

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
1. Sci-fi or fantasy?
2. If you were able to survive on any planet, which would you live on?
3. What's your favorite anime?
  1. I'm a bit more or a Sci-fi guy, but I still like the ocasional Warcraft lore.
  2. I guess Earth? I haven't travelled enough on the Tardis to get a good enough look of other Planets, and my sci-fi experience tells me that things can go very south whenever they want to.
  3. I'm more of a manga guy, but I guess right now it'll have to go to Neon Genesis Evangelion.
I'll skip my questions this time around since it's a bit too early in the morning for me :oops:


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@woomycheri @Aori @Enker
1. Favorite Megaman? if it applies. if not well then.. uh.. favorite blue thing..?
2. An apple flavoured orange or an orange flavoured apple?
3. is it a crocodile-alligator or a alligator-crocodile?
1. I haven't actually played megaman! Though uh... favorite blue thing... Gooey from Kirby's Dreamland 3!
2. ...Orange flavored apple. Both sound good though.
3. I have no clue!

@woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Dessgeega

1. Big house or small house?
2. Headphones or speakers?
3. What time do you usually go to bed?


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
1. What's your favorite game genre outside Splatoon?
2. What's your favorite console (home or handheld) of all time and why?
3. What's your favorite food.
1. Horror! >w< Always love finding a good horror game.
2. Hmm.... I think it would be between the DS or 3DS. I feel like I've gotten the most use out of them. :P
3. Tbh.... I don't think I have one. :v This is one question I'm never able to answer and it seems so simple lol xD

(Huh. I've never been to this section of the forums before :P )


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
1. Heck yeah! Oh jeez.. um, i really like super star ultra and Kirby 64 but i have to say Triple Deluxe has quickly earned the top spot.
2. My bf in england.
3. Salmon. it's a fish that can be done a great variety of ways and is rather healthy.

1. Dr. Pepper
2. Uh.. i dunno. Another Dynamite headdy would be pretty cool i guess.
3. GUNBLADE. It's a sword with a gun on it!(just hope it isn't as lame as the ffviii version)

@woomycheri @Aori @Enker
1. Favorite Megaman? if it applies. if not well then.. uh.. favorite blue thing..?
2. An apple flavoured orange or an orange flavoured apple?
3. is it a crocodile-alligator or a alligator-crocodile?
1. I have many fav blue things xD like blue being my fav color and some pokemon
2. an apple flavored orange.
1. I haven't actually played megaman! Though uh... favorite blue thing... Gooey from Kirby's Dreamland 3!
2. ...Orange flavored apple. Both sound good though.
3. I have no clue!

@woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Dessgeega

1. Big house or small house?
2. Headphones or speakers?
3. What time do you usually go to bed?
1. Big house for all my animals I'll have in the future and my husband {if I get married}
2. Headphone
3. 2-3 am {right now it's 4:30 am lel} sometime it'll be around 4 or 5 am

@SurrealSquid @SleuthMechanism @Aori

1. Painting or drawing? {if you're an artist that is}
2. Favorite funny thing.
3. Are we aliens in disguise?


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@SurrealSquid @SleuthMechanism @Aori

1. Painting or drawing? {if you're an artist that is}
2. Favorite funny thing.
3. Are we aliens in disguise?

1. Drawing!! I love doing little doodles of kirby characters.
2. An inside joke with my friend about Dark Matter Swordsman. We call him Dark Matter Salesman and it's the funniest thing to me and them haha!
3. Maybe. Probably.

@Achamo @SurrealSquid @SyMag

1. Subbed or Dubbed, or does it depend on the show?
2. English covers or subbed original versions of songs?
3. What is your favorite 3DS game, if you have one.


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. What is your opinion on themed cafes (specifically video game themed- but any themed cafe can count. i.e. kirby cafe, maid cafe, cat cafe, etc)
2. Do you prefer handheld games or games you can only play from home?
3. Do you have a favorite video game that hardly anyone else knows of (i.e. obscure games and not mainstream / well known ones)
1. Never been to one, but they´re cool, I guess. You can meet people with your same interests there.
2. Most of my favorite games of all time are DS games, so I´ll go with handheld.
3. As I said, Ace Attorney is not as popular in the west as it is in Japan, so I guess that sort of counts...?

1. Painting or drawing? {if you're an artist that is}
2. Favorite funny thing.
3. Are we aliens in disguise?
1. I am not an artist, I lack any talent whatsoever when it comes to drawing. So, neither one.
2. Squid parties can be pretty hilarious, but I don´t think i have a favorite funny thing.
3. Shhhh, do you want to blow our cover?

1. Subbed or Dubbed, or does it depend on the show?
2. English covers or subbed original versions of songs?
3. What is your favorite 3DS game, if you have one.
1. I´m fine with both, as long as it´s done well.
2. I don´t really know any songs that have this issue.
3. Probably Ocarina of Time 3D. I´m currently playing the Master Quest, and man, is it unforgiving. But I do like the challenge.

@woomycheri @Cuttleshock @Aori

1. Favorite overall soundtrack of a video game?
2. Your opinion on Kirby, if you have played any of the games?
3. Robots or Aliens?


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@G1ng3rGar1 @SyMag @woomycheri

1.What are your 3 favorite things you own?
2.If you could travel back in time, what year/location would you go to?
3.When you or one of your friends is sad, what do you try to do to make yourself/your friend feel better?
1. If I had to pick just three...I'd say they would be (in no particular order) my SNES cartridge of EarthBound, the class ring I got from my university, and my (currently broken/needs replacing) laptop.
2. I'd probably go back to late October/November 2012 just so I could slap past me upside the head and stop him from making a bad decision by trusting someone (as depressing as that may be).
3. When I'm sad, I sorta just wallow in it all day and sleep it off. If it's one of my friends, I try to make them laugh (it's a 50/50 shot really).

@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Lucca
1: What's your favorite color?
2: Favorite video game boss?
3: In Splatoon, do you prefer short, mid, or long range?
1. Still blue!
2. Off the top of my head, I wanna say the final boss from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. That or Giygas/Pokey from EarthBound (the music is awesome!).
3. Short- or mid-range usually.

@Achamo @SurrealSquid @SyMag

1. Subbed or Dubbed, or does it depend on the show?
2. English covers or subbed original versions of songs?
3. What is your favorite 3DS game, if you have one.
1. Depends really. For example my favorite anime is Cowboy Bebop, and the dubbed version of that is fantastic.
2. I don't really listen to music in other languages lol
3. Probably Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Mario Kart 7, or Smash 3DS

@Mr. 9 @Dessgeega @SurrealSquid
1. Who is your favorite historical figure and why?
2. Do you prefer working on projects on the weekend or relaxing?
3. Favorite Nintendo console?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. I haven't actually played megaman! Though uh... favorite blue thing... Gooey from Kirby's Dreamland 3!
2. ...Orange flavored apple. Both sound good though.
3. I have no clue!

@woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Dessgeega

1. Big house or small house?
2. Headphones or speakers?
3. What time do you usually go to bed?
1. What happened to medium?
2. Headphones
3. From 9-12. It really depends on the night. Sometimes it's a bit earlier so I can make some early appointment

@Ika Klaus @Ikaheishi @Cuttleshock

1. Favorite Pokemon
2. Do you like TV Tropes
3. What is your hair texture? (Straight, wavy, curly, black curly XD)

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
1. No. I like to wear plaid tho but they're girl shirts :)
2. Sometimes
3. I suck at whistling. But I do love humming, much to my family's chagrin XD

@kunoichi squid @Dessgeega @Mr. 9

1. Wings or Pizza?
2. Do you like gift cards?
3. Favorite holiday

1) Whadaya mean pizza OR wings??? That’s like food OR drink, LOL. :) I could think about this for 50 years and still not be able to decide…
2) Actually, yeah. I usually don’t know what I want for B-day/Christmas so I can’t really expect anyone else to. ;)
3) When I was a kid it was definitely a tie between Halloween and Christmas. Now it’s probably Thanksgiving just because I love the good food + family + chill type day dynamic.

@Ansible @DualQuelcher @Cuttleshock

1) Congratulations, you just won your favorite game show! Pick your prize: yacht or helicopter?
2) What major city are you closest to right now?
3) Quick, there’s only 5 seconds until you transform forever! Choose your destiny: dragon or android?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1) Whadaya mean pizza OR wings??? That’s like food OR drink, LOL. :) I could think about this for 50 years and still not be able to decide…
2) Actually, yeah. I usually don’t know what I want for B-day/Christmas so I can’t really expect anyone else to. ;)
3) When I was a kid it was definitely a tie between Halloween and Christmas. Now it’s probably Thanksgiving just because I love the good food + family + chill type day dynamic.

@Ansible @DualQuelcher @Cuttleshock

1) Congratulations, you just won your favorite game show! Pick your prize: yacht or helicopter?
2) What major city are you closest to right now?
3) Quick, there’s only 5 seconds until you transform forever! Choose your destiny: dragon or android?
1. I don't know how to fly a helicopter and I'm assuming the yacht is big.
2. Miami
3. I'll be an android phone and then take control of all other android phones somehow (that's what happens in movies anyway) and RULE THE WORLD! I can auto correct to anything and send insulting messages to people that were supposed to be nice. I can randomly call other people and put thing on people history that they wouldn't look up. So many things to do!


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
So basically you're Siri.
Or Cortanna.
Siri's pretty broken tbh in terms of she doesn't really do much in response to a lot of things. I messed with Siri a bit and found out she literally only has a few direct response lines that aren't taking you to webpages because she's not meant to be interacted with in that way, I suppose. Since I have a Windows10 Laptop, I experimented with that a little and Cortana seems to respond to actual conversation a bit better but I doubt she can take over the world...
Unless we're talking about the Cortana from Halo 5, and Halo 5 kinda really sucked in comparison to 1-3.

Sorry for butting in to this conversation like this haha.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Oh gosh.
1.If you could have used a power to tell if somebody was lying/honest only one time, what statement would you have used it on?
2.What's your happiest memory?
3.What's your least favorite question that you've been asked before?
  1. I'd never have used it because I'd want to save it up. If, though, it were beknownst to me that it'd expire as of now, I might have... uh... gosh. I can't remember anything that's been said to me like that. Maybe my own brutal honesty inspires those around me to tell the truth or be quiet... ?
  2. I don't wanna commit and say that this is the happiest memory, but: [if you're reading this message, I left this question to the end and forgot to answer]
  3. I'd love to cite some maths problem which I just hated, but I don't dislike any maths, really. Otherwise, I'm too optimistic to dislike questions (or too optimistic to remember those which I don't like).
1. Sci-fi or fantasy?
2. If you were able to survive on any planet, which would you live on?
3. What's your favorite anime?
  1. I love fantastic sci-fi settings like that in Xenoblade Chronicles (X), which is kinda fulfilled by travelling to distant planets using sci-fi technology. But... dragons. So, fantasy.
  2. Sticking to this solar system... honestly, I'm gonna be lonely whichever planet it is, so may as well make it something interesting. I wouldn't want to be close to the Sun, ruling out Mercury and Venus. The colour of Mars would probably be bad for my temperament, so don't like that. Gas giants are an obvious no-go. I never remember which one's which with Neptune and Uranus (I think they're in that order and Neptune is the gas giant)... but Pluto isn't allowed, is it? So I'd go for Uranus and hope that it's got a solid surface, then spend the rest of the lifespan of our Sun deriving mathematical theorems in the dust.
  3. Gatchaman CROWDS! It's really nice and colourful and, in Ichinose Hajime, has one of my favourite fictional characters ever. I love the themes covered and the generally positive vibe exuded. Uh, but I've yet to watch the second season...
1. Favorite mythical creature
2. Fav scary figure or story
3. Buckets
  2. I'm scared of scary things but am still kind of drawn to them, as long as they're not audiovisual - I'm genuinely put off by horror games and films, but stories are cool (and I can just about manage comics/manga... also loved Hellsing Ultimate, but that's more visceral than conventionally of the horror genre). I've read some great online stories that masquerade as blogs or websites documenting real events, and the one which most sticks out to me is... uh, a kind of spelunking diary, the name of which I can't recall. Also really enjoyed Stephen King's Dreamcatcher (the only book of his I've actually read).
  3. BUCKETS. Almost exclusively use them in Splatoon - I played (Range) Blasters for a time, mainly in TC, but I've since taken on the Sloshing Machine as my go-to in that mode, so.
1. Favorite overall soundtrack of a video game?
2. Your opinion on Kirby, if you have played any of the games?
3. Robots or Aliens?
  1. ... Cave Story.
  2. Happy! Really dark, secretly. AMAZING music. Feels good to play in terms of controls and handling. Air Ride is my favourite racing game. Epic Yarn is amazing for co-op, because there's no real penalty for 'dying' (which I think is only possible by falling off a cliff).
  3. Robots. I'm gonna be campaigning for AI civil rights as soon as they become relevant: computer intelligences are cool!
1. Favorite Pokemon
2. Do you like TV Tropes
3. What is your hair texture? (Straight, wavy, curly, black curly XD)
  1. I didn't have much of a favourite for about half of my life. It was then Shuckle for several years; now it's Maractus! Bunny succulent cutie <3
  2. I used to be ruined by it. It also got me my record number of open tabs, something like 450 at once. In recent times, I've managed to avoid going on it much, but I still love reading pages and am liable to get trapped if I go there once.
  3. Kinda gross. Fairly straight black/very dark brown hair but pretty greasy. That has a couple of advantages, though, foremost of which is that I get the most amazing bedheads!
1) Congratulations, you just won your favorite game show! Pick your prize: yacht or helicopter?
2) What major city are you closest to right now?
3) Quick, there’s only 5 seconds until you transform forever! Choose your destiny: dragon or android?
  1. BOAT
  2. It's sad that I have to check Google Maps for this. Technically, I live in a city, Oxford, but that's only because of Church of England reasons - it's got a population of something under 200,000. So, other than that... I'm reasonably close to London and just a little further on the opposite side is Birmingham.
@Aori @Maave @G1ng3rGar1
  1. Name a cartoon character whose eyes you like.
  2. Uh, this is for my own benefit - what are olives? Fruits??
  3. Do you get defensive when a large and unnecessary change occurs, or are you apt to welcome it right away?

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
1. If I had to pick just three...I'd say they would be (in no particular order) my SNES cartridge of EarthBound, the class ring I got from my university, and my (currently broken/needs replacing) laptop.
2. I'd probably go back to late October/November 2012 just so I could slap past me upside the head and stop him from making a bad decision by trusting someone (as depressing as that may be).
3. When I'm sad, I sorta just wallow in it all day and sleep it off. If it's one of my friends, I try to make them laugh (it's a 50/50 shot really).

1. Still blue!
2. Off the top of my head, I wanna say the final boss from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. That or Giygas/Pokey from EarthBound (the music is awesome!).
3. Short- or mid-range usually.

1. Depends really. For example my favorite anime is Cowboy Bebop, and the dubbed version of that is fantastic.
2. I don't really listen to music in other languages lol
3. Probably Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Mario Kart 7, or Smash 3DS

@Mr. 9 @Dessgeega @SurrealSquid
1. Who is your favorite historical figure and why?
2. Do you prefer working on projects on the weekend or relaxing?
3. Favorite Nintendo console?

1) I probably have to go with Isaac Newton. Any one person who invents calculus and classical mechanics by himself gets a tip of the hat from me.
2) Both actually.
3) Hmmmm… Well it’s definitely down to either SNES or the N64. Countless great games on both consoles really. Ocarina, Majora’s Mask, a massively upgraded Mario and Mario Kart, as well as the birth of Smash means I have to go with the 64.

I just tagged so no new questions this round.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Siri's pretty broken tbh in terms of she doesn't really do much in response to a lot of things. I messed with Siri a bit and found out she literally only has a few direct response lines that aren't taking you to webpages because she's not meant to be interacted with in that way, I suppose. Since I have a Windows10 Laptop, I experimented with that a little and Cortana seems to respond to actual conversation a bit better but I doubt she can take over the world...
Unless we're talking about the Cortana from Halo 5, and Halo 5 kinda really sucked in comparison to 1-3.

Sorry for butting in to this conversation like this haha.
You're fine this conversation is for everyone.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
Oh gosh.

  1. I'd never have used it because I'd want to save it up. If, though, it were beknownst to me that it'd expire as of now, I might have... uh... gosh. I can't remember anything that's been said to me like that. Maybe my own brutal honesty inspires those around me to tell the truth or be quiet... ?
  2. I don't wanna commit and say that this is the happiest memory, but: [if you're reading this message, I left this question to the end and forgot to answer]
  3. I'd love to cite some maths problem which I just hated, but I don't dislike any maths, really. Otherwise, I'm too optimistic to dislike questions (or too optimistic to remember those which I don't like).

  1. I love fantastic sci-fi settings like that in Xenoblade Chronicles (X), which is kinda fulfilled by travelling to distant planets using sci-fi technology. But... dragons. So, fantasy.
  2. Sticking to this solar system... honestly, I'm gonna be lonely whichever planet it is, so may as well make it something interesting. I wouldn't want to be close to the Sun, ruling out Mercury and Venus. The colour of Mars would probably be bad for my temperament, so don't like that. Gas giants are an obvious no-go. I never remember which one's which with Neptune and Uranus (I think they're in that order and Neptune is the gas giant)... but Pluto isn't allowed, is it? So I'd go for Uranus and hope that it's got a solid surface, then spend the rest of the lifespan of our Sun deriving mathematical theorems in the dust.
  3. Gatchaman CROWDS! It's really nice and colourful and, in Ichinose Hajime, has one of my favourite fictional characters ever. I love the themes covered and the generally positive vibe exuded. Uh, but I've yet to watch the second season...

  2. I'm scared of scary things but am still kind of drawn to them, as long as they're not audiovisual - I'm genuinely put off by horror games and films, but stories are cool (and I can just about manage comics/manga... also loved Hellsing Ultimate, but that's more visceral than conventionally of the horror genre). I've read some great online stories that masquerade as blogs or websites documenting real events, and the one which most sticks out to me is... uh, a kind of spelunking diary, the name of which I can't recall. Also really enjoyed Stephen King's Dreamcatcher (the only book of his I've actually read).
  3. BUCKETS. Almost exclusively use them in Splatoon - I played (Range) Blasters for a time, mainly in TC, but I've since taken on the Sloshing Machine as my go-to in that mode, so.

  1. ... Cave Story.
  2. Happy! Really dark, secretly. AMAZING music. Feels good to play in terms of controls and handling. Air Ride is my favourite racing game. Epic Yarn is amazing for co-op, because there's no real penalty for 'dying' (which I think is only possible by falling off a cliff).
  3. Robots. I'm gonna be campaigning for AI civil rights as soon as they become relevant: computer intelligences are cool!

  1. I didn't have much of a favourite for about half of my life. It was then Shuckle for several years; now it's Maractus! Bunny succulent cutie <3
  2. I used to be ruined by it. It also got me my record number of open tabs, something like 450 at once. In recent times, I've managed to avoid going on it much, but I still love reading pages and am liable to get trapped if I go there once.
  3. Kinda gross. Fairly straight black/very dark brown hair but pretty greasy. That has a couple of advantages, though, foremost of which is that I get the most amazing bedheads!

  1. BOAT
  2. It's sad that I have to check Google Maps for this. Technically, I live in a city, Oxford, but that's only because of Church of England reasons - it's got a population of something under 200,000. So, other than that... I'm reasonably close to London and just a little further on the opposite side is Birmingham.
@Aori @Maave @G1ng3rGar1
  1. Name a cartoon character whose eyes you like.
  2. Uh, this is for my own benefit - what are olives? Fruits??
  3. Do you get defensive when a large and unnecessary change occurs, or are you apt to welcome it right away?
(Uranus and Neptune are gas giants far as I remember)

1. …I don't even know Mario and Luigi's eyes are nice
I don't really watch cartoons anymore for me to recall anything
2. Disgusting little orbs which are there to ruin your day
And they're prolly veggies
3. Ehhhh
I dunno
I didn't want to change schools but then I started disliking my current school(at that time)so I got onboard that train quick
(Switching again and I'm a little disappointed but excited for human interaction)
So yeah *shrug*
I get on the train eventually

@Zero Meddler (if you keep on looking on the forum I'm going to tag you XD) @Quibblingsun86 @⭐️Zapfish⭐️

1. Favorite planet
2. Do you like smol characters
3. Favorite meme


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
Well I've never actually had an iPhone so I didn't realize that, though it does make sense. I do know that Siri can be quite sassy though.
I once asked Siri if she could guess my favorite color and she said something like "I can do many things, but reading your mind is not one of them"
But then I told her my favorite color was blue and she said "I see" and then I asked her again and she still didn't know, so she has an awful memory.

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