

Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
He'd been online pretty recently as of that tag, so it made sense.
1. Do you like smol children
2. Blue or gray
3. Do you like British spelling
  1. ... no.
  2. Blue.
  3. I'm British, so! Feel kind of strongly about it, too, so if someone isn't actually American and I catch them using a US spelling, I may well try to get them to change their ways.
1. Do you prefer physical, or digital copies of games?
2. Favorite handheld gaming system?
3. Do you like going to the beach?
  1. Physical.
  2. Note that I sadly own neither of these. Close runner up is the New 3DS XL, which I think is gorgeous and also has an amazing library (everything on the 3DS plus Xenoblade Chronicles). But my favourites have to be all transparent versions of the 2DS. Again, same games (but no 3D or Xenoblade) but... just look at it:
  3. If it's a nice, swimmable beach (and I much prefer sand to pebbles)! Otherwise, it's okay, I guess.
@SpiralRhapsody @Aori @SurrealSquid
  1. Listen to any podcasts?
  2. Read any webcomics?
  3. When was the last time you went to the cinema?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!

1. I hate time travel (for paradox purposes)
But um
I dunno
Either 10, 20 years into the future to see what happened to the world (yeah I actually prolly shouldn't XD) or back when I was younger for memory :D
2. Dude what if I really wanted to go to Smash tho?
*le sigh*
Mario or Splatoon
But if I'm going to Splatoon I have to be one of the species tho
(I fluctuate between being an Anemone, an Inkling, or an Octoling)
3. Oh yeah I did answer this before! You can scroll up if you want the answer ^^ :D
4. Um
Pokèmon Go? *le shrug* I don't play either, but I enjoy reading Pokèmon Go stories.

1. I have gone to several states in the US, but I have not gone out of the country yet. (I want to!)
2. Prolly Pay Day
3. Yep! Especially shrimp and sushi ^^
I haven't had squid, however

@Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher @Chaos_Knight

1. Do you like smol children
2. Blue or gray
3. Do you like British spelling
1. I'm assuming that says small so sure.
2. Blue
3. I prefer spelling words without a u in them when it's not needed.

Not going to tag anyone because there's too much.


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
Are you a Squid party squid or Hardcor ranked player?
Have you seen WalkingmelonsAAA on YouTube?
Sketch pads or art programs?
1. I join any squid parties I see in turf war. As for ranked battles, I focus on the game, and I hate people who squid party there. Fortunately, I've never seen anyone do it in ranked.
2. Nope.
3. Neither one, I'm awful at drawing.

@Cuttleshock @SgtUBER @Rustic

1. Features you'd like to see in a sequel of Splatoon?
2. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda, if you played any of the games?
3. Are there any talents you wish you had?

Zero Meddler

Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
Questions for the anyone who is interested in answering!

1. Do you prefer physical, or digital copies of games?

2. Favorite handheld gaming system?

3. Do you like going to the beach?
1. Physical. o3o
2. I'd have to say the 3DS.
3. Not really... I'm not a beach person but I wouldn't turn it down, especially if I'm going to a Rhode Island beach. It gets me out of the house at least. XD

@SurrealSquid @DualQuelcher @Rustic

1. Waffles or pancakes?
2. What's a game you like but a lot of people don't?
3. What's your favorite cartoon?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
1. Features you'd like to see in a sequel of Splatoon?
2. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda, if you played any of the games?
3. Are there any talents you wish you had?
1. More campaign features implemented into the multiplayer segment of the game, more gear and more gear brands in general, guns that have a unique look to them, maybe more game modes for both Ranked and Turf Wars.
2. Haven't played any of them.
3. Nope.

1. Waffles or pancakes?
2. What's a game you like but a lot of people don't?
3. What's your favorite cartoon?
1. Pancakes.
2. Destiny. And even then I don't like it.
3. Baby cartoons it would be Pocoyo. Child cartoons it would be Invader Zim. Other than that, I don't really have any other cartoons I like.

I don't got any questions.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
  1. Do you use a USB or SD card much?
  2. Do you prefer talking about yourself or listening to others talk about themselves?
  3. Not a question, but... name a very small object near to you right now.
You rang?

1. Only back in the heyday when they were convenient and portable, now there are a lot more efficient methods of storage.
2. Generally 2nd in real life, i'll do both when i'm chatting it up online.
3. First thing that catches my eye is a Neom room spray! That brand's horribly expensive, but the scents from them are absolutely amazing. If that's too big for you, the first really small object would be a Venice Street n Sportwear tag.

I'm cannot think of currently 3 people i'd like to tag, sorry!


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Physical. o3o
2. I'd have to say the 3DS.
3. Not really... I'm not a beach person but I wouldn't turn it down, especially if I'm going to a Rhode Island beach. It gets me out of the house at least. XD

@SurrealSquid @DualQuelcher @Rustic

1. Waffles or pancakes?
2. What's a game you like but a lot of people don't?
3. What's your favorite cartoon?
1. Pancakes
2. ERS becuase people don't know it
3. Young Justice (Please PLEASE bring it back.) Also Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and Rick and Morty. There were others but these 3 are the ones that are still going.


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. Waffles or pancakes?
2. What's a game you like but a lot of people don't?
3. What's your favorite cartoon?
1. Pancakes all the way!
2. I don't know, really. I think most people also enjoy the games I play.
3. I used to watch lots of Spongebob and have a lot of good memories of it.

I already tagged people, so I'm not gonna do it again for the moment.


Senpai in the sheets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 27, 2015
being jello on my chair
1. No
2. Squid Kid
3. that would be a spork so universal

@Rustic @SgtUBER @Mythology595

1. Do you agree with the ending of the Final Splatfest?

2. if you could choose your teams color for every match what color would you pick?

3. if you were in a fight for your life and you were an Inkling what would you do?
1: Sucks it's the last so i guess not owo
2: I would pick redish ink or dark blue ink owo)b
3: uuuh super jump away OwO;;


Senpai in the sheets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 27, 2015
being jello on my chair

1. Both, except I'm hardcore in turf XD (ranked too, but I don't really touch it)
2. No
3. It really depends. Sometimes I can only get something right on paper, but I like the neatness and color or art programs.

@SgtUBER @MacSmitty @Rustic Just the perfect amount of people viewing XD

1. Do you like candles?
2. Favorite dessert
3. If you had a free round trip to one place in the world, where would you go?
1: depends on what they smell like ^w^
2: cream puffs >w<)/
3: Kentucky >w>


Senpai in the sheets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 27, 2015
being jello on my chair
1. I join any squid parties I see in turf war. As for ranked battles, I focus on the game, and I hate people who squid party there. Fortunately, I've never seen anyone do it in ranked.
2. Nope.
3. Neither one, I'm awful at drawing.

@Cuttleshock @SgtUBER @Rustic

1. Features you'd like to see in a sequel of Splatoon?
2. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda, if you played any of the games?
3. Are there any talents you wish you had?
1: more customization and a way to get a logo/emblem on a piece of gear. for team reasons owo)9
2: they are pretty fun owo)/ my fave game is wind waker owo)~
3: i wish i had a talent to become super motivated whenever i want


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. Features you'd like to see in a sequel of Splatoon?
2. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda, if you played any of the games?
3. Are there any talents you wish you had?
  1. If just one thing, it'd be (the option of?) the removal of RNG from gear rolling. Tonnes of systems have been suggested in other threads on this site so I won't go into detail, as most of them seem like they'd work well and fit Splatoon. Otherwise, I don't like to sound too greedy or get my hopes up on many things - I'll be happy with every new thing that comes, really.
  2. Wind Waker is my favourite because it is just so nice... also because it's the least scary of the 3D games that I've played (dunno about Skyward Sword, but I hope to get round to that this summer). Long story short, I can't even start Majora's Mask because it terrifies me and even if I got over the vague threats and fears earlier in the game, I know that I'd have an awful time trying to do the really creepy parts. Ocarina of Time... just doesn't appeal to me as much as TP or WW. Twilight Princess, I'm presently playing through and I'm up to my greatest test, the third boss (of the Lakebed Temple). I got up to it years ago and had to pause and shut down the Wii in its second phase because it frightened me too much; I'm now back with a vengeance although I could be overestimating myself. Will find out very soon. Of course, I haven't mentioned the top-down games. Link to the Past is, I find, utterly beautiful and it astounds me that it's only the third in the series. Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass and Link Between Worlds were all released with a limited-issue golden handheld of their time (GBA SP, DS Lite and 3DS XL) and I own all three! Of those, Minish Cap might be my favourite. I adore Four Swords Adventures for its bold level-based structure mixed with elements of LttP-looking exploration, but perhaps most of all because it's stupidly fun to play as a group. Another game mediocre in itself but which I find a lot more fun than most of the series: Link's Crossbow Training. Haven't mentioned a bunch of games but I own some official edition of almost every title other than the CDi games (thankfully), Spirit Tracks and either Hyrule Warriors.
  3. I'd like to say something about writing or drawing, but I'm sure that those are things that I could develop if I put enough time and effort into them. Uh... I guess I'd answer 'no', because I can't think of anything that I really miss and which isn't an outcome of dedicated practice.
Remember my question about talking about oneself vs. listening to others? I think it can be guessed which of those I'd answer, ahaha...
@Anaru @Mr. 9 @Brie_no.20
  1. Do you often stumble when walking?
  2. Have you got any interesting scars?
  3. Rock, paper, scissors!... which would you be most likely to choose at the start of a match? Try it with an invisible opponent and see which hand you most automatically throw out.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Won't tag as I just did so.
1.Something that makes you happy
2.Worst game you've ever played
3.Describe yourself in one word
  1. Nice numbers. Could be round numbers, could be funky coincidences, could be something as tenuous as my having 34,506 Bells in Animal Crossing (something similar occurred today). I notice numbers and I love it if I can share with someone that that number makes me happy.
  2. I like Mario Is Missing, so not that, although I've got it on SNES. A cheap answer would be one of those cartoon tie-in PC games that we have lying around, or Finding Nemo for the GBA... ahh, I can't really come up with any non-branded games which I can call truly 'bad' with a clear conscience. I guess I've managed to avoid poor quality! And I'm very optimistic (I include Shadow the Hedgehog in my forgiven list).
  3. Laughing.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@G1ng3rGar1 @Anaru @Quibblingsun86

1. Best thing about nature
2. Least favorite clothing item
3. Do you like cheese? xD
More relaxing than being in a city, less loud noise
I like most kinds of cheese

@Anaru @Mr. 9 @Brie_no.20
  1. Do you often stumble when walking?
  2. Have you got any interesting scars?
  3. Rock, paper, scissors!... which would you be most likely to choose at the start of a match? Try it with an invisible opponent and see which hand you most automatically throw out.
I just started stumbling occasionally about a month ago, it was never a problem before then.
I have a scar that goes all the way across my chest vertically, from falling down a slope full of sharp rocks


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Prolly salt & vinegar
2. I dunno I hope I'm not a chihuahua but I'm pretty much always cold so maybe a lab or a pug. I don't really know dogs…
3. Jello owo

@Zero Meddler @DualQuelcher @SyMag

1. Do you watch Jeopardy?
2. Red or blue?
3. Have you traveled out of the country before?
1. Sometimes
2. Blue, the team is better as is the color
3. Yes.


Senior Squid
Jul 24, 2016
@Anaru @Mr. 9 @Brie_no.20
  1. Do you often stumble when walking?
  2. Have you got any interesting scars?
  3. Rock, paper, scissors!... which would you be most likely to choose at the start of a match? Try it with an invisible opponent and see which hand you most automatically throw out.
1. No. Which is surprising because I’m a fast walker.

2. Aside from acne scars, I have a bite mark on my left arm.

3. Paper…maybe.

@NintendoAthlete @ReplaySaturn @SaintWolf

1. What’s your favourite dessert?

2. What kind of movies do you like to watch?

3. What do you think is better? CDs or Vinyl?
Last edited:


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@SyMag @G1ng3rGar1 @⭐️Zapfish⭐️

1: fave flavor of potato chips owo)a?
2: what breed of dog would you be owo)a?
3: jello or pudding owo)a?
1. Baked Lay's are like crack to me. They're so good!
(dogs scare the s*** out of me ;-; )
3. Pudding

@Zero Meddler @DualQuelcher @SyMag

1. Do you watch Jeopardy?
2. Red or blue?
3. Have you traveled out of the country before?
1. I'm watching it right now ;)
2. Blue!
3. Only once, but yes I have! I want to do it again!

@G1ng3rGar1 @Aori @DualQuelcher
1. What's one thing you like about where you live?
2. (I don't think I've asked this yet) Favorite flavor of ice cream?
3. Favorite RPG if you play any?

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