
Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
I just like chocolate chips in mine, I really like Ice Cream Sandwiches, but that's more than just a cookie so those don't really count
I've never tried
Ice Cream!

Chewables, some of them actually taste pretty good. Liquid sucks because it tastes awful, gel caps are pretty much tasteless and I have no problem swallowing them
They're alright

Los Angeles
Space, but only if I had a way to actually get around quickly
Ten 100 year lives, unless I didn't age after 30-ish/get less able to do physical tasks, and my 1000 year life could be really amazing, then I'd choose one 1000 year life

I'll just go right back to everyone who I quoted
@G1ng3rGar1 @Aori @Mr. 9
1.What's your highest score in bowling?
2.If you could make animals fully understand 15 different words you say to them, what would those 15 words be? Would last forever, and it'd be same 15 words for every animal. It doesn't have to be one full sentence, you could choose words that make a few short phrases, or words that would mix into many phrases.
3.If you could add one law to whatever country you live in, what would it be?

1) 180ish I think. I usually start out strong and get worse and worse the more games I play. ;)

2) This is really hard, and I’m no language expert. I’ll give it a poor shot: you, me, they, food, water, want, hello, bye, stop, love, understand, yes, no, sleep, play.

3) Fun question! I live in the US and where I’m at right now there are SOOO many bad drivers around. My new law: if I think you drive like a bozo, I get to take away your driver’s license! You just sit there when the light turns green? GIVE ME YOUR LICENSE! You are in the fast lane on the interstate going 10 mph under the speed limit? GIMME YOUR LICENSE! You pull out in front of me when you are at a stop sign and I’m not, proceed to drive down the road about 50 feet, and then just stop in the middle of the road for no apparent reason at all (yes, this just happened to me last week)? HAND IT OVER BUB! :D

I’ll come up with some freebies later


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
3. This is more of a dilemma than a question. Ok, this is how it goes:

You are driving alone at night in a car. Suddenly, you drive past a bus stop with 3 people waiting there:
A: An old woman that looks very sick.
B: An old friend that once saved your life.
C. The man/woman of your dreams.
Which one of them do you take into your car, considering you can only fit one passenger?
I'm only here for this dilimma
Can I strap 2 of them on the roof?
(And why do I have a 2 seater car?)


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Anaru @woomycheri
1. What's your least favorite Splatoon map and why? (and why is it Lagbelly Skatepark?)
2. What's something that easily frustrates you?
3. Whatcha listenin' to?
Urchin Underpass. I don't really dislike this one, but I like all the others more. And no, I'm not forgetting about Port Mackrel or Moray Tower, which most people hate.
I don't get frustrated very easily, I can think of a few things that would frustrate me, but they wouldn't be able to do it very easily.
All the pokémon Red music since that's all I've been playing for the last few days. I'm trying to catch 'em all, I have 130/151 right now.

@DualQuelcher @Agadez @SleuthMechanism
1.What's the worst advertising slogan you've ever heard?
2.What's the funniest video you've ever seen on YouTube?
3.Think of a good question and answer it yourself (I'm definitely not just doing this because I don't feel like thinking up another question right now!)


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Urchin Underpass. I don't really dislike this one, but I like all the others more. And no, I'm not forgetting about Port Mackrel or Moray Tower, which most people hate.
I don't get frustrated very easily, I can think of a few things that would frustrate me, but they wouldn't be able to do it very easily.
All the pokémon Red music since that's all I've been playing for the last few days. I'm trying to catch 'em all, I have 130/151 right now.

@DualQuelcher @Agadez @SleuthMechanism
1.What's the worst advertising slogan you've ever heard?
2.What's the funniest video you've ever seen on YouTube?
3.Think of a good question and answer it yourself (I'm definitely not just doing this because I don't feel like thinking up another question right now!)
1. Either el primo's pizza and wings, or It's huge.
2. Markiplier Rage Video:
3. What is life? It is what you make of reality and what is real and how it affects you.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2014
  1. Music doesn't count, I guess. How about the 'direct hit' sound effect of Blasters, Chargers and the Sloshing Machine? It's immensely satisfying to hear.
  2. Maybe bread. I like bread and can honestly melt at the scent of baking or freshly-baked loaves.
  3. Not too long ago, I would've said my mathematical aptitude, and that is great, still. But now, it'd have to be my ability to laugh very heartily at loads of things (I'm serious when need be, don't worry). I was a really unhappy person one to two years ago, and this is a wonderful improvement!
@⭐️Latias @WeirdChillFever @SyMag
  1. Favourite major class of animals (birds, reptiles, mammals, fish, bugs or other invertebrates)?
  2. Did you use to do that... thing, where you're drawing a simple scene, like a house, and you leave a large blank space between the ground and the sky? That wasn't just me, was it?
  3. Any allergies?
Mammals, they're so intelligent!
Yes, it was just you :p My ability to draw perspective is screwed in other ways.
No allergies


1. Favorite Cartoon?
2. Gulity Pleasure Music?
3. Tune stuck in your head the most?


Full Squid
Apr 14, 2016
1. Didneyland owns about 200 cats
2. None owo
3. It looks fun but I'm not skilled

@Quibblingsun86 @Rustic @Agadez

1. Violent or nah?
2. Weirdest nickname you've heard.
3. Stupidest thing you've done. {Don't lie and say you didn't do anything stoopid owo}
Only when provoked
Any nickname, or nicknames given to me?
Don't feel like sharing that

(I'll post questions later)


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@SleuthMechanism @Aori @Achamo

1. Callie or Marie? (yes, I know, boring question, but it´s hard to come up with them...)
2. Your opinion on chargers?
3. This is more of a dilemma than a question. Ok, this is how it goes:

You are driving alone at night in a car. Suddenly, you drive past a bus stop with 3 people waiting there:
A: An old woman that looks very sick.
B: An old friend that once saved your life.
C. The man/woman of your dreams.
Which one of them do you take into your car, considering you can only fit one passenger?
1. Both! I love them both too much to choose.
2. I don't use them often, but they're fun to mess around with. I'm good at sniping in other games but it's harder in multiplayer i'm realizing.
3. Oh, uh... Well. I personally don't own a 2 seater car (I have one that'd be able to take all of them), but I'd have to to take the old woman mostly because if she needs immediate help I'd want to help her get to the hospital or home as soon as possible. If the friend is really my friend, they'll understand my concern and "The man/woman of my dreams" can wait if I don't know them personally yet.


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
1. Birds or fish I'd say.
2. I never colored in the sky as a kid (too lazy/not enough blue crayon/other johns), so this blank space of which you speak was nonexistent ;) Unless I'm misunderstanding the question?
3. Dogs. Which works great as an excuse to stay away from them because of my phobia. Cats aren't as bad allergy-wise, but it can mess me up on occasion.

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Anaru @woomycheri
1. What's your least favorite Splatoon map and why? (and why is it Lagbelly Skatepark?)
2. What's something that easily frustrates you?
3. Whatcha listenin' to?
1. Hammerhead Bridge xD something about that map makes me want to scream
2. Humans
3. Indian music

I don't feel like posting questions atm sorry guys ;w ;


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
Open questions!
1. Rainy days or sunny days?
2. Have you been to japan?
3. What's your favorite type of seafood, if you like seafood!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
Open questions!
1. Rainy days or sunny days?
2. Have you been to japan?
3. What's your favorite type of seafood, if you like seafood!
1. Sunny because on rainy days my internet goes out ònó
2. No, but I want to ^^
3. Shrimp or sushi
Maybe crab cakes, but I don't remember eating them

*points* You
@SyMag @Splatfan 222 @Ansible

1. Do you like slippers
2. Have you ever gone to a comic/video game convention
3. Favorite genre of tv shows

Splatfan 222

Full Squid
Feb 28, 2016
From My own Squid Hell


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
*points* You
@SyMag @Splatfan 222 @Ansible

1. Do you like slippers
2. Have you ever gone to a comic/video game convention
3. Favorite genre of tv shows
*points at myself* You talkin' to me?
1. Not at all lol
2. Surprisingly I haven't. Although next year I'm considering going to Super Smash Con.
3. Trivia shows and college football (gotta root for my alma mater--We Are...!)

Free for all because I'm too lazy to tag people atm!
1. What's the weather like where you are right now?
2. You get to create a new animal by fusing two animals together! Which two animals would you use and what does your creation look like (and what's its name)?
3. Recommend something for me to do/watch/whatever! (not a question but meh)


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. What's the weather like where you are right now?
2. You get to create a new animal by fusing two animals together! Which two animals would you use and what does your creation look like (and what's its name)?
3. Recommend something for me to do/watch/whatever! (not a question but meh)
1. Very hot, but there was a huge thunderstorm a few days ago, so it's become slightly better.
2. Hmmm... How about fusing a human and a squid? I think I will call it "inkling". Sounds good, right?
(What do you mean that already exists? Come on, nobody could've been crazy enough to think of such a thing... Oh.)
3. Watch TheGamingLemon on YouTube! He does some pretty hilarious videos of video games. You should check his channel out.

I'm still waiting for the people I tagged to answer my questions, so no new ones for now.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
Open questions!
1. Rainy days or sunny days?
2. Have you been to japan?
3. What's your favorite type of seafood, if you like seafood!
Rainy, I really like the sound of rain, and I usually don't mind if I get rain on my clothes (But I do mind if I'm carrying something like a book and rain gets on it)
No, and I don't think I'd ever travel there.
The only seafood I've ever eaten is fish (I know I've eaten Salmon and Swordfish, but maybe I've eaten some others), but I did enjoy eating them.


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
*points at myself* You talkin' to me?
1. Not at all lol
2. Surprisingly I haven't. Although next year I'm considering going to Super Smash Con.
3. Trivia shows and college football (gotta root for my alma mater--We Are...!)

Free for all because I'm too lazy to tag people atm!
1. What's the weather like where you are right now?
2. You get to create a new animal by fusing two animals together! Which two animals would you use and what does your creation look like (and what's its name)?
3. Recommend something for me to do/watch/whatever! (not a question but meh)
1. Humid and hawt. ew
2. Panda and a jungle cat o-o Pacat, can't think of description because headache again but hey if someone wants to draw it then feel free xD
3. Uhh join splatoon amino if you really love the game and want to participate in stuff or watch good scary movies if you're into them

Free for all again
1. Pokemon or Humans?
2. Cooking or nah?
3. Cookies or cup cakes?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. Pokemon or Humans?
2. Cooking or nah?
3. Cookies or cup cakes?
  1. Pokémon! They're... better. I suppose that one thing I love about the concept is that your regular team of 6 are like your personalised best friends <3
  2. I'm starting to get into it and I'd love to be able to cook extensively. It's a great way to elicit positive reactions from others and it's just great to be able to choose what to have for a meal from a very broad selection.
  3. Cookies (presumably British sense), definitely. Partly because of the allergic reaction that the egg in cupcakes incites in me, sure, but more importantly, cookies are fantastic with milk.
Too lazy to question this time.

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