It's been difficult playing with tenta brella.
I definitely understand why the Devs had to make tenta slower than the splat brella(so that it doesn't completely outclass it, duh)
But it feels perhaps
too slow.
-long delay between finishing the shot and deploying your shield
-equally long delay before you can shoot again OR squid and swim away(particularly important for when you miss a shot or don't 1hko your target)
Reiterating what
@MINKUKEL said, this thing has a steep learning curve
if it is indeed secretely OP, ala H3 nozzlenose
And, perhaps, the tenta brella requires a significantly different playstyle than splat brella (my currently most used weapon in splat2)
My splat brella playstyle plays a lot with stationary blocking of shots, approaching from a different angle than my allies in order to draw fire from the opponents. This works because you can threaten the opponent with a single shot (sometimes 2) then quickly pop your shield out to deflect their quick retaliation for a coule seconds while yo either duck behind solid cover or a teammate finishes them.
With tenta brella, this same string of motions is far too slow, leaving wide windows of vulnerability for the opponent to simply ink you down
It may be that holding the tenta brella's shield is not the intended primary use, but rather to launch the shield?
If so, then I have minimal experience timing when to launch your brella shield, as I've only used the splat brella launch in a small % of instances (usually to advance on a camping charger)
As far as abilities go, I've been playing with

and special power up (emote when? xP)

definitely useful for getting more shield time w/o going empty and getting out more shots for inking/pestering short range opponents from your max range. You might get away with using no

, but you'll have to be particularly frugal with your shots/shields. I recommend at least 1 main, 2 is even better. I'll say more regarding main saver once I find out how many extra shots you can get with how many mains+subs of

-Special power up? On the surface, it seems a great ability to have on bubble blower weapon sets: Larger bubbles brings bigger shielding AND bigger blast/inkinng radius when popped.
Being a new special weapon, with bubble physics/movement being tricky to control, I question whether or not the special has much merit without special power up. But is it worth putting forth the 3 mains of special power up worth pushing out extra main saver, or. . .
-Sub power up? A fantastic ability for squid beakons (hopefully your teammates know how and when to use beakons effectively)
but my verdict still is not in.
Is it worth stacking the 2-3 mains needed into a tenta brella build, to make a noticeable difference in beakon jump speed?

feels essential atm(at least while trying to learn tenta brella) so in order for sub power to make the cut, special power has to be taken out.
In summation, tenta brella has been a bit of a let down, even for myself ;3;
I am reminded of another
certain heavy weight weapon which used to summon tsunamis that I got to play for the first time about 2 years ago. I thought it was hot garbage at first, and, well, any splat1 vets should be able to tell you how wrong I turned out to be. ^_^;
BONUS: (Special thanks to Heddy from Inkipedia for sharing this vid with me)
Teammates CAN shoot through your brella shield (aiming may be tricky)