
Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
I'm making an open to anyone one (because I like posting here way too much).
1. What do you put in your coffee? (If you drink coffee)
2. Pepsi, Coke, or neither?
3. What is your favorite brand of water? (i.e. Arrowhead)
1) Nothing, I take it black.
2) Diet Pepsi > Diet Coke, Coke > Pepsi
3) If we are at the gas station then Dasani and Aquafina are good. At the grocery store I'll go with distilled water (doesn't matter who makes it).


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
I'm making an open to anyone one (because I like posting here way too much).
1. What do you put in your coffee? (If you drink coffee)
2. Pepsi, Coke, or neither?
3. What is your favorite brand of water? (i.e. Arrowhead)
1. I don't drink coffee but I put coffee creamer in my tea
2. Coke
3. Tap

Freebie for freebie!

1. Favorite kind of cookies
2. Do you like knitting
3. Ice cream or cake


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
1. Favorite kind of cookies
2. Do you like knitting
3. Ice cream or cake
1. I really like White Chocolate Macadamia
2. I want to learn!
3. Please don't make me chooosee.... I love them both so much! Combine them for the ultimate pairing!

Another freebie!
1. What kind of medicine do you prefer to take? (i.e. gel caps, liquid medicine, chewables, etc)
2. Do you like protein bars?
3. Also, do you like protein shakes?


Inkling Commander
Jul 14, 2015
Switch Friend Code
XD I keep forgetting to navigate away from this page.

1. Jupiter because... reasons. o3o
2. That depends on their personality. XD
3. Ohhhhh.... that's a tough one... Splat Tim. I'm sorry but that's one of the best things to come out of the Splatoon fanbase. XD

@DualQuelcher @ThatSquidYouKnow @SgtUBER

1. Do you have a favorite superhero?
2. Your least favorite movie?
3. What's a game you'll probably never play?
1. I'm batman
2. The Amazing Bulk
3. Half Life 3

I'm making an open to anyone one (because I like posting here way too much).
1. What do you put in your coffee? (If you drink coffee)
2. Pepsi, Coke, or neither?
3. What is your favorite brand of water? (i.e. Arrowhead)
1. Don't drink coffee
2. Coke
3. All water is the same to me.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
1. What is your opinion on themed cafes (specifically video game themed- but any themed cafe can count. i.e. kirby cafe, maid cafe, cat cafe, etc)
2. Do you prefer handheld games or games you can only play from home?
3. Do you have a favorite video game that hardly anyone else knows of (i.e. obscure games and not mainstream / well known ones)
1. I'm pretty indifferent to themed buildings and stuff like that.
2. Depends on what my current location is. If I'm up and about to other places and countries. Handhelds are my jam, otherwise I'll take a console or a PC over them any day.
3. Helldivers, I guess? I don't know if it's well known, but it's player base is starting to shrink and stuff because of a lack of updates from Arrowhead Studios.

Yet again, it's time to throw more questions into the fray.

@ThatSquidYouKnow @Zero Meddler @G1ng3rGar1 @Cuttleshock

1. Would you go into the Splatoon-iverse willingly by yourself even if it meant the rest of humanity was kaput? You won't be changing to any kind of race within the Splatoon-iverse.
2. What's your opinion of space, the grand ole cosmos, the black abyss above our heads?
3. Have you ever had a peculiar dream? If so, what was it about? If it's a bit personal, feel free to not speak(type) of it.
Additional questions due to repetition with certain Tagged peeps.
4. What kind of magical power would you like to have?
5. Which side do you typically take in choice-based video games? Good, Neutral or Bad?


Inkster Jr.
Sep 25, 2014
@SurrealSquid @SleuthMechanism @Aori

1. Painting or drawing? {if you're an artist that is}
2. Favorite funny thing.
3. Are we aliens in disguise?
1. I can't do either of them.
2. YOUR LIFE. D'OHOHOHO! but no seriously, idk.. Futurama or Excel Saga i guess..?
3. If we are, we're pretty lame aliens then.
To anyone:
1.sweaters or cardigans
2. If you were an animal, which one would you be
3. Leaf sheep or bee fly
1. Cardigans. Sweaters are too bulky and ech.
2. Cat
3. Leaf sheep because i don't like insects much at all.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. I'm pretty indifferent to themed buildings and stuff like that.
2. Depends on what my current location is. If I'm up and about to other places and countries. Handhelds are my jam, otherwise I'll take a console or a PC over them any day.
3. Helldivers, I guess? I don't know if it's well known, but it's player base is starting to shrink and stuff because of a lack of updates from Arrowhead Studios.

Yet again, it's time to throw more questions into the fray.

@ThatSquidYouKnow @Zero Meddler @G1ng3rGar1 @Cuttleshock

1. Would you go into the Splatoon-iverse willingly by yourself even if it meant the rest of humanity was kaput? You won't be changing to any kind of race within the Splatoon-iverse.
2. What's your opinion of space, the grand ole cosmos, the black abyss above our heads?
3. Have you ever had a peculiar dream? If so, what was it about? If it's a bit personal, feel free to not speak(type) of it.
Additional questions due to repetition with certain Tagged peeps.
4. What kind of magical power would you like to have?
5. Which side do you typically take in choice-based video games? Good, Neutral or Bad?
1. Yes
Wait, I can't be an Inkling or anything? Hmm…I'd prolly still say yes I hope I can at least speak their language
2. It's pretty neat
3. I had a dream a week or so ago that mostly took place in my small kitchen with a plot that reminded me of some fantasy story plot
I had another one some time ago where my vision was blurry even with my glasses on
It freaked me out

Who? And do I have to answer all the questions?

You, you, and you

1. Least favorite color
2. Favorite book
3. Do you like to ride bikes


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. Would you go into the Splatoon-iverse willingly by yourself even if it meant the rest of humanity was kaput? You won't be changing to any kind of race within the Splatoon-iverse.
2. What's your opinion of space, the grand ole cosmos, the black abyss above our heads?
3. Have you ever had a peculiar dream? If so, what was it about? If it's a bit personal, feel free to not speak(type) of it.
Additional questions due to repetition with certain Tagged peeps.
4. What kind of magical power would you like to have?
5. Which side do you typically take in choice-based video games? Good, Neutral or Bad?
  1. No! Probably not. Unless Inklings totally lack pain receptors, as fun as battling seems from afar, it's gotta hurt (although it does make sense that, if they're almost entirely made of ink, they'd forgo a more complex neural system). And... I dunno, the world of Splatoon seems lacking in some regards. How's its mathematical research?? I don't want to be the only person there who's trying to unlock the deepest logical truths! [EDIT: I totally misread a word in the question, so ignore the part about battling. But maths is still valid!]
  2. Let's all go there some day! Uh, like, I think that if you've gone to space - let's say far enough that the Earth no longer takes up most of your field of vision - you've won life, fair and square. Also, Infinite Space is an amazing game and got me excited about the distant future.
  3. Haha - depending on one's definition of 'peculiar', plenty. Two recent maths dreams are really funny to me, although they might not seem so to an external listener... just the other day, I had a very vivid dream about some diagram of a pair of touching spheres rotating on each other's surface and I was convinced that I was lucidly deriving some new, important geometric theorem. That did inspire me to make a couple of investigations into circles the following day, so, like, good! Not much farther back, I dreamt that I was taking a maths exam that I'd actually had a month ago (required for my university entrance and very hard by school standards). Everything kept going wrong - I was uncomfortable and thirsty, people were distracting me, I picked bad questions to answer (as one has to choose 6 of 13) - but most interestingly, my subconscious came up with a ridiculous maths question for me to panic about. It showed a diagram, something like a cross inside a square (although the cross didn't fill all of the space) and a single point to the right of the cross. All relative lengths were marked and I had to copy the diagram using straight edge and compass construction, which would've been all right... if not for that the distance from the centre of the square to the point was e. Like, 2.718... transcendental number e. Literally an impossible task. I kept laughing about it after I woke up.
  4. Probably something really mundane like... the ability to enchant vegetables to grow bigger than average and to survive adverse weather conditions. I have no real use for an aggressive magic like, uh, fireballs; I don't know what I'd do with something like invisibility, as I'd never steal something on moral grounds (except in extenuating circumstances, sure, but I hope not to run into those); and transformation would be neat but, again, I like my dexterous hands and the acceptance of society!
  5. I'm boring and always go for the nice choices. I feel genuinely bad if I play a villain/jerk in-game...
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Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
1. Brown
2. The Hobbit
3. ...come to think of it i don't think i've ridden a bike since i was like.. 10. o.o;
@Rustic @Agadez @Mr. 9
1. Favorite fruit?
3. If you were a gym leader what would your type be?

1) I was gonna say strawberries...but then I remembered blueberries and raspberries. So, uh…berries?
2) Ha ha, not just yet.
3) The encouraging kind
@G1ng3rGar1 @SleuthMechanism @Anaru

1) I asked this one before to others, but what major city are you closest to (I’m about an hour and twenty minutes from New Orleans).
2) Would you rather be able to survive just fine under water, or in space?
3) One 1000 year life, or ten 100 year lives?

BTW, G1ng3rGar1, I think you said something earlier about olives being "disgusting little orbs". Ha ha, nice way to put it, I'll be using that in the future. ;)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Would you go into the Splatoon-iverse willingly by yourself even if it meant the rest of humanity was kaput? You won't be changing to any kind of race within the Splatoon-iverse.
Seeing @Cuttleshock 's answer, I suddenly thought of a loophole for the not changing
So this means that I can't be an Inkling, Octoling, Octarian, Cuttlefish(assuming), Sea Anemone, Sea Urchin, Jellyfish, Shrimp, or Horseshoe Crab (all canon species in Splatoon). But I can be a Leaf Sheep. Or an Archerfish (both not canon). Which is perfectly fine to me.
(I would try to save humanity first before taking the option, but yeah)

That all ^^
1) I was gonna say strawberries...but then I remembered blueberries and raspberries. So, uh…berries?
2) Ha ha, not just yet.
3) The encouraging kind
@G1ng3rGar1 @SleuthMechanism @Anaru

1) I asked this one before to others, but what major city are you closest to (I’m about an hour and twenty minutes from New Orleans).
2) Would you rather be able to survive just fine under water, or in space?
3) One 1000 year life, or ten 100 year lives?

BTW, G1ng3rGar1, I think you said something earlier about olives being "disgusting little orbs". Ha ha, nice way to put it, I'll be using that in the future. ;)
(And you're welcome :) )

1. I'm currently living in one, but I'll be moving soon. (I consider this personal, so I won't be answering further than that. Sorry!)
2. Um
Water? But you know not alone, I don't really like that kind of thing
3. What
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Octobrush Crackerjack
Aug 4, 2015
1. Brown
2. The Hobbit
3. ...come to think of it i don't think i've ridden a bike since i was like.. 10. o.o;
@Rustic @Agadez @Mr. 9
1. Favorite fruit?
3. If you were a gym leader what would your type be?

1. Mangoes :V Watermelon would be my second choice
3. Hm, I haven't been into pokemon in a while but prolly a music based electric type gym :V

1. 2 minutes to midnight or Run to the hills?
2. Choose a super power: A) Breath Fire & Ice B) Super Speed & Strength C) Flight
3. What is the best christmas movie ever? :V

EDIT: I forgot to tag, whoops lol

@Mr.9 (Since you answered lol) @SleuthMechanism @Dessgeega
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Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
1. Mangoes :V Watermelon would be my second choice
3. Hm, I haven't been into pokemon in a while but prolly a music based electric type gym :V

1. 2 minutes to midnight or Run to the hills?
2. Choose a super power: A) Breath Fire & Ice B) Super Speed & Strength C) Flight
3. What is the best christmas movie ever? :V
1) Not quite sure really.
2) Super speed and strength sounds practical, but flying sounds like sooooo much fun.
3) The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
1. Kirby counts right?
2. Olives are... something, I never really though about that! All I know is they taste good mixed wish spicy things.
3. I'm apt to welcome it right away. Sometimes I question it a bit just to know what's going on though.

@Cuttleshock @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1

1. Do you prefer curly fries or normal fries?
2. What do you put on your sandwiches?
3. What's your favorite season?
1. Neither.
2. Cheese, ham or something and maybe mayo
3. Spring

1. Fries are fries ^^
But generally speaking, I prefer waffle fries myself
2. Depends on the sandwich
But on one of my favorite sandwiches(plain chicks ) I either put Polynesian or barbecue sauce
3. Fall
Cause I like the feel of it
The trees
My birthday
School (believe it or not)

@ThatSquidYouKnow @DualQuelcher @woomycheri
1. Have you ever watched Murder, She Wrote?
2. Do you like AC
3. Do you wear glasses
1. Nope, it sounds interesting though.
2. Hate the cold so nah
3. nope

Too lazy to put questions this time ;o ; sorreh


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Nope, it sounds interesting though.
Too lazy to put questions this time ;o ; sorreh
It's about a murder mystery writer from Cabot Cove who solves real life murders
I watch it a lot, maybe 1 episode a day? Sometimes not at all
That's how I learned that you breathe nitrogen just like oxygen until you die of oxygen deprivation

Because you guys were viewing the thread
@woomycheri @Rustic @Mr. 9 (it's fine ^^)

1. Weird fact you know
2. Do you like actual textbooks or electronic textbooks
3. Do you like pottery


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Seeing @Cuttleshock 's answer, I suddenly thought of a loophole for the not changing
So this means that I can't be an Inkling, Octoling, Octarian, Cuttlefish(assuming), Sea Anemone, Sea Urchin, Jellyfish, Shrimp, or Horseshoe Crab (all canon species in Splatoon). But I can be a Leaf Sheep. Or an Archerfish (both not canon). Which is perfectly fine to me.
(I would try to save humanity first before taking the option, but yeah)
Actually they would either be there in their current day(our time) form or are there in an evolved land-dwelling form and simply haven't been mentioned yet. So, unless you wanna be a fish that blows water to eat stuff or be something that hasn't been officially described by Nintendo. As the question is described
1. Would you go into the Splatoon-iverse willingly by yourself even if it meant the rest of humanity was kaput? You won't be changing to any kind of race within the Splatoon-iverse.
And since it seems like almost every aquatic creature has been brought to the surface for some reason or just became intelligent enough to be considered a sapient species. If a sea cucumber(possibly the fourth member of Chirpy Chirps) is a band member, I'm pretty sure a 'Leaf Sheep' or an 'Archer Fish' are considered semi-canon and could be mentioned at some point in either a manga, anime, or in a future game. 'cuz you know... Earth is pretty watery and doesn't have much land. I'm pretty sure Nintendo will acknowledge their existence in Splatoon, but won't fully be showing them.
As for your canon species argument, that is easily defused by looking at the band pictures.

Excluding the less racially diverse Squid Squad. What do you see in Hightide Era and Chirpy Chirps?
Chirpy Chirps band members appear to be a Lobster, an Inkling, an Anemone, and a strange, tall, thin creature that resembles celery.
Hightide Era appears to consist of a sea-floor living fish, an Inkling, and a possible swordfish or something.
Not to mention the names that some of the stages are called. Triggerfish for the Triggerfish fish, Moray for Moray Eels, Hammerhead for the Hammerhead Shark, Mackerel for well the Mackerel fish, and Ancho-V for Anchovy. Are they considered non-canon? No, for they are mentioned. Who knows, maybe we might get a map called Archer Heights.

As for the questions I've been tagged for:

1. Favorite fruit?
3. If you were a gym leader what would your type be?
1. Pears, they're juicy and fun to eat.
2. Wake me up.
3. Ghost, man. For that obligatory spooky ghost joke that will inevitably happen within my gym.

1. Weird fact you know
2. Do you like actual textbooks or electronic textbooks
3. Do you like pottery
1. None, because I don't really go searching for weird facts.
2. Actual textbooks, because screw trees. Also it's more satisfying to write a note in the margins for the person to follow and find nothing. Can you do that with an electronic textbook? Not really, you probably could, but you're going to more effort.
3. No.

@Achamo @SleuthMechanism @G1ng3rGar1 @Zerul

1. Favourite Pokemon type?
2. Where is this quote from? "Go to, go to. You are a saucy boy."
3. What is the best thing to do in Splatoon in thy own opinion?

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
It's about a murder mystery writer from Cabot Cove who solves real life murders
I watch it a lot, maybe 1 episode a day? Sometimes not at all
That's how I learned that you breathe nitrogen just like oxygen until you die of oxygen deprivation

Because you guys were viewing the thread
@woomycheri @Rustic @Mr. 9 (it's fine ^^)

1. Weird fact you know
2. Do you like actual textbooks or electronic textbooks
3. Do you like pottery
1) Hmmm..... There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo!
2) Actual textbooks all the way! Easier on my (poor) eyesight.
3) Never thought about it.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
1. Favourite Pokemon type?
2. Where is this quote from? "Go to, go to. You are a saucy boy."
3. What is the best thing to do in Splatoon in thy own opinion?
1: Fighting, Dragon, Fire.
I don't know, but I had to look it up.
3: Slapping people silly with the Brushes. Very Satisfying.

@Agadez @ThatSquidYouKnow @MissingNumbers

1. Favorite Character from ANY fighting game?
2. If you could own ANY animal/Sea creature/Reptile as a pet, which would it be?
3: Would you rather be Mario, Luigi, Peach, or Yoshi?

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