anaru, @PyrexO2, & @Aori you're up to bat!
  1. Attack with flying headbutt or flying dropkick? Is it super effective?
  2. Push the button and existence throughout the universe goes *poof*. Do you press it?
  3. Create a ridiculous song title that becomes the next guaranteed latest hit song worldwide.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@Anaru, @PyrexO2, & @Aori you're up to bat!
  1. Attack with flying headbutt or flying dropkick? Is it super effective?
  2. Push the button and existence throughout the universe goes *poof*. Do you press it?
  3. Create a ridiculous song title that becomes the next guaranteed latest hit song worldwide.
Flying dropkick, super effective against normal/rock/ice
The Swirling Sizzler

@DualQuelcher @woomycheri @Aori
1.Explain to me how to fly
2.Worst book you ever read
3.Thunder or Lightning?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
huh weird to see myself mentioned of all people...
I was actually gonna summon you at some point, Roxy! But looks like someone beat me to it~
1. What is your favorite pie?
2. What colour underwear are you wearing?
3. Who would win in a fight: A beaver or a platypus?
1: Pumpkin Pie!
2: Checked design underwear. Black&Red.
3: Platypus, I think..

1. Favorite video game at the moment?
2. What's your favorite eshop gem?
3. Squidboards theme?
1: Pokemon ORAS.
2: eShop gem? I don't think I've ever heard of this.
3: You mean the color scheme thing? Black/Orange.

@ThatSquidYouKnow @SleuthMechanism @Trieste Sp

1. It's a storming night, you need shelter. A legit Haunted mansion, or camp out with no sleeping bag?
2. What would you do if you saw a spider beside while in the shower?
3. What is your favorite type of Music?


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@DualQuelcher @woomycheri @Aori
1.Explain to me how to fly
2.Worst book you ever read
3.Thunder or Lightning?
1. Airplanes!
2. I haven't read a book in ages
3. Lightning.

@Zerul @G1ng3rGar1 @SurrealSquid @DualQuelcher @Aori @Quibblingsun86

1. Out of all the games you've (probably) played in your lifetime. Which one was the most satisfying to beat?
2. Newfangled Video games or Old-fashioned Board games?
3. Favourite video game genre? For example, TPSes, FPSes, Survival, Horror, Mystery, Visual Novel-esque, (W/J)RPG?
1. Kirby: Planet Robobot.
2. Video games.
3. Platformers.

I tag, uh, @Aori , @Ansible , and @Xehias cause they got me to actually respond to this, wooooooooo!

1. How many video games do you think you own?
2. What... is your favorite color? :D
3. What's the last nice thing you did for someone?
1. Too many
2. Blue
3. Helped my friend with chores.

(If I missed any sorry)
i'm not tagging anyone since my laptop's being slow.


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. Favorite language?
2. Rock vs classical music
3. is 42 the meaning of life?
1. Definitely English.
2. Rock is better, classical music makes me sleepy for the most part.
3. No, it is simply the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

1. "Are you a maker of War or piz--Peace?"
2. Favourite article of clothing?
3. Cake or Ice Cream?
1. I mostly make stupid things in video games that strangely enough work at times.
2. I'd say hoodies.
3. Ice cream! Woo! But it also depends on the weather.

1. What would you do if had the power to fly?
2: You're thirsty on a hot day, but not in the mood for anything sweet. Cold Tap water, or warm soda?
3: Do you prefer earphones or headphones?
1. Go swimming, of course. What did you expect?
2. Cold tap water. Warm soda is disgusting.
3. Headphones, you hear stuff better with them.

@Xehias @woomycheri @Zapfish... I don't know how to make those stars.

1. There's an army of robots invading the city! What do you do?
2. If you had to stick with one Splatoon weapon forever, which one would it be?
3. What would you say if random critical hits (that deal extra damage) were added into the game?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Flying dropkick, super effective against normal/rock/ice
The Swirling Sizzler

@DualQuelcher @woomycheri @Aori
1.Explain to me how to fly
2.Worst book you ever read
3.Thunder or Lightning?
1. The same way you get a unicorn
2. There's not really ONE, but my least favorite adaptaion of a book into a movie is easily Where The Wild Things Are.
3. Thunder. It won't kill you.


Inkling Cadet
May 26, 2016


Inkling Cadet
May 26, 2016
1. Definitely English.
2. Rock is better, classical music makes me sleepy for the most part.
3. No, it is simply the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

1. I mostly make stupid things in video games that strangely enough work at times.
2. I'd say hoodies.
3. Ice cream! Woo! But it also depends on the weather.

1. Go swimming, of course. What did you expect?
2. Cold tap water. Warm soda is disgusting.
3. Headphones, you hear stuff better with them.

@Xehias @woomycheri @Zapfish... I don't know how to make those stars.

1. There's an army of robots invading the city! What do you do?
2. If you had to stick with one Splatoon weapon forever, which one would it be?
3. What would you say if random critical hits (that deal extra damage) were added into the game?
1: Either run, or hide in my room. (Or jump onto their heads and hitch a ride. Idk)
2: :wst_shot_quickmiddle01:
3: I...um?

@SurrealSquid @Ikaheishi @13thGalaxy

1: Favorite ice cream flavor?
2: Favorite ice cream topping?
3: Favorite type of ice cream cone (sugar cone, cake cone, & waffle cone)?


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1: Favorite ice cream flavor?
2: Favorite ice cream topping?
3: Favorite type of ice cream cone (sugar cone, cake cone, & waffle cone)?
1. Lemon.
2. No topping, I prefer ice cream as it is. If I have to choose a topping, I'd say raspberry sauce.
3. There's different types of ice cream cones? Interesting. But the only one I can get where I live is waffle cone.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1) Is there any species of bird that you really like?
2) What's your favorite place in the world?
3) What's a thing you hold dear? It could be a book series, a video game, a memento, or even a person!
  1. Birds! I like birds! Birds are my favourite! In particular, I love pigeons, doves and similar. However, if things work out well in the future, I'd want to get two or more larger parrots as pets - I never really learnt that whole 'nothing lasts forever' lesson that you're meant to go through with your childhood hamster, so I'd insist on a bird that would, hopefully, live around as long as I would. They're also smart, which is neat - could teach them to recite lists of Pokémon or perform simple integration or something.
  2. I don't think that any specific location stands out to me so much. I just like anywhere with a clear view, ideally high altitude, fairly distant from any large towns or cities. However... I don't think I've ever been more than a couple hundred metres above sea level (except on aeroplane flights). So I'm sure I have a favourite place - I just haven't been there yet! All said, I've been to the 'city' (technically, although I don't think it has a population of more than 200,000) of Cambridge three times and love the place. Hopefully I get to spend most of my next four years studying there.
  3. I'll go for book series. I want to say How To Train Your Dragon, because of... almost everything about it, but I don't know if it qualifies as that as much as does Winnie-The-Pooh. I've read through both that and The House At Pooh Corner over 10 times and really feel comfortable with it. The simple stories, characters I know well, whimsical narration and dialogue and idyllic little forest community make me feel at home.
Mario or Luigi?
Where do you want to visit?
Know any other languages? :)
  1. Lllmmmdunno. I feel like Mario gets too much hate, but then again, his lack of definable personality traits means that there just isn't so much for me to latch onto. I watched a couple of Luigi's Mansion videos the other day - have completed the game twice, myself - but don't find that that really influences my view of Luigi. Yeah, good on him for saving Mario for the second time (after Mario Is Missing). No, I think that the admiration of all party members in Paper Mario 2 for Mario himself has kind of rubbed off on me and I'd go for him.
  2. Iceland.
  3. Russian (as my family is) and German (as I took the A-Level). By now, I'm afraid that I actually know my exam language better than my native language. But I think that I can just about get around in both countries.
@River09 @Ulk @SweetBippy
  1. How many time zones have you been in (not counting travelling through them)?
  2. Are you left-handed or ambidextrous, or do you have a family member or close friend who is?
  3. Long socks or short?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
They would already be on the floor so it wouldn't matter
Sci Fi and fantasy
Um....um....uh.....Id have to think about it

Yes, and finnagen cause it sounds cool
Nye he he!!!

not really but I like them
I have so many I don't even know who to choose

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1
Have you played undertale?
Do you like vaporeons?
Favorite type of pizza?
1. No
2. Probably Hawaiian or the Pretzel Crust pizza from Little Caesars that had the pretzel cheese on it :D
3. The Pokemon? Yeah

I'd fly. Obviously.
...warm soda. :)
Headphones. Lol

@Cuttleshock @Cuttlefish @G1ng3rGar1

Mario or Luigi?
Where do you want to visit?
Know any other languages? :)
1. *whines* I like them both…
But I write about Mario more than Luigi. So Mario.
2. Japan and a bunch of other places.
3. You already asked me this XD I know sarcasm and Woomy quite well :)
2. Anything, if it is capable of amusing me or keeping me interested. I will watch it.
3. Small amount, but an amount nonetheless. I would probably put 40$ into Steam, purchase a visual-novel game for cyberpunk bartender-ing and then realize I have no clue what to do with the remaining 60$.
@G1ng3rGar1 @SurrealSquid @SgtUBER @Rustic

1. "Are you a maker of War or piz--Peace?"
2. Favourite article of clothing?
3. Cake or Ice Cream?
1. Prolly both, unfortunately XD
2. Plaid shirts :D my mom is displeased XD
3. Ice cream, cause I hate dry cake.

1. Woomy is love, Woomy is life.
2. Watermelon. ^^
3. Drawing. I love to draw. XP That reminds me, I need to do a Splatoon related drawing soon... o.o

@G1ng3rGar1 @Flareth @Dessgeega

1. Have you traveled at all?
2. Do you have a favorite board game?
3. Do you like seafood?
I think I did this already but this thing won't leave me so ???
1. In the country, yeah. Not out :(
2. Geez Louise (pay day)
3. Yep

This thread and procrastinating XD
The inkbrush and aerospray

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @G1ng3rGar1 @GamerGirl
What would you call a woomy-nyges hybrid?
Dang, I'm out of questions.........
1. Woomyges
2. Well that sucks
When did this thread become alive again? Well,

1. Batman
2. Yes
3. Probably the penguin thing because it's hilarious watching mario waddle around.

@Achamo @G1ng3rGar1 @Rustic

1. Favorite video game at the moment?
2. What's your favorite eshop gem?
3. Squidboards theme?
1. Um…Probably Affordable Space
Adventures. We keep on dying but it's so funny XD
2. ^^^^^ But it's probably Paper Mario
3. Octoboards. I've had it like this for a while.

@MajesticCheetos @BlackZero @Kidnacho

1. Do you like to sleep in late?
2. Who did you side with for Splatfest?
3. Have you completed Octo Valley?
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